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Posts posted by cheranne

  1. This is a good video in description to Warfare.

    <embed wmode="opaque" src="http://static.ning.c...?v=201011112050" FlashVars="config=http%3A%2F%2Flivinginblackandwhite.com%2Fvideo%2Fvideo%2FshowPlayerConfig%3Fid%3D2133465%253AVideo%253A640157%26ck%3D-&video_smoothing=on&autoplay=off&hideShareLink=1&isEmbedCode=1" width="456" height="344" bgColor="#999999" scale="noscale" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedi.../getflashplayer"> </embed> <br /><small><a href="http://livinginblackandwhite.com/video/video">Find more videos like this on <em>LIBAW Christian Social Network</em></a></small><br />

    sorry that link didn't work!

  2. The Word of God Is The Will Of God(BUT The Will of God Is NOT The Way International)

    Ruth Paxson writes...

    The warfare involves powerful antagonists in terrific, desperate, hand-to-hand battle. Tremendous issues of life and death, defeat and destruction must be at stake, for it is no ordinary combat. The word "against" stands out five times upon the page. We have an out-and-out adversary who is actively and aggressively warring against us, assisted by powerful and wicked allies.

    "Not against flesh and blood." This negative statement clarifies the atmosphere immediately regarding the nature of our foe. The conflict is not with the human and the visible, but with the superhuman and the invisible. We do not belong to the same order of being or to the same plane of life as our foe.

    Ephesians 6:10-18 reveals a battlefield where the empowered, energized hosts of the Lord are pitted against the demonized, mobilized hosts of the devil. It is a mass organization of the supernatural forces of heaven against the subtle fiends of hell. One necessity in victorious warfare is to know the enemy. (Paxson, Ruth: The Wealth, the Walk and the Warfare of the Christian. 1939. Revell)

    Remember that we do not fight a visible enemy and therefore ordinary weapons will not suffice in this war. Paul explains that...

    though we walk in the flesh (as flesh and blood men and women), we do not (ou = absolute negation!) war (strateuo = literally serve in the army and figuratively engage in spiritual conflict) according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare (strateia = military engagement, a military campaign) are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful (dunatos = means they are capable and competent, in context because they are God's not ours) for the destruction (causing destruction by tearing down) of fortresses. We are destroying speculations (reasonings) and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Co 10:3, 4, 5- note)

    Wayne Barber explains who our real enemy is writing that...

    Our enemy is not flesh and blood. Our enemy is not people! They are not our true enemy. Now I don't know about you, but that kind of confuses me sometimes when I get out in the real world. When I get out there I realize I can see people. I just can't see the unseen enemy. How quickly I am suckered into the trap of thinking that people are my enemy. I have said many times, "If it were not for people, I could live the Christian life." You've done it, too. In your prayer time you have said, "God, if You will just get rid of this person who is bothering me, it will be alright." We have this paranoia when it comes to people. We think people are our enemies. It is what controls the person that is my true enemy. People are not my enemy. That is why God consistently says in Ephesians, "Be diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bonds of peace." He is saying, "People, you are not each other's enemy. We mistakenly think people are our enemies; our boss, our husband, our wife, our children, people we work with, whoever. What do we do? We think if we can defeat them in some way, if we can get rid of them, we can have peace and victory. That is all upside down. We end up fighting each other. That is what Paul said, "Flesh and blood are not our enemy." They are not our enemy. We use hateful words, critical things. We have to tear somebody else down to build ourselves up as if we are in some kind of competition with one another. We forget we are on the same team. If we fight we lose. The war was won at Calvary. We are not to be each other's enemy...(You may be saying now wait a minute) Flesh and blood are the ones bringing me all the harm. Flesh and blood are the ones injuring me. I don't understand. Paul is trying to say, "Hey, folks, you need to realize the war zone you are in is not the people. Our enemy is what controls the people. We don't war against flesh and blood.

    Paul is saying, "We war not against flesh and blood." Behind every person who harms and injures us and deceives us is a spiritual enemy. Now I think that is the confusing part to me. Though we don't war against flesh and blood, flesh and blood are the pawns that he uses to come against us. That is what bothers me. Because you see, I can see flesh and blood. I can't see what is behind them when somebody writes a letter, when somebody says something to you, when somebody tears you apart, when somebody disappoints you. That hurts you and you want to go after them. But you have to remember he is using them. Love them but hate what is using them.

