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Posts posted by jezusfreaky

  1. Ummmmmmmmmmm Chinny....

    Nah, honey...Oak has seen me in Burger King in Trenton, NJ...THE most humiliating place to be in the known universe!!!!

    Those of us who know the area, may have a different opinion...there's soooooooooo many other places there that could be described as such, know whut I mean, Vern???? icon_wink.gif;)-->

    PS: WHAT?????? You mean you don't

    miss Grand St.?????? icon_wink.gif;)-->

  2. (sniff sniff...) There is nothing like Mama Sea Monkey luuuuuuuuuuuv for her offspring, nothing I say!!!!

    All hail the heavenly bodies of the mama sea monkey!! Where would the Amazing Sea Monkey civilization be without the maternal luuuuuuuuuuuv of the mama sea monkey?!?!!?

  3. EW...

    I'll try to be brief...

    Grew up in a Roman Catholic household, never really ''liked'' going to church, 'cept for Christmas midnight mass, but was forced to go by my mother...

    Although I never really liked church, their dogma and doctrine was all I knew, so when I met my ex husband's family (who were in TWI) and his sister in law (who was raised catholic as well) basically told me that everything I was taught, and everything I knew spiritually was wrong it was a bitter pill to swallow.

    Began attending fellowships, felt the ''love bombing''. Something I never experienced in a cold catholic church. Signed my green card, took the class, blah...blah...blah...

    Fast forward to 1995...divorced my husband, left my fellowship because his brother and sister in law were the TC's haven't been back since.

    Now, to your question...I haven't found a ''church'' I feel comfortable enough to call home. Like Mr. Strangedude, I find huge churches with huge staffs and huge budgets very politically and socially motivated. I long for a small home fellowship where I can worship God and commune with Him and other fellow believers. I liked the ''family'' that my twig was and a large congregation doesn't do that for me.

    I want to be in a church/fellowship that insn't into all the political and social jockeying and I haven't found it yet. icon_frown.gif:(-->

    Until I do, I will continue to commune with Daddy every morning and try to be obedient to Him.

    Thanks for asking.

  4. I know it has been discussed before, but I watched Bruce Almighty again tonight and I really like this movie. Isn't it just like we humans to whine like children if we don't get exactly what we want, when we want it and blame God for it in the process.

    Morgan Freeman is brilliant as God and Jim Carrey; as manic as he is; is really charming. I understand he co-produced the film. Interesting, maybe there is hope for Hollywood after all.

  5. Ok Alfie...

    I tried to post some pictures to my photo album in the EPTAS forum this morning. I resized them to 640X480 (I think that's it.) and it still told me they were too big. Like 75 or sumpin'... icon_confused.gif:confused:-->

    How do you know when it's 50 or whatever is the right size for the forums???

    I feel so 'puter illiterate... icon_confused.gif:confused:-->

  6. I saw one once at the airport...funny lookin' thing, wearin' a dress, passin' out flowers, singin' about some guy named Harry Chris sumthin'...

    Bald little dude, 'cept for this one tiny ponytail, had this eerie glow about him, musta been that monkey spurit he was operatin'...

  7. Ahhhhhhhhh...Blusey....you have a point....I'm beginning to feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel it...it's all around me....look at all the pretty colors!

    Mebee these Amazing Sea Monkeys and their luuuuuuuuuuuv bombs aren't my enemy after all...mebee it was all that wrong believing...mebee it was my missing hedge of protection...mebee it was my lack of ABS????

    Oh NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Not another acronym!!!!!!! icon_eek.gif

  8. Well it's happened...THE thing I've feard most....



    Oh the humanity!!!! Oh the senselessness, oh the shame!!!!

    Will not someone stop this Amazing Sea Monkeys from Mars (word over THE) world domination?!?!?!?! icon_eek.gif

    Someone!!! Anyone!!! Pass me the monkeypox vaccine!!!! AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

  9. yeah riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!!! That's the very same boolsheeta that they tried to feed me when I got the stupid things...what was it they called it??? Oh yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh... Sea Monkey Luuuuuuuuuuv Bombing, methinks!

    And now look at me???? Just a quivering heep, just an empty shell of sea monkeyness! Damn them all! DAMN THEM ALL TO WTHAY!!!!!!!

  10. icon_eek.gificon_eek.gificon_eek.gifWhat the heck is all this monkeying around 'round here???? icon_eek.gificon_eek.gificon_eek.gif

    Have you all lost complete control of your facilities???? Or is it faculties???? icon_confused.gif:confused:-->

    Oh never mind!!! Has this become another...

    THE??? icon_eek.gificon_eek.gificon_wink.gif;)-->

  11. icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> Today is my daughter's 11th birthday!!! icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)-->

    When she was born we didn't know if she would be around today. She was born with a VSD ( a hole in her heart), pneumonia, a broken clavicle and jaundice. She was flown by Shandscare to Shands Teaching Hospital in Gainesvile Florida at 2 days old. Thank you Shands and Children's Miracle Network!

    Today she is my beautiful Irishtalian princess! We named her Cara, which means ''dear one'' in italian. Her Dad and I are divorced, but remain friends and we are soooooooooo proud of her. She wants to be a veterinarian.



  12. Steve, et al...

    I would like to post some pictures of Fall Creek Falls in the Weenie Roast thread but the files are too big. I tried to email them to you Steve, but because of their size, it would take an hour for the transfer. Help, please. And type s-l-o-w-ly...I'm relatively 'puter illiterate. icon_redface.gif:o-->

  13. A few months back I posted a thread on Jay Bakker who is Tammy Faye's son. I've met him and his wife and they run a youth based ministry in Atlanta. His book, ''Son of a Preacher Man'' is a very heart wrenching story of what his family has endured as a result of the business of televangelism. I too have a new view of his folks, both of them and I personally love Jay and his wife, Amanda. Like the old adage says, you never truly know what someone's going through until you walk a mile in their moccasins. I pray her faith in God will bring her through this and her family as well. I will be sending prayers to Jay via his website:


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