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Posts posted by bliss

  1. To quote many ''innies'' today...................

    "I am BELIEVING to see you next week (or next month or sometime)..........."

    Response: "So, if I don't see you, who's fault is it or failed believing????




    GODS????????????" :doh:

  2. Belle darling, It's worth a shot, but it's a gamble whether they really want to keep up the friendship or not. We have many that ''fake it'' or never call us at all anymore.

    One thing is for sure, don't badmouth the Way, just talk about how happy you are. *badmouthing will shut down all communication...................................unless they are OUT TOO!)

    Just recently I sent a family that are (were) very good friends of ours, and are Way Disciples right now.

    I sent a care package and a note that said, "We may not support The Way, but we support YOU".

    They sent notes of thanks, but of course, the relationship is a little akward and strange.

    But, no worries. If they wake up and leave, they'll know who to call! :biglaugh:

  3. SonofArthur said "where do we begin?"

    How bout with a song????????????

    Great topic by the way..............

    Personally I think this song demonstrates ALL of what xway believers deal with in terms of changing their beliefs.

    It is ridiculous how twisted we learned about the trinity. Whether it is true or not, no matter, we were taught wrong about their beliefs!

    As I was reading all these posts, I was humming this tune, although I don't agree with it now.

    All these questions sound logical, but if the trinitarians don't believe it either, than there is no arguement.

    We (I) was convinced that these were true.

    I am a 85% trinitarian now. Only been out almost 2 years...................

    Your Holy Spirit info is what I need to go over. :wink2::) thanks.

    So, here is the song, maybe we should break it down, since that is what Wayfers argue about?

    It is really funny too (and heretical???) :biglaugh::evildenk:


    Somebody lied

    Cuz God never died

    He didn't bleed

    On Calvary's tree

    If that were true

    As many have said

    Then who raised him

    from the dead.

    If we just get logical I am sure that we'd agree

    That God is God and Christ is Christ and one's not really three

    If someone knows the answer than please explain to me

    Who was Jesus talking to when he was on the tree

    chorus (ohhhohhhhohh)

    After Jesus Christ was baptized, he turned his eyes above

    saw the spirit of God descend upon him like a dove

    If it really happend like some of us have heard

    You got a God on the ground and God up in heaven "giving him the bird''

    chorus (oohwaaaooo)

    Christ said we surely do greater works than these

    but only if we know the truth can we be truly free

    so understand we've been redeemed, lord Jesus was the Christ

    for those that think he is God are of the antichrist!


    God is the Father and the son is Christ that's what my bible said! {Bob Stanley, blessed be his name}

  4. All this HOOOOOHAAAA just for asking for a book.............................. :confused:

    what about my post about ''giving away all my Way children's books?"

    Are you going to judge my "Intent''?

    "well bliss, if you don't agree with the Way, then why would you even want to give it to someone who supports them, or still believes in their trash............................."

    come on~!

  5. How did I get to know him?

    By surrendering.

    "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me.........for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light''.........Matthew 11:29-30

    I can either take His yoke and allow Him to lead and we pull together, or

    I can do it all my way and constantly struggle, tell Him what to do, be in control.........(like in TWI days).

    Surrendering puts all your trust, your will, your habits, into His hands.

    And there we build intimacy.

    It's not even what I can do for Him, its what I allow Him to do through me.

    Surrender, is not ''commitment''.

    I did a lot of ''commiting'' in TWI, I always seemed to fail. I commited to this , that and everything the Way put in front of me. Not once did it make me know my Lord, only made me resentful.

    But, when I learned to surrender to Him, all resentment went away, and I was forever changed.

  6. After selling 3 Playstation 3's on ebay, I am done with them (ebay) for awhile!!!!!

    LOOOOONGG story.

    Nope sorry no ruby dove ring...................

    how bout "Teaching God's Word to Children'' book????

  7. Great! Responding to the abuses of TWI with the abuses of anti-cult fanatics. Much like responding to Communism with the likes of Joe McCarthy. <_< Keep in mind Bliss, that a good number of those who viewed TWI as a cult did so because of the 'heretical' nature of TWI's teachings, including the biggie, the non-trinitarian doctrine. All of which had nothing to do with TWIs abuses. This I know for sure.

    BTW, I wonder how many experts that questioned/challenged the 'mind control theory' did the History Channel interview as well? :unsure:

    :blink: ................ point being the ''extremes''.

    History channel didn't talk about the ''deprogramers'' Garth. (If I remember correctly).

    Parents seeing '' Jonestown'' unfold before their eyes is enough for them to want to get their kids ''out of the cult'' that belives Jesus is NOT God. Just gave them more fuel. (I know they knew nothing of abuses).

  8. Cause, no.

    Allow, Yes.

    Case in point, Most everyone.....................ok, ALL the apostles of Jesus Christ suffered one way or another, even when ''moved by the holy spirit'' to write the scriptures. Just look at Paul.

    I haven't been through one quarter of the suffering they went through. God didn't cause it, but He also didn't get him out of it either.


