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GreaseSpot Cafe


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Everything posted by GT

  1. I live in the section of the country that has the dumbest drivers, although because I wasn't taught to drive here I scored: Can you pass a drivers test? 2006 GMAC Insurance National Drivers Test CNN Article: Test scores are in: Northeast still has dumbest drivers State by State Driver Rankings
  2. GT


    Me! Thoroughly enjoyed it!
  3. I believe.............. I'll have another drink!
  4. After an extensive contest, the winning song for the theme of the year, Be Strong in the Lord: Be e e strong in the Lord and the power of his might. Be e e strong in the Lord saving a soul from the night. Be e e strong in the Lord serving the bread of life. Be e e strong in the Lord and the power of his might. Blah....
  5. The fact that they were a bunch of supersticious, greedy barbarians has nothing to do with it?
  6. Putting in the following: [img=http://www.members.aol.com/kitsober/birthdays/cake1.gif] Results in:
  7. Here is iTunes' info on Podcasts: http://www.apple.com/itunes/podcasts/ If you have never used a podcast client before, iTunes is for you.
  8. At least we know how to pull you out of it now.
  9. I think there is a problem with the image you're trying to use. If I try to bring it up in a browser, I get the following: "The image “http://www.members.aol.com/kitsoberx/cake1.gif” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors."
  10. GT

    Dark Side of the Moon

    I would love to see Roger Waters perform Dark Side in France this July. Too bad there's a better chance of TWI getting me back than me getting to France. Would be nice if Waters and Gilmore got along a little better. I think both of them have a bit too much ego although it looks like Waters has mellowed out lately. They don't realize how much better they both sound together than separately. I remember listening to an interview of Waters in 89. He was suing Gilmore and the others to prevent them from using the name Pink Floyd for their group. Apparently he lost. Their first album after the split was scrapped and totally redone, after they had already thrown over $1 million at it. Didn't sound like Pink Floyd enough so they hired a group of writers to imitate Waters' song writing. I never could get into these albums. Couldn't get past the plastic feeling knowing what they were doing. I was amazed to see them playing together last year. Waters looked like he was really enjoying himself. Gilmore looked annoyed.
  11. Having to deal with TWIts (or "disciples of The Way"), I certainly would welcome an apology and an improved attitude -- removing the condescension. To be treated as a person, not a cop-out. I share the skepticism but faked sincerity is better than the status quo. But if it is sincere, all the better. I agree the leaders should take the initiative and own up for what they have done first, not putting it on their followers. Lead by example. If it opens you up to lawsuits, so what? If it's the right thing to do, then pay for what you've done wrong. One problem with this is that we haven't heard what was said. It's difficult to form an objective opinion without. If TWI is reading this (as they will), how about making that teaching public? If it's truly about extending an olive branch, then there should be nothing to hide. If it's about trying to sucker people back in, well then you might want to keep it to yourselves. Otherwise, dump it to an mp3 file and put it on your web site so we can hear it. If you don't want to pay for bandwidth so ex-followers can download it, then ship it over to Paw and he'll host it.
  12. GT

    Dark Side of the Moon

    This week, Pink Floyd's landmark album "Dark Side of the Moon" notches a significant milestone: 1,500 weeks on the Billboard charts (The Billboard 200 and Top Pop Catalog Albums). In an exclusive Billboard Q&A, Roger Waters, the band's former frontman, dishes on the album that changed his band forever and made his wife cry. Full article here: Roger Waters Revisits The 'Dark Side'
  13. GT

    Whack your boss

    It is on the gross side. For nostalgia, based on the sound of the video games he plays after taking out his boss, can anyone identify them? I hear at least four classic ones that when they first came out, could only be played in an arcade. The one when using his hands is easy.
  14. GT

    Whack your boss

    Try the panic button. Makes you look like you're researching productivity skills.
  15. GT

    Whack your boss

    Free Flash Games
  16. Given all the powers attributed to yahweh, then wouldn't free will be a creation of his? Is not the feeling of joy pre-programmed to be experienced when the designer deemed he wanted it? How can free-will exist when yahweh is said to be omniscience? All my choices are already known to him. How can I alter the already known future? If I try, yahweh already knew I would. This would seem to invalidate free will. Alternatives? I think a good start would be a planet where the life on it did not need to eat each other in order to survive. How about a supply of food that isn't life itself, that provides all the nutrition needed. How about a planet that doesn't need to wipe out thousands of people occasionally due to natural forces? Do we really need vulcanoes, huricances, earthquakes? How about a complaint desk? Somewhere to post your grievances against the almighty, and actually get a response?
  17. Amazing that 5 of her children are still alive also.
  18. If I was all powerful, all knowing, etc. etc. etc.... I would have had enough sense not to have the kids and think of a better way of doing it.
  19. Full article on MSNBC's web site. Cruz Hernandez Born May 3, 1878. Gave birth to 13 children. Has 60 grandchildren, 80 great-grandchildren and 25 great-great grandchildren.
  20. Sex, Priests, and Secret Codes : The Catholic Church's 2,000-Year Paper Trail of Sexual Abuse One of the authors of this book is Patrick Wall, a former priest who's responsibility was to put out sexual abuse fires as they occured. He resigned and now works to hunt down these priests. This is from John Divorak's blog: His book claims to document a deliberate coverup of sexual abuses dating back to the founding of the Roman Catholic Church. Looks like an interesting read.
  21. I don't mind kneeling to the porcelain God. He's always there for me and I always feel better afterwards.
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