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Everything posted by bliss

  1. Let me be clear, I am NOT talking about the EFFORTS or works we do toward a goal or something. I am NOT talking about "staying positive". Everyone knows that my attitude toward any given task/problem/challenge will effect/affect the outcome and those around me. We all know that believing without WORKS IS DEAD.......right? So how can I call you and say I had a bad day, will you "believe with me" for a better one? How ya gonna "work" that one? This is the kinda talk and walk I am dealing with. It bothers me so. My response as of late is "I will PRAY for you, to get the answers or peace that you need". But I cannot "believe with, or for" you to have a good day. This is the LINGO of INNIES today. Example: I am sick today (true) I did everything I could to not get the cold my hubby/children had. And I take herbs....excersize..... spray lysol, eat good, wash my hands....................I totally "believed" not to get it, and even prayed about it. Family innies said " I will believe with you to not get it". I still got sick. So I ask you, did I fail? Did my believing fail me? Where does this leave me? Next scenario- I think this believing concept taught in TWI leaves God's will out of the picture. Not to say that he wanted me sick.................but, in light of ''achieving goals etc..." like, a job or moving etc.... When is it "thy will be done" Lord, if we are all too caught up in "believing" for something we want?
  2. Reading Hopefull's thread in the Open forum reminded me of an incident that happend the other day. (lets not put this in the doctrinal dungeun just yet, pleeze ) An Innie told me that she "witnessed" to a woman who was having a bad week. She didn't know why everything was going wrong or "falling apart". Innie told her about the "law of believing'' and then, handed her the blue book. Now, I don't call this "witnessing" anymore. and it makes her at fault for all the 'bad' that is happening to her. Do innies not see the condemnation this kind of teaching leaves people to deal with? What say you?
  3. you took the words right out of my mouth! There is always tomorrow......................................
  4. wow your voice is much deeper than i thought PAW Barry White style Good job
  5. wow, I remember that billboard. We used to drive to HQ almost every Sunday from 250 miles away! We couldn't believe it. I am sorry I didn't heed the "sign" then. Lets do another one! hahaha
  6. I looked cuz, I do that sorta thing. I am nosey by birth. Over the years, I came, saw, left, came, saw, left Mostly scared to death Mostly not ready to hear Then when "I" was ready (for many reasons) finally I looked, I believed, I stayed. Can I get an "AMEN?"
  7. ok ok I thought this was about "holy hands" not unholy bongs? lol thanks all for your thoughts, I will consider all viewpoints. For me, I use to have to hold my hands together with the fingers pointing UP toward God. That stuck with me since childhood, although, never did it in TWI. I think for me its a feeling of "connection" or "touching" God in a way. If the music so inspires me (which in TWI it RARELY happend, unless it was a local group), I might raise my hands in thankfullness or joy. We'll see what happens. I only attend Sunday School right now, we haven't gone to a real "service" yet.
  8. (((((((S N I F F))))))))) ((((((ahhhhhhh))))))))) Do you smell that? It is the sweet smell of F R E E D O M and the sweetness of a REAL relationship with G O D and my S A V I O R ! That is what made us leave.
  9. Mark~ you rock! (even though you're an RC) Sunny dear, call me! edited to fix my grammer(duh)
  10. Thus far I have allowed myself access to Mikes posts and have not put him on IGNORE.......... I thought they were interesting to read, and as a fellow brother in Christ, I was going to give him some long-suffering............. I changed my mind
  11. Welcome Simple Guy! Nothing like coming out swingin!
  12. Thanks all for your input, I still need to take this into my own "hands" by allowing God to lead me. So, Dove, Socks, I couldn't raise anything or dance when the teaching is going on, that I agree. I don't think God would interupt himself. Having said that, do you all shout or pump a fist at sporting events, concerts? If not, then, why? If so, then what is wrong with doing it in a rockin worship service (we're talking music time here)? oh Hi Allan, anyway.
