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Ron G.

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Posts posted by Ron G.

  1. A man went to a psychiatrist because he was being troubled every night by the same dream.

    The man related how that every night in his dreams there would be a picture of a teepee, then a wigwam. And these pictures would just repeat over, and over again all night and he'd wake up tired every morning.

    The psychiatrist considered this thoughtfully for a little bit while scratching his chin. Then he said, "This one is simple my dear fellow, you are two tents."

    That's a lamer!

    I'll give ya two crutches.

  2. ron g,

    my thoughts exactly!

    doing your best to "pollute as little as possible" in your own little corner of the world...

    and being a good steward of God's creation...

    is NOT the same thing as setting up a religion to honor the creation while ignoring the needs of people...

    by taxing them for their "carbon footprints" and setting up a global system to redistribute the wealth of the world based on it...

    i do see that this seems to be quite the hot topic!

    some folks seem to be quite emotionally invested in global warming/climate change...

    it borders on religious fervor, imho...

    hey ron g... did you used to be arkie ron?




    I recall living in Davis, California when school children were singing hymns to "gaia" with such lyrics as "The earth is my mother and the sun is my father etc. etc." Seemed mighty religious to me...and school sponsored, too. Of course it was not only a sin, but illegal under the law of the Reich to even mention the TRUE God, the father of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Yes, not only WAS I ArkieRon, I still am :)

  3. Here's my take on global warming:

    Whether it is happening or not is almost not worth arguing - it STILL makes the most sense to NOT pee in your own wheaties or poison your own nest.

    So to that end we should be looking to pollute as little as possible and to find the absolute cleanest fuels.

    Do you need a study to tell you to get better at something?

    Edited to fix bad grammar

    What you say is logical and sensible. Polluting as little as possible and finding the cleanest fuels or energy sources do not require massive redistribution of wealth or international governance with global socialism.

  4. Be careful.

    It's "mean spirited" to challenge one of the articles of faith in violation of the UNION of the socialist state with the socialist religion.

  5. I posted it because I thought it was kinda funny and quite ironic.

    The same sex marriage thread in this forum seems rather political, or at least it turned that way. These things (global warming, same sex marriage etc etc) seem to draw a lot of heat and angry responses because they offend some peoples religious sensibilities as well as political.

    If global warming is for real and I've never denied that, then it's a scientific issue of physical nature. When people start blaming other people, then it becomes a political issue...and, of course, like children, many have to blame things that occur naturally on someone else.

    If the same climate scenario is occurring on other planets in our solar system, then it's an issue of solar cycles or something. It's NOT the fault of any political or economic philosophy.

    When my post, suggesting this IS occurring on other planets (and corroborrated by NASA), is taken as a cynical attempt to be mean and some people think it should never have been posted, then OBVIOUSLY I've offended some religious sensiblities...and I don't care. I think Jen-o has a very good handle on the whole issue from a religious/political perspective.

    Maybe this thread should be moved to the doctrinal forum.

  6. Just for the record...

    Kudzu roots grow up to 6 feet deep making it almost impossible to eradicate.

    I have a friend who put a few cuttings in to to augment his pasture for goats...maybe 3 or 4 cuttings about 15 years ago. The place is covered, now.

  7. I forget who and where but it might have been on TED.com or NOVA that I watched a talk given by a professor of meteorology.

    He was studying Jupiter, and noticed that the jetstreams and the storm systems on that planet seemed to mirror our own.

    He looked at the latitudes in scale to earths and it seemed to predict where, when and the magnitude of the storms we have.

    I never looked into it myself but someone with an interest in weather might like to.


    Those evil capitalists are ruining the entire solar system, by Jove!

    You guys are observing Carbon Belch Day on 6/12, aren't you?

    Please don't disappoint me.

    ABSOLUTELY!!! That day preempts Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter and Mardis Gras for me!!

  8. Kimberly,

    Actually the gas is ethylene.. or ethylene oxide... (Click HERE!)I'm not going to quibble but its not the same as intestinal gas. If it were, I can imagine the routine that we'd be going through to ripen the green tomatoes.


    I think I liked Kimberly's version better. Methane is much more readily available and fun to emit.

  9. Throughout the 70's I took pictures for a living. I worked for Chardon which was Charley Pride's promo company and photographed Dave Rowland (Dave and Sugar), Janie Fricke and a few other performers. I did some work for the Dallas Cowboys back in the Tom Landry/Roger Staubach days and did some promo for Mulberry Square Productions (Benji, the dog). I also worked for Gittings of Texas and did portraits of a few Texas notables including John B. Connally.