    Evidently this person is coming against you and his mind is totally upside down. He doesn't have a clue what he is doing. What is going on in your life right now? Who is it that is threatening you? Who is it that is bothering you right now? What is it that is bothering you? Track it back. You will find deception of some kind at the root of that whole thing. The only thing we have in this world to stand on that is the truth, besides the Lord Jesus, is His Word. When you start believing a lie, it will flip you over and you won't even realize it. You will end up fighting the wrong thing and not even know that there was a spiritual enemy behind it. There is deceit in this world we live in today. (Spiritual Warfare)

    Guzik draws our attention to some commentaries that draw a questionable conclusion regarding the nature of our adversaries noting that...

    Some interpret the nature of principalities and powers in purely naturalistic terms. Markus Barth wrote, "We conclude that by principalities and powers Paul means the world of axioms and principles of politics and religion, of economics and society, of morals and biology, of history and culture." But this contradicts what Paul says about our battle not being against flesh and blood. (Ephesians 6)

    Struggle (3823) (pale from pállo = shake, vibrate; related word palaio = wrestle) is used only here in the Bible (not in the LXX). Pale is the literal word for wrestling. As such it pictured hand–to–hand combat between wrestling athletes, this combat in the ancient world being characterized by trickery, cunning and deception.

    Pale thus describes the contest between two individuals in which each endeavors to throw the other and which ultimately is decided when the victor is able to press down his prostrate antagonist with his hand upon his neck! When we consider that often the loser in a Greek wrestling contest had his eyes gouged out with resulting blindness for the rest of his days, we have a taste of how the Ephesian saints who read Paul's letter would have received this illustration. The believer's wrestling against the powers of darkness is no less desperate and fateful.

    Pale was also used to describe hand–to–hand combat of soldiers, such combat requiring both deftness and speed.

    Pale describes the struggle between individual combatants which distinguishes it from strateia (4752) which refers more to the entire military expedition or campaign, to military service or to warfare

    Pale pictures one engaged in an intense struggle involving physical or nonphysical force against strong opposition. Paul uses pale in the figurative sense to picture the believer's struggle and conflict against evil angelic forces arranged in a military like hierarchy described below.

    Wuest writes that...

    One might be troubled at the change of figure from that of a Roman soldier to that of a Greek wrestler, arguing that a soldier does not engage in a wrestling contest clad in full armor. But the difficulty disappears when one sees that the figure of a wrestling match speaks of a contest at close quarters, and an individual contest, between the Christian and his demon enemies. (Wuest, K. S. Wuest's Word Studies from the Greek New Testament: Eerdmans)

    Against (4314) (pros) is marker of direction, of movement toward or of closeness of relation or proximity which in this context clearly pictures an unfriendly, hostile relation (against, toward). Pros (against) is repeated before each of the designations -- rulers, powers, world forces, spiritual forces.

    In Ephesians 2 Paul explains to his readers that when they were non-believers they were under the power of these evil forces writing...

    you were dead in your trespasses and sins, in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience. (See notes Ephesians 2:1; 2:2)

    Flesh (4561) (sarx) is used 147 times in the NT. Note that a simple definition of sarx is somewhat difficult because sarx has many nuances (some Greek lexicons list up to 11 definitions for sarx!). The diligent disciple must carefully observe the context of in order to discern which nuance is intended. The range of meaning extends from the substance flesh (both human and animal), to the human body, to the entire person, and to all humankind. Refer to the table below for the 4 basic definitions of sarx in Strong's Lexicon. In the present context Paul is referring to the human body composed of "flesh and blood" and standing for men in general.

    Blood (129) (haima) refers to blood as the basis of life or what constitutes the life of an individual. (Lev 17:11). Blood is the basic component of a living organism. Here the phrase "flesh and blood" indicates our struggle is not against men but against invisible spiritual beings.

