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Everything posted by pond

  1. pond

    Rooster issue

    oh my he is beautiful but my guy does not have the nice hang down feathers, more of a barnyard tidy feather look . but you gave a a great idea ! they have metalic paints maybe I can use some of them for him like this guy. thank you . the area that is big and detailed is the face, this has a good face . but I just have a lot more detail where this one has the long feathers ya know? (shorter feathers kind of) I have worked so hard and long on this project , I do not want to start to paint him and not like it I want to have a plan and pictures give me ideas with more of a detail . like rooster models that is what I need rooster models.
  2. pond

    Rooster issue

    I hope this does not go into the silly thread . Im serious I need help. I have noticed many people who hang out on this forums can find stuff on the internet fast . I have seen you guys and gals find every resource I think, so I think you can help me. I have been working on a project for over a year now it is a Rooster, He is for my yard, I decorate my large yard with ceramics and signs and happy stuff in my garden and along my pots and plants. like a party. He is a big Rooster over two feet tall . He is white and needs color. Yes I know I could have glazed him and called it a day but I want to : Paint him . I like colors and that is why I made him I thought he would need alot of colors . Well he does. The paint is expensive but I still want as much action on him as possible. I am planning on putting a shine on him still working on how yet , one thing at a time. I am not going to give a stain or a antigue look so he has to be good looking with few mistakes. what I need is pictures of big Roosters. with many colors . When I looked I got Roosters that had alot of brown I like brown but he is to be fancy and beautiful . I do not want him to look like a cartoon but nice and colorful happy looking. He is a serious rooster . I think you guys can help . a picture which shows all the feathers and parts would help as this project is very very detailed. Once I put the paint on i wont be able to take it off so I am looking for a plan a picture on how he could look . thak you if you consider my cause. I would like to be able to print the picture from the website as well , to bring to the store when I buy more paint. thank you
  3. Gods and Generals civil war flick . Actualy a triology that started with gettsyburg GREAT movies!
  4. pond

