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Everything posted by rascal

  1. You are rediculous Mike, I am not offering ANY type of control...and if you see Craig in me, you are indeed even more spriritually, and perceptionally obtuse than heretofore imagined... I didn`t ask you to trust me Mike, didn`t ask you to adopt my pov....don`t care if you do or not, I ASK you to examin gal. and trust THAT!. I ASK you to explain how you can dismiss a whole chapter of the bible in support of your hypothesis. It is as always Mike you cannot logically support your dismisal of a very relevant section of scripture ....and so you have to get nasty, invent a persona in me and then attack THAT .... (That was pretty tricky, turning the post around from your lack of defense... to me having to defend myself and my integrety to you) You are not interested in the truth, just defending your idol at all cost....that is sad.
  2. So Mike, YOU read it and tell me YOUR application....maybe if I understood how you can dismiss a whole chapter in the bible to that gives us explicit instructions on how to determine the difference between a man of the flesh verses a man of the spirit......possibly I could consider that I am wrong about vp....because galations is what I base my apraisal of vp`s worthiness to recive anything spiritually healthy. Have you considered the fact that in totally closing your mind to galations that you might be slamming the door on God also?
  3. Come on Mike, are you ignoring me because you can`t argue with gal.5? You have to totally throw out that chapter in the bible in order to acknowledge vp as a Godly leader.
  4. Sure teachers might have those flaws Mike, however, you would not have those flaws in a teacher who was a *man of the spirit*... says so in Gal: 5/16 *This I say then, lead a spiritual life, and you shall NEVER (not occasionally) commit the lust of the flesh* The vises that vpw indulged in are ALL listed as atributes of a man of the flesh in galations....they are NOT viewed by God as minor flaws.... I do not believe that God would entrust his *new and improved* version of the bible to a man that habitually endulged in adultery, drunkeness, lying, enmity, strife, anger, stubborness....seditions .... all listed as manifestations of a man of the flesh...and as such, one who has no inheritance in the kingdom of God...not my words mike, the bible. Rarely did we see fruit of a man of the spirit manifested by vp...gentelness...meekness...self control... that would lead us to believe that he was a man of the spirit.... one capable of recieving revelation from God.
  5. used like a chatroom? But Mike ... that IS discussion....and what these forums are all about, I think it is you who have a misunderstanding about the purpose of these forums, and are missing the great benefit and learning that you could be employing.
  6. But Mike, the nasty stuff was STILL what was in the heart and mind of the author, the error, the damaging doctrines... the manifestations of his fleshly nature.... Simple skillfull editing through the years does not make it *Godly* direction. God will work for you in whatever perameters you lay out for him.... even within the confines of pfal.... Once having realised that vpw was a flawed man of the flesh, with flawed doctrine....you are finally free to embark upon that learning path where The perameters and boundaries whithin which God is able to work are increased . I am not denying that pfal worked for you, I am not denying there was some (borrowed) Godly stuff in there.... What I AM saying is....that pfal doctrine has manufactured a mighty small spiritual box that you reside in...... Life is much better outside of that box.
  7. Mike, your analogy is good about magnifying the imperfections of anything man made.....we see these imperfections in many facets of pfal and twi dogma...that would be because it was of man..a man of the flesh. I don`t get what you mean about chatroom dynamics... why not join us in the chat room some night?....you might find out just who and what we are really like.... might even find us of some value.
  8. sorry ... I do not see any connection...really.
  9. sorry, about the forrest queen mine... must be my ubiquiousness of my posting skills:-) Thanks for letting me outta my *bin*
  10. Mike that quote WASN`T about your topic, (man how you can manipulate things)..it was about the word of God...YOUR topic on the other hand, is trying convince us that your counterfit is *THE* word of God....big difference. hey....jut because I have been relegated to the *low priority* file once again doesn`t mean you will shut me up :-).
  11. Mj, as far as what has been used from here in court.....when the court case came up where the guy wanted to get permission to visit the fountain and burial sights this year....twi used exerpts taken out of context from here in defense of their position ... ie that if they allowed ex way to visit, vandalism would occur. Twi can STILL fu-- you up if you have family involved....whether you are afraid of em or NOT.