    BUT AGAINST THE RULERS AGAINST THE POWERS AGAINST THE WORLD FORCES OF THIS DARKNESS: alla pros tas archas pros tas exousias pros tous kosmokratoras tou skotous toutou: (Eph 1:21; 3:10; Ro 8:38; Col 2:15; 1Pe 3:22) (Ep 2:2; Job 2:2; Lk 22:53; Jn 12:31; 14:30; 16:11; Acts 26:18; 2Cor 4:4; Colossians 1:13)

    But against - Paul pulls back the curtain of the invisible slightly to give us a brief glimpse of the tremendous spiritual forces arrayed against the children of God. His point is that although interpersonal relationships often appear to be our major battleground (we say things like "I could live this Christian life if it weren't for the people I have to deal with!"), Paul explains that the real battle is against a hierarchy of evil invisible supernatural beings who are organized and determined to disrupt, discourage, disillusion, discomfort, disarm, disrupt, dissatisfy, dissuade, distract, disappoint, disgruntle, disequilibrate, disenthrall, dishearten, dishevel, distress, disqualify, disquiet, dispossess, disturb, disunite, destroy, deceive, etc, etc, all the while seeking to cause believers to doubt the Word of God and the faithfulness and goodness of God. So often we hear the phrase "the battle between good and evil" but this passage makes it abundantly clear that evil is not some imaginary, inanimate force but instead is an active, organized evil perpetrated by an invisible, albeit not invincible, foe. Too many Christians have failed to realize that they are engaged in this titanic spiritual struggle of the ages, and that they were "drafted" into God's army the moment they were saved by grace through faith. To be ignorant of our calling and the magnitude of this great struggle is a dangerous ignorance.

    Believers face three enemies -- the world (controlled by Satan), the flesh (fallen in Adam, influenced by Satan and the world he controls) and the Devil. In Ephesians 6:10-18, Paul's focus is upon the spiritual adversary, but one needs to remember that these three "divisions" are somewhat arbitrary, because the effects of the world and the flesh cannot be separated from the devil and his minions who work through these other "enemies". One word of encouragement - you are in a spiritual war and just as occurs in real warfare, you will experience some victories and some defeats in individual battles. That is part of growing in grace and the knowledge of Christ Jesus, maturing in your Christian walk, progressively being set aside more and more (being sanctified, being conformed gradually more and more into the image of God's Son). But as long as we are in these mortal bodies, we are not yet perfect and sin will still bring passing pleasure (emphasize "passing"!) and will still hold out a lure for us to snatch in a moment of weakness (or perhaps a moment of self-sufficiency, self-assurance, or self-confidence rather than in reliance on Christ). And so inevitably we will lose some of the battles. That is a reality, whether your name is Billy Graham or Charles Haddon Spurgeon. But when you lose a particular battle and you lie on the ground, bloody and bruised (spiritually speaking), don't let the enemy (the accuser and slanderer) tell you that you are a "loser" and you will never have victory. He is a liar for he knows that he is a defeated enemy (Col 2:15-note where Christ disarmed the enemy powers). His continual ploy will be to try to keep you from standing in the shadow of the Cross, which is the power (dunamis) of God. And so dear saint, beloved of God, heir of eternal riches with Christ, possessor of the Spirit of Truth, arise! Shine! Stand! Check your armor! Allow the Comforter to soothe and heal your wounds and renew your mind, reenergizing you for battle, as you eat the bread of life, the Word of Truth. Then walk out, walk worthy of your calling as a fellow soldier, walk in love, walk in light, walk filled with God's Spirit, walk in the power of God, Who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (1Cor 15:57). Take your position on the battlefield and stand firm! And don't be surprised because the next attack may come sooner than you think. And let's assume that this time you stand firm and win this battle (e.g., enabled by the Spirit you choose to abstain from those fiery missiles of fleshly lusts which wage war against your soul -- see 1Pe 2:11-note). Be quick to praise God and give Him the glory for that victory. Take heed, be careful, for if you think you have just stood and won in your own strength, you will fall (1Cor 10:12).

    Background on

    Spiritual Warfare

    In Genesis just after Satan had deceived Eve and sin had entered the world, God predicted a spiritual war between the offspring of the Messiah and of Satan, but in the same verse God also promised that the Messiah would triumph over Satan declaring...

