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Posts posted by Steve!

  1. Mike -

    PFAL needs to be mastered? PFAL?

    How about the Word of God?

    And please don't try to tell me that PFAL = The Word of God. It ain't so.

    First off, much of it was plagiarized from outside sources - and there have been many discussions about that, and evidence shown.

    Second, much of it is just plain wrong. The law of believing, for example. Believing = receiving. That's not a law, that's a magic formula. Sure, there is principle behind that statement, but the material that docvic uses to exemplify that statement is rubbish. And that's just one example.

    Who "authored" PFAL? Docvic. So naturally he would promote it. Naturally he would indicate that it was the most important thing in the world, exalting it even above the Bible.

    Sorry, Mike, if you are looking for the PFAL/Docvic fan club, it ain't here. Try CFF, or Rearend Geer's outfit, or one of the many other sphincter, er, splinter groups.

    Anyway, I didn't and don't intend this post as a personal attack, and forgive me if you take it that way. I respect the amount of effort you have put into your posts here, and commend you on your heart of service.



  2. Don't know, don't care! hahahaha

    An alternate answer to your knockknock joke, buck -


    "Who's there?"


    "Olive who?"

    "Olive, the OTHER reindeer!"


    Okay, now - I heard the greatest knock knock joke in the world the other day - you start!

  3. An oldie but a goodie - what's the difference between apiesteia and apietheia?

    (scroll down)




















    I don't know and I don't care!

    HAhahahahahaha!!! I slay me! ohohohoho!

  4. Oh, don't worry about the pages loading up, even if you shrink the pic, it will still take almost as much storage space.

    And shrinking an animated gif file is not exactly the simplest thing - results can vary substantially.

    Just be glad that you have it the way it is now. And if you still want to shrink it, get some gif animator software and play around with it until you get the results you want.

    Personally, I like it the way it is.

  5. No matter what 2-digit number you pick, when you subtract its digits, you end up with 9 or a multiple thereof.

    If you look at 9, 18, etc., you will notice that their symbols are all the same.

    And every time you do it, they rotate the symbols, so that 9 and its multiples (except 90, which is an impossible result) have the same symbol, but it is a different symbol than the last time.

  6. I've faced Darth Vader; I am a Jedi.

    Today at my company's Christmas party, I was sitting with 2 co-workers on the 96th floor of the John Hancock building in Chicago, and the conversation turned to where we grew up.

    I was asked if I was from Chicago.

    I said, "Yes, I've been here my whole life, except for 5 years when I lived in Portland, Oregon."

    You know what the next question was - "What took you out there?"

    I said, "It's a long, complicated story - I was in a religious cult."

  7. Nope, David Offenkrantz sort of matches that description, except he was kind of skinny, 6'4", and yes, blond, blue eyes, mustache, glasses, but he didn't speak Russian, and he DID graduate with the 11th corpse.

  8. Zixar -

    No, not with NT/W2K and forward. You've got to explicitly add those files, or you won't have a bootable floppy.

    Maybe someday they'll set it up so that you can do it the way you described, but it ain't that way yet.

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