  12. You are right mj, It IS all a big fantasy. Mike and the vp worshippers HAVE to have a reason to blame the downfall of twi on... He cannot face the fact that we were all taken in by a wisc.... that everything we based our lives on for so many years was a lie. So they have come up with scenario that saves them face, and continues the illusion of vp`s Godliness.... ie WE all screwed up. It is a shame mike, for the *consequences* that you speak of, by ignoring vp`s final teaching and pfal dogma...it is a shame that you are not interested, because many of us here could SHARE with you personally in this arena. Let me tell you, God works even BETTER, without your mind being closed and sealed by pfal/twi dogma, God can finally make himself *heard* again. Most of us have realised that it was twi dogma that was the foot on the hose preventing growth, understanding, answeres to prayers. Speaking for my family, it is wonderfull to see God at work again, to once again be embarked on a learning/growing adventure with Him.... to see prayers answered...to be blessed with everything we could ask for, and more (things we wouldn`t have dared to ask for hee hee). It is humbeling the blessings that God showers upon us and our families.... for many of us...these are the greatest years of our lives....that is why we are so incredulous that you want to drag us back into bondage and darkness we endured while *mastering* pfal. That is why we are dissapointed that you have sealed your mind and heart from God and from your bretheren Mike...you may not believe this, but we like you, and keep trying to hand you the keys to release yourself from the prison you have encased youself in. p.s. Don`t worry mj, we DO read you, with or without puntution, because we know that you have something worthwhile to say....whereas mike even WITH all of his punctution and perfect paragraphs isn`t worth the effort to struggle through ... seeing as his only message is to return to the darkness of idolotry and bondage. Too bad
  13. Lol...the REASON hq is so polite to you is probably because you both are on the same side.... (heres a clue...DELUDED and abiding in darkness!) Let me be perfectly clear Mike, God doesn`t offend us here at gspot with whats up his sleeve, his pantleg, or anyplace else ...it is YOU who offend us with trying to legitimize your wisc and his false doctrine.
  14. Expect Mike to be fair and even handed hmmmm. You have a point word wolf...silly me lol p.s.(Thank you for your diligence in keeping abreast of the hypocracy on this thread, and keeping an ongoing honest account on the content of what mike has posted, verses what he SAYS he has he has posted...it has to be an enormous effort) `s funny that gspot was at the very bottom of his list of web sights for converts hee hee says a lot for the posters here ayup!
  15. Screw YOUR *intentions* for this thread Mike..... this forum doesn`t exist for you to Cannonize vp and his works.... It is so pathetic what you and other wierwille worshippers are attempting to do....In another hundred years if you guys have your way....vp will be just another Joseph Smith....your decendants will be trying to convince folks of the veracity of your *prophet* for this day and age... you guys will even have your own *extension* to the bible like the mormons do... He will be just another mythical figure....my hope is, that enough of us keep the light shining on his true fleshly nature, his gross manipulation and destruction of believers...and in so doing, debunk ANY illusions as to his being a Godly man or that his message is spiritually healthy in any way Cathy
  16. That table of contents is a joke..... I`ll just BET mike wishes folks would go straight to the points he wants to make via those links....(coincidentaly I am sure) bypassing all of the pertinant information, and logical challenges that so many posters have given displaying the ignorance of Mikes premise... Geeze ........
  17. The name of Jesus Christ? I don`t think so, the only name I have seen you post in is vpw mof wisc .... If you were posting in the name of Jesus or even about Jesus ... maybe we would have a little respect for you on that topic of discussion. P.s. I ought to have known that your *table of contents* would not be an honest representation of this thread...
  18. Amen Ginger...great thoughts.
  19. Too bad the *ubiquious* thread wasn`t one of the ones lost....sigh Sorry...couldn`t resisit :-) [This message was edited by rascal on June 20, 2003 at 8:16.]
