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Everything posted by rascal

  1. Oh contrair Mike, some damages are quite permanent...they CAN`T be fixed....and for YOU to relegate it to unimportance simply because YOU got *blessed* by vp`s *borrowed* teachings flies against everything the bible teaches about treatment of our bretheren....and is unconscionable... The simple fact that vp WAS so selfish and destructive shows EXACTLY what kind of man he was... Galations chapter 5 condemns vpw`s actions as those of a man of the flesh ....it says it ALL mike, the scriptures there identify vp to a t... , and they warn us against such as he. The fact that he managed to do some good, in the midst of the carnage he created isn`t going to outweigh the bad...isn`t gonna change him from being a man of the flesh.... He is convicted by the very scriptures he set such credence in Mike, if you had the courage to honestly read galations...you would see that.
  2. Mike my WHOLE *take* on you is clearly stated in my post before last read it......YOU are promoting a maggot, and his lies. You are decieved and are attempting to lead others into a the ditch .... blindman.
  3. Easy, fortunate one...Mike here claims that vpw wrote for God and that his material is the *replacement* for a bible that is too worn out and outdated to be of much use to us in this day.... There for, any evil vpw personally wrought was acceptable is of no actual consequence... his *succumbing to old man nature* was just a casualty from the intense spirituual pressures he endured in the battle...cause he was the man Gawd chose don`tcha kmow... My contention is .... that after reading Galations....and the attributes of a man after the flesh verses a man after the spirit....that vp manifested the characteristics of a man after the flesh... which gal says means he has NO inheritance in the kingdome of God... I do not believe God entrusted his *new and improved* bible to a man after the flesh... Sure vp had some good teachings he borrowed from men who DID walk after the spirit...THATS why he was able to disarm and decieve so many... The choice? vpw man after the flesh...or man after the spirit? read galations and decide....I believe that it is quite clear... Rascalrescued
  4. Mike you are one cold sob.... dismissing the damage wrought as now *essentially nothing* just shows how heartless you really are. The soul altering, life destroying actions that not satan...but vp PERSONALLY by his own decision...intentionally inflicted on THOUSANDS held a whole hell of a lot more consequence than that... That you refuse to acknowledge more than*ten* and the destruction wrought personally (much less the damage those that he taught to follow in his footsteps) this monster wrought....shows just how far out of touch you really are.... Even were it so.....had it ONLY been one....yeah, just ONE FRICKEN PERSON destroyed, you cold bastard....God would have considered it TOO DAMN MUCH... Their destruction wasn`t wrought because of a spiritual* war ...they weren`t acceptable casualties from an intensly fought battle....they didn`t *take it on the chin* for God...you decieved turd....they were men and women who TRUSTED vpw when he said that he could show thwm the answeres they needed for all of lifes questions.... and then were raped when they entrusted vp with their spiritual lives. Vp did it, vp alone....he was the one that believed that he was entitled to anything ANYTHING he wanted from folks...and eagerly participated in the dismanteling of their souls. Gawd DAMN you Mike...do you remember NOTHING about the teachings of the efforts made on behalf of the *one sheep*...The effort made by the shepherd on the behalf saving any of one individual sheep....We are EACH priority to God. You don`t DESERVE to talk to excathedra nicey nicey like you are some sort of comerade in arms you piece of sh!t....you don`t deserve to wipe her shoes after the way you have been spitting on her by dismissing the horrors she and others endured by the betrayal of that maggot wierwille.... as now *essentially nothing* Sorry ex, none of my business but this idolotrous, cluless, ignorant, eyes covered with scales, promotor of that child of hell is on my last nerve.... VP HIMSELF betrayed the trust he was given from God... VP HIMSELF betrayed the trust we placed in him as a minister.. VP HIMSELF manipulated people with the bible winning their trust and then dove right in and took what was never his.... He was an EVIL man after the flesh... it was never about a spiritual *battle* The whole twi experience was seduction and rape *spiritually* by a slimey man who used the name of God and some bible teachings to masquerade behind and dissarm his victims.... You talk nice Mike, probably got folks thinkin you are an *alright* guy because you can quote scripture and claim to want to *save us* from ourselves...but what you are doing is evil....do you KNOW that you are working for darkness? Or have you managed to decieved yourself as well?
