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Posts posted by GrouchoMarxJr

  1. They certainly don't need a facility like that...not anymore.

    Wierwille's been dead for 25 years now...The only thing that remains are the assets...

    and there's millions! They should sell their property in Ohio to whoever offers the best price...

    and run away with their money to Colorado...There are no more rock of ages...no more

    crowds...no more followers...except a few suckers.

    ...Their "International outreach" is now a small mailing list...A personality cult without a personality...cannot exist for very long. They have no evangelical mission...and they know it!

    They only keep the trains running on time in order to maintain their lifestyle.

  2. If they still have The House of His Healing Presence in storage somewhere, they could reconstruct it and turn it into a BBQ smoke shack. That's where Wierwille got his pork pulled.

    ROFLMAO...I nominate this post as one the funniest ever on GreasSpot...

    • Upvote 1
  3. I was sent there as corps one winter. Was it just me? But I always found that place creepy - it had a feel about it, as if the souls of the sick people were still lingering - weird way to put it. But the place just felt sick and creepy to me. I was so glad to get out of there.

    Oh my Gawd, I can't stop laughing!!!...

    I felt the same way there...they sent me there for about 4 months and I swear that the place was damn creepy,

    Kinda like Stephen King meets Vincent Price...nothing but bad stuff there...

    The kids all seemed like the the kids from "Children of the Damned"...

    The attic was the worst place there...I used to go up there to hide but it was too intense to stay for long...

    Like being on the movie set for poltergeist

  4. Perhaps the state of Ohio will buy it and turn it into a maximum security prison for sex offenders.

    ...I think that would be fitting.

    ...make the sex perverts mow the grass and dig the ditches...

    ...instead of them ordering others to do it.

    • Upvote 2
  5. I think it's funny that the auction inventory sounds a lot like everything twi had there...

    What did they do?...cut and run and leave all their stuff behind? Ha ha ha

    It's all part of circling the wagons...If I were Rosie, I would sell off that god awful property in Ohio and move the whole shebang to Gunnison...and simply retire.

    All she is doing now is meeting the legal requirments for the IRS to maintain their tax exempt status.

    I would suspect as they grow even older, they would downsize more...the days of having any

    "vision"...are long dead.

  6. Yeah...isn't it ironic that once the Vicster croaked, everything fragmented and the scramble was on...Geerm played his cards and so did Lynn, Finnegan, and a host of others...

    They did what they were taught to do...market God for money.

    Ever see Walter Cummin's website?...he sells "research papers" for about $250 bucks a pop!

    They all became kings of their own kingdoms...that's probably why they don't all unite...

    They could never decide who would be number one...

  7. I am sorry to hear this. He was the the first one to contact me when I was new here. RumRunner was always kind to me and helpful. My condolences to those who loved him.

    Thank you Lizzy, To have known Rumrunner as I did was a real priviledge for me...

    He was my best friend for 50 years and I still have not absorbed his loss...

    It's profound to say the least...

    • Like 1
  8. The former leadership in Central Ohio certainly is. I don't really know much about the rest of the state. DA in Idaho was running his classes as of a few years ago. I'm pretty sure there is some stuff going on for Geer out in California with DS**D and group.

    Texas also has quite a Geer following...Their home fellowships run exactly the same way as twi did it...

    ...with one notable exception...they are totally mechanical, lifeless and boring...even more so than the worst twig in twi that I ever attended...and Geer remains like a ghost...nobody ever sees him because he sells franchises...He knows he doesn't have the personality to pull it off...so he doesn't even try...he just sells books and tapes...and also collects abs money...imagine that...

    ...and anybody that follows him or supports him can kiss my arse.

  9. I have always wondered - at this point he can't have that many followers left - does he? I would have thought it would have died of natural attrition as TWI is doing.

    I would guess that he probably still rakes in a pretty good buck...but then again I could be wrong abd he;s living hand to mouth (one can only hope)...

  10. You know, I feel VP didn't really believe the Bible and I don't believe he ever in his life had an original thought about it. All of his classes, books, characters (Johnny Jump up, etc.), and even incidents were taken from someone else. Remember, we didn't have internet back then and I think he had no idea how he would be found out in the future.