    When I went WOW in the summer of 1981, I ended up in Florida and getting a part time job at McDonalds. That was the ONLY time in my adult life that my kids took note of and were actually PROUD of what I was doing. They would have me don my little paper hat and have me come out wearing it to show off for their friends. Unfortunately, had to give that prestigious position up due to money considerations and got TWO part time jobs doing darkroom work in two local competeing studios. Since I could pretty much set my hours at both places and just come in and do the work at my own convenience, it worked out well and the ministry leadership was none the wiser that I was working too many hours. It all came to a grinding halt when the studio owners met at a convention and started talking and comparing notes...they were pretty fierce competitors. I spent the rest of the year mowing lawns, doing telephone sales and working as a maintenance guy at a day care center.

    What a year! I'll never do THAT again!

  10. ??? What???

    In what way is weouts or anyones life going to be changed if two adults down the block get married?

    Their lives wouldn't change, nor would mine.

    Homosexuality is a sex act or more precisely, a subset of sex. Communion is a religious act.

    Wouldn't it be perverted or wrong for Weout or anyone else who practices communion to attempt to FORCE acceptance of the concept that the wine literally turns to blood and the bread literally turning to flesh on those don't believe that but who otherwise wouldn't care?

    This isn't the best example of what I'm getting at since I was rousted out of my morning slumbers with a phone call from someone objecting to my use of the word pervert....and my blood nicotine and caffeine levels aren't up to par, yet.

    Tolerance doesn't necessarily mean unconditional acceptance.

    People are entitled to their choices, I'll NEVER argue or deny that, but they AREN'T entitled to force their choices on others via the coersive power of the state.

    What people do in privacy and who they love is their business and none of anyone elses. It's NOT a "civil rights" issue and it's perverse to make it one.

  11. I can't see where Weout or anyone else is forcing their religious beliefs on anyone.

    I can see where people like Weout is defending his absolute right to resist having perverts force their lifestyles on them.

    Yes, it IS forced acceptance. Plain & simple.

  12. Koff, koff, ROCKY sputter, IS wheeze, ABSOLUTELY choke RIGHT!!! hack, gasp :o

    Whew! That wasn't so painful :)

    So is Watered Garden. The state had no right to do what it did and I believe a jillion dollar class action suit is in order.

  13. Ron - His arm is going up her back and reaching for her higher shoulder. It's like he's trying to grab her and pull her down.

    This event is apparently a big theme among artists.

    I was referring to the figure in the forground. It was disturbing to me as it appeared he had his back to the viewer making the head angle awkward and the arm impossible.

    Maybe my blood caffeine and nicotine levels weren't up sufficiently when I saw that, however, I went and got a better photo and now it makes perfect sense.

    I think this photo is better since it shows the womans facial expression better and it shows the entire figure in the foreground. Since it's from further away and shot from a higher angle, the bad foreshortening effects are also eliminated.


    Here's another view...


  14. There were four country churches in a small TEXAS town: A Presbyterian Church, Baptist Church, Methodist Church, Catholic Church - and also a Jewish Synagogue.

    All four churches and the Synagogue were overrun with pesky squirrels.

    One day, the Presbyterian Church called a meeting to decide what to do about the squirrels. After much prayer and consideration they determined that the squirrels were predestined to be there and they shouldn't interfere with God's divine will.

    In The Baptist Church the squirrels had taken up habitation in the baptistery. The deacons met and decided to put a cover on the baptistery and drown the squirrels in it. Somehow the squirrels escaped and there were twice as many there the next week.

    The Methodist Church got together and decided that they were not in a position to harm any of God's creation. So, they humanely trapped the Squirrels and set them free a few miles outside of town. Three days later, the squirrels were back.

    The Catholic Church came up with a very effective solution. They baptized the squirrels and registered them as members of the church.

    Now they only see them on Christmas and Easter

    Not much was heard about the Jewish Synagogue, except that they took one squirrel and had a short service with him called 'circumcision'. They haven't seen a single squirrel on the property since then.

  15. Kimberly,

    I live in the Sunny South (the Memphis area) as well but unfortunately many around here will buy those abominations passed off as 'tomatoes" in supermarkets. Thanks for the information. I've heard that placing the degenerate "tomatoes" in a brown paper bag may help but only if they are at all green. But ahh! the pure epicurean delight of a truly sun ripened tomato picked fresh off the vine at its height of ripeness. I'm counting the days until I can get my hands on a true fresh vine ripened Southern tomato.


    Put a banana in the bag with the tomatoes and that will improve the process. Bananas give off a gas that speeds ripening and is the source of the gas BrideofJC was referring to.