  5. Mike, I have no *dark* side. I daily endeavor to do my best, and to this date, have had no need to use bible verses to excuse or explain away my bad behavior ..... It all boils down to TWO things mike and TWO THINGS ONLY .... are we of the *FLESH* or are we of the *SPIRIT*? The fruit in my life bears up under scrutiny ... the fruit in vp`s exposes what he was...Galations tells us what is in store for both of us :-) Your *general* analogy is simply another lame attempt to excuse vp`s bad behavior, his poor character...his lack of decency or morality.... and to get us to ignore what Galations has clearly stated that vp was.... A MAN AFTER THE FLEEEEEEEESH! You say that *YOU* have a *dark* side ... hmmm...have you examined the fruit in YOUR life? Could it be that you are a man after the flesh as well? Is THAT why you are so willing to ignore vp`s egregious lies and sins and whitewash over the desicration he wrought in the lives of our sweet brothers and sisters :-( [This message was edited by rascal on June 15, 2003 at 9:59.]
  6. But Mike, vp DIDN`T withstand the evil....he succumbed ...... VP never stood for God... rather he USED God and scripture to mask evil used them to get what HE wanted out of life, damn him.... Scripture/pfal was the bait used to lure in unsuspecting people....folks who hungered for God... n what did they get? Good people...tangled involvement in a cult....most hurt...families destroyed...children were cast out on the street...lives were lost .......folks were used...and when their usefullness was exhausted...cast aside as worthless....tens of thousands of bitter angry folks who have turned from God and the bible because of the betrayal of vp and his cronies. This was NOT a movement of God Mike...it was a total screw over by darkness. Your version of vp as the stern general with a job to do makes me want to puke..... There was nothing noble about thatevil slime ball and your continued attempts to raise him from the cesspool that he manufactured to respectability is reprehensible. You are talking to folks here who personally SAW and experienced the darkside of vp .. You have based your life on a lie fellow.
  7. Pardon me, while I derail a derailing...lol Hey EWB, I think that you have the wrong idea about *horse whisperes* (possibly from a really stupid movie) If you read *the man who listens to horses* by Monty Roberts... (really a great read.....contains a whole lot more than just horse communiction skills:-) you will understand that the Horse whisperer simply comprehends horse body language and knows how to communicate with them accordingly. I personally raise and train my horses using these very effective methods.... nothing *spiritual* about it.... your just using body position ... stance .. and eye contact to communicate with the animal in a manner that they comprehend:-) Due to a poor understanding of true nature of the situation, an inability to communicate in a manner that is comprehensible .. and a noted lack of sensitivity .... I believe the title of *horse whisperer in this case to be totally inapropriate ....sorry [This message was edited by rascal on June 14, 2003 at 18:07.] [This message was edited by rascal on June 14, 2003 at 18:09.]
