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Everything posted by Eyesopen

  1. HeheheheheheheheheAwwwhahahahahahaAwwwhehehehehe...Oh...hehehehe.. Thanks exie I needed that!
  2. Thanks Neo, I for one appreciate that. I wish you good driving and good tips....no alledgedly about it.
  3. Eyesopen


    Please whatever you do dont smile when you look out the window...you'll get bugs in your teeth. The wings are particularly hard to extract!
  4. I guess Neo only allegedly wanted a confrontation. <_<
  5. I'm not taking it personal. But I'm also not answering for him. Please do not assume that I am. He's a big boy he can take care of himself. As can I. Have a nice evening Neo, I truly hope you get the confrontation that you are looking for...your words not mine.
  6. Wow, you seem to be wound a little tightly. I dont recall anything in my post that was "answering" for DWBH it was simply an observation. An observation that I made on a post that you placed in a public forum. Now you dont want anyone to comment on it? Seems like perhaps if you want to talk to DWBH, you appear to know him if so then why not just give him a call? Why address your concerns in public if you dont want an audience?
  7. Reminds me of Whoopie in Sister Act..."Bless you, Eddie!"
  8. Hmmm...seems to me that to have that in common with someone is personally embarrassing but for others to know that you had it in common and were talking about it 20+ years after you had died is pathetic. Since we are speaking of things in common Dooj noted: The same could be said for Marx, Hitler, Paul the Apostle and Jesus the Christ. But I am fairly certain that the last three were not adulterers...I could be wrong. But they all had a message that someone thought was worth listening to. So lots of folks have stuff in common...BFD...can we get back to the topic now? BTW, I still have my camping gear. I'm not sure what that means... :blink:
  9. You are welcome OM, I always endeavor to give due credit and remain fair. In light of that please notice that I did not say that your posts aren't worth that much of my energy, the context was looking up old posts looking for specific items. That would be a very time consuming task and the benefit does not outweigh the effort. I still don't think that "Rascalian Theology" is appropriately named, nor do I think that the focus on Rascal has much to do with honest interest in her views. But if you insist on jumping on that train then be my guest, however please be aware that I will diligently point out the obvious whenever it presents itself. And just for the record I always find Rascal worth responding to irregardless of her theologies or anything else. I also find your imput interesting as well, when it does not appear that you are just stiring the pot to see what rises to the surface.
  10. DWBH...I see no reason for "reproof" in fact I agree with Exie, Wow! Very nicely said. But if you want I will slap your hand for you...just hold it out to the nice little shark...
  11. OM, I will grant you that as the truth. She doesnt know anything about your personal experiences. This truism applies to everyone. Including you, who I have personally seen tell others on this board that their personal experiences are not valid. Regardless of what you say concerning "Rascalian Theology" not being a personal attack I for one am not buying it. Rascal's theology is not so different than many posters here and yet you have chosen to brand it as Rascalian which implies that she is the author of it. That is very presumtious. Time and again you have singled out Rascal's posts and disregarded dozens by others to attack only hers. That Sir is personal. Call it what you want. And before you do your usual twist and shout...no I will not bother looking up the many posts in which you have attacked others because simply put...you are not worth that much energy to me.
  12. Rascal I and many others do not seem to have any trouble understanding you. You are quite clear. So the reason that others do not understand you can be for two reasons that I see...either they simply cannot understand for some unrelated reason or they choose to simply not understand because of some unrelated and personal reason. Either way there is little you or anyone else can do about it. And to WTH...all I can say to your post is What the Hey! Wow! After all this time and you still cling to a man and his erroneous doctrines. I'm just shaking my head here in utter disbelief or rather in sheer wonder.
  13. Wow I lay low for a few weeks and lo and behold this thread goes nutso...great for squirrels but.. I don't want to throw too many dogs out into the fight but I had to point this out as it is becoming a distraction from the topic. Both OM and Mike have repeatedly asked Rascal to "define" her doctrine. They also asked some others to define their issues. To WW this was said by OM concerning his doctrinal "take" on things. And yet when Rascal did clarify her position she got this reply from OM: Isn't it interesting that when Rascal quotes a section of scripture that seems fairly straight forward and has been hashed and rehashed in this thread and many others it is considered "more hot air" by Om? Yet others have pointed out the same obvious points concerning these verses time and again just in the last few pages, (WW and Dooj come to mind) and the same comment is not made to them. Am I the only one that is recognizing a personal attack here? Perhaps Rascal should just read for a while and see if OM and Mike have anything that they would like to address from other posters? Just a thought from the couch... Carry on.
