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Everything posted by Bolshevik

  1. Is it more than just a nonsensical statement? Or is there some background?
  2. There is no basis for rejecting PFAL as God-breathed that does not apply equally to scriptures that have been considered God-breathed since there was a canon. This statement claims PFAL was God-breathed. That is out of left field. (There's a certain poster who may think this, and that motivation appears based on an attachment to VPW - is this statement a personal attack on another poster?) "apply equally" - We're taking an out of left field statement about an esoteric class and saying this also applies to a major text in the development human history. "that have been considered God-breathed since there was canon" - The Bible was not written. Canon was compiled. The history of the canon begins with the church see a need among the people due to various heresies popping up. Are we going back to "like it hasn't been known since the 3rd or 4th century? Did they make a statement saying "this is God-breathed?" - That evidence should be presented, or would be helpful. They would be the people to consult. God-Breathed can easily change meanings in that one sentence. Not that the meaning is established in the first place. Are we saying the early church was run by malignant narcissists as a whole? PFAL was an attempt to ride the coattails of Christianity, not support it. Snow on the gas pumps story screams self serving. "look at me I'm spAcial" Uninspiring. There's no revisionist history needed, it speaks for itself. The story of Christ? Factual or not doesn't matter. Hardly narcissistic. The mechanics of that story are repeated in other stories throughout time. Love, sacrifice and I'm a sure a lot of other matters. Ideas that spread among the bottom tiers of society . . . those without power saw something in it. Eventually those with power had to acknowledge it. The phrase sounds like click-bait. So, click click click click click click
  3. For everyone else's reference, I do not accept the idea that The Bible is the nasal ejections of a bearded sky god. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muses
  4. The Bible is problematic because everyone around us has been influenced by it. You don't have to read it. Or go near it. It's there. It's inspiration is unavoidable?
  5. I think this website is evidence that although people openly "reject PFAL" whatever that means, it still pulses through their veins. Entire lives will be lived without it being fully purged, in spite of best efforts. Likewise The Bible has been at work for millennia among billions. "I'm not this and I'm not that now" . . . *poof* . . . . this sounds like The Law of Believing at work. If someone else could enlighten me, Raf's argument is on paper only? It can't be applied to the real world?
  6. Yes his pain, of self-awareness. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, getting something now, whatever the cost, because of the inability to consider future benefits from sacrifice. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanford_marshmallow_experiment
  7. By what standard to you accept the Magna Carta? Typically, with uprisings. With violence over the centuries. PFAL is pushed with the wooden spoon. The standard is to alleviate pain. Accept what is or the pain continues. Christianity moved with the sword as well. Did you chose what alphabet you use? What criteria did you accept it with? You are zooming in on a phrase making this accept / don't accept binary decision. Oh depending on definitions this changes things. No it doesn't. People and history are not robots.
  8. I'm going to clarify something for you. I didn't join your little cult with your silly terms. You may have collectively agreed to those terms, but they make no sense. Should I feel left out? Saying someone was inspired to do something and then making them prove it makes no sense to me.
  9. I come from the perspective The Way International brought people together. It's my source whether I like it or not. I feel there there is a place for logic and reason, and sometimes it simply does not apply. This use of "god-breathed" is using Way goggles on the world. I feel the rigidity. Finding a teapot or a unicorn or a purple dragon is one thing. You can't prove The Bible doesn't exist. You can prove that it does. It has had a real affect on the real world. A world infinitely bigger than The Way International. Is it being implied rejecting PFAL has the same impact as rejecting the Bible? Are neither escapable?
  10. Your terms seem random and out of thin air. If there are no rules defining derailment, I am left to feel targeted. Your opening post is written in the negative, I presented some points, your solution is to scream "Waaa . . . . derailment" . . . which leads me to think there's another game. If someone claims "I didn't know VPW was sex predator" where's the burden of proof? If you can't prove you didn't know, then you knew?
  11. You're transplanting demands for "burden of proof" into areas you have not shown even apply. People were moved and wrote scriptures. Prove it? If you see a painting, someone was inspired to paint it. Prove it? What's the game here?
  12. I made a serious statement. The Bible was alongside the development of the West. PFAL was not.
  13. No, we understand God-Breathed into Adam and understand Adam didn't really exist.
  14. If many people came up with PFAL, this is a huge problem. VPW is off the hook, somewhat. The evolution of thought included the influences of The Bible and its numerous sources. To suggest The Bible is on equal footing with the brainchild of a Corn-husker, this has many issues. We would have to rebuild all of society to escape. But how?
  15. Is God-Breathed one of those Mike definitions? Cause google can't agree on anything.
  16. More riddles. Which canon? Is this multiple choice? PFAL rejects tradition. Scripture was intended to be read alongside tradition. PFAL was not written out of self-reflection or an observation of human nature. Fine. There is no basis for rejecting Hitler that does not equally apply to any human being.
  17. For starters Mike, I don't read The Bible as a literal documentation of events. But as an impression of human behavior by thousands if not millions of people over thousands of years. I mean, I wouldn't use a protractor on a painting.
  18. Rocky had a thread on Malignant Narcissism and The Bible in The Open Forum. This is the story of Cain and Abel. God confronted Cain and Cain would not hear, he wanted what he wanted. Sam Vaknin has many videos online and a book on the topic, where he argues it begins in infancy due to mistreatment. (Cain was Eve's firstborn, possibly he was spoiled?) There's many other sources.
  19. Canon is arbitrary. Mike has no thesis. If anything it's attachment anxiety. VPW HATED Mike. Just like VPW HATED everyone else. You appear to be equating PFAL and religion. Elevating the importance of PFAL and VPW. Implying Scripture was motivated out of HATE. Richard Dawkins and Penn/Jillette, whom I admire, are neither here nor there.
  20. Exactly. That's not what people care about. That's not what motivates them.
  21. " . . . they all contain massive errors that disqualify them from being anything other than the scribblings of ignorant men who could have guided us away from people owning each other . . " okay . . . I was unclear You're saying the writer's could have done something they didn't do. Mark has false geography . . . who gives a hoot? What does that change? What is the alternative? Mike is coming from a place of VPW a$$-loving. Your position is mysterious and that's what makes it interesting.
  22. Is there a thread dedicated to this idea? Turn on the radio. No lyrics makes sense. (You're blaming The Bible for slavery among other things . . . I assume there's some hyperbole here)
  23. People are doing it on their phones for text messages now. It's spreading and needs to be stopped.
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