  8. Mike, the only *tearing* down I am interested in doing is the false illusion that you are engulfed in. I gotta ask Mike, if you were *only* a tc why is it you think you know more of vp`s character and intent than the people here who lived and worked with him on a daily basis? The people here that were seduced into fullfilling his *needs* and then dumped like so much garbage ... The girls who DIDN`T fullfill his needs and were thrown out of the ministry and declared posessed for their lack of willingness to *bless* the mog....the fellows here who were thrown out of the ministry because their research of the scriptures proved uncategorically that vp was wrong in areas? How is it that you personally know so much more than they, about a man you had so very few personal *dealings* with? There are many here at gspot that have a much more intimate knowledge of the true character of vp, and the heart behind his *ministry* Heck even his poor wife was quoted as saying immediatly after his funeral that he was a "mean, mean, man" You shouldda read the letter his old buddy ha posted on wd once gloating about how a bunch of ohio dirt farmers had managed to fleece alla us fools outta our money....had s------ our wives and daughters...and laughed their as--s off all the way to the bank, (written much fouler than that) and all we could do was whine about it..... nice guys eh? VP and his ministry have given God a very bad name....there are so many people that have been destroyed by what they thought was a Godly group....many cannot seperate God and this monster, because he hid his evil behind scriptures and *principles*.... they cannot bear to hear the bible or anything about God because it ALL feels like the same big scam. VP, and the ministry HE set up has had more destructive impact on christian believers lives than any other character I have ever read of in history.... and you want to elevate him to *prophet* status? Give his words honor and respectability? Naw... Damn right I am *angry* with him....he hurt a lot of really good people... Damn right I *hate* what he did to the folks who believed him when he said that he had the answeres to ALL of lifes questions..... I do not believe that hate and anger in this context, and feeling repugnance for such a man`s lies ...constitute a sin....or see any way in which it places me off the word... On the contrary, God`s word is quite clear about the manner of dealing with those such as he. Mike sure, I know that parts of pfal worked....but those are the parts that vp learned from truly spiritual men men who lived a holy lifestyle and sought after things of the spirit......that does not make HIM a man after the spirit...or consecrate the REST of the words HE wrote and added......I am sorry. It is a shame, I hate that you harbor such a misconception of me, and the posters here who really are trying to help.... it blinds you to the truth that could help you resume your spiritual growth... Rascalrescued oPg...
  9. Mike, you will never have the likemindedness you promote, because noone will ever be sucked into believing that pfal was the 20th centuries replacement for the bible....not even the most ardent vp fans will swallow THAT one. Mike the folks trying to *educate* you here imo, are really perceptive.... some, more tactfully than the rest of us. The simple fact that you cannot leave off your agenda long enough to consider the wisdom of their posts, speaks volumes about the true state of your mental/spirutual acuity......To all appearances, (yeah that pesky 5 senses thing again lol) you have closed your ears to God Your willingness to dismiss the first hand accounts of vp`s personal treachery and villainy to your brothers and sisters right here in the forums, as *regretably necessary* (so that the rest of us could all recieve God`s new and improved word).. clearly displays how you have hardened your heart.... closed mind ... closed heart... dicey doctrine (from a matf).... I wish you could see how your *mission* is destroying you Mike. p.s. Though I see that you have relegated me once again to the *low priority file* I want you to understand THIS .... that *GOD* doesn`t EVER view me or anybody else here as *low priority* I think I`m gonna sign myself off as an oPg (older peon grad) though a grad from the *early* days as you refer to them, I never climbed higher than a tc up twi`s food chain. Rascalrescued oPg extraodinaire:-) [This message was edited by rascal on June 13, 2003 at 11:47.]
  10. Mike buddy, we have it all OVER you in *spiritual* understanding.... that is why your wrong presuposition is so abhorrant to us. You know, God will work in our lives in whatever capacity we allow. He can and will work within the confines and restrictions that we set for him in whatever form our religion will permit him. Sure he works for you in you understanding of pfal....thing is we have ALL seen that he can work so much better without the strictures of pfal pfal and only mastery of pfal provides... We have moved on to bigger and better things spiritually, seen God work clearly even BETTER since dumping twi, we are enjoying our continued education...... Mike, it`s like you are stagnate, still in spiritual *kindergarten*, and resent the fact that the rest of your class has learned, graduated and moved on to higher grades... Sure we all have fond memories of our early years in kindergarten....but the heck wants to go back?
