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Posts posted by bliss

  1. You miss ''the beginning".

    Whatever that entails (friends, hanging out, excitement @God in your life, knowing THE bible like no one else does........)

    It was all new, fresh, exciting, fun.....................................

    in the beginning. Once you hit DTA class(around).............all fun stopped. There was a certain ''nievite'' in the beginning.........but once you got into the nittygritty....(the real twi) you took it more serious.

    therefore, you miss that ignorant stage. Who wouldn't? (my O)

    edit cuz bliss can't spelle

  2. Right now in Florida, there is a big hooohaa going on at the capital about property taxes.............people are losing their homes left and right, because on a 1200 sq ft home, their taxes are 8000, and their home owners insurance is about 8000~!!!!!!!

    It's crazy in S. Florida right now :blink:

    My parents mortgage (tax escrow) just went up $450 a month!

    One of my friends who thankfully payed off his mortgage a while ago, said he still pays $1300 a month just for taxes and insurance.

    All the teachers, firemen, middle class workers.............they are packing up and leaving, can't afford it. Soon, there won't be anyone to do any work in that town to cater to the ol' retirees.

    The solution they are proposing is to cut prop taxes by 20% but raise the sales taxes to 8.5%.

    That could hurt the renters..................and the poor.

    Notawayfer............................keep on, keeping on. Life is not fair. Just pray for them in your own way, and have compassion, without the guilt.

    JOE P~ you'll be in my prayers!!!!!!!!

  3. Glad you are back QT. We have a lot in common. We are the same age and our kids are the same age and we are both female!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

    no pressure to catch up, just take your time.....

  4. TBFGrace,

    I am not a regular contributor to this thread, or topic for that matter, but I appreciate your wisdom here. I think there are more than 2 sides to this baby/bathwater analogy for everyone.

    I recently told an TWI fringer, to ''start over''. That freaked him out a little. He lost his bible with all his Way notes............His comment was ''but that is 25 years of good research down the drain." He's searching for something else other than the Way, BUT with the premise that "THE WAY HAD IT (the foundations) RIGHT." I told him to at least put it to the side for now, revisit it later, but start over learning about God without any preconceived ideas.........................(easier said then done, I know).

    I think this is the issue with many. To most, the "BABY" is the doctrinal foundations. That is why most leave in search of groups like CES/CFF, because they want to hold onto that baby. But it's a flawed, to say the least, foundation.

    I think even Rascal would be alluding to this by the ''start over'' comment. Since the foundations are the baby of ''the Way had it right" attitude.......

    I caution, and I think you did too, that although starting over is good, doesn't mean to SCRAP GOD!

    Therefore, if HE is the BABY, then, you don't throw HIM out. But, by all means if you need to scrap it all and start over, then the doctrine and practice is where to start scrapping.

    Unfortunately, I have a relative that just told me that God is the baby, and they are throwing it out. ...... Getting rid of GOD.

    That saddens me.

    But, I will continue to love, and be graceful. (and pray)! God will find them when they are ready.

  5. It's happend. Yup, the cat is finally out of the bag!

    Millions now know how to ''think positive'' to get what they want in life!

    No longer The Way or Kenneth Haggin monopoly............

    Name It and Claim It, is going mainstream..............................

    Watch out, the universe might explode with all the ''forces'' moving to meet everyones demands!!!!!! :

    edited to add this......... :P

  6. Congrats Eagle!

    Seems like it took you a while to peice this all together. When did you start working on it?

    I have always been fascinated especially with the ''seed of serpent theory'', since to me it never made sense.

    I used to question the fact that if GOD could not ''give seed'' until the day of Pentecost,

    then, why oh why could the Devil give his seed BEFORE Pentecost?????

    ol Craig used to say, ''you could trace back the seed boys'' in every chapter of the old/and new testament.

    I also recently been researching the word Lucifer used in Ez. and finding some really interesting things..............

    I am wondering who to send your book to................ <_<

  7. How much do you spend on groceries and how healthy do you eat?

    What's the cheapest way to eat healthy?

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]EAT LESS :wink2:

    no seriously, that is one way. But if you are like me and mine, well, we LOVE FOOD.

    now, i just did a juice fast for 4 days. Loved it. Lost 4 pounds. feel good.......yada yada

    we spend @130-160 a week on food and paper goods. All fresh. very few packaged. NO hydro oil. Mostly organic.[/font]

  8. Amen. Such an impotent and irresponsible "creator" and father figure.

    Its called being "just''.

    did not anyone read Sock's post?????????

