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Status Replies posted by penworks

  1. If you want a free copy of The Way: Living in Love by Elena Whiteside, send me a message through this website. I'll mail it to you. And I'll pay the media mail postage.

    FYI - I see copies on AbeBooks for more than $100!

    1. penworks


      Someone has taken me up on this offer today, so sorry, no more free copy.

  2. This is a "private message on my own feed."

    My second book will be published in the Spring, 2022, in paperback and ebook, available from major booksellers.

    For updates on its progress and pub date details, visit https://charleneedge.com. What it's about:

    From the Porch to the Page: A Guidebook for the Writing Life is Charlene L. Edge’s most recent book—a delightful multi-genre collection with something for every reader and writer.

     Edge’s prose is crisp and to-the-point, her voice discerning yet collegial, speaking friend-to-friend, as she shares stories, realizations, and moments of beauty. At the heart of the collection are more than thirty short essays, containing insights into the writing craft, practical exercises, marketing tips, self-publishing advice, and recommendations of books on topics to nourish the emotional and intellectual lives of writers.

     As well as exploring beloved authors and poets, Edge includes her own work to illustrate and enrich her essays: short-short stories about a character, Melanie Craven, who falls into sticky but enlightening predicaments; poems on themes of growth, love, loss, nature, travel, and being a writer; and an article about Edge’s cult experience that preceded her award-winning, book-length memoir Undertow: My Escape from the Fundamentalism and Cult Control of The Way International.

     Beginning with “Readers Become Writers” and ending with “If You Want to Keep Writing,” Edge’s encouraging and gentle book guides us on a journey from porches to pages, as she highlights the vistas, detours, and delights on the writing path, along with truths we can all apply to poetry, prose, and life.

  3. Hi JavaJane,

       I noticed you recently wrote:

    The first time I read a thread from Greasespot was when I saw a print out of it on Rosalie's desk while I was cleaning.  I wasn't prying, just dusting around things.  But I do remember that moment very well.  At that point I was already questioning the things I saw at HQ, and it struck me as odd that the woman in charge of the ministry was having someone print these things from a website that was so "devilish."

    My question: Do you happen to remember the subject of that printout or who wrote it? Just curious. I knew Rosalie, although not well. She was in charge of the Publications dept. when I was on the Research Team 1984-1986.



    1. penworks


      Oh, no worries, J.J. It's not really important. Just curious. I'm so glad (understatement) that you found your path out of TWI. 

      Your courage is a bright light.



    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. Hi, Longhunter.

    I'm looking for an audio tape on which VPW would have recounted the revelation he said God gave him, "He told me He would teach me the Word like it had not been known since the first century if I would teach it to others."  Following this, he says he asked for a sign that God had really spoken to him and when he looked out his office window, it was snowing … I have the book, The Way Living in Love where he tells this story, but I'm trying to find a tape recording of his saying it.

    I am pretty sure he told that story in the original PFAL class, which I took in 1970. You don't happen to know where I can get a copy of that particular session do you?

    Thanks for your time,

    Charlene Edge



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