  11. Yeah Mike I have no doubt that you really DO wish that Steve n the rest of us`d find something more *positive* to do, and leave you to post your false doctrines and try to lure folks back into your particular brand of idolotry. Sorry bud, your *presuposition* in this thread is dead wrong, dangerous, and will not go unchallenged. We know who and what vp was, and we adamantly refuse to give respect to him OR honor the ubiqious maunderings of a motf. What you are doing in trying to legitimize the slime ball, spits directly in the face of every poster here who was traumatized by vpw and the implimentation of his teachings. You make what you are doing look like *Godly* entreaty....in reality, blatantly ignoring the damage wrought by this wisc, and trying to restore him to a place of respectability is very ugly. We refuse to follow your false prophet Mike, and further more, will never let people forget who and what vp really was. [This message was edited by rascal on June 10, 2003 at 23:04.]
  12. seaspray ... you forgot to add a man who used God`s people ... a man who betrayed their trust, a man who sated his selfish lusts through coersion and manipulation of our sisters....yeah SURE his words were theopenustos...NOT he was a man after the flesh goof ball..... the only words of substance were the ones he *borrowed* from stiles leanard and others....
  13. Hey Hills, glad to hear this, as I started that diet this week myself, and have been missing my bread and fruits dreadfully this morning! I hope I do as well as you, cept I don`t need a sex drive, thankyou very much, thats why I am saddled with alla this extra weight n younguns in the FIRST place if`n you know what I mean....
  14. ROFLMAO LOL LOL .... whew Sea spray .... THAT was the single BIGGEST twisting of scipture and assignment of rediculous private interpretation that I have ever witnessed in my entire life ... your joking right? OMG You are hysterical ... (as well as delusional). The *real* point is... Mike has taken the works of a motf/ wisc (wolf in sheeps clothing) and turned him and the doctrines he borrowed (some good many not so) into something to be revered, idolized even ABOVE the scriptures. the bible that vp HIMSELF maintained are ALL God breathed... something that even the old sot himself would have considered assinine. .... class and set of materials ... snigger.. used them to judge by.... gasp.. God`s word`s instruction.......oh gawd... guffaw ... rofla.... [This message was edited by rascal on June 08, 2003 at 13:34.] [This message was edited by rascal on June 08, 2003 at 13:37.]
  15. I dunno Mike, MY *destuctive works* by the farthest stretch of anyones imagination could NEVER hold a candle to vp (pmof)`s destructive works...EVER! Lol he probably was more destructive during any given week of his *ministry* (maybe even a single day) than I could EVER concieve of being in my entire life time... Buddy YOU are the one proposing we revere this destroyer of souls ... as well as give credence to his false doctine... I`d say that in and of itself is mighty destructive. So spare me Mike, I am not afraid to meet God on that day, HE knows the score :-) [This message was edited by rascal on June 06, 2003 at 16:11.]
  16. Hey Mike the ONLY thing that my posts are destructive to, is the lie of the illusion vp mogfot.....and that IS constuctive. Lol too bad you are so deeply entrenched in your idolitry that you can`t SEE the light that everyone here is shining in your direction, pal. Sorry that we are such a dissapointment to you lifted up, however, when you have to confront lies and idolotry, it is rarely a pretty sight.... [This message was edited by rascal on June 06, 2003 at 9:14.]
  17. Don`t be rediculous Mike, nobody ever can or WILL take VP pmatf, (proven man after the flesh, since you are so fond of acronyms) seriously again. God tells us clearly in the scriptures to eschew such unsavory characters... To even read your use of the word Dr in connection with him is irritating. He never earned that degree....He BOUGHT the friggin title at a degree mill. It`s as false as the REST of his claims! You are following a false prophet, and worse, you are trying to entice folks back into spiritual darkness Mike... THAT puts you on the wrong side of the fence no matter HOW sincere your motives are! [This message was edited by rascal on June 05, 2003 at 16:24.]
