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Posts posted by jezusfreaky

  1. John-I-Am...

    1. Yep...it is called thinking...and I think it's offensive and wrong.

    2. VPW wasn't worthy to lick Jesus' sandals...none of us are to be precise.

    3. My opinions are my own, yours are yours...and like the saying goes, opinions are like a$$holes, everybody's got one, I have no prejudices against VPW, just facts.

    I was not being ugly with you, I simply stated my thoughts, funny how you can dish it but you can't take it. So spout on with your VPW drivel, I'll pass, it's not worth the energy. Peace.


  2. The title of this thread is ''Who is Jesus?''...Imbus is asking this question to us for our opinion and beliefs individually. Jesus Christ is to me my savior, my Lord, my friend, my brother, my comforter, and the one true Son of God. That being said, His name, as it has throughout history, has once again begun a very heated, if not (dare I say...DARE! DARE! thank you, Cleavon Little icon_wink.gif;)-->) hateful discussion between a few of us here.

    In my humble opinion, most folks distaste for Jesus or anything ''religious'' (gawd I HATE that word!) is a direct result of those very things being force fed to them through a cult, as in our case, a church, an over zealous clergy person etc.

    There was a news story a few days ago about how the Baptists are deciding to remove the word Baptist from their churches. It seems the word ''Baptist'' is scaring folks off; it carries ''too much baggage'' according to one preacher. Imagine that!!! Could it be that most churches are more about political, social and financial status than about Jesus???

    Nah!!! Couldn't be! icon_rolleyes.gif:rolleyes:--> I haven't found a church yet that isn't!

    I love my Lord, I love God, I choose to worship them in my own way, in my own time. I tell folks I am a Christian, but even that word has become like kryptonite to Superman to most folks. I choose not to belong to a church because what I've found in them is religion not spirituality

    I love Jesus, He knows it...He loves me, I know it. 'Nuff said.

  3. If you've ever been chastized for:

    A piece of jewelry you were wearing...

    A piece of artwork hanging in your home...

    Listening to ''secular'' music...

    having ANYTHING closely resembling a triangle in your home/posession...

    For speaking any kindnesses to those who were considered ''of seed''...


    Made to feel like dog crap if you put your ''earthly'' family before your ''spiritual'' family for any reason...

    If you referred to anything as ''devilish''...

    If you still can't shake the whole ''tithe'' thing...ie: ''God won't bless my life until I start giving back to Him again...'' (that's a oughie for me...icon_frown.gif:(--> )

    If people who had been your family (literally) for almost 20 years barely speak to you anymore...

    And you know you're NOT in a cult anymore if you can talk to Him everyday and know He hears you and He talks back too... icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

  4. Pirate pal...

    In this, the days of reality tv...a show which used to be relatively funny is now lowering it's standards for it's share of the ratings taco...sad...not a big fan of TV anymore...rather read a good book...or spend my spare time shooting what God has created...(with a camera of course! icon_biggrin.gif:D--> )

  5. Dear Tref...

    I have come to know you through your posts, and I just wanted to say I like you...you have incredible character, my friend and if you ever decide to cross the pond, I would love to give you a hug!

    The Smokies are beautiful in the fall! icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    Sorry for the choo-choo...on with the show...

  6. 'Lil!!! icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    I'm sooooooooooooo lookin' forward to finally meeting my old chat room bud! YAY!!! icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    I believe there are fire rings at the campsites, we can request adjoining ones if'n we reserve them plenty in advance.

  7. Bringin' it to the top again...and ummmmmmmmmmm....Zix....I KNOW what a dominatrix is!!! So there!!! icon_razz.gif:P--> icon_razz.gif:P--> icon_razz.gif:P--> icon_wink.gif;)-->

    (Isn't that what the Trix bunny is, 'cause he dominates the cereal????)


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