    Watch Your Step

    not just camera's! In the up-scale apartment houses/ town houses here every apt. has motion detectors! Cameras in the hallways and motion detectors in the apts and homes . Many consider it a blessing .if something goes wrong they can call or check to see if someone is in the apartment . by camera, or motion detector they are watching you all the time it is great security . great for college kids or disabled or just somone who needs somone to care. At first it flipped me out but I think it is good.
  5. I was talking to a 24 year old social worker the other day and I thought geez how can she possibly know anything? so we all have age bias at times I think. Im past middle age now BUT honestly I still live like I did when I was 22 . look at who is in the congress and lets talk about who is an old fart !! all of them are old I mean 70's and 80's. so I try to keep a perspective. it does take longer to feel pretty tho ESP when I see the older actresses on tv like Tina Turner who is in sixties . Goldie hawn etc. to much of a standard for me really. but we will all work longer now so it is good. What I think is old is people who do not move on and try new things regardless of age. I never guess ages anymore , I would be wrong I know many many people working well into their 70's and 80's. and some very successful people just out of the teen age so .. it is all good as long as I try to keep up.
  6. I believe when we know better we do better. Like I said Im single so I do not understand going theextra mile to make someone stop being abusive. Im not afraid of losing relationships , but I have been influenced by people I love and made wrong choices on their influence . learned form it to never again. YOU always had the motivation to be true to your self , you are a victor ! You always knew what better and truer love was and is you saw it in your cat even. for yu it was just a matter of time. congrats on a new life! be happy life is good and you wont do that again right? I have always felt if I lose my own self I would no longer be able to give anything to anyone. so nothing to lose comes down to me mostly , if IM happy the whole world is happy ya know?
  7. yeah I know Shaz, I have made my mistakes probably will make more, I chose to trust and try still. What Im saying is some stay in these marriages miserable or not . complain , be miserable , see the wrongness, and stay. I think every person has made mistakes in judgement of who someone is or isnt, it happens . I know I have. it is a lucky few who do it right and find the 'right " mix with alot of work in any relationship. Im talking about these marriages that they often claim to like and yet live like that or just complain for ever and never see the problem or USE the problem as an advatage for their own agenda. never make a change .
  8. she is so cute I like the little teeth. how old is she? about a year? the thing is my new grand baby is the most beautiful baby in the whole world he really is I am so bias it is true. he doesnt have teeth yet tho . a big smile like her it means they are so ahppy and know they are loved. but he isnt in a contest so I will try to vote.
  9. on the list for links you can find much fellowship and web sites, I think anyone who haswanted fellowship like twi can go ot one of the many offshoots. check it out Spirit and Truth is getting HUGE formaly CES.
  10. ckmkeon well you may have just opened a can of bee hives with that statement. I agree. that is why I say this is the internet and no one can really prove any allegation. I feel if a victim is helped by sharing their stories and it may help somone to state their story then good luck and I hope for the best for you. but the bottom line is vpw has been dead many decades now and he can/will harm no one now. so it isnt exactly like anyone is saving the world from harm from him by the telling of it. i think if a person gets involved with twi now or is thinking about leaving they have seen these stories and have consdered them anyway. i have read the storys and wondered alot why people didnt do something about it then and waited all these decades to state their feelings. but it isnt for me to judge , I know Im not the only one who wonders tho. thank you for your post you may not do it again if you face the type of backlash some here who have said thesame thing you have noticed I believe we will answer to the Almighty some day and the truth will be revealed but until then because he is dead and been dead it is what it is.
  11. I have thought this way before as well. Well if the "word" says it then lets just do it. Now I loook at who is saying when where and just how and could care less if the fact a chapter and verse is involved. I love the bible I will even say I hold true to the wisdom within in my life and consider it important and worthy. Yet I will not use the bible as bullet or a weapon to hurt any other being. so many many times that is how bible verses are used and I will say I have never understood what this term "word" means exactly. In twi it met what some leader thought about something with some bible verse maybe put in at a distance.. Who knows Gods word? who? really? prove it. it can not be proved any more than if or if there is a God or ten. bible verses are one thing and they leave alot of to be desired what with thousands of different versions written today. The "word" I have no clue . I am not so arrogant as to think I have some inner voice speaking the mircle of right living in my ear and if I did truly I would not be so stupid as to admit it aloud to be given some heavy duty drugs to erase the mental illnes such thinking is in the catergory of .
  12. lol poof Do not let your friends scruw ya!
  13. that is my whole point Temple lady finding out what one is accountable for and learning from it. I agree.
  14. I know we cant change other people , I just do not have a need to carry anger and /or allow anothers behaviour destroy my wonderful life esp. one that has been dead for twenty five years.
  15. the question of what happened to "the word" is the ONE that bothers me the most. because of twi and some of the offshoots and some churches this "word" you speak of can become a frightening awful hurtful thing. even today I would probably not want to teach with all the confusion and back tracking and just plain dumb stuff I have heard about bible verses. the bible is a difficult book to get. ask ten people get ten answers type of stuff. I have seeen more damge done to Gods precious souls with interperations of it than any other thing in my life.
  16. I agree Morgan. the drama triangle is a well documented issue in many relatinships, the victim the rescuer, and the persecuter, it the the only way some chose to have relationships. the only effective way out of the triangle is to opt out and be labeled the bad guy to make change . Spirit and truth fellowship website and well as truth or tradition has a wonderful documentary on this subject with a pdf file. under search put in the drama triangle and you find alot of information. much learning to be had I believe the CES link on this site wil still redirect you to their new site.
  17. I have chosen not to justify my life and its choices so much I have chosen to learn from them , and stop blaming others. I do think that is the problem "the work "of recovery , people just do not chose to invest in themself to grow into a person that can be accoutable to God almighty , it is so much easier to blame , get angry or not think in general about the why's and what fors of life . Many find our peanut gallery and our confort zone and stay and consider it growth and happiness. not me I needed to know I needed to understand I needed to see what living means to me, an found out alot of it is just knowing your own self and be willing to take the change when needed to grow into somone different. I am not the same person I was last year , many things I was doing in my twenties and thirties I consider just insane now. that is life to carry anger just spins your life into a rut if you ask me. i
  18. all these years of bible study and tapes and classes and this theory comes down to the fact of what I "believe" could be wrong. Just wrong. I have heard everything from many different people on what the bible may mean in certain areas so I am never totaly clearon what it all may mean. I never saw a chapter and verse about red drapes for example. i see good god fearing die horrible deaths in the bible.... I also see people get healed so what if what Im believing for is just wrong. i threw out this theory totaly. but I like the term of positive thinking , with god on our side always.
  19. it isnt the ones who end in divorce I wonder about. it is the ones who stay . that is the ones I have the most trouble with because I just do not understand the whole thing. I look at most young marriage and wonder if they will last these days. but it isnt a women under a male thumb so much these days it is other issues. women who chose men like that and really are aware of the traps of that type of marriage may get divorced but they often end up in another relationship just like it. ever notice that? that is why I it take both to stay at least in that kind of marriage and relationships.
  20. pond


