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Ron G.

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Everything posted by Ron G.

  1. The incident occurred in 1984...that's 22 years ago. That's before Hillary, Gloria Allred and political correctness. The thing says she's 39....that means she was 17 or 18 at the time and he was probably of a similar age. Times were different, the frat world was different, the legal world was different and most importantly, they were different people back then. Back in '84, I was sold out committed to moving the Word of God like it hadn't been taught since the first century...and I believed that. I say let it go....cut your losses and move on...and pray no "MOG" victim should ever sue me...or YOU... for persuading them to sign that green card.
  2. CW sez... Ron G. concurs... For that very reason, Hollywood shouldn't be promoting their "values" to those who don't want them. As for The Passion of The Christ, I don't recall a lot of support from the Hollywood PTB, although attention is attention, and a case can be made that the negative attention served the marketing of the film very well.
  3. I don't care what others do in their private lives, but this isn't about that. This is about Hollywood making a promotional public service announcement film to promote a lifestyle many might consider to be unnacceptable and then propping it up artificially with bogus awards...much like Michael Moores idiotic wastes of cellulose and silver nitrate.
  4. Not enough info. Why was she in the fraternity house? Did she report it to anyone at the time? Was it a case of "date rape"?
  5. Ron G.

    Martin Luther King Jr.

    Sound familiar? Must be a "preacher" thing. Ya think?
  6. Got any Way Productions on 8 track?
  7. Why surprised? The novelists of the Russian classical period (pre soviet) could spin a yarn with unequaled lyric qualities and very human characters. Dostoevsky, Tolstoi, Turgenev, et al and of course Chekhov's plays and short stories. During the soviet era, the classic tradition continued with Boris Pasternak and a few others, but with little hope of their work being published until after their deaths. Expatriot writers such as Alexandr Solzhenitsyn and poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko thrived outside the Soviet Union. Russian literature is very compelling and interesting. Oprah would do well to include more of it in her book lists.
  8. I read Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy, but I think it was written before Oprah came along. I'm kind of partial to Russian literature, although it tends to be terribly tragic (remember Dr. Zhivago?) and is usually kinda depressing. Other than that, I don't know or care much about Oprah.
  9. Ron G.

    Coronet Purchase

    Who needs Wallyworld, Sam's Club, eBay etc when ya got PAWN SHOPS? PAWN SHOPS RULE!!!!
  10. Congrats!!! Abi's one of my most favorite chat roomies and forum people, and I guess I've known ol' Sush since day one at WayDale and a wonderful friend he is and has been all this time. Sudo....cool post, but Pachelbel's Canon? I thought that was a Christmas thing. Oh well.....I'm happy as a pig in fresh mud for Verbalkint and Abigail.
  11. Gay Glob-Gobblers Garner Golden Globes. 'Brokeback Mountain' Gets 4 Golden Globes... Like this was unexpected? ALSO..... The Palestinian film "Paradise Now," a dark tale of two Arab friends tapped to carry out a suicide bombing in Israel, won the prize for foreign-language film. The Globes are awarded by the relatively small Hollywood Foreign Press Association, which has about 80 members, compared with the 5,800 film professionals eligible to vote for the Oscars. Ya head 'em off at the foot....and the good guys get it in the end. Coming soon...the sequel... "Now I Lay Me Down to Sheep"
  12. WOW, Littlehawk, I'd forgotten all about that. It was "The South Side of the Moon" and featured a picture of an astronaut standing on the moon saluting a Confederate flag. That was a LONG time ago.
  13. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzyawnzzzzzzzzzzzzzyeah, them videos is cool yawn zzzzzzyup, cool yawn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzsnortzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  14. Ron G.

    Coronet Purchase

    Littlehawk... How much ya askin for the tuba?
  15. Ron G.

    Coronet Purchase

    The difference between a cornet and trumpet is the body style gives the cornet a slightly mellower sound while the longer trumet projects more and is a little brassier sounding. Both are identical otherwise. I would check out pawn shops and the like. Check it over for severe dents and check to make sure the valves work smoothly and easily. The slides, particulrly the tuning slide, should go in and out easily, although if it's stuck, a good band teacher can fix it. I wouldn't pay more than $150 for a used one. A Conn or a King might be the best brands to look for as they are suitable for student and will carry the student on through college level and beyond. Make certain the mouthpiece rim is free of nicks and scratches and has no brassing. A Bach 7C mouthpiece is usually standard for a beginner. Good Luck!!!
  16. Ron G.