    The ''devil'' doensn't go around ''wreaking havoc''. Man does it, and when they do, they are ''of the devil''. I John 3:8

    He was the first to disobey......the one that fought against God, the one's example that we follow when we choose to sin. God is not impotent..............on the contrary. He's very capable of getting rid of the devil (which He promises He will ), but doing so right now, well, he mind as well get rid of all the ''sinners'' too.

    SOCKS SAID : "And it would seem that God has both free "will" and makes choices, decisions and takes action based on His nature. That is reflected in what He does, creates, etc. to varying degrees, it seems.

    Angels, like Lucifer, sound like they have free will and the ability to choose and act on their choices. Mankind does too. Where God's will directly produces results, it seems as though - man's will produces choices, actions, based on the the choices that are available to us. There's a range of "power", cause and effect that's much more limited to man and it seems Lucifer, an angel. In a way I might picture it as - God wills and creates a "heaven and earth". Man wills and decides to build a set of shelves. We know what it might take to build the shelves or can find out, it's a tad more difficult to understand what and how God's will and choices are accomplished, but the way the bible describes things there is a higher purpose and process at work, one that is pretty much out of our grasp.

    Angels like Lucifer seem to have purposes and processes too, and they're difficult to undestand as well. If Satan is a "spirit" being, we don't really know how all of that works, although the bible describes it in places and we get pieces of what he does, is doing, will do, etc.

    It's difficult to get a personality profile on Lucifer from the bible I think, but the way he's described makes him sound like he exercises his will and chooses to run at cross purposes to God. Sort of like a fly in the ointment. A very big fly. He challenges authority, offers alternatives to God's known purposes, accuses mankind of they're wrong choices and failings, and generally is Mr. Dark Cloud without much of anything constructive or supportive to offer to any effort to pursue a straight and true course of action with God.

    Knowing that we can choose "right" or "wrong" Satan offers the "wrong" choice, the "other way" to man.

    Yet man is able to exercise his own will and construct his world and life the way he/she determines too. So within the scope of our lives here we can build the kind of world we want. We can produce good, or bad. The bad exists independent of Lucifer/Satan/the Devil. He's actively promoting an "ungodly" choice. If we choose against God we have a ready accomplice in Satan. Yet, he is one who offers no support really - by his own choice he doesn't appear to want to do anymore than create havoc.

    I can see that Lucifer had been, can be and is a very strong influence on mankind, but not an overwhelming one. Man has the ability to exercise his own conscience, his ability to know instinctively and through accumulated experience what can be right or wrong choice in much of life. Man, with Christ, has the upper hand.

    If mankind pursues selfish greed-based goals for instance, he cuts out that possiblity of seeing a greater good and wants only what's good for himself. Pride, greed, selfishness, fear, that's the "dark side" as Yoda would say. A person would reject a God who suggests that we live to love Him, and one another. Instead of helping others to have a good life, we might steal from them, take what they already have. "Thou shalt not steal". Ha! Not if I want what you have.

    In many ways I feel that mankind therefore has the ability to make a good world and a good life for themselves and others, by choice. We're tempted to do otherwise all the time, and that temptation is promoted by Lucifer who prefers to do otherwise himself. His negative influence and presence can't be totally contained - for now - but it can be controlled."

  9. It's God's will so we deserve whatever he wills for us.

    3 John 1:2  Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.


    Wish- a desire, longing or strong inclination

    Deserve- to be worthy of , merit

    I don't see the relation.

    Actually one definition of this word ''wish'' in the King James is ''pray''.

    John says " I PRAY above all things, that you mayest prosper and be in health." John speaking/writing to the people he can't wait to see. He's praying that they are ''alright''. Just like we would ask or say ''hope you are doing well...." like def59 said...

    1john 3:1, I know what you are saying. But, I also know that God doesn't promise riches or perfect health.

    Once I realized this, I no longer feel condemed if I don't have it. God does want the best for me........................but His best is sometimes not MY BEST. What He wants more is obedience, that is HIS WILL.

  10. let's pray that newbies will learn how to use paragraphs before they post :evildenk:

    "You are no longer Oakspear. I dubb thee: Mr. Paragraph Patrol.

