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Posts posted by Suda

  1. Raf,

    My apologies. "Pick on" was a poor choice of words of my part. You explained it well above; enjoying the back and forth banter. Very true, that is not "picking on" anyone. Sorry, again.


  2. My dear mother died a few weeks shy of her 62nd birthday when I was 40 years old. Often yearn to speak with her, and get her pearls of wisdom for living. She was such a spit fire, full of pep and vinegar, and I miss her enthusiasm and wonderful laugh most of all. Nothing like a mother's love. I am blessed to have had her special touch in my life.

  3. dmiller,

    Appreciate the warm wishes.

    All you mother's make sure to click on Happy Mother's Day in his post for a wonderful e-card.

    Anyone recognize the poem "M-O-T-H-E-R"? Think The Victors. Maybe I can get Sudo to post the song later today.

    Enjoy chatting with you, too, dmiller,


  4. Another interesting note, not to justify, or excuse, just to note. Something to think about, ponder. It is in reference to vpw being a con-man, gaining your confidence by appearing to be a nice person, while his wife noted at his funeral that he was mean, and Dean Don never making any bones about the fact that he and his father did not get along well.

    Remember well an office management seminar my husband and I attended where the need to put on the “show time” face when you walk through the office door was discussed. No matter if the kids are being unruly and driving you nuts at home, or were sick and kept you up all night, when you walk into the office, you leave all that behind concentrate on making the office (according to our practice philosophy) a warm and caring place for our team and a comfortable environment for our patients. Then, the reverse is true also, when we get home, we kick off our shoes, and relax, and take the office hat off. Unfortunately, at times that means that we are nicer to people in public than we are in private. Inside the family, we know the good, the bad, and the ugly of each other quite well. It’s been quite funny when we have been out as a family, and run into people we know from work, and they tell our children how fortunate they are to have wonderful parents like us. Your dad is so and so, and your mother so and so. And the kids may look at them like they are crazy and make a comment like, are we talking about the same people? All this is to point out that it’s not so surprising that vpw’s twi (office) face was different from his face at home. Again, not justifing, or excusing, just something I thought about.

    My opinion of him has eroded based on new information, but I don’t think he was entirely evil and devoid of care and love for the people in twi. To me, he was a good teacher, and taught much truth as well as error. I remain thankful for the truth I learned from him.

    Just my personal thoughts,


  5. Paw, what a wonderful idea to have roundtables with both men and women. Hearing the ladies chat (as well as the interviews with ladies) and then the men chat (as well as Raf’s interview of you) was quite enlightening. Again was reminded on the Mars and Venus mind sets, which I really enjoyed. The men focused on an analytical view, while the women approached it from an emotional or feelings point of view.

    Interesting to listen to the view of the hurt (for lack of a better word) inflicted by twi. The men brought up that vpw was a con man, a predator. It seemed the hurt some experienced was to their pride and ego in having been “duped” by the con man. Where as some women felt “betrayed” because their trust in confidence in people was corroded.

    As what attracted people to twi, the women note the “love”, the friendships and fellowships were the sweetest part of their twi time. Men noted the “grace” to sleep with anyone or the license to do whatever the he11 you want as long as you held to the “correct” beliefs.

    In the men’s a comment indicated it is “fun” to pick on those they disagree with, whereas the women noted a need to “play nice, and watch your tone”.

    Not saying one side is right, the other wrong, just different perceptions and points of view. The differences are both interesting and enlightening. Was eye-opening and educational to me.

    Keep the episodes coming - they are wonderful.

  6. Thinking of you this mother's day. Hope you, your dad, and sisters find comfort in sharing wonderful memories of your mother with each other. It is evident her goodness still lives on in you. God bless your beautiful, loving heart.


  7. And how are we celebrating the double-header May 14th of my birthday and Mother's Day? Having all the family over for a pot luck BBQ. My sweetie is supplying the bbq chicken and bbq ribs, and doing the grilling. It will be self serve. Put the food on the counter. You know where the plates, utensils, napkins, etc. are. When your finished, clean up after yourself.

    It's going to be a grand day, and I'm looking forward to it. (Let's just hope it goes off as planned!)

