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Posts posted by Steve!

  1. Here's da deal.

    When we get married, we're going to have a small affair, families only.

    But . . . the party afterward will be open to whosoever will come. Just let us know if you will be there, and we'll make sure to stock an extra beer.

    We're not sure yet of the timing, we'll keep everyone posted.

  2. Rottsievampirella -

    "WAG" is Walgreen's stock ticker symbol. Yes, Wag's *was* a makeover from Walgreen's diner.

    Then Walgreen's sold it to Marriott in the 1980's, and the rest you know.

    Yorktown? I didn't even know there used to be one there!

    When I was in college I ended up working in the main office for Wag's/Shoney's, and was the chief cash register repair guy and reprogrammer, so I ended up visiting every Wag's/Shoney's location in the Chicago area at least once - all 30 locations.

  3. Wag's was bought from Marriott corporation by Lunan Corporation (a small corporation in Chicago, owns a lot of the Arby's restaurants around town) in 1991, about 2 weeks after I started working at Wag's, and about exactly the time I started in college.

    They started converting Wag's to Shoney's rapidly, ultimately converting 22 of the 29 Wag's into Shoney's.

    Then in late 1993, and through 1994, they started shutting down, because money was not managed very well.

    Finally in July 1994, the Shoney's franchisee and partner of the guy that owned Lunan skipped town several million dollars in debt, and went to be the CEO of Sizzler down in Flahrida.

  4. Mike -

    I don't think that very many people really want you to leave, myself included.

    I think that the consensus opinion is that you are extremely close-minded.

    I also think that very many of the posters here got pretty tired of the "I'm just absolutely right" attitude displayed by leadersh!t for many years, and won't react very positively to it.

    On the plus side, your posts have generated quite a flurry of activity here, and have presented an excellent counterpoint to the general atmosphere that is present here, that is to say, "veepee was a conman and a fraud and a sex pervert". You have provided a means by which some have been able to demonstrate the less-than-perfect aspects of pfal and docvic's "writings".

    Not to mention the entertainment value (and I'm not referring to entertainment at your expense - I mean the entertainment of watching you and others sparring).

  5. 11 years ago, when I was in college, I was night manager at Wag's restaurants (Rottsie - remember Wag's? then Shoney's)

    One night, this couple ordered steaks well done. My cook cooked them well done. But this couple sent the steaks back twice. Finally, I said, "Just put them in the fryer."

    On their way out that couple said, "Those were the best steaks we ever had!"

    Go figure!

  6. Raf, Oakspear, et al -

    Why do you persist in trying to carry on a debate with revrun Mike?

    You guys sound like that Monty Python skit where Michael Palin pays for an argument, and makes brilliant points, and all he gets in response is "No it isn't" and "Yes it is" and "Time's up!".

    Remember, in the words of docvic - "A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still."

    These threads are akin to trying to debate with one of those streetcorner nutjob preachers, only this forum is giving said nutjob some validation.

    He is here to preach at all of us, not to listen to anything anyone has to say.

    Of course, you guys look like you are having a lot of fun doing what you are doing, and I cannot fault you for that. But be not deceived, you will make no headway with such an one as this.



  7. Yes, it's true. (pause while listening to the sound of hundreds of hearts breaking)

    I want to thank everyone for their warm wishes.

    Cindy and I are ecstatic.

    And Rottsy, yes, but I'm in the process of divorcing. It was a long time coming, but it was going to happen no matter what.

  8. Um, Buck, if you would click the link, then you would see that Mark's wife's name is indeed Connie.

    And that joke, again, was from Bob Lacy, who you should probably recall, if you dig deep in the cess - er, recess - of your memory.

  9. Buck -

    You had identified yourself here as another poster at the previous GS Cafe, and as that previous poster you had revealed your secret identity. If A = B, and B = C, then A = C.

    Another Po'lander, Bob Lacy, used to tell about a joke he told his mother.

    "How do you get down from an elephant?"

    "I don't know, how?"

    "You don't get down from an elephant, you get down from a duck!"

    She said, "I don't get it. Let me try. How do you get down from an elephant?"


    "You don't get down from an elephant, you get off a duck, and I STILL don't understand it!"


    And now this post is nigh unto being finished

  10. For the sake of the benefit of the doubt, I will make one last comment directly to revrun Mike.

    Mike, you said that docvic brought us God's Word like no other could have. That is the basic assumption behind TWI and its offsh!ts, and that assumption has been repeatedly demonstrated to be flawed. If, for example, you were even to go to the sources that veepee "allegedly" plagiarized from, you would see great portions of what would become PFAL. If you were to review B.G. Leonard's class, again you would see the source for PFAL. And B.G.'s class is still going strong! And keep in mind, it's not the Bible that I am rejecting. I am not rejecting God and His Word - I am rejecting VP's claim to the throne.

    Everyone else - obviously we are conversing with someone in the throes of the psychological condition known as "cognitive dissonance", or perhaps some other mental illness. I am not really qualified to diagnose, but I do know enough about mental illness to recognize it when I see it.

    Cognitive dissonance is when there are 2 conflicting concepts in a person's mind, and the mind struggles to make sense of them both, until ultimately completely rejecting one and vehemently adhering to the other.

    In this case, Mike cannot accept that so many years of his life were wasted, and he cannot accept that the hero he idolizes is not the man he thought him to be. Therefore he is placing him on a pedestal even higher than that of Jesus Christ - docvic is MUCH more important to our day and time than Jesus Christ ever could be, according to everything that Pastor Mike has written.

    Carrying on a conversation with a person with a mental illness is usually fruitless. It's like trying to teach a pig to sing - it wastes your time and it annoys the pig! (credit Mark Twain)

  11. Yes, Buck, I knew that. That was why he moved to Po'land OR - because of you.

    He was my roommate for a year there, and every other word was "Buck" this, and "Buck" that.

    About a year or so ago I'd heard that he and his wife are still living in St. Louis MO, and they have been OUT since POOP.



  12. Oh, how wonderful, a lone voice crying in the wilderness.

    Please, seek help.

    You've lost friends and a spouse over this? Would you go so far as to lose a job over this? Life is just too damned short.

    What do you think it will get you? Is it going to deliver anyone? Will it get anyone born again? Will it magnify God?

    Remember that line, "nobody cares how much you know unless they know how much you care"?

    All you've done so far is to exalt yourself. Do you think that that is in line with scripture?

    All hail the Great Apostle Mike!

    [This message was edited by Steve! on December 27, 2002 at 8:30.]

  13. Um, Lindy?

    Your story is moving.

    I'm also glad that you are now out.

    I also realize that it was probably cathartic for you to post your story, and that parts of it may have been difficult to write.

    Just try to remember one word when you post a long post, please - "paragraphs".

    Thank you. Carry on.

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