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Linda Z

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Everything posted by Linda Z

  1. Krys, I knew what Zixar was trying to say, and Excathedra has already said she got it. Nevertheless, it was a pi$$-poor choice of analogies. He could have drawn many other comparisons, or (here's a novel idea) he could have simply said, "My agreeing or disagreeing with someone has nothing to do with my liking or not liking that person." Might that not have shown more sensitivity than bringing up a subject that's well known to be a painful subject for Ex? And that wasn't enough. He had to top it off by saying he doesn't like her. Twice. No one has claimed Rocky was an innocent bystander. Regardless of that, Zixar calls those who have pointed out that he shares some responsibility for this fiasco "the panty-bunched '....ing match' clique," blames us for Rocky's lack of an apology, and accuses us of not feeling Pawtucket deserves better. I don't think that's a fair assessment of the situation. Linda Z Edited because I don't want to fan any flames. [This message was edited by Linda Z on March 07, 2004 at 3:00.] [This message was edited by Linda Z on March 07, 2004 at 3:07.]
  2. Geo., I don't know how many times I've noticed that people were acting particularly goofy/irritable and have said, "Hmmm, must be a full moon." Then voila, that night I see it in the sky. I sure as heck don't plan my life around it. In fact, I seldom know when there's going to be one. Now my mom's father did. He planted stuff in his garden according to the phases of the moon.
  3. Act2: You're too cooler! I look forward to the photo. Tanning weather was here yesterday...almost. It was 78. Today it's low 40s and they're forecasting snow/rain mix. Yuck. Oh wow, Exsie. I'd forgotten all about that Way Style Sheet thing. Linda
  4. laleo: I quoted from the other thread because (1) I didn't want to clutter yet another thread by adding any fuel to yet another stupid Zixar and Rocky fight, and (2) to point out that Zixar was clearly egging Jonny on to get into a battle with Rocky. Zixar seems to be contending that he has only altruistic motives. His protests to the contrary, he hasn't convinced me that this is all about "defending Pawtucket." That sounds noble, but to me it looks like a smokescreen. I'm not going to turn this into an argument between you and me. Let's just leave it at "we disagree." Linda Z PS. While it's true that one doesn't have to like someone to agree (and the converse), I see no reason to declare one's dislike for someone twice, after the first time clearly caused hurt feelings.
  5. Disclaimer: I am not defending and never have defended Rocky's repeated protests that Pawtucket has wronged him. This isn't about that. Radar, I believe you hit the nail on the head (my emphasis added): Zixar, you really want us to think this is all about defending Pawtucket, don't you? Maybe you've convinced yourself that it is, but you haven't convinced me. I think it's just as Radar portrays it. Were you defending Pawtucket in the following exchange, taken from the "Gays on TV" thread? Okay, I've seen people say much harsher things to Jonny Lingo than that, but he decides to accuse Rocky of trolling and being incendiary. Zixar, seeing his opening, says: So, surely because Zixar has nothing but the best interests of this board and its owner in mind, he encourages Jonny to take the "bait." Yep, it's all about sticking up for Paw, Zixar. I can see that now. Couldn't possibly have anything to do with the bad blood between you and Rocky that has gone on for what seems like forever to some of us. [in fairness, Rocky then goes into his mantra once again about how he's been wronged. Give it a rest, Rocky, please. You've made your point...over and over and over.] Linda Z
  6. Interesting points, Krys. I think we're much more connected, at least physically, to the world around us than some would believe. I've heard from more than one nurse that the number of births in the hospitals they work in increase when there's a full moon. That should be a pretty easy fact to document, if it's true.