  20. There was no blurring...simply a beligerent demand by Craig to swear loyalty to him.... do it or be flushed down the toilet spiritually. There was no room for confusion, noone was permited to question.....LCM made it quite specific. Course it was the best thing that ever happened to us... we knew JUST what kind of mog he was when he stated *and DON`T give me any of that loyalty to God crap* ... He was a moron ... I think vp really showed how out to lunch he was spiritually, in his choice of such a buffoon as his successor.
  21. *confused nd blurred* my a-- Mike. Lcm`s *loyalty oath* letter stated emphatically...You write back with an oath of allegiance to me...or you are or you are *salt that has lost it`s savor* you are worthey to bethrown out into the street and trodden under the feet of the beasts. He also said in the same letter,*nd don`t give me any of this loyalty to God garbage*. No blurring about that Mike....Did YOU get a letter? it was perfectly clear...We didn`t write back and swear a *loyalty to Craig* letter boom corps status gone no longer permitted to run a fellowship... worthey of contempt... I wonder when your delusional twisting of ministry history will quit suprising me mike. Mike. Rascalrescued (even without a loyalty oath to craig)
  22. Pawtucket, I guess that you`d better alter the registration page of gspot to reflect whether or not the applicant is married or single, male or female, and then assign stars or marks by their name in order of their eligibility, respect, or credence their posts are to be given... Better yet, I guess you`d better enclose permission slips for alla the married gals to get their hubby`s to sign and return before granting them permission to post!!!! A most egregious oversighte ... one that should be corrected immediatly!
  23. Nope not me... am JUST a woman.....oops fergot in twi uh oh...oh no....here we go... rofl. snicker....they held about the same amount of value respect...muahahahahahhahahaha you are TOO funny seaspray. Typically, You and Mike can`t deal with the honest information, or the obvious wisdom of the scriputre quoted in my posts, so you have to resort to whining and discounting my insight due to my gender, or thae fact that my hubby might no know or aprove of my posts....lol...you are such a dufus seaspray.......
  24. My husband???? MY HUSBAND???? What in the heck does HE have to do with any of this? roflmao... oh yeeeeah....snort...I forgot ...lol.. twi women were allowed no personal opinions outside of what their hubby dictates..... grooooan... Do you honestly HONESTLY think ... snigger... that we still live in that tiny little twi world where I have to have, have to ask, am expected to ask, or desir, much less NEED his permission or aproval to post??? omG...roflmao ...whew pant pant... Uh hunnnnney bunny ...ummmm is it alright if I acknowledge the spirit of God working within me today and post my insight??/ pleeeease purty peeeeease..... I`ll give you some nooookie tonight wink wink......muahahahaha AHAHAHA ... sigh...I had forgotten what a bigotted mindset twi once inspired.....duh... what married??... a MARRIED woman???? Oh, well NO spiritual perception (soup) for YOU! guffaw..snoort..lol pant pant ...whew ..holy spirit and all discernment abilities flew right out the window when we said I do.......aaaaaaaahahahahahahahahaha.. So Terribly sorry that my *name calling ghas offended you, however...YOUR idolization of that moggot wierwille, a proven man of the flesh, a wolf in sheeps clothing, a false prophet and your support of that blind man Mike, attempting to lead folks back into a ditch... DEEPLY offends ME! How bout this ...I`ll quit being offensive when you do!!!! roflmao... hubby....snigger... giving a rats a-- about what I post..........GUFFAW....... oh gawd... stop wheeze wheeze... [This message was edited by rascal on June 16, 2003 at 15:01.]
  25. Mike, you have in deed closed your mind THAT is patenently obvious....closed to the bible...closed to the truth...ultimatly closed to God. It is very sad that you must reject the bible because it contradicts the idolotry you wish to operate. No Mike, I do not expect to change your closed mind.... however, I refuse to standby and allow you to spread your lies unchallenged. Vp was a maggot...wether you can accept that or not, changes nothing...galations clearly states what vp`s actions were clearly indicative of...whether you can accept it or not... Your ability to accept something has no bearing whatsoever on wwhether or not it is true...
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