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Everything posted by Eyesopen

  1. She appreciates your love and support. Hopefully the powers that be will track down this imposter soon and bring them to cyber justice. Dooj will probably not be doing much "cyber surfing" until she is certain that the culprit cannot infiltrate her computer again. She sends her love and hopes to see you all again soon.
  2. Right you are Socks! It's kind of like that saying, "Guns dont kill people, people kill people." But the problem with mankind has quite often been that they don't want to take responsibility for their own actions. So they blame it on someone else. God or whatever they worshipped has always been a safe "out", how often does the diety ever come around and dispute the claim against him/her? The centuries havent changes this practice at all. Mankind has always (as a group) blamed someone else for what they themselves have caused. The Bible as well as other history books are full of examples. There have been a scant few that have stood up and taken the responsibility and even fewer that have actually had that act recored into history for us to see.
  3. I know that this was intended as a joke but...I did not "experience" it or "see" it but yes I know that it happened in at least one state at one Limb Leaders house. What I find really disturbing with this poll is the number of abortions. All I can say is "Wow! I am so sorry to hear about this." To me this is just the hight of arrogance. To tell someone to murder a defenseless child and expect them to obey.... Sorry...that's all I could think of.
  4. In a probably futile attempt to keep at least some of this discussion honest I must point out that this is a very subjective statement. We of course feel that we are living at some high point in evolution, but to be honest I am fairly certain that when man figured out how to make fire and harness its power, they thought the same thing. Similarily when man invented or realized some other life altering thing they also felt as if they were "highly evolved". This proves nothing. In the religion area; if one were to set aside their Bible (please no-one freak) and just look at history, they would certainly see that from the beginning of recored history, (including cave paintings and the like) man when in a society structure has always had some sort of "god" worship. They have also had a "pecking" order and a leader of sorts. This is nothing new. We just think that we are the end all to beat all. Fifty years from now when we are all feeding the worms...the next generation will think the same thing.
  5. Now THAT was an incredible case of stupidity if I ever heard of one! Oh let's just wander our happy tail into a den of nine lions at feeding time and expect not to be lunch....stupid!
  6. She found a nasty Trojan on her computer and is in the process of correcting it. I guess it would give someone else access to her computer...anyway she decided to take a vacation. WG-I told her what you said. She appreciated the flees comment!
  7. And yet in another thread a poster claims that mankind has evolved and grown. "Into what?" I ask.
  8. I know that she is thankful that you helped her Paw. She was just beside herself with grief when she found out that someone had been using her name to hurt others. For those that have been a victim of this travesty, please ask her yourself, do not just assume that she would do such a thing. I know her well enough to believe that she would not do this to anyone, not even someone that she did not like and certainly not to a person that she considers a friend.
  9. And here in I believe you find your answer. God is not confined to one religion. Only man's mind is that small. On another point, I find myself in agreement with Sunesis when she said that she was only pointing out (in the other thread) that your beliefs as stated were not strictly Christian. And probably should not be billed as such. We will disagree on this board. It is a freedom that we did not enjoy while in twi. So expect it. As long as we keep it civil things wont get messy. So true.
  10. Way cool Rascal! I have a friend that is setting up a scuba school and a bar and grill in Florida. We could have a great time jumping from airplanes, diving in the Keys, drinking Mojitos... As for the hog...have you ever been to Reno for Street Vibrations? It is second only to Sturges (sp) for hog festivals! All in all it sounds like you and I have a lot of interests in common. We will have to meet someday!
  11. You know Rascal we may just be able to figure a way to jump outa that plane together...in a few years of course. Don't ever get tired of horses! They're dandy animals. Next time I go back to Michigan to visit the family I'm just gonna have to stop by your place and get in a bit of riding myself..you can come too The boat thing dont sound too bad either. But I wouldnt suggest swimming in Superior. I stepped into it once and thought that the skin was either going to shrivel off or get burned off of my foot. Never do that again let me tell you! I guess I am a bit to familiar with the Pacific..nice and warm. Oh! I forgot to tell you...I finished one of my books and am sending the copy to the publisher via internet on Wednesday. I'm so excited! Gonna be my first (hopefully not the last) in print! Ok I gotta go pick up the rug rat and bring her home...so she can change clothes and I can take her somewhere else. Do they ever sit still?
  12. Life IS good! So right! I would like to amend my previous list. I would like to add things that I have never done but would like to: Jump from a perfectly good airplane (with a parashute of course), leap from a very tall cliff attached to a hanglider, wild water raft down the Colorado, visit the Pyramids, visit the Great Wall...oh heck travel like crazy! And finally, stand in Times Square and watch the ball drop while I count in the New Year with my friends and family. Darn it 365 days just isnt enough to do everything! :blink:
  13. 1.) Why do you come here? Several reasons, I like reading about what happened in twi, stuff I didnt experience. I also like talking to some of the other folks here. 2.) Why do you stay? I stay because I guess at some level I like to feel the connection with other extwiers. 3.) What would it take for you to leave? Any one of several things would need to occur: If I got banned. If I found something better to do, and yet even then I would log in once in a while. If I was unwanted. 4.) Why do you post here or read these treads? I learn things, I see things from another point of view. 5.) What area do you post in the most? I have no idea. 6.) Are there area's you do not look at? Not consciously. 7.) Do you go to other boards? Nope. Don't have the time. 8.) Do you take breaks from this place from time to time? Yup. On my days off and after work I seldom log onto the computer. 9.) Do you come here less than you did in the beginning? Yes, many of my orginal questions were answered very quickly. 10.) What do you think of these questions? Pretty good.
  14. Funny I think the same about you Rascal!
  15. Yup sounds more Mexican to me also, but then again I've never been to Cinncinati. George has the right of it from Mexico its called Mole. It's kind of a chili sauce also that is usually cooked with chicken or pork (don't know about that recipe there George) and put over rice. My mom loved it...she called it chocolate chicken. But back on track with the thread...did you check out the prices for that sausage? Wow! Sounds good tho.
  16. Hiya Bump! Happy New Year! I wish you a long and happy life as well. It's interesting that you ask this question as I also have been thinking about this. There are many thoughts out there that ones personal involvement in twi somehow altered their life onto a less productive path. College was delayed, families were delayed and some were horribly hurt. I like to believe that I am where I am today not despite my involvement in twi but rather because of it. I cannot change what I did. I can take credit for what I did...right and wrong, and I can learn from it all. My past experiences have shaped who I am, how I think, my core values and how I react to things. And the great thing about all of that is that I like who I am today. (Of course I know that not all will share my view, and in truth perhaps they should not.) So if this were my last year what would I do with my time? Exactly what I have been doing. I would raise my grand niece, I would teach her all that I could before I left. I would make certain that she would never have to worry about money again after I was gone. I would go to work 5 days a week and be a good example to the younger troops. I would play on the computer, clean the garage, restore my 280Z, plant a garden of flowers and vegetables, make a waterfall and stream in the back yard, have BBQ's, write my autobiography...there's more but still the same answer..exactly what I have been doing. I live everyday as if it were my last. We have only one shot at this and I want to make the most of it...for me, for God and for those that I love. And if I may borrow a line from Bramble..."which may include `whining` about ugly times in TWI" That is a great line!
  17. I suppose that I will throw in my .02 cents worth. On the whole, I think that your Constitution is a good place to start. There are several good basic ideas and beliefs contained within. Most I can or at least once agreed with. Some...not so much. For example: As Pond said, "Common good" is a subjective idea. It can and does change with every individual. Most people are content with finding and associating with individuals that share their particular recipe for "Common good". On the concept of "faith in the goodness of mankind" I, like Sunesis do not share this belief. I believe in the goodness of individuals. Mankind is a fallen race, if you are a Christian this statement is a fact not a theory. But some individuals have risen from the fallen state and it is these individuals working in concert that often give the young a false image of the "goodness of mankind". Hence the many usages of the phrase. I place the majority of my "hope" in the Return of Jesus Christ. However I am confident that someday God will prevail and the world will be a better place. But that will happen with the return...so I suppose that I have effectively gone full circle. Once again because I am a Christian I do not believe that man or mankind can effect any lasting positive change or movement in the worlds population. The Bible clearly states on more than one occassion that the world will wax worse and worse until the Return. This is not to say that inidividuals may not find a portion of peace and tranquility within their own little world where they have some control over the atmospher. World peace without the Return of Jesus Christ is just not going to happen. But that is just my belief. All of this being said, I applaud your effort and highly encourage you to keep it and revise it as you see fit. Identifying ones core set of beliefs is quite helpful in the journey of life. It helps keep your compass and your rudder true when you encounter storms.
  18. Now that is a pretty sad testiment for them. What's worse is that prayer..real prayer (SIT or otherwise) can be a very powerful thing. But sometimes in twi they used it as a control lever. Does anyone else remember the intense condemnation that was shovelled upon the person that didn't take an hour slot to pray in one of those manditory prayer sessions?
  19. Watered Garden, please do not feel alone, and please do not feel that God is punishing you. God desires that you are whole and happy. You have been healed before of a horrible disease and it can happen again. What some people have said to you about you being deserving of this disease is most certainly all wrong. You have done nothing to deserve such pain. You are a child of God. You are righteous in His sight. If some idiots cannot see that, then they need to just shut up. If you need someone or simply would like someone to pray for you or with you let me know. (Of course I will pray for you anyway... :) ) BTW, to the best of my knowledge the Way Corps never recieved any special revelation concerning healing at all. That was an LCM thing.
  20. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas from our house to yours.
  21. Eyesopen