    Looking forward to a relaxing day with my loved ones,


  8. What exactly are you wearing right now?

    Chantilly lace scrubs

    What is your current problem?

    Prescription for kids medicine didn't come in the mail today.

    What makes you most happy?

    Laughing with family and friends

    If you could go back in time and change something would you?

    I would never start smoking cigarettes

    Name something obvious about you:

    Big blue eyes

    What's the name of the song that you're listening to?

    Quiet right now, no song playing.

    Any celeb you would marry?

    Sam Elliott

    Name someone with the same birthday as you?

    Never met anyone with same birthday, but I was born on Mother's Day

    Do you have a crush on someone?


    Ever sang in front of a large audience?

    Of course

    What do you usually order from Starbucks?

    Hot Chocolate, can't stand coffee

    Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?

    Yes, Wonder Woman, Lynda Carter

    Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows?

    Yes, especially on holidays

    Do you speak any other languages?

    Yes, Spanish.

    Have you ever ridden in a Hummer limo?

    No, and no desire to. They are so ugly imo.

    Has anyone you've been really close with passed away?

    Yes, both my parents, and my grandparents.

    Do you ever watch MTV?

    Nope, no desire.

    What's something that really annoys you?

    Bitter people and Liars

    Chapter 1:


    Boo, Liddy Boo, Bookins, Lidikins Boodikins I Love Youdakins

    Current location:

    At my desk in my study

    Eye color :


    Chapter 2:

    Do you live with your parents:


    Do you get along with your parents:

    Yes, I did, when they were alive. My dad was always my very best friend. And my mom was a hoot!

    Are your parents married/separated/divorced:

    Married until death did they part.

    Do you have any siblings:

    2 older sisters, and 1 younger brother.

    Chapter 3: Favorites

    Ice cream flavor:





    Whatever the quantity bonus value pack is at the salon

    Chapter 4: Do You

    Sing in the shower


    write on your hand


    Call people back:


    Believe in love:


    Sleep on a certain side of the bed:

    The left side, or the one closest to the door, as hubby wants to side fartherest from the door

    Have any bad habits:


    Chapter 5: Have You Ever

    Broken a bone:

    yes, my right knee cap (ouchers!) and ribs and toes

    Gotten stitches:

    Too many times

    Taken painkillers:


    Gone SCUBA diving:


    Been stung by a bee:


    Thrown up in a restaurant:


    Sworn in front of your parents:


    Had detention:


    Been sent to the principal's office:


    Been called a hoe:

    just by my daughter, said it was a new "term of endearment". Don't like it.

    Been called a stank-foot mongoloid elf-tit lookin' sonofabitch?


    Chaper 6: Who/What was the last

    Person to text you?

    My daughter, Ellen

    What did it say:

    Where she was in the Ole Miss Grove

    Person to call you:

    My daughter, Liz

    Person you hugged:

    My husband

    Person you tackled?

    Been so long ago, can't remember

    Thing you ate:

    Chick-Fil-A sandwich with mayo

    Thing you drank

    Coca cola

    Thing you said

    "Honey, are you sure you're alright? You seem angry." to husband

  9. A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend.

    A successful woman is one who can find such a man.

    Reminds me of one of my mother's friends. When the bank called to tell her that her account was overdrawn, she told them to call her husband because "I never overdraw, he obviously under-deposited."

  10. Ah, yes, the babies keep us honest. They will repeat anything we say or do. When you have small children, there are no "family secrets". What a hoot they are!

  11. 2life,

    There will be plenty of room with us. Can comfortably sleep 6. Hope you will change your mind and stay with us! Or at least get a room on the same floor. Hope to see you then!


  12. While in Kansas City, I definitely want to eat a good steak dinner. Hear the steak there is fabulous. Hereford House sounds great. And, of course, barbeque. I like NC bbq the best, Memphis is good, and would like to compare KC to both of these. Looking forward to a good time of visiting and getting to know each other. And having a few drinks together; must admit I'm a lightweight. Mainly just looking forward to a weekend away with no "mommy/wife" responsibilities and hanging out with the girls.

  13. Looks like 2life will be able to join us . . . will know more about a week before when her schedule is solidified. Any more takers? Only about 2 months away now. Hope we have a nice crowd - the more the merrier!


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