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Everything posted by oenophile

  1. Sounds pretty cliquish to me. Kinda like TWI.
  2. Hubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble Macbeth Act I, scene i
  3. Why did the chicken cross the road? That's easy. Chicken crossed the road to show the deer.
  4. Suppose I was Christian living in Poland after the Nazi invasion. Would I be obliged to turn in my neighbor who I knew was hiding Jews in her home? If I were a Hutu living in Rwanda during the 1994 genocide, would I be bound by my faith to show government troops, who were rounding up Tutzis for extermination, where Tutzis were hiding?
  5. Dr. Seuss on Aging [/center] I cannot see I cannot pee I cannot chew I cannot screw Oh, My God, what can I do. My memory shrinks My hearing stinks No sense of smell I look like hell My mood is bad--can you tell. My body's drooping Have trouble pooping The Golden Years are here at last The Golden Years can kiss my a$$!!
  6. Is that a judgment for you to make? Could there not have been a cry out to God for forgiveness amid the anguish that led him to take his life?
  7. Does anyone remember Cheech's joke from the movie that has the following punchline? "Ain't that a peach?"
  8. Mr. P, Actually the reason your Guinness tastes better in Ireland than the States is because what you get here is brewed in Canada for the "American palate." Technically, Guinness is not even a stout, it's a porter. Stouts have a much higher gravity and abv than the 4.3 of Guinness. Actually my favorite stout is Lion from Sri Lanka @ 8% abv. It has a much better mouthfeel and carmel character. When it comes to an Irish Red Ale, give me O'Hara's.
  9. I would be very careful because New Bern is Rosalie's home town. On the brighter side it is the birthplace of Pepsi Cola.
  10. Querido OKC WOW, I didn't know you were hispanic. I wish that I was because I love la cultura hispano. I married a puertoriquena and have a half hispanic son who is majoring in Comparative Literature with a concentration in Spanish and Latin American literature. I love the foods, music and warmth of the Latin people. Cheech and Chong are only half hispanic because Tommy Chong is Chinese and Scotch Irish. That's ok too because I like Chinese food, Scotch whisky, Irish beer and Celtic music also. Note: Guiness is not an Irish beer because it's brewed in Canada. I prefer a real Irish beer like O'Hara's.
  11. Is there a mussel in your hedgerow?
  12. Thanks for the article Belle. As a serotonin deficient person I have a defense. It goes something like this... Dear God, I know I am not the most spiritual person like James Dobson, the late James Kennedy, whazizname from Virginia Beach you know the 700 Club guy (see I'm synaptically challenged), VP, LCM, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Mother Theresa, John Lynn et. al. But look it, Prozac, Effexor, Celexa and Cymbalta, years on the couch and even prayer couldn't stop the reuptake of serotonin. My neuroreceptors ain't Yogi Berra, Johnny Bench or even my dear old Dad (who they say was a pretty good catcher back in the day.) They are more fried than what you get when you order Family Style in Calabash. Please cut me some slack if I get a little crazy sometimes and sulk the day away at other times. After all, it's all a part of my journey. I will try to remember to thank You for the blessings that are mine and love my neighbor. RJ
  13. Add me to that list. My mom and wife were both Type A overachievers. Mom went so far as to say that most men she knew were thick browed, knuckle dragging animals with a swinging three pronged appendage between their legs. Thanks Mom, that statement more than any other helped me see women not only as equals but formidable ones at that and deserving of respect.
  14. Geisha, You and I are two liberal arts majors groping in the dark it would appear. ARE THERE ANY GRADUATE LEVEL (OR ABOVE) PHYSICS MAJORS OUT THERE? Your help would here would be greatly appreciated. As the problem with time and black holes etcetera, I really don't see a problem. I agree with those philosophers who see time as a provisional entity which does not exist apart from human mind.
  15. Perhaps the Beatles were inspired when they sang the words, "love is all we need" on the Sargent Pepper's album.
  16. The epic of Gilgamesh is an ancient Sumerian account of the great flood. To quote a title of a book that I was required to read in a Ancient Near East history course in college, history begins in Sumer because it is there that we encounter the first written records of human civilization. Sumer was located in southern Mesopotamia in what is now southern Iraq. Civilization began there circa the late Sixth Millenium B.C. In fact, Abraham was a Sumerian. Situated between the Tigris and Euphrates it is not unreasonable that the city-states that made up Sumerian civilization could have experienced a devastating flood that wiped out most of the inhabitants, thus giving rise to the epic of Gilgamesh or for that matter the Genesis Flood. Which begs us to ask the chicken or egg question.
  17. Cake, I for one am not yawning and it is evident that you perked George's attention with your conversation in Japanese. My mom was a student of the history of the English language. She would read long passages of Beowulf to us in Middle English. I recall in 2000 she was invited by the pastor to read familiar Bible verses such as John 3:16 in Middle English but even more fascinating was her description of the changes the language that happened after the Norman Conquest in 1066. For instance, our modern English word for beef comes from the French word, boeuf while the word for the animal, "cow', is a derivative from the Anglo-Saxon word. The same holds true for "mutton", "poultry" and "pork", etc. Her explanation was that the Norman nobleman who brought these meats to their tables referred to them in their Norman French dialect while the conquered Anglo Saxon field hands continued to use their language to describe the living animal in the field. It is also interesting to note that many of our so called four letter words are of Anglo Saxon origin. One wonders if the vulgar connotation was assigned to these words by the Norman parents when little Pierre came in from playing with Anglo Saxon kids in the street and used the new words he had just learned.
  18. oenophile


    Is anyone else watching "Hopkins" on ABC (Thursday nights at 10PM). I find the real life dramas of patients and doctors much more interesting and intriguing than the fictional one's on shows like ER.
  19. WB, I think you are smarter than me. Here goes... the gathering evidence that points toward that life on this planet evolved as the most plausible explanation; which, if true, would render the biblical narrative of the Fall as not literal. If the Fall is not a literal event, why does Mankind need a Savior?
  20. Geisha, your post does add considerable intellectual weight to the argument. I would like you to reconsider the question, "Do you believe in the inerrancy of the Bible?" Belief, unlike knowing in the Cartesian sense, does not require tedious mathematical proofs and syllogistical arguments. How about the converse argument? Are we unjustified in our disbelief of certain biblical narratives (Genesis Creation, the Flood) when they are contradicted by mounting empirical evidence? I must say that I believe that too. Yet, if we have evidence that our earliest human relatives bones were found in Africa and not in the biblical Garden of Eden (southern Iraq), that if the world's tectonic plates moved at such speed to place the continents where they are now the resulting devastation from earthquakes, volcanism and tsunamis would have done us in like the dinosaurs and the arguments that Creationists can make are becoming fewer and fewer...what does that portend for the biblical proposition that there was an Original Sin by one man that had to be expunged by a Redeemer?
  21. A little light music before retiring for the night. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUdqNtUeGaI...feature=related
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