    Musician jokes

    Just a serious note here....as if anyone could be serious about banjers... When a string band plays a gig, they play lotsa tunes in different keys (duh). When they have to change keys, the fiddle player, the guitar player, the mandolin player and the bass player just play their instrument in the neccessary key. The auto harp player sometimes has to grab another harp in a different key while the poor hapless banjer picker has to retune his instrument. This requires a few minutes so the band has to "fill" stage time while the banjo guy retunes. What could be more entertaining and apprpriate "fill" than a banjo joke...unless it's hawking tapes and CDs...or soliciting tips!!!! This reply has been brought to you by INTERNATIONAL PLECTRUM SOCIETY By invitation only, the International Plectrum Society hosts the upper echelon of pickin' aristocracy. Upon unanimous acceptance of the board of directors, you will learn the secret picker's handshake, known to members only, and have access to the full benefits of this exclusive society. Some new accessories and products are available for the initiate as well as established members: A copy of the Sacred Book of Earl, Picker Likker, our own vintage brew, Pickers Knickers, highest quality silk boxer shorts, elegantly embroidered with the IPS logo, and the Plectern Lectern, a handy pick holder for any gig or jam session. Don't be surprised someday if one of our members seeks you out to join the Plectral Family --- just like our motto, "We've got a nose for pickin'!" IPS Plectern Lectern This reply best viewed through a large cloud of cigar smoke after a couple of shots of Jim Beam.
  17. On a positive note, I have a Sinar F4 4x5 view camera with three Nikon lenses and a set of Nikkor enlarging lenses that should fetch quite a bit on eBay in a few years...assuming film itself doesn't become obsolete. At least I can paint a little and I can't forsee that ever being replaced digitally. Emphasis below is mine. *********************************************** Nikon prepares to strengthen digital line-up for 2006 Wednesday January 11, 2006 Following the success of our digital line-up over the last seven years, which has resulted in more than 95% of Nikon’s UK business being within the digital area, Nikon Corporation has made the decision to focus management resources on digital cameras in place of film cameras. This decision will allow Nikon to continue to develop products that match the demands of an increasingly competitive market place. Despite this growing competition Nikon Corporation has continued to outperform the market, and has recently reported positive financial results which saw group net profit climb by 20% in the fiscal first half which ended in September. Group sales also increased by 9.8% to 342.85 billion yen in the same period. Sales of high end digital SLR cameras and the success of products like the D70s and D50 have helped contribute to these positive figures. As the film camera market shrinks and the popularity of compact digital cameras increases, demand for products that offer advanced features and extra value is continuing to grow. High performance digital SLR cameras are performing well as users shift from film-based SLR cameras or upgrade from compact digital cameras to digital SLR cameras. As a result of the new strategy Nikon will discontinue production of all lenses for large format cameras and enlarging lenses with sales of these products ceasing as soon as they run out of stock. This also applies to most of our film camera bodies, interchangeable manual focus lenses and related accessories. Although Nikon anticipates that the products will still be in retail distribution up to Summer 2006. In recognition of Nikon’s commitment to professional photographers we will continue to manufacturer and sell the F6, our flagship film model, as well as a number of manual interchangeable lenses. Sales of the manual FM10 will also continue outside Europe.
  18. Ron G.