    And I (God the Father) will put enmity (hostility, hatred) between you (Satan the Adversary) and the woman (Eve), and between your seed (Satan's children, cf Jn 8:44 "You are of your father the devil", 1John 3:10 "the children of God and the children of the devil are obvious: anyone who does not practice righteousness is not of God") and her seed (the Messiah and the spiritual children of God through faith in the Messiah); He (Messiah) shall bruise you on the head (the more deadly blow), and you shall bruise him on the heel (crucifixion actually did cause bruising of the heel as the victim pushed up with the legs in an attempt to aid breathing). (Genesis 3:15)

    Spiritual Warfare

    In Ephesus

    In Acts 19 we encountered a preview of "coming attractions" Luke recording the spiritual warfare in Ephesus in considerable detail...

    (Demon possession - God prevails) 11 And God was performing extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul, 12 so that handkerchiefs or aprons were even carried from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil (poneros = actively harmful or hurtful) spirits went out. 13 But also some of the Jewish exorcists, who went from place to place, attempted to name over those who had the evil (poneros = actively harmful or hurtful) spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, "I adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preaches." 14 And seven sons of one Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, were doing this. 15 And the evil (poneros = actively harmful or hurtful) spirit answered and said to them, "I recognize Jesus, and I know about Paul, but who are you?" 16 And the man, in whom was the evil (poneros = actively harmful or hurtful) spirit, leaped on them and subdued all of them and overpowered them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.

    (Jesus' Name and Word of God magnified and grew) 17 And this became known to all, both Jews and Greeks, who lived in Ephesus; and fear fell upon them all and the name of the Lord Jesus was being magnified. 18 Many also of those who had believed kept coming, confessing and disclosing their practices. 19 And many of those who practiced magic brought their books together and began burning them in the sight of all; and they counted up the price of them and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver. 20 So the word of the Lord was growing mightily and prevailing.

    (Ephesus was a center of idol worship of the "goddess" Artemis and this led to conflict between darkness and light) 23 And about that time there arose no small disturbance (stir, commotion) concerning the Way (name for believers in Acts). 24 For a certain man named Demetrius, a silversmith, who made silver shrines of Artemis, was bringing no little business to the craftsmen; 25 these he gathered together with the workmen of similar trades, and said, "Men, you know that our prosperity depends upon this business. 26 "And you see and hear that not only in Ephesus, but in almost all of Asia, this Paul has persuaded and turned away a considerable number of people, saying that gods made with hands are no gods at all. 27 "And not only is there danger that this trade of ours fall into disrepute, but also that the temple of the great goddess Artemis be regarded as worthless (literally = nothing, absolutely nothing) and that she whom all of Asia and the world worship should even be dethroned from her magnificence." 28 And when they heard this and were filled with rage, they began crying out, saying, "Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!"


    and Idolatry

    Related topic: Idolatry and Immorality - the relationship and the antidote

    The unsaved Gentiles were without God in the world and so they created gods of their own making but the Jews had no excuse for they had been clearly warned by Moses concerning the spiritual danger of idolatry...

    They (In verse 15 they = Jeshurun = an affectionate name for Israel = "upright people"!) made Him jealous with strange gods; with abominations (LXX = idols - foul, loathsome things) they provoked Him to anger. They sacrificed to demons (daimonion - those angels who fell with Satan and constitute the evil force that fights against God and His holy angels) who were not God, to gods whom they have not known, new gods who came lately, whom your fathers did not dread. (Deut 32:16-17)

    Comment: Moses wrote that the so called "gods" Israel worshiped were not divine but they were real! And that reality was demonic! He explained that idol worship is a form of demon worship because of the fact that evil angelic spirits impersonate the idol and work their wicked strategies through the system of false beliefs that are associated with the idol. The psalmist in fact records that Israel, God's chosen people followed idolatrous pagan practices to such an extent that they even sacrificed "their sons and their daughters to the demons" Ps 106:37-note!

    In a parallel passage in the NT Paul elaborated on the inherent danger of idol worship writing to saints in Corinth a city well known for rampant idol worship, a practice out of which many in the church had been delivered by grace through faith...

