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Posts posted by Ductape

  1. All the brats can't get along, so which one stomped off to "daddy" first. You just wait till daddy gets home and he'll tell you brats who is in charge! ( stomp feet here)

    And "daddy" loves being needed so badly because after being a single parent so long he truly misses being needed so badly by his adorable dear children. Just forget he raised them up and left special ones in charge.

    Now this would all be funny if it wasn't so pathetic! A man incapable of keeping a marriage together is ran to like the father figure that THE FATHER should be sought after. And what might possibly be the biggest practical and doctrinal error that lead to this? Oh heck no, personal prophecy is just the tip of the proverbial ice burg. But if you were to think along the lines of have no gods before me; lights might start to shine on the error.

    The only thing worse than the childish "my daddy can beat up your daddy" is my wife can out prophecy all you wimps

  2. While JAL likes to point out how much he follows some proverbs I am reminded of a couple of my favorites, like Proverbs 3:5 & 6. I see a whole lot of JAL leaning to his own understanding and a whole lot of analyze and no indication God was involved in this whole decision making process.

    Just because you wrote a book doesn't make the subject shut, cut and dry right. If you bother to look you can see that the whole personal prophecy relies to heavily upon the desires of the one speaking. KAG liked JAL so he received the good words, E was out of grace with KAG so she heard the wrath of God stuff.

    So any of you great STFI supporters care to prove the doctrine is true? I have seen to much evil fruit for it to convince me to even look at a book, let alone pay any of my hard earned money to support it.

    Once again the Saints are answered with "Buy This Book"

    And Mr Lynn; you haven't done a single thing to make me want to let you know who I really am!

  3. Thanks Abi,Dot and Grace.

    Now to the "E is not completely innocent in all this" crowd I would like to shout from the roof tops "NO SH!T SHERLOCK!!"

    This mentality and ploy worked extremely well for LCM and the leaders of TWI to cover their dark and dubious actions. It is always so easy to find fault and to rip the flesh from a wounded human when one wants to defend their organization and leaders above the heart and life of any individual.

    You know that "SO'N'SO" was M&A'd. OMG really??? I was a friend and never knew! Oh come on, the right Rev themselves confronted them and you remember how they farted during manifestations that one time 5 years ago and actually questioned the great bible research guy about his work!

    OMG I can't believe I was friends with such evil!

    Please anyone that went through such attacks as this woman and anyone that has been through a divorce without screwing up and making some dumb decisions please stand up.

    Still waiting.............

  4. So it seems that the boot applied swiftly to one couple is the answer to this lemon and God can make lemonade and all can once again quench their thirst. Some how I can't help but wonder if anyone that stood up and said from the very beginning this personal prophecy is wrong will some how make it to this council. I don't know about you but these councils get me all excited, after all it was a political move for a council to elect Jesus God and he wasn't even seeking the office. Perhaps more accurate will be that the doctrine wasn't so bad, just some bad practice by a couple of bad people. Just ignore the bad people got control while the rest of the board and followers seemed helpless until the proverbial crap hit the fan and had to be made public here.

    So, who was the wizard that brought the doctrine to the body and then at what point did it corrupt in the boards eyes? Did any of the board stand up and tell JAL he was going down the wrong freaking road? If not one stood and spoke for God then what makes you all so sure the right path can be found by the same bunch that either consented to the divorce or stood by silently and allowed it to happen.

    I am reminded of the time I left TWI before public knowledge of lawsuits and sexual misconduct only to be slapped in the face by some very obnoxious posters on Ex-Way sites in 99. You see all was fair and right and wonderful when VPW was then man, little did I know what the man did in his spare time to relax. Then I had to De-throne the Vicster and see that the whole tree was corrupt with some very special people associated with some wolves in sheep's clothing.

    Perhaps the years that CES has operated they lead no one to God, or His son; but despite the road they were on many built upon beautiful relationships with their Heavenly Father and their ever righteous perfect big Brother Jesus Christ. Perhaps CES/STFI has caused Jesus to book more time as the mediator between man and God than if they didn't lead the saints down the road of legalism just like TWI did.

    Had Jesus been the head that CES/STFI preached, would this road have been traveled?

  5. If I may offer a slightly different perspective...

    If I'm CES, I'm thinking that there are maybe 10 posts on this thread, 15 at most, that are actually of value to people. The rest are gossipping, backbiting, and the same unhealthy cynicism that has haunted the ex-Way community and kept us away from GSCafe for years.

    Not saying I agree with the above perspective. Just that if you're in defensive mode, that's the position you're going to embrace.

    I think it was about 5 years ago JAL spoke about the same words to my old TWI twig after they left and he got his foot in the door. When your not bitter and ready to move ahead you'll stand with us,

  6. Ductape

    It is apparent from your last post that ON THIS TOPIC you do not have any accurate infomation to base your comments regarding the current crisis at CES. Because someone did something a certain way 20 + years ago, that means they would do the same thing now or that it is ok to do that now? Please, wrong is wrong, and most of the time it is not hard to tell the difference.

    I do have accurate information on the current "facts" and can add further support to Billy D and his comments, which are accurate.

