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Thomas Loy Bumgarner

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Posts posted by Thomas Loy Bumgarner

  1. My understanding is that the name Jesus(Eshoo) is derived from Joshua(Yeshuva) and is a nickname. Also since Joshua, son of Nun; Essau(jacob's twin brother); Jesus Barabbas; Jesus Simon Magnus; etc you need the title Christ(Christos/Christus/Christe) to distinguish the different Jesus' in scripture. Also Christ Jesus was to be used for the ressurrected Messiah. And since many people are called Jesus in hispanic culture, and Josh in English does not make them God. Same for Emmanuel/Immanuel Spinoza, Karl Phillip Emmanuel Bach(JS Bach's son), Immanuel Kant,etc does not make them God either. At least as for as TWI and splinter groups are concerned. Fear was Jesus could be a name used by evil people or devil spirits/demons, so Christ was always to be used. Strange that most Christians limit that name of only saying Jesus as always being Christ and never consider otherwise. OMG, I think I am still Waybrained. LOL! :biglaugh:

  2. Dear Pinklady, get yourself to a woman's battered shelter and file charges against your spouse. Then follow the advice of others mentioned above. I will pray for you and your healing. Take care of yourself and children. Agape and shalom. Thomas

  3. 2 groups not mentioned are Christian Research Fellowship started by the late John Hendricks and now run by daughter Rochelle in Destiny, FL and Alan and Lin Michaelsen in Marietta,GA. The other is Ken Petty's Emmaus Bible Fellowship in Oracle, Arizona. Both have revamped the old Power For Abundant Living Class with a few tweaks and spin. Both unfortunately do not document their quotations, including quotes from VPW and Walter J. Cummins, no footnotes/endnotes or bibliography for other resources.

  4. Gee and I thought TWI said baby Jesus was born on September 11. I enjoy the season from Thanksgiving Eve through Epiphany/January 6, especially Advent.

  5. The singing Ladies(?) of The Way is a poor imitation of the Women of Faith Conferences sponsored by Integrity Music(similar to Men's Promise Keepers). The later has better vocalists and quality music, plus they really move and dance. Something that LOTW seem timid for Fear of breaking their geriatic legs. Did I say fear? OMG!

  6. Since Smoky Mountain National Park straddles Tenn. and NC, and Cheroke and Gatlinburg are near, that's one possibility. Another is Julian Price Park near Blowing Rock/Boone,NC; Green Mountain Park near Lenoir,NC. Doglover lives near me and might be interested. Likeaneagle lives in eastern NC as does Ilovebagpipes.

  7. Twinot, In Karl Kahler's book, one of the chapters talks about VP's attitude while filming the class, and suppossed attested by Dave Anderson and Peter Wade, one day during one of the breaks in filming PFAL, Mrs. Wierwille decided to get some plastic or fancy paper roses to be placed in the vase on "Doc's" desk. He saw her doing that and went into a screaming tirade, almost getting ready to slap her in front of everyone. She broke down in tears. Some reported that Wierwille nearly threatened the entire crew with violence if anyone tried to protect Dorethea. After the class was filmed, both Dave and Peter left TWI in disgust. And this is 1969. By the way, Ermal was retired as BOD because he disagreed with VPW over the book Jesus Christ is not God(seems he still was Trinitarian).

  8. Noni, welcome to the cafe. check out my profile for background info. Simply put, TWI was baptist/reformed-presbyterian/pentecostalist-charismatic/adventist(including Plymouth Brethern and JW)/Unitarian/Bullinger/Word of Faith(Kenyon)/ and both Herbert and Garner Ted Armstrong; all gave influence to The Way International. Hope this helps you. Agape, Thomas

  9. Noni, welcome. It'll be nice to have another vantage point. Now we need to find an ex Mormon. I have had their missionaries at my door and I don't turn them away just because I remember how I felt when I got turned away going door to door. But recently I had to tell them to stop coming. It sucks hours out of your life.

    Glad to have you Noni. Glad to see you are breaking the bonds of control

    Dear free, Templelady/Mo is present Mormon/Latter Day Saints who often posts here. Thomas

  10. WW, JW's(or is that Yahweh's Witnesses/YW's) were founded by Russell and Rutherford, known as international Bible Students. Herbert Armstrong(the Worldwide Church of God) and son Garner Ted, splinter group The International Church of God came out of Congrgationalists, but were influenced by 7th Day Adventists(which along with Meggido Mission) also influenced JW's. Remember that Bullinger was associated with plymouth Brethern(Darby, Scolfield, Lankin, and Mueller) at one time, but disagreements quickly arose. From the early 1800's on in Great Britain and North America came the beginnings of so call "Biblical Research" with Spurgeon, Ruben Archer Torrey and Dwight Moody, Albert Benjamin Simpson, and many others we have talked about on these threads which voila leads us to VPW and Der Weg. if some want this theology, fine, but don't say that the rest of us Christians are heretics/blasphemers and should be murdered and destroyed. OK?

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