    Musician jokes

    Them Banjo Pickers by Mason Williams How 'bout them banjo pickers ain't they fine Same damn song for three or four times. Them banjo pickers all they know Is Cumberland Gap and doe-see-doe. Them banjo pickers talking 'bout strings Banjo pegs and other such things. Them banjo pickers, them poker faced mugs They never do smile, they just play Scruggs. You want to be a banjo picker you don't need a ticket Just get yourself a banjo rare back and pick it... How can you tell if there's a banjo player at the door? He can't find the key or he doesn't know when to come in. What's the difference between a macaw and a banjo? One is loud, obnoxious and noisy, the other is a bird. What do you call 25 banjo-players up to their necks in sand? Not enough sand. What's the definition of a gentleman? Someone who can play the banjo but doesn't. What's the difference between a hedgehog that's been run over and a banjo that's been run over? The hedgehog has skid marks in front of it. What's the difference between a banjo player driving down the road and a frog driving down the road? There is a slight possibility that the frog might be going to a gig. Do you know what they call a banjo player without a girlfriend? Homeless. Do you know how to tell when a banjo player is playing out of key? His fingers are moving. Walking in New Orleans the other day my daughter and I passed a cemetery - she says "Daddy, I didn't know they put two people in the same grave". I said honey they never do that. She said well look for yourself, on the tombstone it says - here lies a banjo player and a talented musician. What do you call a guy who hangs out with a bunch of musicians? A banjo player. How many banjo players does it take to screw in a light bulb? Just one - they put the bulb in the socket and then the whole world revolves around them. How do you know if you're looking at a banjo player's family tree? It has only one branch. How do you know the host of a party is a banjo player? If all the salad bowls say "Parkay" on the side. How do you know you are at the home of a banjo player? If the car doesn't have wheels but the house does. What is the difference between a banjo and an onion? Nobody cries when you chop up a banjo. How do you tune 2 banjos? You shoot one of them. What do you throw a drowning banjo player. - His banjo! How many banjo players does it take to screw in a light bulb... answer: 3 - 1 to hold the bulb, 2 to turn the ladder! What's the difference between a banjo and a keyring? Keyrings hold the key! What's the difference between a professional banjo player (banjologist?) and a pizza? A pizza can feed a family of four! What's the definition of an optimist? A banjo player with an answer phone. A banjo player leaves his banjo on view in the back of his car. On his return he was unhappy to find his rear window smashed in and TWO MORE banjos in the back seat! The banjo is a divine instrument. Man plays it but only God knows why! Some people instantly dislike banjo players. It saves time. The banjo is to music what spam is to food. Gorillas cannot be taught to play the banjo. They're too sensitive. How can you tell when a banjo player is on the level...when he drools out of both sides of his mouth at the same time!! :-) Why are there no Banjos in Star Wars? Because it's set in the future! What is the ideal weight of a banjo-player? 8 pounds, including the urn. Doctor: "I'm sorry to tell you, but you only have one month left to live!" Woman: "But doctor, isn't there anything at all I can do?" Doctor: "You could marry a banjo-player!" Woman: "Oh, will I live longer, then" Doctor: "No, but it will feel much longer!" A banjo player parks his car in a bad neighbourhood with his banjo in the back seat. As he leaves he notices a sign that says , " DO NOT LEAVE CAR UNATTENDED. He goes on and when he returns sure enough someone has broken into his car and put in five more banjos. Recently linguists at a prestigious American University programmed a Cray Supercomputer to determine what one sentence in the English language is least likely to ever be uttered. The answer? "Is that the banjo player's Porsche?" Q. How do you stop the BP playing? A. put a sheet of music in front of him. A tenor BP is fed up with constantly having the Mickey taken and speaks to his friend who is also a musician (sorry, who is a musician). His pal says "save up your cash and trade in that piece of firewood against a nice mandolin, a nice pre-war Gibson would give you a ton of cred! The BP saves and saves and one day goes shopping with a wad of dosh. "I'm looking for a nice mandolin, a pre-war Gibson was what I had in mind", he says. The assistant says, "Are you by any chance a tenor BP?". "Why, yes! You obviously recognise me!", replies our hero. "No, sir, it's just that this is a shoe-shop." Q. How long does it take to tune a banjo? A. Nobody knows. What's the difference between a hedgehog and a banjo. If you saw a hedgehog in the road you'd probably swerve to miss it. How do you make a banjo player's car more aerodynamic? Take the pizza delivery sign of the roof. What's the most beautiful sound anyone ever got out of a banjo? Splash. Why does it take three weeks for a banjo player to fill up a salt shaker? It's hard to put those tiny little beads in those tiny little holes. What do they call a dead banjo player found in a closet? Last years hide and seek campion. CLICK HERE FORTHE CANONICAL LIST OF BANJO JOKES
  19. I think Sudo might be onto something. If they turn that cannibal guy loose, he can run more ads and continue to consume more "victims". The world might end up a better place and Sudo might be unanimously approved to the SCOTUS. Society wins, the cannibal wins, those with a death by being eaten wish win, eBay wins and Sudo wins!!!! Chief Justice Sudo! Whadda concept!!
  20. Why care if the cherry's gone? The box it came in is still there.
  21. Never ask a man if he's from Texas. If he is, he'll tell you. If he isn't, there's no need to embarrass him. Happy Birthday, Goey!!
  22. Ron G.

    chicken sandwiches

    If you know the guy well enough...yes.
  23. Ron G.

    chicken sandwiches

    I hear those feathers can grow other places if that chicken gets choked too much. Anyone ever try that?
  24. Ron G.

    Xuse me, but...

    Two of my personal favorites,,, Did somebody in your family die? Your flag's at half mast. The vine is growing towards the sun again.
  25. Ron G.

    Metal roofs

    I have an old house built out of 4x4 oak square beams, built like an old barn.. It was an old hunting cabin, then in the late 70's it was enlarged with a second story. It has a galvanized steel roof that's never been painted or had any maintenance. It's a 12:1 pitch which means a 45 degree angle making it virtually impossible to paint, but at the same time, snow and trash never accumulates on it. It's nice and solid and leak free after at least 30 years. The back porch n the other hand, is quite a bit flatter and allows leaves and branches to accumulate causing rust holes underneath. I'm probably going to replace it this summer. I have two old chicken houses, one that my dad built back in the 50's out of galvanized steel nailed onto wood poles stuck in the ground. It's as good now as it was when he built it. I did paint it "barn red" about 12 years ago, but that was because I didn't like the bare metal look. The other one I built the same way and it's still unpainted. It has no rust or anything, but I do have to take a rake and clean the roof every couple of months. They both have a few bullet holes in the walls due to possums, snakes and other unwanted visitors but they don't hurt anything and provide some added ventilation. The only real problem with that kind of roof is that it can get pretty noisy during a hailstorm or in the fall when the acorns drop.
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