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Everything posted by hiway29

  1. hiway29


    I got involved in '75 at the University of Bridgeport. Bruce Mahone was limb leader, and shared an apt right off campus with Hugh Knowlton, Jim Daggon, and Larry Romaine-all great guys. Went wow, then returned in '77. Lived in Milford from '78-'82, when I moved out of state for good(but returned often to visit family.) Steve and Cathy Strzepek were running the show then, and my relationship with them was complex to say the least. I will say that I would love to see them again, which is more than I can say for many leaders.
  2. I'm hoping that was it, I meant. Gotta start checking messages before I post for errors
  3. Al Poole- I saw Tull last fall also, and yes the pipes were bad-but I later found out Ian was suffering from a sinus infection at the time, so I'm that was it. His flute skills had improved tho. LCM was in my state teaching an open meeting a couple of days after John Lennon was killed. There were several 'new people' there and he ranted about how horrible Lennon was, and that if anything, he was happy he was shot. I recall seeing a new person just get up, take off his namteag and walk out, and secretly wishing I had the guts to do the same. Another infamous 'seed boy' was Tolkien. I used to randomly hear that the Lord of the Rings was written with 'automatic writing', that no one could have wrotten those books without being born of the wrong seed.
  4. I just saw "Far From Heaven", and have to put it at the top of my list-
  5. the lobster rolls were indeed made like eggrolls, and came frozen, ready to be dropped in the vat. they weren't very good and were not a big item. it was the chili long dogs that ruled -the legendary Pinks here in Los Angeles doesn't even come close
  6. I worked at a fast food joint in Connecticut when I was 16(late 60's-choke), where we fried all the hot dogs in the same vat we cooked french fries in. The footlong chili dogs were the best Ive ever tasted and we used to sell them by the ton to a nearby factory at lunchtime. The only problem was that same fry vat was used for everything from french fries to hot dogs, onion rings, lobster rolls, and clams. By the end of the day, youd be tasting onion ring in the french fries. It was all so healthy. Still, I have fond memories of dropping a dozen long dogs in the vat and watching them fry. You knew they were done when a split along the side of the dog occurred
  7. I was 11 years old when the Beatles landed in the USA in 1963. I had been aware of rock and roll an pop music on the radio before then, but nothing prepared me for how the Beatles would affect my life. Either it was me, or kids grew up slower back then. Today you have 7 year old girls into Brittany Spears,etc, but I was pretty naive when I first heard the Beatles. I remember the Ed Sullivan show appearnces like it was yesterday, watching with my brother on the upstairs portable tv, as my parents wanted no part of it. The first album I bought was 'Meet the Beatles', which I played to death on my parents ancient 'entertainment system'-a combo radio, record player, and 13"tv. Anyway, to shorten a long story, I pretty much tracked my life through the 60's with the Beatles, and felt like they grew and changed as I did. I wasin junior high when they came out with "Rubber Soul", which blew me away. Suddenly the songs were more introspective, and just seemed better. There's something a little funny about a 14 year old relating to "In My Life", but I would listen to that song over and over and think about the future. "Revolver" was just as hugefor me. It seemed as I was growing up, the Beatles were growing with me. Then Sgt Peppers hit. Like so many others, I also discovered pot around this time. I don't think you can blame the Beatles, or Sgt Pepper for my involvement with pot at that age, but I know I turned to it partially as a search for identity, and an escape from the pain of adolesence. It was actually a year after Pepper that I started, and I found that Jimi Hendrix, Jefferson Airplane, and Lord help me-'Iron Butterfly" were more conducive to listening to while stoned. The 60's rolled on and the signs that all was not well in Beatle world were there. The white album came out, and clearly reflected the change. It was more like a collection of solo songs than a standard Beatle album. They were going through struggles and so was I. When they broke up in 1970, it made perfect sense to me. I had just graduated college, and my life was in disarray. I felt I understood John Lennon perfectly. Theres more to say about this, but I'll do it later. Thanks again to Ted for his insights here
  8. I for one, am waiting anxiously to hear from Ted about his meetings with Elvis, and his thoughts on music from the 60's and beyond. It's been anything but boring, Ted. Was that an open invitation to all greasespotters to attend the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame with you? Be careful what you put out there, because now I'm thinking if I'm ever in Cleveland it'd be the only way to see it!
  9. In searching the deepest recesses of my fast fading memory, I believe it was an open 'Christian Family and Sex' evening, which may have have kept out the 12 year olds, but was still for all the grads in the area. All other details are as I remember it tho.Still not sure what seeing the doggy tape had to do with CF&S.
  10. I was living in St Marys, of all places, in '85, not on staff or corps (long story), when they had an open 'grad night' for all the people in the area, in the OSC big room. I was quite surprised when they pulled out the animal tape to show to 'the masses'. Varying degrees of revulsion and uncomfortableness resulted. I have no recollection of the reasons put forth for showing it. The cynical side of me thinks that someone just enjoyed seeing the reactions it produced.
  11. Thank you for the birthday greetings, which I just found thanks to a reminder from excathedra. This is more acknowledgement than I ever got at the rock, which always fell on my birthday, and was largely forgotten. It was also Don Weirwille's birthday, and I used to pretend the cheering and clapping in the main tent when they announced it was for me. It was also Fountainguy's birthday, who hasn't been around here much lately, but a belated Happy Birthday to him also.
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