    The high and mighty duc-out ductape?

    Typical CES/STFI treatment extended to me as recent as, oh 2 years ago. :sleep1:

  7. So JoeODaydude:

    Would this sticking in there and fighting be along the same lines as JAL taking off his green nametag at that last ROA he attended while he was having green nametag mailing lists copied and he almost ran me over in front of the big top fishing for green nametags? Would this stick in there and fight be like when his couple in my home limb distracted the LC while their partner copied the limbs TC mailing list?

    Perhaps I should have been more thankful for finally being important enough to make some mailing list. :confused:

    So all the faithful follow JAL’s own example and rip off all the info you can from STFI while getting out and forming your very own “but this time it really is of God ministry”. It worked for JAL and the board; not one has had to work a real job yet in their lives!

  8. Not sure if that is where it all started Trustandobey, but those that have eyes to see and aren’t deceived by rock star status leaders acting humble can see where all their teachings and study has brought them. Simply put; full circle. Interesting be not entangled again is quoted, that to not be entangled in a yoke of bondage again. Yet the heavy yoke we shared in TWI appears heavier in CES/STFI.

    That brings to mind being not unequally yoked, sure it talks about that being with unbelievers. Yet the analogy is about 2 animals pulling together and because one is working harder than the other they end up traveling in a circle when a straight line is thee desired result. Anyone question how long Jesus would allow this mismatch to keep working against its self?

    But it is easy to see while all the time preaching Christ the Head, we will not over-lord you they set themselves up as even bigger rock stars than before. Oh and how I love the testimonies of what great hearts this true leaders have, while the bible says no man knows the heart of another. What great heart allows his wife to run ravenous on the flock and consume whom she wants claiming a super special connection to the Almighty?

    Then to what man rules his house so well he allows a beast in sheep’s clothing to devour his bride? Really fit to lead God’s elect, you may be next to get feed to the beast while he stands by and allows it.

    You see, we really don’t have all the story, or perhaps better yet we need to put on the blinders as these faithful few have. The path they have all gone down has lead them full circle back to the worship of men.

  9. Don't know about the rest of you, but I sure see Jesus all through this personal prophecy stuff. Wait, personal prophecy, personal relationship, getting to personal with private lives; I think I am seeing a pattern here! :asdf:

    Exactly what is the desired balance? Dreams and personal prophecy will only be allowed to rip half the people apart? Or only half the decisions will be made by the dreamers?

    But this does remind me of get rid of Martindale and all is good, just get rid of one wacked woman, don't question the very depths of evil working through the demonic doctrine, its just "her"

  10. Somebody please help me out here, I'm having trouble understanding something. Was JAL's second wife evil and demonic by CES/STFI ordained leaders standards and they let one of their dear own marry such a Jezabel? It's either that or the "honeymoon" with JAL opened the poor woman's trap door wide open! Then there is a third possibility, this woman ain't the one with no room left at the inn, if you know what I mean.

    No matter which case is the truth it all leaves one logical solution,

    RUN!!!!!! :CUSSING::realmad:

  11. Man walks into a restaurant with a full grown ostrich right behind him. Waitress asks what he wants and he orders “hamburger, fries and a coke”. The ostrich says “I’ll have the same”.

    When they are done eating the waitress gives them the bill for $9.40, the man sticks his hand into his pocket and pulls out the exact change.

    Next day the man and the ostrich walk in, order the same and when the bill comes then man pulls out the exact change again.

    Friday the “couple” walks in and the waitress asks “the usual”. The man replies, “No it’s the weekend and I will have a T-bone steak medium rare, baked potato with sour cream and a beer”. The waitress looks at the ostrich and it says it will have the same. After the meal the waitress brings the bill and says that will be $32.50 and the man pulls out the exact change.

    The waitress says this is amazing! Most people never carry any change, yet you always pull out the exact change! To this the man replied: “years ago I was cleaning out the attic and found an old lamp, when I rubbed it a genie appeared and granted me 2 wishes. So I wished that whenever I purchase anything I would stick my hand in my pocket and pull out the exact change. This works for a news paper or a Rolls Royce.”

    The waitress says, “How ingenious, most people would ask for a million dollars or some limited amount. Now what about that ostrich”?

    Man sighs and says, “My second wish was for a long legged chick with a big rear and one that would always agree with me”.

  12. Very interesting research.

    Last month, National University of Lesotho

    scientists released the results of a recent analysis

    that revealed the presence of female hormones in


    Men should take a concerned look at their beer

    consumption. The theory is that beer contains female

    hormones (hops contain phytoestrogens) and that by

    drinking enough beer, men turn into women.

    To test the theory, 100 men drank 8 pints of beer

    each within a 1 hour period. It was then observed

    that 100% of the test subjects:

    1) Argued over nothing.

    2) Refused to apologize when obviously wrong.

    3) Gained weight.

    4) Talked excessively without making sense.

    5) Became overly emotional.

    6) Couldn't drive.

    7) Failed to think rationally

    8) Had to sit down while urinating.

    No further testing was considered necessary

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