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Dot Matrix

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Posts posted by Dot Matrix

  1. My friend passed his master's degree program in religion.

    When he sent for the transcripts from his corps days they sent back a paper saying "PFAL" grad. (ONLY) He knows the classes were not accredited, however they count as "life experience" which counts as credit.

    I called a lawyer to help him and have not heard yet, but all those classes he can get some credit for -- they will not acknowledge. Anyone else have this problem?

    I need these to get into the program I am trying to enter as well...

  2. Not for kids -- some Adult content

    Thematic Apperception Test


    I heard of a case where a small girl was screaming at the very site of this woman’s boyfriend. The child would cower under the kitchen table. The child would vomit and shake at the site of this “man.” But the mother/woman would leave her daughter in “his care” daily. She noticed bruises and other marks on her child and the behavior was worse and worse. But there was always an explanation – and she did not actually SEE her daughter get the bruises, even though it was after she was in HIS care. One day, the man finally snapped and the child is now blind, paralyzed and in a metal state of disconnect at the hands of this man. The child was young -- around four years old. She will never be the same. They want to prosecute the mother as well. She said she never saw any warning signs and her boyfriend is a “good” man who just snapped or was trying to instruct her daughter and things just went sour. They gave her a Thematic Apperception Test. There was a picture where a car is speeding toward a pedestrian and they asked her what was happening in this picture?

    The normal responses were he is going to get hit. He needs to get out of the way!!! She responded “These are old friends and the driver is going to stop the car and they are going to talk catching up on old stuff.”

    This woman suffers from the inability to process or perceive danger.

    This intrigued me, as in years gone by, here at the GS we had woman (en) share some things like how VPW taught them to “have sex” with him would help them find love (or whatever the exact stuff was…) And one poster in VPW’s defense said he might be testing her to help her grow. (OR something to that effect.).

    The responses from these few people here have baffled me. Totally irrational imo. But when this came up on warped perception – I began to apply it to some of what we have witnessed here. Could some be brain washed to the end that perception and deceived minds are void of judgment, as in this case? I wondered if a drunk guy with a naked penis were driving a motorcoach toward a young girl praying to God to know Jesus... If they would say, "She is praying for an old man to take her to new levels of understanding with his penis." Where most would say "RUN!!!!"

    Some pics


    What do you see in this picture?

    Give the back story and what is happening here and what the future holds.


    How about this one? Give the back story and what is happening here and what the future holds.

    Or this one?


    Or this one?


    or this?


    I should have probably put this under "open" or "the Way"

    Cause I do not have an exact verse in mind... Where one can be so blind to the obvious that they call good bad and bad --- good. It is not just in church settings, but in "life" as is the example at the top. The people who are unable, or became unable, to see BAD when bad is so very obvious to everyone else. Is this "the god of this world blinding people"??? I always thought of that as just in God stuff.. but this is in everyday life stuff. The blindness is so pervasive - I always thought it was framed in religious venues -- when the Bible speaks of void minds and blindness. I never thought about the people who just cannot see "truth" anywhere as being spiritually blind -- or the "cult" blindness being explained as biblical and scientific... Am I making sense? The devil just blinds people to all kinds of reality not just scriptures. I guess, that is what I mean to say and to ask.

  3. Geisha

    My friend auditioned for America Idol. And when I followed "Rock Star" they all said it was set up that Luke would win over that Rockin' chick that could really sell a song. It is all fixed and decided.

    However, a minister friend of mine from AZ sent me Susan Boyle in an Email the other day and it is obvious she is not pretty, thin or sexy by the regular thinking of most people. To see her belt out a song that reaches your core was delightful and surprising to ME. It was incredible to see someone who does not look like Faith Hill get a shot because she has "talent." It was refreshing and for a moment it enabled me to revisit my dreams as still being possible.

  4. I think it would be pretty weird of God -- who knows everything -- would not be able to place HELL --- if it is a place in the earth -- in a little better spot than where people would one day dig for oil - or science stuff. Ya know? Its not like we ever found paradise -- that was well guarded. So, I would imagine that some bumble heads could not dig into the gates of hell and hear millions screaming... Just the logic of it.

