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Posts posted by GrouchoMarxJr

  1. Can anybody tell me the difference between religion and politics? I can no longer see any difference...

    The speration of church and state in the constitution was a stroke of genius...too bad it doesn't work very well. I'm thinking that religion and politics are the same thing and the cause of every senseless war...

    ...not to mention the repressive, violent, and disgusting lifestyles that the majority of the world's population embraces because of their religious beliefs...

    Instead of religion...I vote for doing a bunch of LSD and listening to the Grateful Dead...

    I suspect that the end result would be much better. :evilshades:

  2. Wierwille's phoney doctor's degree was an example of his entire career. From stealing other people's work to presenting himself as an "educated man"...remember the book JCING? I think it's the only book that Wierwiile actually wrote himself...which explains why it reads like a 7th grade term paper...

    ...Wierwille was to Christianity what Jeffery Dahmer was to fine dining.

  3. With so much attention being drawn to John Lynn, openly by name, why does Vin[e F(nneg@n get a free ride? Wasn't he of the same henchmen ilk as JAL? How about G33r? Why does his name get a free ride? How about a long list of others that could go on for too long to post.

    As far as I can tell, Finn$gan is a king in his own little kingdom...

    What was once the way of NewYork became the foundation for Vinnie's enterprise. Like Lynn, Vinnie learned his lessons well (but pulled it off with less controversy than Lynn)...This is what happens when you drink the koolaid. :smilie_kool_aid:

    ...and by the way, the link to Rood was hysterical. I wonder how many other exwayfers have lost their way in the twilight zone...

  4. Contexual reading? Like everything else in twi, it was a bait and switch tactic...

    Wierwille would proclaim..."read it in the context"...and would then go on to tell you what the context was. He would give you the illusion that you were studying it on your own when in fact, he was telling you what to think. If you disagreed with him, you either conformed your opinion to his or you hit the road.

    Contexual reading? It was more like mindless reading.

  5. What Wierwille taught these guys was the "spiritual Amway formula"...

    ...the grassroots, home fellowship, send your money into the centralized location formula. Lynn learned his lessons well...as did Finnigan, and a host of others.

    The fact is...most of us here could probably pull off the same stunt...the only thing stopping most of us is self respect and a sense of decency.

  6. Thank you Roy...thank you for your honest heart and open hand that reaches out to others...

    Your heart is pure and your intentions are godly...I think that the God that lives in you is a fine God.

  7. ...I think that JAL, in many ways, is the epitomization of what Vic did to people with his money scam cult. He should be put on a poster with the caption..."THIS COULD BE YOU"

    When JAL first left twi he proclaimed something about leaving Egypt with the gold...what he should have said was that he was leaving the organization that screwed up his brain but he was keeping the screwed up brain...

  8. no ceremony - I don't need god's man to tell me this is for real. Thanks for asking though - hell Ham I'm an applied mathematician - god doesn't need to bless my work or my love - it's just an integration study if you will....

    ...and I thought you were calling Loy to see if he would don his robes once again...

    ...will there at least be a salt covenant?

  9. Thanks WW

    Now that seems a little ironic, considering the organization he founded.

    That's right Bolshevic...the false prophet of Arsecrack, Ohio...whose "ministry" destroyed families by the score...I would say that he left plenty of holes in the fence himself...

  10. I can honestly say that in my ten years in twi -under vpw - I never heard that storied uttered by anyone, much less der Victoid.

    Ditto on that...In my 13 years, which included far too many personal encounters with the prince of darkness, I never heard him utter that one...

    ...although it DOES sound like something he'd use...

  11. Good Christ in heaven!...Rumrunner and doojie...I might barf. I know them both and Rumrunner is as ugly as the bastard child of Charles Manson whose face has been set on fire...oh well...his momma always said that if you tied a pork chop around his neck, some Italian girl would snatch him up...a prohesy fulfilled.

    • Upvote 2
  12. Then again, maybe she was furnishing a new apartment and needed some red drapes as a finishing touch.


    He looks like he could be Wierwille's brother...Kinda creepy if you ask me.

  13. (((((Radar)))))

    This site (GSpot) is about The Way International. I just don't get why so many of you are obsessed with what others are doing while enjoying life the way that makes them happy and has absolutely NOTHING to do with you and your life. <_<

    "...with what others are doing while enjoying life..."

    Kind of a broad and general statement to describe a specific act...don't you think?

    I don't give a rat's a$$ what these people do to enjoy life...unless it happens to be an attempt to hoist the "waycorps flag" again..John's website is not called the "FORMER way corps" site...it's called the "Way corps" site...I think that an attempt to regroup the waycorps is a legitimate subject for the GreaseSpot cafe...

  14. Um, do you want honest discussion or just mindless validation? :smilie_kool_aid:


    Well, you DID ask that we keep our comments positive...If I disagree with you, is that considered a negative comment?...if so, I refer you to George's question above...

    and isn't "perhaps you're the one with the kool-aid" comment rather NEGATIVE itself?...do we have double standards here?...hmmmm, let me think about this for awhile...

    • Upvote 1
  15. WOW you guys, a gal stops posting for a couple of years and she comes back to find one of the most stupid posts in the history of gspot or waydale.

    Come on Groucho my love, direct your rebellious energy towards something like finding out exactly how many people are still on staff, or obtaining a copy of twi's latest LTC list! :confused:

    BTW.....nice to see you all :redface2:

    Radar!...long time no see! Good to see you in spite of your misguided slam against my most poignant thread...

    ...don't tell me you're going on the cruise? :evilshades:

  16. ...I'm still wondering how John will coordinate his limb meeting...oops, I meant cruise...

    A LOT of these folks are still drinking the koolaid...splinter groups and what have you...this thing has the potential to be the springboard that brings the Frankenstein monster back to life...

    Who knows...a new splinter group in the making?

  17. Here's the thing...these lowlifes are living off of the abs from the 70's and 80's...

    The assets of twi that they accumulated during those years are invested and returning enough for these scoundrals to retire in comfort...their present "ministry" doesn't have to grow or expand much because they are content to live off of yesteryears fat days. All they have to do is meet the IRS requirments to maintain their tax exempt organization...

    Out of date?...nope...these flim flam artists are still reguritating the same old crap...at least Wierwille put on a dog and pony show...all these fakers do is keep the trains running on time.

  18. Oops . . . no one will see this post from the WC only site will they? I wouldn't want to be perceived as having an opinion. . . . :)

    From what I can see, the waycorps folks don't like our opinions much...

    ...and that's too bad because I really like to express myself. If Rich#$%@ hadn't cut and run from the GreaseSpot, he could respond to me in a public forum that allows people to express dissenting opinions...but it looks like he chooses not to...

    ...probably too busy planning the cruise.

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