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Posts posted by Suda


    Almighty and eternal God, who through Jesus Christ has revealed Your Glory to all nations, please protect and preserve Belize our beloved country.

    God of might, wisdom, and justice, please assist our Belizean government and people with Your Holy Spirit of counsel and fortitude.

    Let the light of Your divine wisdom direct their plans and endeavours so that with Your help we may attain our just objectives. With Your guidance, may all our endeavours tend to peace, social justice, liberty, national happiness, the increase of industry, sobriety and useful knowledge.

    We pray, O God of Mercy, for all of us that we may be blessed in the knowledge of Your most holy law, that we may be preserved in union and in that peace which the world itself cannot give. And, after enjoying the blessings of this life, please admit us dear Lord, to that eternal reward that You have prepared for those who love You.

    Welcome, Freelady. I think you will be very blessed with the PFAL class. It still changes lives and sets people free because of the truth taught and the foundation for personal spiritual development. I'll keep you and your class in my prayers.

  2. Agree, it will drive you crazy. Made it to 8.783 seconds. Guess it's proof I should stay in coach rather than the pilot's seat.

    New high score, 9.123. Half way to the 18 second mark!

  3. ex10,

    I think the differentiation between the general and the specific is made clear to us when God tells us something specific and personal. It can be related to a general promise.

    For example, we know that God wants us to enjoy good health. But we can receive specific revelation concerning our own health. I remember vividly being awaken one night by God, and Him telling me to go get my heart checked. I was asymptomatic, and it surprised me. In the next day or so I had some slight discomfort in my upper back, and a bit of tingling in my arm.

    But I obeyed, and went to the ER to have it checked out. They admitted me and did tests for two days and found nothing, told me it was in my head, and discharged me.

    I had my results sent to another cardiologist to compare to a baseline from about 7 years previous. He said there may be an area of concern and scheduled me for a heart cath. The next morning at 6 a.m. I had double by-pass surgery. I had a congenital defect, some kind of bulbous growth, and 60% blockage. I knew my blood pressure had been up since February, and this was September. But if God had not told me, I would have never suspected anything was seriously wrong, nor would I have pushed the situation. But knowing God had told me, I kept pushing until it was checked out completely. Glad I did as my mother and uncle both dropped dead of sudden heart attacks. As we did not do autopsy's don't know if they had the same defect or not, but think it's quite possible.

    This may not be what you were asking at all. But it seemed like it fit.

  4. Richard,

    I spent a lot of time with John and Mary Ann during the 2 years were we all in Greenville, NC in the late 70's. Rochelle was their only child at that time. Mary Ann was a lovely person, and John was a great teacher. However, I found him to often be arrogant, callous, and chauvinistic on a personal level. He put down women a lot. Once remarked that all women were the same, so he found one that was good looking and rich to marry; he wasn't saying it as a joke, he was quite serious. His demeanour may have changed greatly once he left twi, however.

    I still study and appreciate the teachings of Dr. Wierwille. They hold many truths to help you learn how to study and understand the Bible, incorporate it practically into your everyday life, and build a solid foundation for an intimate relationship with God.

  5. Ex10, Oakspear, and Little Hawk,

    Happy Valentine's Day to all of you. Thanks for your sweet greetings.

    Ex-10, glad we could be with your family at your nephew's funeral. I hated the circumstances, but it was wonderful having so many of your clan back in Memphis. I never see V & D, even though they live here, and they're such a hoot to be around. You're whole family is!

    Oakspear, sounds like you are more of a night owl like me, rather than a morning person like Sudo. When he realized that sudden death was imminent for disturbing my peaceful slumber in the morning, he quickly learned a valuable lesson: Sometimes he wakes up grouchy, but usually he lets her sleep. (Maybe another trick would be to get him to gargle with Littlehawk's pear mouthwash in the morning - that would be a jolt to his morning!).


  6. ex10,

    I chose the words naive and shallow as thought they were apropos to my lack of interest at this time of digging any deeper into someone elses garbage. I thought some might feel that unless I took the time to diligently read all about it myself, I would not be armed with sufficient information to have/make an informed opinion/decision. I visited Waydale in the past, and have perused GSC over the years, and have heard accounts from various sources. At present, I have read and heard as much I care to. I am aware of the major accusations being made, and feel they are based on solid reasoning, and that's all I need to know at this point.

    I appreciate the graciousness welcome everyone has extended to me here at GSC. I have not felt offended in any way. Many have been thought provoking, and I appreciate that.

  7. laleo,

    Sudo and Jed Clampett . . . both love overalls and have a country demeanour, but thankfully no longer share the facial hair. Sudo had the beard and moustache thing going for a while, but I couldn't stand to kiss him (too scratchy on my tender face), so he shaved it off.