    Who gaurds our literary fortress from all the evils of run-on, squishiness, and non-sensical sentences........ "

  11. The whole counsel of the word of God.

    You mean the whole thing???? Like, Lamentations, and that Jude guy, and the gospels?? Oh my, I thought all those were just ''for our learning?". You mean, everything God says in his Word and not just what is addressed to us?

    (tongue firmly planted) :rolleyes:

    It's amazing what an eye opening experience it was to actually read the whole bible.... Then to realilize it's all for me, to learn it , and apply it.

    No genie in bottle god for me anymore................

    nice post.

  12. Yes he could have and how sad that he didn't get it. It's sad when anyone is ill and does not get the deliverance they deserve. It's a gift, you don't earn it.

    Hey 1 john 3:1, I agree that we don't ''earn'' healing. It is definately by God's grace and mercy ........................ But, can you tell me where it says ''we deserve it?"

    just wondering

  13. Do you know the persons name that spoke at your church?

    Neighbors of mine are attending a week long ''barking, howling'' session in healing with a guy name Ted Shuttlesworth.

    He's a Shambam protege, along with Kenneth Hagin. :confused:

    They invited me of course.

    My response, "no thanks."

    The bottom line is to ask yourself.............''Does this behavior glorify GOD? or Man?"

    How does barking and rolling give God glory? It's not praise, its ridiculous. I don't think it glorifies man either, so look at what they are teaching. Most are ''you are a god, God wants you to be rich and healed stuff......(man -centered).

    Just google the guys name and check out the ''deception in the church'' or ''word faith'' sites, they have verses on the heresy they propound. http://www.deceptioninthechurch.com/page3.html

    Check out the ''laughing" one, Rodney Howard-Browne........................

    Hope this helps..

  14. I am on a juice cleanse right now........................

    no one told me to, except my body.... I had a little too much COOKIE DOUGH last week :o

    It's only been since Sunday, I will retire tomorrow.

    Man a hoagie sounds good.................................. :confused:

  15. Funny you bring this up, I was just researching it 2 months ago...............................

    before I decided to cancel cable and go with an antenna!!!!!!

    Man, I hated paying $55 a month, for hardly any TV watchin....

    Now we have 5 local channels (Fox of course, CBS, NBC, ABC, CW)

    and 2 ESPANOL channels....................

    After the research I did, IF we go with anything in the future, it will be Dish. They had better prices, and, with an antenna, you don't have to pay the extra $5 bucks a month for local channels.

    (check on that Belle, save yourself some moola.)

    And I have a Dish Network satellite sitting in my garage.........when I called a guy from the paper offering ''CASH ON THE SPOT" for them, I called him (today) and he would give me $10.

    How nice of him. <_<

    When I asked him what he does with them, he said " I sell them to people who need them (for installs)".

    I'll hold onto it , thanks.

    For now, as long as I have Fox, for my 24 of course, we are fine...........................................................till summer.

  16. :wink2: You know me and my songs......................it's how I think................I worship too...........

    There are just some things that we won't know until another day......

    So for all you music fans,

    here's Nicole Nordeman with


    I believe in the rest of the story

    I believe there's still ink in the pen

    I have wasted my very last day

    Trying to change what happened way back when

    I believe it's the human condition

    We all need to have answers to why

    More than ever, I'm ready to say that I

    Will still sleep peacefully

    With answers out of reach from me until?


    Someday all that's crazy

    All that's unexplained

    Will fall into place

    And someday all that's hazy

    Through a clouded glass

    Will be clear at last

    And sometimes we're just waiting

    For someday

    We are born with a lingering hunger

    We are born to be unsatisfied

    We are strangers who can't help but wander

    And dream about the other side of?

    (chorus) Someday.........

    Every puzzle's missing piece

    Every unsolved mystery

    More than half of every whole

    Rests in the Hands that hold you for someday?.

    Thanks sonofarthur and everyone for this discussion. :rolleyes:

  17. Thanks T-Bone for sharing this.

    I just wanted to add a little ''help'' for all those reading, and participating.................

    Please PRAY about this topic. It is a very divisive one at best, and not easy to read if you are convinced that the Way had it all right!

    In all our endevours, we should pray before we do them, and pray to get understanding.

    Ask the Father to show you what you need to know at this time.

    Then, be a Berean! Study what is written here, to see whether these things are so.

    I am stepping down from the box now....................... :redface2: .

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