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Everything posted by bliss

  1. Ahhh, the devil made them do it?
  2. Bluezman Obviosly it is to "look" perrty for your next porno shoot. This is why I don't compare myself to dirty mags and such pictures, all that airbrushing and anal bleaching would cost me a fortune!! Lets all post the puke smiley.........oh better yet, where is that puke "sound" I really miss on chat?
  3. The man may be the head, but we women are the neck....... And we can turn that head ANY WAY WE WANT IT TO GO!!!!!! (my greek wedding) :) Amen!
  4. (JIM) what are you doing with your free time? Yikes. OOOOOUUUCCCHHH- what if they "screw" up? No thanks, go through all that pain for it to get "popped" and hurt again............... Yes, a new home theatre sounds good..... or new "virgin" panties.
  5. Hey DJS -~ glad you're here. I am a recent "outie". I loved and still do love the fellowship I just left 8 months ago. It is NOT ABOUT THEM. They are great folks. I even liked my leadership. ITS ABOUT DOING WHAT IS RIGHT. I cannot SUPPORT an organization that has caused so much harm. Remember, even Craig said "all practical error leads to doctrinal error" . Even if you word it the other way, it still shouts "the doctrine is WRONG!" So, unless, they have a new "research depatment", (which they don't) and they review and change doctrine, then what is the point of being with "nice people"? It's all cloak and dagger to me. I want to go where GOD is worshipped, not man or even the bible.
  6. I was told by a staffer... "Come visit, you'll see, we would welcome you with open arms, it's so different now." ohhh let me get my plane ticket now....can I can I?
  7. Yes, doilies. I had many of them. I was even given some as a gift from fellow twiggers. It seemed to be the "proper" way to decorate. Put a doiley down, then a "eagle" statue on top....etc... I am laughing as I type this, so ridiculous... I think there still is a difference between being dirty and just being unorganized and 'living". I think most confused the two and that is how it got so out of wack. We should of called it "Power for Anal Living". Glad, I can put my shoes by the front door now without getting the "evil eye" of an unexpected leader.
  8. Oak, Not even a thank you for lunch? What nice Christian folk they were.
  9. uuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I don't think I would want them to have cake and eat it too! my ignorant opinion
  10. "Dovelove" that would be me, bliss just doesn't work.
  11. I finished reading this book during the Christmas break, it was emotional, but I gotta tell ya..... I only cried in one part. And I cry in commercials! During the whole time I am reading this, I kept saying "how the hell does he remember all these details?" I mean, I have enough problems remembering what I ate yesterday for dinner, and I have NEVER done drugs! Let alone, how "I" am feeling at every given moment, how someone is "looking" to me, what the sunshine is doing at the moment. I mean, it really read more like a novel than a memoir. I kept waiting for the sentence" i am keeping a journal during this time" or something.... the only thing he says is that he has "a good memory". well, I guess smoking dope and snorting EVERYTHING doesn't destroy brain cells. HMMMMNN??? I am pretty sure he "embellished" a lot of the story. How could he not? The details alone are more than anyone in his sick shape could remember. I did enjoy the book, however, if you can call reading about vomit and bile and suicidal thoughts, "joyful". But, it was intriging, and it did give me sort of "empathy" towards anyone with addictions. Only positive for me in the sense that in The Way I was so NONSYMPATHETIC towards anyone with these problems. So for once, i saw the "other side" and how so many people have to deal with bad things that I never dealt with myself. (abuse, sexual, bad parents/etc..) So I hope that Frey isn't "conning" everyone with this book. But, I will NEVER underestimate what bad things people are capable of doing anymore.
  12. Remember Eagle, it's not about the money......... It is/was about CONTROL!
  13. If all innies knew and believed this, the Way would have nobody left..... I stayed 5 years after the s@#t hit the fan in 2000, all because I (we) were willing to forgive the "one time affair" and move on. We used to compare LCM's sin with David and Bathsheeba............................ How wrong we were! David, when confronted, was sorrowful and wanted forgiveness.....and he still payed dearly for it! Doc vic, LCM..........did more than just "get tempted" one time. They were predators. Liars, Cheats, swindlers, and even molesters! Never asked for forgiveness. If it wasn't for the abuse stories on here, and the truth from the lawsuits on record, I'd still be in. Unhappy and bored, but probably still there. Thank God for my inquisitive mind..............
  14. bliss