    Simon ''suffered'' when Jesus was obedient to the cross, by having to ''carry'' the cross for him.

    Was that from God? It was from man, but, I believe whenever we are obedient to God, it may cause some suffering in others.

    IMHO :)

  9. It was on a few weeks ago. MY WHOLE FAMILY watched it! It was so freaky. But good.

    It just showed you how powerful people can be, and how people get sucked into

    ''following man''....

    **sounds familar**

    Anyway, now I realize why so many families were freaked out when their kids got involved with the Way........

    and then hired ''deprogramers'' and kidnapped them!

    The stuff that these wackos did, I would of done the same.............................

    unless I was duped too. :doh:


    I just found an "Athletes of the Spirit Production" Puzzle!

    It's got them all in tights!!!! :biglaugh:

    Maybe we should start a cult museum? Anyone got a big pad to house all this stuff?

  11. I am cleaning out.

    Don't want them.

    Do you?

    A ton of old Children's mags from the Way, starting............1981-1997


    a silver lapel pin with the Way logo like we did at Camp Gunnison.

    Any takers (for nostalgia sake????) :unsure:

  12. Am I just imagining it, or is there a LOT of traffic here at GS?

    Prob the CES thing, but still, I've never seen this much. 446 users at one time! I was waiting for that number to change from Dec of 2005 last year, I think is was 57!

    Paw, do you need help?

  13. oh we are so excited. What is even better is that we just cancelled cable cuz we will eventually get satellite, but for now we only have an antena!

    Guess what chanel comes in the clearest??????? FOX of course.

    If I didn't, I would of been calling for service asap!

    I heard Jack looks pretty scary at first (beard and all) and something crazy happens in the first 4 minutes!

    We shall see...............................

    ****hunny move that antena to the left, no no, a little to the right...........oh , ok, ya, perfect! :wink2: ******

    hit wrong button, sorry for all the mispelled words.........duh

  14. I know some WC in Indy that are ''renting to own'' and boasting about that!

    That is a real BAD DEAL for the ''renters'', and a VERY Good deal for the owners.

    How can that be a fair exchange according to TWI?

    See, people will do anything to stand approved before the BOD just to stay in the Way................even on

    pain of poverty!

    I know folks in Colorado that had their parents buy them a home so they could be Fellowship Coord~

    so @$#^%$&*%#^*%*^%$%$#!@ stupid~!

  15. If I might add WB..............(I would of laughed too.... :biglaugh: )

    They don't know any better, so when things got ''better'' in wayville, that is what they say!

    (no more confrontations, LOVE teachings....not much debt talk....)

    See, everything is QUIET in wayville right now..............quiet = ''better''.

    They think that those are THE REASONS most of us don't go back!

    "Things are so much better now, come back, we are sweet and tender..........again....!"

    They see no other REASONS why we would not go back if the LOVE is back.

    A good response might be to have premade cards with


    written on them.

    Tell, them that is where you go to church now. :wink2:

    and it aint just for the LOVE.

    ooops forgot the ''e'' in grease.................sorry :confused:


    Is the change you'll see.

    I just got a lovely Christmas, I mean, HO HO card fron a Way Disciple (Corps intern) on the field right now.

    Since I am a ''cop out'' they keep everything oh so pretty for me.

    But, seems that they have "seen many deliverances and miracles."

    Oh, and ''the fellowships are tender NOW".

    I am sure.

    It's the innies on the field that know that they are to LOVE GOD and NEIGHBOR.

    Unfortunately, the ''vehicle'' they use to bring that love is full of EVIL!

    I pray for God to show them a ''better way''.

    A Way OUT!

  17. All those guys died martyrs for their beliefs, as history and tradition tells it. If we compared all the so-called "Christian Ministries" today and what's being done by them to those guys, a lot would fall way short I think.

    Key to their lives was that while they struggled at times something changed them to the point that they never changed their minds later in life. They died, some more or less alone, absolutely convinced that Jesus Christ was the son of God.

    I've often thought that's still the whole idea of it. All the rest comes and goes. Christ - the way, truth, the life, the son of God - that's it, that's the point of contact that we either make or don't make. And if they're any example you're right - it won't be a sleigh ride a lot of the time. It's amazing anyone thinks it should or will be, really.

    ah Socks, you had to bring it up!

    I just did a study on the early Christian martyrs, and I tell you, I am not sure that many in this day and age fit into these categories. I had to really dig deep to see if I could face an inquisition, on pain of death, and NOT deny my Lord! What they went through is awe-inspiring.

    We are to be a ''living'' sacrifice, for sure. So have I sacrificed my life for Him? Have I put away all that holds me back? My pride, my feelings, my hurts, my worries, my fears, my ''stuff'' from Pier One???????

    There are many Christians still being persecuted today throughout the world, that are hiding out in basements, and holes in the ground just to study the bible together! They are being persecuted for believing in Christ.

    And here we are, discussing this group that has persucuted their own in the name of Christ!


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