    Sudo does loves to hamm up the Tennessee Hillbilly image - the kids just cringe (and so do I sometimes!). Don't think he can tap dance the way Jed did, either, but here he's a real hoot when it comes to hugging close to trees at the weenie roasts.

  8. ex10, Raf, Oakspear, outin88,

    I can follow and appreciate your reasoning for your feelings and opinions about VPW. They are very similar to those of my husband, and we have had innumerable discussions about it.

    Call me naive, shallow, whatever, but at this point in my life I do not care to delve deeper into the garbage in someone elses past, as I have spent too much time shoveling the garbage out of my own life. I'm tired of garbage. I want to move on to bigger and better things while keeping the many positive things from all aspects my past.

    I agree all teachings from any source must be carefully considered and researched on your own, not just taken at face value. I have never been one to just accept what someone else said, nor have I ever shied away from questioning anything I had a conflict with. I do not accept all that Dr. Wierwille taught as "the God's honest truth" but he gives good backround and thought as a starting place to begin researching a topic on my own. I don't put anyone on a pedestal and deem them like a pope - one who speaks for God and everything they say is to be taken as divinely inspired. Only Jesus Christ was capable of that, and he has no close competition of which I am aware.

    From my earlier post, you can see examples of things I vehemently disagree with Wierwille/twi on. And there were many others. I never had any respect for people who just accepted his teachings on blind faith. Seemed they had no real interest in learning, just filling themselves up with information they could regurgitate on cue.

    I agree, it would be wonderful to hear Oakspear teach the Bible.

  9. act2,

    Yes, the Self's are in my fellowship. A neat couple that are now grandparents to a one-year baby boy, born around Christmas time 2004 to their son and daughter-in-law in the Memphis area. Another son and wife in Baton Rouge, and the oldest and his wife out of the military and now living in Kentucky, I think in the Louisville area. Both are doing quite well.

    They were m&a about 2 years ago for associating with the people in our fellowship, and have been a part of our group ever since. I only met one couple and their kids in their twi fellowship, and can't remember their names, but think the wife was related to Mal and Jan George. Just met them briefly at a reception our fellowship hosted for their oldest son when he was in town visiting. Seemed like nice people to me from our brief encounter.

    Thanks for asking.

  10. Ex 10,

    Am enjoying the menu very much.

    I've been away from twi for about 20 years now. Was involved for for about 10 years. When I look back over my past, the one affiliation (outside of my family, of course) that most shaped my life and helped me to grow into the person I am was twi. If I were in college again, with complete foreknowledge of my future 30 years hence, I would still choose to be involved with twi.

    I still have a lot of growing and changing and improving ahead of me I hope as a good life is always full learning. But despite my many imperfections, I am quite comfortable with who I am and like the person I see each morning in the mirror. The central reason why is my relationship with God, and my desire to live a life of service to Him. I had searched all over in my spiritual quest to find the information that was presented in twi. The truth truly set me free, and I will always be eternally grateful to the man I feel was most responsible for setting me on the proper course in my spiritual journey, and that was Dr. Wierwille.

    Since twi, Daniel and I visited many churches, and finally found one we felt comfortable joining in the early 90's. I was even invited to be a part of their "corp" program, The Training of the Twelve. It is a very large church, and only 12 people per year are asked to participate in this training program. It such a pathetic joke, and each week I ended up in heated arguments with the senior minister about how topics he presented were so opposed to the Bible. It became quite funny, because many Sunday he would teach from the pulpit about 'you won't believe what a person I counseled earlier this week told me she believed about the Bible. She said . . .", and all of the 12, and soon many members of the congregation knew exactly who he was talking about and would turn and look at me, some frowning, some giving a thumbs up. The class was about split equally on who they sided with, me or him, and 1 of the 3 ministers leading the training program came to rest of my side of the bench. I was quite involved, teaching adult as well and pre-school Sunday School, taught Children's Church for several years, vacation bible school, worked with children's choir, everything. I finally left after about 7 years when I was told I was no longer welcome. It was so dead spiritually, I was not upset about leaving. For me it had been all give, no receive, although I met a lot of wonderful people I still keep in contact with.

    Then the children and I continued to visit other churches with friends, or on our own, and there never was place that I could call home. So I went back to twi type fellowships in about 2002, and have loved every minute of it. I give and receive and grow. We study materials from various sources, but most are VPW's as they are the best we have found. And I see signs, miracles, a wonders constantly in my life as well as those of my fellow believers. Daniel likes the church, I like my fellowship. And unless something better is introduced to me, that's where I'll be.

    Give my love to your family - Just not the same without you here. I love all of you bunches.

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