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Posts posted by jezusfreaky

  1. Peg darlin'...

    As hokey as this sounds...wanna see Jesus???? Look in the mirror darlin'...He's in you!

    And boy are you BEAUTIFUL!!!!!


    Peace and Love.

    Love y'all,


    GO VOLS!!

    ''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''

    -Bruce Springsteen

  2. Rascath...

    Tell her I love her and am thinking and praying for her and the chitlins...if she needs anything tell her to call me, she has my number and I think Tess and I are the closet to her geographically speaking.

    Peace and Love.

    Love y'all,


    GO VOLS!!

    ''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''

    -Bruce Springsteen

  3. Todd, TGN, Roy et al...

    I'd vote for a Muppet for president...they have it all in the right places...

    I'm loving all this re-learning...started a ''God'' journal the other day...when He talks to me, I write it down so I can go back and ''check my notes'' icon_wink.gif;)-->

    Saw a really great piece of art in my friends tattoo shop...it's a beautiful picture of Jesus in a white t-shirt rolling up his sleeve to reveal a tattoo of a heart with ''Father'' across it. His face was luminous and happy...that's my Jesus...what does yours look like?

    Peace and Love.

    Love y'all,


    GO VOLS!!

    ''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''

    -Bruce Springsteen

  4. This thread has become utterly ridiculous...guys...this is a forum, on the net, as Mr. Strangedude so eloquently stated. For two guys who are so intelligent as the 2 of you are, I think this is out of control.

    I like you both, whether you like me or not...NNNNNNNYYYYYYYAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! icon_razz.gif:P-->

    Just avoid each other and be done with it for Pete's sake...sheesh!

    And yes...I resemble that remark...BLISS NINNY!!!! icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    Peace and Love.

    Love y'all,


    GO VOLS!!

    ''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''

    -Bruce Springsteen

  5. icon_eek.gificon_eek.gificon_eek.gif Karmic!!! icon_eek.gificon_eek.gificon_eek.gif

    Once again, you are taking my name in vain, if you refuse to stop, I will have to start our own 8 page thread disputing your use of my good name...NOW QUIT!!! icon_wink.gif;)--> anim-smile-blue.gif

    (Tongue placed firmly in cheek...)

    Peace and Love.

    Love y'all,


    GO VOLS!!

    ''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''

    -Bruce Springsteen

  6. Radar darlin'...

    posted March 03, 2004 10:16


    I think you and I need to debate why we both believe we should be the RESIDENT BLISS NINNY.

    I'll thumb wrastle ya for it! icon_wink.gif;)-->


    I looooooooooooooove ya!!!! icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    Peace and Love.

    Love y'all,


    GO VOLS!!

    ''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''

    -Bruce Springsteen

  7. Psssssssst....hey Paw...can that be my new tag line???icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    Not fer nuttin'...but methinks Paw is the bees knees...

    Peace and Love.

    Love y'all,


    GO VOLS!!

    ''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''

    -Bruce Springsteen

  8. Hello, may I introduce myself...my name is Jezusfreaky, aka Colleen, I am the resident...

    BLISS NINNY!!!!!!


    Peace and Love.

    Love y'all,


    GO VOLS!!

    ''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''

    -Bruce Springsteen

  9. Got her new CD yesterday, ''Feels Like Home''...wonderful!!!

    She does a duet with Dolly Parton on a song named ''Creepin' In''...for you bluegrass fans (I'm a closet bluegrass fan myself!icon_wink.gif;)--> ) it's really good.

    She's quite the prodigy, this kid.

    Peace and Love.

    Love y'all,


    GO VOLS!!

    ''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''

    -Bruce Springsteen

  10. Mr. Strange????? Are you the.....

    icon_confused.gif:confused:--> icon_eek.gificon_confused.gif:confused:--> icon_eek.gifThread Nazi?????? icon_confused.gif:confused:--> icon_eek.gificon_confused.gif:confused:--> icon_eek.gif


    Peace and Love.

    Love y'all,


    GO VOLS!!

    ''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''

    -Bruce Springsteen

  11. DAMN!!!!! I guess I'll just have to watch Springer reruns for my dose of drama this weekend! Geeze, thanks alot Zix! icon_wink.gif;)-->

    Soooooooo, Mr. Strange, is it recess yet????? icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    Peace and Love.

    Love y'all,


    GO VOLS!!

    ''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''

    -Bruce Springsteen

  12. Ohhhhhhhhh GOODIE!!!!!!

    Does that mean we can go out for recess, Mr. Strange?????icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_razz.gif:P-->

    Peace and Love.

