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Everything posted by GT

  1. GT

    Our House

    Very nice. Congratsulations.
  2. GT

    How Not to Steal a Sidekick

    I find this amazing because this person posted a 1 page web site and within 2 days, thousands upon thousands have visited it, emailed about it, and crashed 3 servers (the third forum site is now dead).
  3. Great story going on about a thief who stole someone's Sidekick and is now being publicly emabassed to the world. From the web site: "When my friend realized that she had left the Sidekick in the taxi she asked me to immediately send a message to the phone saying that we would give a reward for the phone. There was no response. After a day of waiting, she had to go to the store and spend over $300 on a new Sidekick. When she put her SIM card in, she saw that the person(s) that had taken the phone had not only signed on to AOL leaving their name and password in the phone, but they had taken pictures of themselves." The person now is on a campaign to publicly shame them, and doing a damn good job of it. You can read the whole thing here, complete with picutes of the theifs: http://www.evanwashere.com/StolenSidekick/ The site has been up for two days. They started a forum to deal with discussion because of the 200 emails an hour they are getting. The first forum crashed within 5 minutes from the traffic it was receiving. The second one lasted not much longer. The current one, which has a big honking server with a fat pipe to the Internet, has been up for less than an hour, already has: Our users have posted a total of 272 articles We have 172 registered users
  4. GT

    Joe Hankin

    Joe just won an award at his work place (librarian for MIT): Libraries' 2004 Infinite Mile Award in the category of Community http://libraries.mit.edu/about/staff-recog...2004/index.html Current picture of him:
  5. We'll definitely have different categories. We'll take suggestions for those as well. The main idea is to provide a place with easy access to threads that are informative, but are difficult to find because they haven't seen the front page of the forum they're in for ages. For example, unless you knew Raf's "Actual Errors in PFAL" thread existed, you would probably never find it on page 45 of the About the Way forum (watch someone bump it up now and destroy my example ;) ). Excellent list of threads Mark. A section called, "Conspiracy and paranoia beliefs of The Way." I'm sure there’s plenty more like those. The web page that gets put together will be for the main site of Greasespot. Rumor has it that GS will be getting a new site, or sight, or something else Paw's hinting at...
  6. Not at all a simple pleasure. That's why I posted it in the first place. The view tends to put things in a slightly different perspective. And this is from the closest planet.
  7. We're looking to put together a web page highlighting certain threads in the forums. So what we need to know is, what topics would you recommend to a new person to the site? What threads mean a lot to you? What threads would you like to see highlighted? Post here those threads you think should be included - the name of the thread and a link to it. A short blurb on why would be nice but not required. The topics don't have to be serious either. I suspect THE will make the list.
  8. They can be that stupid, and even more as they are apt to prove. I've seen their tape library. They record and store everything. I doubt they even know what is on half of it.
  9. Let's ask Rico Magnelli if he did this and what mentor means, and why no one has ever heard of it before. Because, in Rico's own words: Are The Way honoring their promise to keep their followers informed?
  10. Magnified view, showing George waving from his window:
  11. Guess that settles that question.
  12. Taken by the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit. Click on the image for the full size version More info on NASA's site: Earth From Mars
  13. I never knew TWI had mentors. What is a mentor?
  14. I just noticed that TWI got the Courier Post to put a correction in regarding Mark's association with TWI. You have to buy the article to see the whole article (the original is posted on the first page of this thread), but in their search results, you can see the correction: http://nl.newsbank.com/nl-search/we/Archiv...ext_date-0=2004
  15. GT


    There's a new site?
  16. CNN: Party in Hell planned for 6-6-06
  17. Getting current items may be tough, since TWI went underground with the teachings and deny they practice them anymore. It kept getting thrown back in their face in courts around the country. Having them would be great, but not required. Keep a journal of all your observations. Date and time - details. Very important. You need to show that the child is being harmed by what the Mother / Step is doing. Alienation of parental affection is usally a big no-no to judges, irregardless of whether a cult is involved. If you have your journal in order, when you go to court, insist for a Guardian Ad Lidum (GAL). They're expensive, but if you get a decent one, well worth it. The GAL will interview all involved, including the children. If harm is being done, they will report it to the court. GAL recommendations carry a lot of weight with judges. Depending where you live, it's almost impossible for a judge not to follow the GAL's recomendations. If you're looking to get an order forbiding the child contact with The Way, that's a lot tougher. The 1st ammendment gets in the way and you have to prove the child has already been harmed by the group before a judge will put a restriction on each parent's 1st ammendment rights.
  18. There are a few examples of this type of teaching in the Waydale audio section. The ones by Donna Martindale are rather explicit on the subject. http://www.greasespotcafe.com/waydale/main/real.html Any judge would be impressed with Craig's rant on homosexuals. Scan of original letter in PDF: http://www.greasespotcafe.com/waydale/pdf-...homos071294.pdf How The Way classifies people: http://www.greasespotcafe.com/waydale/pdf-docs/status.pdf Dr. John Juedes has a good section on child custody fights involving The Way: http://www.uia.net/~messiah7/tw_familycustody.htm
  19. GT

    Warren Jeffs

    Craig's loyalty demand was not just to employees. The number of mark and avoids, another name for excomunication, atests to that. Anyone who disagreed with him was out. And the reason given for many of the mark and avoids, if it were an employer / employee relationship, would be grounds for a lawsuit. What's the difference between all the women in the kingdom and polygamy? No long term commitment?
  20. GT

    Warren Jeffs

    A lot of what Warren Jeffs believes is not that far off from what Craig pushed. If The Way International was located in Utah, would a difference really be seen? CNN Video link: Jeffs tells girls about the beauty of polygamy
  21. WordWolf, Remind me to never to swear an oath with you. :) Here's the best way to do it:
  22. GT

    Opus Dei

    I heard they were involved in some conspiracy to find the holy grail. Something about Da Vinci?
  23. The who's chatting for Live Chat is a difficult thing for the forum software to handle, since the actual chat server is seperate than the forum server and the forum software can't ask the chat server directly who's in there. The only thing it knows is that you click on the link to enter the room at a specific time. From browsing the code, it appears that if you are in there over 2 hours, it assumes you probably left without telling it and drops you from the listing. My only suggestion is, if you are in there and not listed in Who's Chatting, Exit chat and go back in. FlashChat is exactly the opposite. The forum software can see at all times who is in there. It just has a hard time knowing you left if you don't use the logout function within FlashChat (so you're listed as being in there, when you're not).
  24. A better fitting title. PERVERT: * corrupt: corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality; "debauch the young people with wine and women"; "Socrates was accused of corrupting young men"; "Do school counselors subvert young children?"; "corrupt the morals" * twist: practice sophistry; change the meaning of or be vague about in order to mislead or deceive; "Don't twist my words" * a person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior * change the inherent purpose or function of something; "Don't abuse the system"; "The director of the factory misused the funds intended for the health care of his workers" wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn * One who receives sexual gratification from kinky sex acts www.panteraconsulting.com/sexual_words_3.htm Fits like a hand in a glove and with a scientific precision.
  25. HAP, that is the answer I gave. Lane ending. Don't know why it's now saying something different.
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