    However, to think, for just a minute, that millions of people are screaming was kinda a ucky thing to hear... And got me wondering about "hell". Who goes to hell? Just the spirits that caused all the problems?

  5. I think that sums it up nicely...It would appear to some that Whitedove deliberately hijacks threads and leads them into his cul de sac of illogic. It's the same argument over and over...I think this kind of disruption should be unwelcome here.

    Groucho -- I agree!!

  6. Studio fake?

    I thought maybe like a windy day would have noise the heat may have been the sound. I never thought of the dead being alive much -- cause of the Way and all -- so to even think about damned souls screaming in Siberia was a new concept for me.

    OOps I wrote to Dooj and posted when you did

  7. Geez Rummie

    For a nice guy you sure play a good meanie. :unsure:

    Mark - So, you are saying to be tortured forever you have to live forever and therefore have "eternal life" which God does not give anyone but believers. Then would eternal damnation truly just be seperated from God --- by non existance?

  8. I join Rascal in my thanks for Pawtucket!!!


    I do not know if this will help you or someone else reading this. But this almost describes to a "T" the defend-VPW-guy--


    Pathology of a false teachers

    You see we argue about VPW and LCM being wrong/bad/false etc. But those who vehemently defend them and their doctrines -- seems like they TOO become false teachers. Doncha think? And you see what a nutty battle it is to try and "change" their view point to something logical like "facts and witnesses". So, my guess, is your friend is surrounded by people like "you have seen here" splashed across your thread.

    Again, I would pray for her. I know I will pray for you and her and I bet others will as well.

    From the site above

    In Practice

    "Doting about questions and disputes of words."

    The Greek text could be translated this way: "Having a sick craving for questions and word battles." They have a disease--a morbid preoccupation with useless questions and word battles. They make a fuss about terminology. The Greek word translated "questions" (z[ma]et[ma]esis, means "idle speculations." It is nothing more than pseudo-intellectual theorizing. They make a fuss about theory instead of the truth of God's Word. So much is written about Scripture from a liberal or neo-orthodox viewpoint. It's easy to get lost in all the verbiage and speculation. Yet all you need to do is accept the plain truth of God's Word.

    They also get into "disputes of words" (Gk., logomachia, "word battles"). They battle each other over terminology. Their minds know nothing, so they engage themselves in battles over semantics that won't get anywhere.

    I mean, the above could be the-defend-VPW-guy's resume who posts here.

    And you mentioned something like you warn her and she says you took the word of "men" and she just KNOWS VPW would not have done those things. Yet, she is listening to what goldfish? No, she herself is listening to men and blowing off testimonies of people who have "been there" reporting the "bad stuff." And if you say "you are listening to men..." She will grab another void point and hold onto that like a pit bull with a steak. Like "he is dead." What does that have to do with the fact that while living he had a big smile hiding a very dark soul. Idiotic stuff like that we get here from the "sold-out" no matter what, loonies. You are not crazy. They become crazy-makers. It is a cult -- this is what cults do.

  9. I do not think it matters as much who Creflo is as what he says.

    Where is wordwolf?

    Did the fallen angels have sex with women and produce giants back before Noah?

    Are the gates of hell a place on earth leading to a place "in" the earth"?

    The guy Victor Russian dude -- who was he? And could the sound of 2000 degree "belly of the earth" make those kinds of noise? Did anyone ever check the noises to see if it was screams or the roar of heat on a microphone?

    And even if the tape is not really "hell"

    Are demons a product of devils having sex with humans? I thought there was emnity put between HIS seed and ours so that would not happen.

    Waysider - thanks

    Dooj -- those are my questions as well...

  10. I watch this preacher and ....

    He said people joke and think there is a “party” or they can handle it…. You can’t

    Please go to Part three tape #2 – with the sounds of hell. This can be disputed. I just found it interesting – and even if wrong, sobering for some reason….

    Part One

    Part Two (Can't find film)

    Part Three

    1 of 3

    2 of 3

    (Sounds of hell)

    3 of 3-

    Part Four

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