    (Paul asks) What do I mean then? That a thing sacrificed to idols is anything, or that an idol is anything? 20 No, but I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons, and not to God; and I do not want you to become sharers in demons. 21 You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons. (1Cor 10:19, 20, 21)

    Comment: John MacArthur explains that "Demons are the spiritual force behind all idolatry. Those who sacrifice to idols sacrifice to demons. When worshipers believe an idol represents an actual god, Satan sends one of his demon emissaries to act out the part of that imaginary god. There is never a god behind an idol, but there is always a spiritual force; and that force is always evil, always demonic. Demons can exhibit considerable power. Many cultic and pagan religious claims are faked and exaggerated; but many are true. They are evil but true. Much that goes under the name of astrology, for instance, is simply exploitation of the gullible. But many predictions come true through the work of demonic forces. Demons are not unlimited in power, but they have power to perform enough wonders and to make enough predictions come true to keep superstitious worshipers deceived and loyal - 1Corinthians. Chicago: Moody Press)

  3. While I have read no scientific study as you obviously have, I have observed that many who lived through a violent upbringing will also themselves turn violent in their adult years. Why do you think they do that, are they seeking revenge? There are others who go completely the opposite direction and become extremely passive, too passive. Have you ever covered these phenomenon in your studies?

    I know there out there,lots under serial murderers,if you check into that maybe.

    Shadow of Jonestown – "The WAY"

    by Vincent Jennings

    Special to The ADVISOR

    A security person wakens me suddenly! "God bless, you have ten minutes to assemble for breakfast, or you don't eat!" Today will be a scorcher – it's already very humid. Eight other men scurry around the small room; searching for toothbrushes and socks. I say a quick prayer for "Dad" while I dress. If it wasn't for "The Teacher," I would still be dead in trespasses and sins. Now we are one big, happy family – there must be one thousand of us here in this isolated area, away from Satan's world. God told "Dad" to buy this property; God tells "Dad" everything.

    The best thing about being at breakfast is seeing my wife. We have been married two years, yet we've been separated these last two weeks. God's work is more important than our personal lives. Soon it will be over – then we'll be together forever. "Dad" will be at breakfast too! His flashing smile, strength, and charisma overwhelms me. I especially love "Dad's" jokes about the churches and government. This morning he says, "If Jesus Christ was God – he prayed in the mirror to himself." We all roar in laughter. After eating powdered eggs, and juice – "Dad" announces we'll have visitors today. "Oh boy." I think, "we'll eat good tonight."

    After breakfast we are to assemble for a teaching. I hug and kiss my wife good-bye. She looks beautiful this morning; her blond hair glistening in the sun. Once a leader asked me, "If you had a choice between sacrificing your wife's life, or denying 'The Work,' what would you do?" Without thinking I replied, "I'd never forsake 'The Word.'" We were constantly being tested; our "breaking point" was stressed a lot. One day the Enemy will try to take over the country, and we must be ready to do anything to preserve "The Truth." "Dad" tells us everyday, "It's The Word and nothing but The Word. If we have to die tonight – we'll die standing on The WORD."

    We begin the meeting with singing "Canaan's Land," then my favorite, "This WORLD is not my Home." We are no longer part of the corruption, hate, and darkness of this world. God chose us – blacks, whites – all races, to be one body and mind. "Dad" is angry this morning; he tells us the FBI has infiltrated our group, plus the IRS is after "Dad." "They say I take all your money, and brainwash you," "Dad" roars. "Well," I think, "Dad does have a jet plane, property, motorcoaches, and everything he wants. Stop thinking that way, it's Satan tempting you," an inner voice tells me. "Dad" talks about how corrupt the churches are. He used to be an ordained minister in the Midwest. He resigned because no one wanted to hear "The Truth." The churches have tried to kill him several times. Once God told him to duck, and as he did a bullet whistled over his head. God talks to "Dad," you know.

    My "Father in The Word" continues talking with vigor, "All I ever tried to do is help people. I used to preach to trees on the farm when I was a boy. All the world has given me in turn is hell! People like Karen, who leave our family and spread lies about us – is delivered to Satan. I have The Truth, I'm in God, God's in me – We are one!" The crowd thunders! "They say you aren't free to leave – that's a lie," "Dad" screams. (Bless Patrol keeps the world off our property.) "Father" continues, "Sometimes I get so mad I feel like taking the ballbats out! There is nothing outside The Word! The government, controlled by International Jewish bankers, is out to get us. We are ready for anything!" The body rises in unison, clapping and yelling.