  14. Like what's the big deal? It's next to England...right?
  15. This is very cool Paw. Thanks I'm looking forward to hearing it and reading the book.
  16. I was like Oak, I never scratched things out so I could no longer read them. My bible was a gift from a dear friend. It sits in a place of prominance on its own stand in my bedroom and I use it often. For the most part I ignore the colorful notes in the margins in part because they were written with younger eyes and my aging ones find the words difficult to make out. I have all three of the bibles that saw me throught my time in twi and all three were gifts. They are all well cared for like any other book in my house. I suppose if some phsyc class wanted to study my margin filled bible they would be welcome to do so but for me I still use the darn thing for my own study. The way that I view it today has changed from what twi taught me, but it is still a valuable tool and I treat it with respect.
  17. Jonny I'm not sure that Exie is saying that you are Now on a path of destruction. I think she was refering to your comment about having been on one and Sunesis and folks like her helped you out of it. At least that's how I read it..
  18. You have some serious questions here my friend. There are a ton of things written about these very subjects here on this site. But you obviously want answers now or you wouldnt have started a thread. So my opinion is speaking in tongues is real. Some have admitted to making it up all those years ago but that does not negate the authenticity of it. VP taught us that the manifestations were given to every man as he the man willed. That is not true it was as God willed. Hence not everyone gets all of them, in fact there is not much reason for everyone to manifest all 9 all the time. That was a pile of you know what. When one is recieving word of wisdom why would one need to interpret tongues? It never made any sense the way twi taught. We were all of us scammed by a master scammer. But the Bible is not a scam nor is God. Again this is my opinion, others do not share it. Are you saved? I think that this should be likened to the analogy that if a man asks if he is crazy then he is not. If you are earnestly asking and desire a relationship with God then you probably are born again. But this is a personal journey that you must take on your own. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to ask. There is also a great deal of information floating around this site that may help with some of your questions and confusion. Try the search feature at the top right of your page or the front page of the site. Both are wonderfully helpful. I hope you find your answers.
  19. Well if it all goes to he!! in a hand basket we will know which hunting season is open...
  20. OKCity, I'm sorry I misunderstood your time line when I read the original post. Thanks for clearing that up. Sounds like you did what you could with the information. I was just wondering, not attacking. Believe me if the shark decides to attack you will know it and this is not what I am doing right now. In fact this whole idea that you have brought up about "revelation" or something similar has me thinking about the whole "profit" angle that vp taught. If (and that is a big IF) vp was correct that revelation is given when there is profit then is it safe to assume that the profit could be for the individual and who they may personally touch in their lives? As an alternative not opposed to the thought that the profit was only for the entire body or for the sole purpose of changing the outcome of the vision. You may recall that vp gave the example of J. D!xon when she got the vision that Kenn@dy would be shot. He said that she got the information from ds because she chouldnt do anything to stop it. I dont know if I believe all that stuff now but you get the idea of where I'm coming from. So what's all this got to do with the orginal topic? I dont know, it was just a question. Waysider, I have never for one second disbelieved you when you related what you saw. That it was a vision and not actually physically seeing the man do these things made no difference to me. I actually physically saw him do something that to me was far worse than giving me the bird but it amounted to the same thing. I did what you did, I told someone and consequently was told to renew my mind. I totally relate to your acceptance of what they told you was correct over what you knew was correct. That's what I did, but I never forgot what I had seen. I just disregarded it. I just love how you got into the manifestations, so natural and comfortable. I think that is how it is supposed to happen. Somehow I just cant picture Paul running a class to get people (those who can) to SIT. As for the young VP, I have read the site and his personal page at "that other site". He sounds like he really wants to help people. If some of you have some advice to give him I think he would listen if it wasnt laced with arsenic. Remember he only bears his grandfather's name...
  21. I gotta say that this is a crazy thread! So having read the entire thing I have this question of Mr. OK City: Upon receiving such a vivid revelation what did you do with the information? Did you run away, did you dismiss it as too much rat poison in the kool-aid? What did you do with it? I am not trying to attack you but I am wondering because of what twi taught concerning such "revelation". Where's the profit? Isn't that what we were taught? If you didnt try to change the vision into something good or could not change the vision then why were you given it? Kind of makes a person rethink everything twi taught concerning the manifestations. I do not disbelieve anyone when they tell me that they got some revelation that manifested in a vision. But I am curious what a person does with such a vivid vision. It would have scared the daylights out of me. Now as for Jonny's little "revelation" of that website...all I can say is "And the beat goes on..." Unbelievable. On the other hand, if he really is trying to help some folks then I agree that he needs to dump the Corps principals and go with something a bit more from the heart and perhaps more "Spirit" minded. But I could be prejudice here. Edited 'cause Swatratra took my ability to spell when she left... (Sorry I couldnt find a spot for any spiders...but she'll do)
  22. And THAT was just going from memory? Very nice! Thanks, I think that was the most succint explanation of that particular clause that I have ever read.
  23. Now that is a wonderful idea! BYOB= bring your own Bible!
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