    The 2006 Cone List

    C R A P so is mine~~!!!!!!!!! :blink: :(
  15. ..............oh and make sure the horn -o--plenty is passed around "open side" toward the person, (clockwise of course), this was to represent "God's abundance coming back to ya". I always liked holding it by the butt though........(((shrug))))
  16. Oh wait, I forgot the first reason for BLISS......... I love Sugarland, the Country Band. They have a line in one of their songs that says ......... "I need a little less hard times, I need a little more bliss...." My life to a T that's all then...
  17. Oh WD , I have no problem with doves, heck , i still wear one occasionally!
  18. Welcome Dog Lover!!! I remember, at least in my area, we weren't allowed to LOVE dogs either......................... so sad. Glad your here.
  19. Ah yes, thankyou George for the reminder, 12. LILLYPUT Cottages............ yes, I still have one..........somewhere.......... They were so intricate and full of detail........ :blink: ebay here I come! Oh and George, lay off about Country music being "hell".............that would be my "heaven"!
  20. Is it my turn? Origionally my avatar had the young couple biting an apple together......... so when I couldn't find it when Paw changed the forums............................. I went with my all time favorite couple ! I Love LOTR! Anyway, I am a romantic and I love kissing my hubby.........(ok WTMInfo) kissing is one of the fundamental pleasures, and so acceptable! It is bliss when your in love, and it rhymes with kiss. and....................i am still INCOGNITO (shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)
  21. From one "new outie" to another , I deal with this a lot still. Many do not know about our departure, yet. One thing I noticed is that if someone has been "questioning" anything in their heart, as soon as you mention why you left, they are "all ears!" But, with someone who thinks "everything is wonderful" and "I love my fellowship", as soon as you say one bad thing, they "close their ears!" This has happend so often lately that I just feel them out and see where they are at. Most say "I don't want to know anymore........" So, sounds like she has no reason to leave, and likes her life. Without a computer to check things out for herself, she'll be a basketcase if you tell her things that she never knew. She probably thinks she's being more "loving" like they promote, and writing a "copout" so they Might come back to the household! I know I was for the first 2 months I found this site. My whole life was in question! Upheavel. So, I would lovingly share what God has done for you and say "lets do coffee" or something. But this is just my opinion, and like a@#h#$#, everyone's got one!!!!
  22. I just have to discuss this. It has been one of my biggest beefs for a long time. Catcup hit on it in another thread concerning "the decor"of many Way homes. I was a fellowship coordinator for many years.....so I will start with myself. 1. The POSTERS Yes every year, a new theme, a new goal, hence a new beautiful artistic rendition of "prevailing". 2. The PICTURES OF THE BOD/BOT/VP/et all... "Where are the family pictures? AAAhhhh, they are not allowed in the "twig room". " My father could never figure this one out. 3. DOVES/ THE TEACHER/MOSES SCULPTURES, oh and can't forget "EAGLES!". God forbid I have an angel, or cross.......so, I went with Egyptian art, (oh, did I got some evil looks over that)... 4. Yes,(Catcup) 2 High WING BACK CHAIRS WITH COFFEE TABLE AND COUCH don't forget the coffee table "book" called "The Coffee Table Book" The Way INT. lots of dolies, with another ''eagle'', and coasters, for the teachers water....... 5. The HORN OF PLENTY you know how many times I "forgot" to get it out until someone was praying for it? Yikes. Oh and can't forget about taking it immediatley to another room for someone might steal it. 6. THE COLLATERALS/ and or 'theme book" of the month Where's my Tolkien? or Dick Francis? oh, that's right, i forgot, I didn't READ ANYTHING ELSE FOR YEARS!!! 7. Other PICTURES Flowers, Eagles (again) scenery with verses, and every card you got with a verse, framed. God forbid I had a Salvador Dali, you know everything "gives off something?" 8. VACUUM LINES no comment 9. 10 FOLD UP CHAIRS in the corner. Nobody liked the floor in the 90's. 10. TISSUES Only for sick folk, since emotions were off limits! 11. PLANTS yes, mostly fake ficus, but I am brave and always had "LIVE" plants too. They represent 'life" ya know? I am sure i could list some more, but these were the basics. If you were "lucky" or wait "blessed" enough to have 2 living rooms, then one stayed 'just so" the whole time. Yes, stale and non lived in were so many of the homes we encountered. I tried my best to keep my personality in mine. But most of my TC freinds homes really did look like hotel rooms.
  23. (Did they really say they are waiting for a prophet??? That's a new one to me.) Curious -- where did that quote come from?? David
  24. NAw, they don't see leadership that way anymore, FOR NOW! They are still "waiting for a prophet." (direct quote by the way) It is definately Bible Worship. The Word, the Word, the Word.......... They "think" they are worshipping God, so sad. I was confronted with this by a lovely Christian woman a few months ago, when I shared my story. She looked me straight in the eye and said, "sounds to me that you guys worship the bible." Nailed it.
  25. oh Lizzy Lizzy Lizzy................ Take it from someone who "just left", I too stayed too long "because of people." People will ALWAYS disappoint you!......... know me long enough, and I will disappoint you too. Better yet, I may even Hurt you.....not intentionally, but I will, that is just people. God will never disppoint us, as long as we look to HIM ONLY and not man. You also assume that what the ministry teaches is correct. I would beg to differ. If you stay around here long enough................you will learn. Glad you are here, seems as if you are looking for a WAY OUT! I hope you can see, that a leopard can't change its spots, no matter what the "people" tell you! So, to answer the question about going back............................not for a gazillion dollars!
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