    After the applause dies down, "Dad" sips his coffee and says, "In 73 AD, 960 Jews took a stand against the tenth Roman Legion on a plateau called Massada. All of them took their own life rather than fall into the hands of the gentiles. That's commitment! We have burned our bridges behind us, there are no escape routes, there is no turning back! God wants us to be committed people. There's nothing to go back to in the world! Nothing." After the meeting – we break for refreshments.

    The above story is told by an ex-cult member, who escaped the jungle of a well known cult. The setting isn't Guyana, but Emporia, U.S. The date isn't November 18, 1978 but August 1976. "Dad" isn't Jim Jones, but Victor Paul Wierwille, founder of THE WAY INTERNATIONAL.

    Jeannie Mills, who left People's Temple in 1975, tried to help ex-cultists. In a personal letter she writes, "We had several ex-Way members at The Human Freedom Center at one time or another. I saw many similarities between their stories, and the stories we had been telling about People's Temple." She further stated in an interview, "Jim Jones had people totally brainwashed, I think his power over people was so great that he could reach out from the grave." February 26, 1980 an unknown assassin executed Jeannie, her husband Al, and daughter Daphene in their own home.

    In a letter from Jeannie dated October 29, 1979, she speaks to us today, "So many people think the horror story ended November 18, 1978. It is still continuing for the millions of cult members around." There is a potential for another Jonestown today. Countless "Jeannie Mills" are warning the nation of other "People's Temples" in the world today. It is in our best interest not to forget Jonestown.

    "Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it." Jim Jones

    Tapes Reveal Jones as Murderer by Sheila Yohnk - JonestownIt also has some information on the Jonestown cult, with a few usable quotes for my paper. Other than that, it has mostly biased information from the ...

    jonestown.sdsu.edu/AboutJonestown/JonestownReport/.../tapeyohnk.htm - Cached - Similar►

  4. Got me thinking about how The so called renewed mind is the key (NOT!) and I just hope new people taking that same old snake oil class check themselves before the wreck themselves!

    And those still in the cage ((((Get Out)))) be free!

    WORD to your Mother!

    the psychology of brainwashing

    Brainwashing or thought reform is the technique that all cults use to keep and recruit new members. The goal is to modify the attitudes, behaviors and beliefs of a recruit so that it conforms to the attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs of all of the members.

    Let me be clear that this can happen in a variety of situations. It does NOT require an isolated environment, physical abuse, or require complete control of a recruit. These tactics do help to make the brainwashing more effective, however, they are not a necessity.

    The important feature about brainwashing is that it is done over and over again to achieve the desired goal. When people stop thinking independently for themselves, when they stop questioning their own personal sense of right and wrong, and when they refuse to listen to information that conflicts with their own beliefs... then they have been effectively brainwashed.

    Find or create vulnerable recruits

    People experiencing the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, an uncomfortable or frustrating situation, etc. can be considered vulnerable (basically anything that can make you sad, anxious, or angry). Cults are especially good at finding these people. Many large cults will send out missionaries to 3rd world countries and war torn areas where many of these people exist. In more developed areas the cults will target places with lots these vulnerable people, such as college campuses and hospitals.

    A cult recruiter will "reach out" to let these people know that they are "missing something." The recruiter will claim to have the solution to this problem. Scientology uses a "personality test" to show a recruit how they can improve their personality. Recruiters for Christianity and Islam will often tell you that you are going to "hell" or will face "eternal damnation" when you die, and that you can be "saved." Buddhist and Hare Krishna recruiters will use the guise of happiness to demonstrate that they posses something that makes them happy despite being poor. Hinduism will tell you that you've got a "lost soul" and offers "spiritual guidance."The cult recruiter's whole intent at first is to exploit the recruit's vulnerability and to make them feel worse about their situation.

    Make the Broken Down Recruit Feel Good

    The recruiter will then reward the recruit with social support when he or she listens and agrees to the propaganda. Often the recruiter will offer personal assistance to get the new recruit to enter the cult's isolated environment. This positive interaction helps to get the new recruit to a cult owned building. These isolated cult environments go by different names: church, synagogue, temple, mosque, dianetics center, jinja, mandir, kingdom hall, and shrine (to name a few). The encouragement from the recruiter makes the new recruit feel good and boosts their self esteem. This step reinforces that the cult and anything involved with the cult is good.