  18. Mike, you can attack me personally ALL you want, it WON`T change the fact however, that you have dismissed and ignored entire sections of scripture to support your position. I neither asked for, nor need your respect....it is galations, the BIBLE itself that you have no use for and refuse to give credence to.... you are a fool to dismiss scripture in favor of your *man after the flesh* Have you READ galations recently ?? I`ll bet not, There simply IS no room to wiggle... No room for yours OR my private interpretation.... If you could just bring yourself to read galations and TELL me how you can get around what is clearly stated about a *man after the spirit* vs a *man after the flesh*...maybe I could consider your position. You probably wont though... I can just see you hunched behind your computer fingers fiercly jammed in your ears, eyes screwed tightly shut ...frantically singing LALALALALALALALALAAAAAA just to keep the fragile illusion that you have manufatured for youself intact.... you are a coward Mike, and that is sad.
  19. I beg your pardon Mike, *I* didn`t usurp or assess ANYTHING concerning vp`s inheritance .... GOD however CLEARLY did in Galations! ... friend you aren`t rejecting MY opinion ...... but God almighty`s clearly stated view. Vp`s behavior was NOT labeled as simply *giving in to old man nature* occasionally....it wasn`t viewed as *taking one for the team because he was in the line of fire*.... He was guilty of 2/3 of the *attributes* listed in Galations... GALATIONS itself condemnds him as a *man after the FLESH*!!!!! and whom would have *NO inhertance in the kingdom of God*... by virtue of vp`s OWN lack of character ....His OWN bad behavior ...... His OWN betrayal of the trust that God and believers placed in his ministry....ain`t nobody elses fault but his Mike. Sorry fellow, YOU are following a man of the flesh... in no way can we, nor should we, place credence in his view of *spiritual* matters.
  20. No Mike....what I *SEE* is that you are promoting lies, you are operating under the false premise that God spoke to vp...I have SHOWN you IN the bible, incontrivertable proof that vp was a *man after the flesh* and has *NO inheritance in the kingdom* of God.... You have to throw out galations in order to trust and support vp... Heck if he has *no inhertitance* then How the heck can he get revelation from God to *make known the word since it hasn`t been known since the first century* ??....geeeeeze God did NOT entrust his *new and improved* version of the bible to a man such as that. I am truly Sorry Mike ... you have been decieved, we ALL were....thing is....you are wanting to draw folks back into counterfit doctrine after we have seen the real God at work outside of the box of twi religion. No way we can go back to that bondage once we have experienced the genuine article....we`d love to see you freed from the destruction of vp`s false doctrine...
  21. Geeze Mike, it ISN`T that we have a low level of preception of your words, it is that we see all TOO clearly what you ARE promoting.... As a matter of fact...I believe that we CLEARLY percieve what you are saying, even BETTER than you yourself....and thereby are capable of discerning the spiritual counterfit that you are attempting to entice us into entertaining..... [This message was edited by rascal on May 29, 2003 at 13:39.]
  22. Improper implementation my a--....vp was THE implementor of HIS OWN most DESTRUCTIVE teachings...Everybody else just followed his lead down into the depths depravity. Mike you may have whatever opinion you choose right or wrong friend....however you want us to believe that your opinion is God`s and THAT I don`t accept. The healing is working when people are once again learning to search and think outside of the box of twi...it is when we get out of that box that we can hear God`s voice and direction again.
  23. Gee what a shame we are interfereing with your *ministry* with our clutter... So as I understand it....This isn`t a topic or thread for dicussion?....you just want to use gspot exclusively to procyletise (sp?) your material unchallenged.. I think that it is a bit unrealistic ....... seeing as we have spent so many years struggeling to be healed from the damage wrought by the implementation of vp`s teachings. [This message was edited by rascal on May 13, 2003 at 12:31.]
  24. Yup....ain`t it a bi---? lol...this sight isn`t like a meeting in twi where you control everything. It is a shame that you cannot recognise the significance and importance of what others patiently post to you Mike..... your blindness prevents you from recognising the wisdom and merit of what you blown off as clutter.....
  25. Wow Mike ...How DO you ever manage to get anything accomplished with seasprays lips so firmly plastered to your behind? I`d think it that it would be an enormous amount of dead weight to have to drag around with you wherever you go. [This message was edited by rascal on May 01, 2003 at 18:42.]
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