  7. Glad to help. You all didn't know I was really P*t S**nders, did ya? ;)-->
  8. Dr. Strangelove, my love: Nope, not in Rosie's sentence. Here are examples to show the contrast: "My favorite two years in twi were the year I got in and the year I got out." "Seventeen years was [not "were"] too darn long to stay in twi." Please leave a shiny, red apple on my desk. :)--> Linda
  9. Hi Sadie: No one would be giggling more than I would if the head of Way Publications (is she still running that dept.?) made a glaring boo boo in grammar in her now-published memo. But "two years is up" is, alas, correct. It's one of those tricky little rules that often causes confusion, so I understand why you thought her phrase was wrong. Linda Z
  10. Good points, ex, and I'm glad you came back and posted. I don't think Paw is right all the time. Who could be in deciding issues involving such a diverse bunch of renegades as we all are?? But I don't think he's a fraction as wrong is Rocky has convinced himself (and apparently is trying to convince everyone else) he is. Ok, night all, Linda Z
  11. I don't have the the energy to answer point for point. So I'm just going to say what's on my mind after reading the last few posts. I was as vocal as I wanted be, laleo. I said what I thought about Rocky's behavior and what I thought about Zixar's behavior. I have to wonder, where was the outrage when QQ was accusing Paw? If I recall correctly it was something like Paw was keeping the rules vague so that he could enforce them however he wanted to. QQ's insults were cloaked in his characteristically eloquent verbiage, but they were insults aimed at Paw nonetheless, from where I was sitting. Rocky, it's my view that you'd be smart to just shut up and quit insulting the cook. Your interminable accusations against Pawtucket are false and make you look foolish. You might perceive the chain of events the way you outline them here, but have you ever stopped to think that you could be wrong in your perception? If I were Paw I probably would have banned your butt permanently already. You just keep pushing and pushing and pushing. No personal attack here...just the facts. As for the victimhood of QQ and Zixar in all this....I'm sorry, but hahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahaha! Long long LONG before Rocky ever showed his face in the cafe, Satori was bitingly sarcastic and brutal toward many people, always justifying his harshness with cleverly worded posts about how the objects of his disdain deserved being slashed with his sharp tongue. Long long LONG before Rocky showed his face in the cafe, Zixar and Satori were at each other's throats at every turn. They were like mirror images of each other in their dogged refusal to back down or stop with the personal attacks. Does that mean I don't think Rocky is being rude and unfair to Paw. Nope. I think Rocky is being rude and unfair to Paw. But Satori, oops, I mean QQ, and Zixar have been right square in the middle of many bitterly fought battles when Rocky wasn't even around yet. I'm wanting to understand something you said, laleo. Did you mean Paw personally appointed Zixar, specifically, to watch out for disputes in threads? If that's the case, I don't know why Zixar didn't say he was just doing what Paw asked him to do. That's got me confused. I'm going to bed. Protracted bickering makes me sleepy. Linda Z
  12. Hahahaha, exsie. The only way "headquarters" will get lighter is if someone fills the OSC and all the other buildings with helium. I think "seems" is the operative word. It seems lighter because she's got the good guys and the bad guys mixed up. I don't know whether Rosie's fax will help the plaintiffs' attorneys make their case in the next trial, but it sure did give me a chuckle. Thanks for posting it, IMF. Linda Z
  13. Doggone it, JesusFreaky, if you'd typed a lot more or a lot slower, you could have won the "last word freak" award. Pleaaaaase someone say something! :o-->
  14. Exsie: Don't worry if Zixar doesn't like you. I like you enough to more than make up for it! laleo: I think where you and I differ is in your idea that there's an "organized" effort to gang up on Zixar. In any discussion, X number of people might agree and Y number of people might disagree. What's organized about that? Even my more casual "taking sides" terminology doesn't accurately describe what's happened in this discussion. I didn't see anyone saying, "hear, hear!" when Rocky made his outrageous accusations against Pawtucket. I wasn't the only one who said he was over the line. Were we conspiring against him? No, no more than anyone's conspiring against Zixar. I agree with you in that I don't for a second believe Paw has masterminded or been sucked into some conspiracy against Rocky. Nor do I think Paw's actions have been "capricious" and whatever the heck else Rocky said they were. But I'm sure as heck not conspiring with anyone against anyone. My intent has not been to demean Zixar or anyone else. My intent has been to state my opinions, and my view on all this is simple: I think Rocky was wrong. I said so. I think Zixar was wrong. I said so. That doesn't mean (as Zixar and someone else indicated earlier in the thread) that I consider it a wash, that no one's at fault. It means I think they were both at fault. I'm scratching my head at one thing you said. How did I misrepresent Paw's opinion in my first post? My best guess is that you're referring to: "My idea of the alert button is that it's there so we [can] point out something really offensive, in case the busy admin/moderators might have missed it. It's not the switch on a freekin' tattle-tale machine" I wasn't representing his opinion at all. I was merely expressing mine, and it hasn't changed. Paw might jump into this thread and say, "No, Linda, you're wrong. I'm happy to get as many complaints as people want to give me. Bring 'em on!" Then I'll say to myself, "wrong again!" Linda Z