    Love y'all,


    GO VOLS!!

    ''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''

    -Bruce Springsteen

  13. icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_razz.gif:P--> icon_wink.gif;)--> It wasn't Zix...it was the one armed man!!!! icon_eek.gificon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_wink.gif;)-->

    Peace and Love.

    Love y'all,


    GO VOLS!!

    ''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''

    -Bruce Springsteen

  14. Ummmmmmmmmmmmm....fellas????

    Shouldn't this be moved to the ''Soap Opera'' forum??? icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_rolleyes.gif:rolleyes:--> icon_razz.gif:P-->

    Sometimes it's fun playing debil's advocate! icon_wink.gif;)-->

    Peace and Love.

    Love y'all,


    GO VOLS!!

    ''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''

    -Bruce Springsteen

  15. def...

    I heard once that VP or some other clone taught that the Roman soldiers sodomized our Lord. Did anyone else ever hear that?

    Yep...heard that too...not to give Her Doktor any credit, but it wouldn't surprise me if it were true.

    Peace and Love.

    Love y'all,


    GO VOLS!!

    ''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''

    -Bruce Springsteen

  16. I missed that interview, Mr. Strange...icon_frown.gif:(--> was workin' that night...I would have loved to seen it though. Thanks for the info.

    Peace and Love.

    Love y'all,


    GO VOLS!!

    ''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''

    -Bruce Springsteen

  17. Thanks Bluesy...that was lovely! icon_smile.gif:)-->

    A la...great chattin' with you too darlin'! icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    Peace and Love.

    Love y'all,


    GO VOLS!!

    ''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''

    -Bruce Springsteen

  18. Corry...

    I'll tell you, though I haven't seen the movie yet, I'm just going nuts over the so called reviews from the so called media. They are mostly negative. I'm not sure what any of them were expecting when they knew it'd be a movie about Jesus' crucifixtion.

    Thank you!!!

    That's exactly what I've been saying...I guess the critics can't take the reality check! icon_wink.gif;)-->

    Peace and Love.

    Love y'all,


    GO VOLS!!

    ''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''

    -Bruce Springsteen

  19. Yes, very sad about that lady...icon_frown.gif:(-->

    I hope I'm wrong, but I suspect the critics of the movie will capitalize on this tragedy by using it to deter people from seeing it.

    Myself, I see it as a direct attack from the man downstairs to put a bad light on a very good thing.

    Mr. Strange...how interesting...where did you find that out?

    Peace and Love.

    Love y'all,


    GO VOLS!!

    ''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''

    -Bruce Springsteen

  20. Thank you, sweet Kit...

    I can't wait to see it, I'm going Saturday night.

    Big difference: satan is defeated -- as the saying goes, "I've read the ending. God wins." That's the message of the movie.

    Now that's the ultimate happy ending! icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    Peace and Love.

    Love y'all,


    GO VOLS!!

    ''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''

    -Bruce Springsteen

  21. Sooooooooooooo....WB.....how was the first day????? icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)--> icon_smile.gif:)-->

    Peace and Love.

    Love y'all,


    GO VOLS!!

    ''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''

    -Bruce Springsteen

  22. Ok Rock...the panties in a wad comment may have been a little over the top...should I have said thong???? icon_wink.gif;)-->

    While it's not unreasonable to include a certain amount of blood and violence in the Passion story, Gibson goes overboard, including a gruesome and prolonged flogging scene, as well as a repetitive sequence in which Christ is battered to the ground while dragging the cross, then slowly climbs to his feet.

    Alright...it's probably fairly obvious by now that I group film critics in the same category as sleazy used car salesmen, but this cracks me up!!! Does anyone think that this was a walk in the park for Jesus?!?!?!? icon_eek.gif If Mel Gibson's objective is to show as accurately as possible what Christ went through then I'm glad he included what he did.

    It has been well advertised how violent this movie is, I wouldn't recommend taking small children as they wouldn't understand. I myself want to be able to visualize what my Lord did for me. I'm sure it will be painful, and I'm sure I will bawl like a baby, but I won't regret it and I think it will bring me to another level of thankfulness for the grace and mercy he sacrificed Himself for my sake, and yours.

    Peace and Love.

    Love y'all,


    GO VOLS!!

    ''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''

    -Bruce Springsteen

  23. Ok...I can accept that opinion of film critics...now how 'bout the other part of my post?

    Peace and Love.

    Love y'all,


    GO VOLS!!

    ''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''

    -Bruce Springsteen

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