  13. Thanks GT, worked like a charm............... I promise to remember, or I will try to remember.
  14. Uh, I think my child hit a button, so now, all of my front page web sites, (home pages etc..) have tinee tiny font. what the #$%# do I do to change it back? I fixed it on my own a few months back, but I can't for the life of me remember what I did? h e l p.........................
  15. Dearest MIKE Simple guy's posts had more to do about Jesus Christ as Lord in our life, and you barely touched on that............ why are you skipping over that? Do you believe Jesus is "absent"? And you said we have MORE grace now? That is like saying "a little pregnant". To me, grace is grace is grace. IMO peace
  16. There used to be a teaching about "what it really means", I never understood it though. Nobody could explain it clear enough.....................something like "lifting hands was not literal, that it was a figure of speech............." Does anyone remember the illogic that was taught? Also, I think it had to do with "contoling your emotions". Unfortunately, many wafers ended up with NO emotion. There is a difference between, controlling emotions or having them control you. In the Way we always took the extreme of one..
  17. Ok, Craig used to shout about this, and why we SHOULD NOT DO IT Innies, cringe at the sight or sound of someone religious doing it! I raise my hands for all sorts of things: Sporting Events ( whoohoo, go , ya!) Rock Concerts (lalalalalala, whoooohooo,ya flicker light) Kids Games (ya, go johnny go) In Class (i know the answer, pick me) to check the weather or stretch...........haha Point is, why is it ok to do it for "worldly" reasons, but when it came to praise and worship, OH NO! It was labeled many ways from being possessed to not being decent and in order. Can anyone share on the verse that was used to discredit this, and any to support it?
  18. So, for some of us, it came as no surprise that he cancelled the WOW program at the 1995 Rock of Ages. Whether this homo activity took place in tent city during the roa........I don't know. Hope this helps. Actually it was the 94 ROA, I was a casualty of that war! (((yippee) I have to check more sources, but there were incidents in 91 that were horrible. ROA 93' Craig was on the war path over "teens" fooling around at the Rock.[/color]
  19. Sunny girlfriend, Yea, what he(Mark) said, is what I was telling you. Love your posts Mark, btw, of course, no Catholic church for me.......................... You are right about the "ignoring" thing... You either get involoved, except it/learn why etc... or go to the few out there that are pretty much "labeled" cultish. I presently am in a Baptist bible class, and learning stuff about humility and love that I never truly experienced in the Way (YMMV). I say truly, because, isolated occurances of this with great people in the Way did happen, but it was NOT the norm in the 90's and certainly not encouraged by examples of the leaders. I have not addressed a lot of these issues yet, because it is all to new for us.(baptism, trinity, life after death), and honestly, right now, I don't care! I just wanted to "see" if all that they way said about "others" was true........ So far, they were wwwwwwayyyy off (no pun).
  20. Bingo for me T-Bone I was trying to put the similarities to words, and couldn't figure out the relationship. You are right, I was raised RC, school and church, yet knew nothing. So, finding the Way and getting all this "knowledge" I thought that this must be how to get to God. Bottom LINE: They both made me LAZY. Either don't tell me enough,but have (works to get to heaven), or tell me what to do every minute of the day (works of the flesh for rewards). NO thinking invoved. Gosh, I am learning about a relationship with God and Jesus MORE NOW than all the verses, retemories, SITing, fellowships, witnessing, etc............. ever did for me. It comes with freedom, true freedom in Christ. And seeing people who LOVE yet only know a couple of verses of scripture, and they don't know "orientalisms" either. Nothing wrong with knowing Greek, customs, yada yada, but how much and how far do we go? If our relationship is based on "how much we know" then, I'll be locking myself in an office for the next.......................??????? This just cannot be. I'll just K. I. S .S............
  21. I told an "innie" relative that "God told us to leave.".......................... "oh really?" was the response. Do you think she believed me? :unsure:
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