    I have a major medical university here with a dental school . I would not reccomend students you take a chance on anew learner, but they told me it would be 12-14oo just for a crown after I have had all the root canal and work done. I had it pulled no I didnt want it pulled but teeth are expensive I have insurance now thank God. dental paid in full. of course not when I had issues. l
  21. Be real this is the world wide web . anyone can say anything about anyone and live to rant some more about it. who is to say who is lying? who is to say anyone is telling the truth? it is little or nothing to do with anyones spirituality ,it is an internet forum full of ex cult heads trying to make new friends. and that was the core of the problem in TWI bedfellows and buddies who believed what their friends said before maybe looking into what was really happening right under your nose. I do not get angry but I will say some here take the victim role to ridiculas form and have been angry for so long they do not know how to live without it. like a platform of self righteousnes worse than what was in twi leadership. Im not neccesarily talking about you ex or anyone in particular , to consider someone a coward and lacking spirituality because they may not believe everything written on the internet is again very extreme . and wrong. no one can "paint"anyone unless you allow them to. the very fact somone is reading these posts tells me they do question what they were taught in twi. I know this anyone who spent any time in twi and was not nuts( Ok?) knows what being critical is and how to live with others negative opinion of what they were /are involved in. many have a very quick dismissal of all the negative accusation and bitter response from people who just plain sound angry and uninformed on facts. we are very fact oriented , trained to have an armour and all you know, nastyness name calling and accusation without any base of truth other than the unbleliever said so really doesnt wash very well, and will seldom be believed. it is something most have grown quite accustomed to and wear with honor as a disciple of christ and follower of the way. My friend who is now clergy who I got in almost wants to be persecuted he feels it is his work for the Lord and proves his worthyness as a man of God . like those before him example vpw. good luck with your approach I just do not think it will fill your own agenda as you often wish it will. The only living proof anyone really has is Jesus Christ.
  22. but true. that is why I feel equaly sorry for the men caught up in these type of relationships. as well as the girls. everyone knows we are not able to make another person happy or fullfilled. so it goes like a mad cow disease where each one has misery and disappointment. my siter doesnt allow him to do his laudry clean the house cook etc...has a relationship with the kids on her terms, she has a degree of control under a guise of being the weaker vessal. who is under who's thumb exactly? he is also helpless in many areas unable to mett life on his terms. sometimes people will play a victim because they want the control , the helpless routine only goes so far. Ever see these type of marriages when they are old and aged? they resent the heck out of one another and have little joy left in the union. but they stay. today with divorce so high I think it is a repeat lesson where you go after or seek the same type of relationship you know like what your parents had.. do not like it, know itsnt working and get divorced and do it again and again. but I have zero solutions cause Im the odd ball I have been called gay by my nephew and I believe other family members wonder.. Im not just single and happy with friends. when my daughter says I have to ask her boyfriend or my siter say I have to ask her husband I honestly do not get it. I understand communication and all you know making plans no that isnt it it is like they have to have permission. but then I also see these women tell their husband to do this or that and I think geez must be nice to have a little honey do sometimes. so that is me marriages .. no wonder im single. haha not neccesarily a good thing but I would rather be single than in a relationship IM not happy and facing a divorce. I think. but IM old. when I know how to do something and some idiot man comes along and thinks he can do it better and has no clue I do not do well. I get macho I guess. hah men do like that at all! my daughter would rather have him screw it all up and make big mistakes and cost money than do it herself sometimes to please him . I do not understand love. yeah maybe I am selfish. been called that to. so it isnt easy either way. one time I had a staff of three men under me and my mother asked me in all seriousness, well how do you get them to do that? I said I tell them to do it. she looked like she was going to faint and I was an evil witch. when she is in a situation where she doesnt want to be accountable for something she said or did she will sic her hubby on me. and frankly one day I asked him when are you going to stop doing her bidding and being the hit man for her crimes? he looked at me and walked away. yeah baby. but need I say the relationship has not improved since? haha no it really isnt funny. I know alot of relationships like that. why? just why? im sorry I just do not get it. sometimes I think I would get along better in this world if I did. times have changed I do not know what the goodness is I just try to live my own life .
  23. I have seen it my sisters married like that. but if you aks her she is happy as a clam. I do think it can go both ways I have seen woman use men as an excuse not to have to be accountable or make choices in life and to blame their own unhappyness on the marriage or him. and then be miserable to live with. they use it as an excuse to not face their own discontent in life. you know? I think it more difficult to get away with now a days, young ladys realize we do and can make our own choices. Im middle age.. I have many friends who are say ten -twenty years older annd they are the women I see struggle with this. My sister husband is very successful and always loved her she could do anything she wanted and he would fund it etc.. but she would still be unhappy because if it got to a point where he felt threatened or the food was not cooked and on the table or he didnt have clean clothes then it was all over. like I said I do not get it cause I am single by choice for most of my life than not. but I know both do think it is like a dance they play in. I have learned to tred very lightly around these types of marriages I threaten both the man and the women.. these ladies are not ready to meet what life is and I "give " them a sense of failure or something when they realize Im happy without slavery or a man to do for.. the men see me as a huge threat who will teach them how to not take care of what they are suppose to(him) . those type of friendship I tend to stay away from no one is satisfied in it. I have had girlfriends say their husbands say they cant go and I know full well it is because they do not want to or are afraid for for some reason. it makes me angry . to use a relatinships because you do not have the courage to say or do what you want in life. honestly for me I will take the moments of lonliness or being left out over that anyday.
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