    I think he read and memorized a lot - he learned his lines, so to speak, as an actor would - so he could play the "preacher/teacher part" beloved by the gullible little kiddies as he laughed all the way to the bank on whatever his most recent Harley was.

    So, that book has some topics I've heard VP touch on - like the Deborah section.

    You know, it wouldn't surprise me at all if he took things out of there for teachings. People used to ooh and ahhh about his "knowledge" - today, its all out there to find if you dig hard enough.

    As I said, that looks like it would have been a good book for him to use.

    I agree 100% with Sunesis...I think Wierwille was a master con man...it's questionable whether he was even a Christian. He certainly fits the biblical description of a false prophet

    A drunkard, a liar and a womanizer...he had absolutely no regard for anyone except himself.

    • Upvote 1
  11. Sometimes the hardest decisions in life are knowing which bridges to burn and which bridges to cross...

    AS far as twi goes...when I made my decision to walk away...I never looked back, I never felt any regret at all...none.

    I knew they were screwed up...it was liberating...

    As far as the "Christ in you"...I think of that like eating a big mac...the big mac becomes part of you...not the opposite...Like Popeye said...I yam who I yam...

  12. What do you think?...Does Geer read this? I'll bet he does...I mean, there's nobody else

    talking about him...If he searches the internet for his name...this is about it.

    His ego wouldn't allow him to NOT read this...I remember you Geer...you were a nutcase then and you are still a nutcase...

  13. This thread has been somewhat dormant for awhile...so I thought I would try to kick it back into "Geer"

    I think that people are missing a real opprotunity to call bull sh *t on a real scumbag.

    Chris Geer is STILL in operation and making money like his father in the scam taught him...

    I always thought of Martindale as a buffoon...but Geer always scared me. He had a look in

    his eyes that said psychopath...I could see him as a high ranking officer in Hitler's third reich.

    Lynn publicly humiliates himself with his continual public dramas, while Geer silently sits in the background

    selling his merchandise through franchises...never making public appearances...simply

    counting his money in the back room.

  14. When someone borrows a hundred dollars from you because they blew their money in a bar...

    that person is in debt...when you have payments on a house, you are not really in debt...you are merely buying something with payments...it's an investment that you gain equity in. Isn't that the same thing as corps tuition?...Twi collects the money in payments every month so you can stay in the corps.

    So what's the difference? I would have to say that, by their own logic,

    a person is violating the "being in debt" the moment they enter the corps and start making monthly payments... :spy:

  15. Wierwille taught that it's "Christ in you, the hope of glory"...he also taught that we are righteous in the eyes of God, justified, sanctified, etc....

    ...and then they proceeded to humiliate their followers with face meltings and wild accusations...

    I say that they did not believe their own teachings.

  16. ...I think that the vast number of way followers led lives like gypsies...I'm talking

    about the rank and file "twig attenders" who were talked into going wow...thousands of people

    took on the lifestyle of a gypsie...and then the corps and all the moving around...

    People gave up promising careers because of this farce...

    ...transients...gypsies, "would you like fries with that sir?"...no stability...no debt...

    no planting roots...no life...

    The twi lifestyle is a dead end street...it's all about them and nothing about you.

    • Upvote 1
  17. The part that I found most disturbing was the fact that people were REQUIRED to

    disclose their personal financial situation to twi. Teach what they may, they had no right to stick their noses in people's private business. How many other churches do this? I left before this

    "policy" became strict law...but while I was in, I always told twi leadership that my

    personal financial situation was none of their business.

    • Upvote 1
  18. I truly believe that any "vision" that twi once had is long dead...They are a bunch of decrepit has beens and wanna be's...

    ...Their only goal is to maintain their tax exempt status with the IRS and continue to live off the assets. There is no more excitement or enthusiasm to "turn the world upside down"...today, all they want to do is keep the trains running on time and live well. They have circled the wagons of self interest and are now nothing more than fleeting shadows in a world of religious hypocracy.

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