    Use Guilt to Break the Recruit Back Down

    In the isolated cult environment a member of the cult will explain to the recruit why he or she is bad/evil/impure. The things that make a person "evil" are usually normal, acceptable human behaviors and thus it is inevitable that the recruit is guilty of these "evils." Things like sex and drug use are almost universally rejected by cults. Behavior that is actually adaptive in many situations, such as dishonesty, theft, and violence, are looked at as always bad. Therefore according to the cult it is NEVER alright to lie, cheat, steal, or maim in any situation, regardless of potential harm or personal gain. Many cults will also claim that a belief in a supernatural being/s is a requirement to be "pure."

    The recruit ends up feeling guilty about their impropriety and believes that it is his or her own fault that they were unhappy to begin with. The recruit's self esteem will go down because of this guilt. Christianity and Judaism have the 10 commandments. Islam and Mormonism has an even longer list of commandments. Buddhism has the 5 percepts. Hinduism has the rules of karma and dharma. And every cult has its own unique set of rules.

    Bring the Self Esteem of the Recruit Back Up

    Now that the recruit has been broken down again by guilt, the members of the cult will go about bringing the recruit's self esteem back up. The cult will ask the recruit to confess all of their wrongdoings to other members. When the recruit exposes their guilt to the cult, the members give the recruit praise and will declare that the recruit is on their way to being "saved." The release of guilt makes the recruit realize that it's not he or she that is wrong, but his or her beliefs that are wrong.

    The cult will tell the recruit to follow these rules and return on a regular basis to the "holy" place. This means returning to the isolated cult environment at least every week if not more often. The new recruit then leaves feeling happy and relieved.

    Continue the Cycle of Breaking Down and Building Up Cult Members

    Within the week the cult member will probably commit one of the "sins" and feel guilty. They will attribute any sadness, anxiousness, or anger to their flawed beliefs. They will return to the cult environment at a low. At the weekly meeting the cult will use the social influence of a large group of people to now induce guilt and break down members further. The confession of wrongdoings and the "goodness" of the cult will once again be used to build up everyone's self esteem.

    This cycle is repeated week after week.

    The Loss of Self and Exploitation

    Eventually the cult member's self worth becomes dependent on the cult. The cult's self worth replaces any independent self worth. The cult member feels that any and all happiness is because of the cult, and the "sins" of the real world are the cause of their unhappiness.

    Once the individual has reached this point they will have also lost most of their independent thought. The cult then exploits the member for their time and resources. Donations of money are mandatory in all cults. Cult members will claim that donation is not mandatory, however failing to donate or taking money from the cult is a major "sin." Tithes, voluntary contributions, sacrificial giving, voluntary stewardship, tzedakah, alms, and zakat are some names for these mandatory donations. In all cults donating money is considered "sacred" and met with praise (how odd that even the supernatural obey the almighty $$).

    Like businesses the intent of the cult is not really to help members, but to make money from them. Unlike businesses, though, cults do not pay taxes. This distinction is a result of politicians and other government officials being members of cults themselves. The influence of cults is widespread in all countries of the world. Hopefully information like this will help people realize these mind control techniques and manipulation.

    I would like to thank cfabbro on Reddit for his great and concise comment inspiring todays post.

    "1) Find lonely, desperate people

    2) Break them down: Make them feel much worse about themselves

    3) Build them back up: make them feel good about themselves again

    4) Repeat 2-3 until their sense of self-worth is completely dependent on you

    5) Reveal the "true" beliefs of the cult and take all their money

    Et Voila. Combine those with other brainwashing techniques and you have yourself a nice little cult.

    So it is not so much "what do these people get out of the cult?", as it is "what does the cult take from them?". They take your independent sense of self-worth and turn it into a cult-dependent sense of self-worth.

    (note:I did not write this and could not find the link)


  5. so...........

    If you see yourself in the same position as one of these dogs in the experimental cage, receiving the administered shocks and staying put while the cage door is open, can you not feel angry at those administering the shocks, for making you like this? Would you not want to inform the other "dogs" in the cages of what is really going on as soon as you figured it out?