  16. I got a little confused. The first sculpture is "Rape of the Sebine Woman" by Giambologna


    and the second is "Rape of the Proserpine" by Bernini.


    Both sculptures are very similar. I just marveled at the detail in the second photo.

    I didn't comment on the first post since I couldn't really see the spiral movement in that little box with the red x, but now I see it. The bottom figure in that sculpture is a little disturbing as it's apparent position with it's back to the viewer makes the position of the arm impossible. I need to see another angle.

    The texture of the second sculpture is really remarkable.

    Both do capture the emotion of the moment and that, more than the composition and the texture is what makes them masterworks.

    Great post!

  17. " We must now say proudly and without any exaggeration that apart from Soviet Russia, there is not a country in the world where women enjoy full equality and where women are not placed in the humiliating position felt particularly in day-to-day family life. This is one of our first and most important tasks.... Housework is the most unproductive, the most barbarous and the most arduous work a woman can do. It is exceptionally petty and does not include anything that would in any way promote the development of the woman...The building of socialism will begin only when we have achieved the complete equality of women and when we undertake the new work together with women who have been emancipated from that petty stultifying, unproductive work.... We are setting up model institutions, dining-rooms and nurseries, that will emancipate women from housework.... These institutions that liberate women from their position as household slaves are springing up where it is in any way possible." -- V.I. Lenin, The Task of the Working Women's Movement in the Soviet Republic , 1919.

    Without venturing an opinion one way or the other...mostly because I don't actually have one, why is it that todays Eastern European women are, by and large, rejecting all this and seeking more traditional lifestyles of mothering, being wives and maintaining a "cozy home"?

    Which attitude is more "progressive"?

  18. How are you going to make no sex outside of marriage happen? Sex outside of marriage has been common for forty years, since the PILL.

    That seems like a denial of reality. True, couples having sex do not have your beliefs, but then they don't have to. Ignoring a problem or saying that it just shouldn't exist doesn't make the problem go away!

    Many people, especially those who never saw the conformity of cult life, HATE to be preached at, so that method of social change is hardly effective outside of maybe your chuch--but I've seen good church girls get pregnant, too.

    I doubt we will ever go back in time to the fifties. I think it is beyond your control, outside of your own life. You can't even 'make' your young adult children abstain--they have to decided and make their own decisions.

    And people actually can have sex outside of marriage and Not have pregnancy after pregnancy. Yes, some oops, but there is effective birth control out there.

    Are you taking to ME?

    I wouldn't presume to make anyone do anything against their will. All I can do is what I choose for me and how I train my son.

    Sorry bud, go read some Margo, I'm sure she'll carry your torch.

  19. I have a revolutionary idea. How about no sex outside of the benefit of marriage. Did I just say that?!?!? I wonder where I read that.

    WOW, Kimberly. that's MUCH too radical an idea. Then the abysmally ignorant Margo, Oprah et al would actually have to go to work for a living, not to mention the entire pop culture being turned on it's head.

    I think BOJC has a good handle on what Margo is all about. I didn't know Margo even existed until this thread. I don't think I've missed anything.

    I also think the "happy Icelander" thing is crap. I hear it gets cold there, so they need to serve up a big steaming pile of warm crap to stay warm.

  20. How is the state "changing traditional beliefs"? You're still free to believe whatever the heck you please, even if 2 million gay couples in California get married! I would contend that the state has no damn business determining which tratitional beliefs it should either promote or discourage.

    The point was that age 5, before she even knew what sex was, she felt like a boy.

    Technically, you're right. However, the state interjects it's "official sanctioned" belief systems into state supported public schools for indoctrination of the young, among other things like tax benefits etc.

    I, personally, don't really care about "gay" marriage. It can't hurt me or anyone else and I don't believe God is going to hold anyone accountable for the actions of others. People are going to do what they're going to do with or without state sanctions. People just need to accept that, but few do, it seems, and they contend among themselves to use the coersive power of the state to promote or ban whatever cultural thing they either like or dislike.

    The state, along with the people, needs to adopt the Wiccan Rede that goes something like this...

    "An thou harm none, do what thou wilt be the whole of the law."

    Maybe that's not exactly accurate, but it gets the point across. People should do whatever the hell they want to as long as they don't hurt anyone else in the process. Can you imagine a law office with just THAT in the library?

    Of course, such a concept would be untenable as it would put the lawyers, libtards, neocons, vegans, preachers, socialists, fundies, social activists and most politicians out of business, leaving people to seek their own destinies as they see fit.

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