    Ahh...that's easy. What or rather who was the centerpiece for all of those celebrations? With the exception of Pentecost it usually revolved around VP. I remember the front page of one of the mags that was dedicated to the homecoming of the WOW's, a huge pic of VP graced its cover. Inside were some pics of the WOW's and more pics of VP.
  22. Happy Birthday Bullwinkle! I bet you really pi**ed off your mom the year you were born... Hehehe
  23. Eyesopen


    I always found it strange that they would require us to say Ho Ho or Happy Household Holidays hence removing Christ from the season as you have said. But if they were so adamant about December 25 not being his birthday, why did we not have a huge celebration on his alleged birthday? Enslaved Christians were given one day in the entire year off of work. They chose to celebrate the birth of their Savior on that day. I see absolutely nothing wrong with that. At that point it didn't matter when he was born. It mattered that he was born. Oh, I know what the Ministry would say, "that's not the accuracy of the Word! You're copping out on the truth." Merry Christmas!
  24. My SMSgt sent me this link. The song is really cool as well as the video. I thought that some of you might like it. http://www.1800goguard.com/movie/index2.php
  25. I just love that first line...and I thought that it deserved to be said again. It is kind of ironic that twi was so insidious that many of us still doubt than many things happened, or question if it was really taught. How did we learn this stuff? How indeed.
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