  6. In the early 1960s scientists conducted animal experiments to determine something about the "flight instinct" in humans. In one experiment they wired half the bottom of a large cage, so that a dog placed in the cage would receive a shock each time it set foot on the right side. The dog quickly learned to stay on the left side of the cage.

    Next, the left side of the cage was wired for the same purpose and the right side was safe from shocks. The dog reoriented quickly and learned to stay on the right side of the cage. Then, the entire floor of the cage was wired to give random shocks, so that no matter where the dog lay or stood it would eventually receive a shock. The dog acted confused at first, and then it panicked. Finally the dog "gave up" and lay down, taking the shocks as they came, no longer trying to escape them or outsmart them.

    But the experiment was not over. Next, the cage door was opened. The scientists expected the dog to rush out, but it did not flee. Even though it could vacate the cage at will, the dog lay there being randomly shocked. From this, scientists speculated that when a creature is exposed to violence, it will tend to adapt to that disturbance, so that when the violence ceases or the creature is allowed its freedom, the healthy instinct to flee is hugely diminished, and the creature stays put instead. [Estes, 1995]

  7. This post made me think of experiments that used to be done on dogs(before all the animal rights came out)The experiement I am referring to is dogs who are put in wired cages........

    First the left side is wired to shock the dog.so the dog moves to the right side.

    Then the right side is triggered so that the dog moves to the left side,then the whole floor is triggered and the dogs jumps and hops until he eventually tolerates

    the shock and just SITs in one place ,allowing the shocks to go thru his body.

    Then the door is opened the dog is free to go....but stays.

  8. I heard a story along these lines today,and I added my thoughts to it.


    There was a village and there were good people in the village but they

    were surrounded in an island set in darkness,bogs and quadmires

    and quicksand.

    surrounded by a marsh filled with muck and the smell of rotten

    deadness,roots sticking out of Dark Tree Trunks,many dark vines that

    were tangled.

    Something was not quite right.

    A light in the distance called to people.................

    Some would

    try to leave

    as they tried to stay on the land strip of the mire and muck,

    vines that would grab your legs ,your wrist ....

    .your heart and drag you down

    to a bigger bog of an endless pit.

    When some people almost came to there death,

    others who had gone before

    warned them

    Some people saw the true light in the distance and recognized it and took the path

    and said

    No more of it.

    post-3305-061846500 1287091564_thumb.jpg

  9. amputated spirituality.. interesting..

    maybe it's like a lizard.. if it loses its tail, it grows back.. or has the capacity to. But it isn't exactly the same tail..

    maybe I'm looking for the perfect religion..

    Where one is not perpetually an outsider, no matter how dedicated a follower can become..

    where friendships are not based on a particular belief, or lack of.. or based on performance.. or one's income..

    I hear you Ham and understand where your coming from,some people in any organization act like things trying to destroy (kill steal and destroy)those still hung up on Way doctrine that is twisted and distorted,but then there are those people who have left and are humble and honest about loving God and miss that....desire that and are broken and need healing(from being in a Cult like The Way)..but don't know how are where to turn,maybe they are skiddish about going anywhere and that is okay.

    I don't want people to think because The Way International burned them and used them that they don't fit anywhere else in The Body of Christ....because I believe at 1 time

    every believer had a genuine desire to KNOW truth to know God or else WHY would we have even bothered with a (cough/choke "so called Biblial Research and Teaching


    Along The Way(pardon the pun)we got spiritually raped (to put it as nice as I can) Speaking for myself I thought I would never get back to a place in mylife I could accept

    Gods love...The Way made me feel condemned,shunned and because of the broken vow they made me think(by serving The Way International ..the buisness of running there classes for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$) that when I left I was turning my back on God!!!!

    That is wrong, I was turning my back on The Way (the buisness of selling candy coated snake oil.) but of course after being told You'll be a grease spot by midnight and things like that,tripped out blah blah blah,and that THEY are the only people who have it all together ,who despise other religons,and have all the answers except it is all

    according to The Classes they have learned..........the same...answers ..like a parrott over and over and over.......BORING.

    However. People were HURT,Children were HURT families HURT. Broken ..............Wounded.

    Spiritually speaking Paralyzied...Numb...........

    and in there heart of hearts.........they Loved God...............along time ago .........when they wanted answers and thought they would find it in The Way International.

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