  15. Johnny: Why don't you just ask him? His e-mail address is on his Web site.
  16. laleo, I like you and I respect you, but: "In fact, if anything, you're trying to improve things for the rest of us by breaking up some of the nasty alliances that have formed." I don't see those "nasty alliances." I see people who agree with other people and see them taking sides (on any given argument or ....ing match that goes on around here). What I do I see is that several people have said in various ways, "Okay, will you both cut it out now? You've made your points already." Sorry, but this reminds me of Satori/QQ's perception of some sort of behind-the-scenes intrigue that drives the dynamics of this place. I don't buy it. Just who is in these nasty alliances? S/QQ used to allude to them. Who are these people so nastily allied, laleo? I think if you're going to point them out, then it shouldn't be a vague allusion but a direct statement of fact. And Zix, if you want to use a a definition from a site called "Flame Warriors," which characterizes people who attempt to make peace (and yes, sometimes provide a bit of comic relief) as "bliss ninnies," then you might want to consider expanding your outlook on life and human interaction. It's dismissive and condescending and smug. in my "vacuous" opinion. Linda Z
  17. I'm reporting no one, but I'd sure like a beer. Hmmmm, is there a beer-flavored snow cone???
  18. Aw c'mon now, Zixster. Did I say all gezillion came from you? No. Just multiply by 10 the number of posters here and.... Okay, I lied. It's not a gezillion. But it would be a lot more than I'd want to deal with if I were Paw and Pam. Linda Z
  19. Hi Moony3424: I don't know, based on your GS name. :)--> We didn't mingle with the local Twig (weren't supposed to, as I recall), so I don't think I knew Mel & Bonnie. I liked Wheeling. Met some great people and had some wonderful times there. Linda Z
  20. Dot, I could be wrong, but I don't think it's just a Catholic thing. This is from Webster's Revised Unabridged, ©1996,1998, MICRA, Inc.: Pas"sion, n. [F., fr. L. passio, fr. pati, passus, to suffer. See Patient.] 1. A suffering or enduring of imposed or inflicted pain; any suffering or distress (as, a cardiac passion); specifically, the suffering of Christ between the time of the last supper and his death, esp. in the garden [my note: I think the word "and" is missing here] upon the cross. ``The passions of this time.'' --Wyclif (Rom. viii. 18). To whom also he showed himself alive after his passion, by many infallible proofs. --Acts i. 3. I haven't commented on the movie yet, because I haven't seen it. But I do want to see it. I grew up with the "sanitized" version of Jesus. The ministers I heard talk about Him sort of glossed over his suffering, so I didn't begin to even apprehend, much less begin to appreciate, what He endured for us until I heard teachings about what a horrendous ordeal he went through for us. The Resurrection is the "happy ending" to end all happy endings, but I don't think it hurts for people to know that Jesus wasn't Superman in a cape--that the pain and humiliation he endured for us were real. I thought a lot about whether to see Gibson's film. I decided I would because I don't think it would hurt me to be reminded of just what a victory it was when they rolled away the stone. Linda Z
  21. A three-legged dog walks into a saloon in the Old West. He slides up to the bar and announces: "I'm looking for the man who shot my paw."
  22. Zix (for when you get back): I didn't say you were the bad guy. I think my point was clear: I don't think Paw and Pam need to be pestered every time someone thinks he sees a rule infringement. It's my opinion (and you're welcome to yours, of course) that the yellow triangle should be used with much discretion, if it needs to be used at all. In however many years GS I and II have existed, I've contacted Paw a grand total of one time to report something I thought shouldn't be on a thread, because it was in the thread and not in the message header, so I knew he and Pam might easily miss it. It was some language I thought would be highly offensive to many people (and I've got a pretty bad potty mouth!). If Paw and Pam welcome a gezillion moderator alerts and want to hear every time someone thinks an infraction of the rules has occurred, or someone has stepped on his/her toes, I'd be quite surprised. On the other hand, if they're getting flooded with complaints about arguments (or complaints stemming from long-held grudges over arguments) with other posters, I'd just bet that's a pain in their butts. I don't dislike either you or Rocky. Period. That's simply not the case. I think you've both gotten carried away lately, that's all. I'm much more concerned about what I consider frivolous button pushing and Rocky's calling our admin a coward than about the beef you two have with each other. They work hard to make this a nice place to play. I see no need to make their work any harder. Linda Z
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