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Everything posted by Rocky

  1. Wherefore art we here then oh wise Dr Tut? and whatho shpeshul 'bout that pairrot?
  2. niKa, did the guy with the parrot order a Cheeseburger in Paradise? Did he have a Pencil thin mustache? or did he dream of Margaritaville?
  3. niKa, Well, sounds like great fun and a nice place for a stuffy nose youngun to be on New Year's morning. I didn't watch the Rose Bowl game but figure it was most gracious of you and the other professor to wait before gloating! :)--> I'm glad the buckeye nuts didn't riot in Tempe. THAT game seemed to get a real significant contribution from the 12th man (the collective body of screaming fans dressed in red and silver). Probably some of your students in the game this year?
  4. btw, niKa, did you and the family get to see the Rose Parade in person? That would have been very kewl... and some wonderful photos.
  5. niKa, two weeks off, a few days like LEAD, except at home... plenty of time to think, re-evaluate the job and desired direction... sleep in. Saw deCaprio and Hanks in Catch Me If You Can. Incredibly hilarious. But THE college football game is, at this moment, at halftime in Tempe. Talk about Red... lots of snowbirds from Ohio in the Phoenix area this week. At the game, they estimate anywhere between 20 to 50 times as many Buckeye fans than Hurricane fans. I saw one sign on a local tv news spot that said "Columbus discovered Tempe" Otherwise, the big event (and the "Big Show" politically) begins Monday, with swearing in of the new Dem Governor Napolitano. Pundits are figuring it could take until July to negotiate a one year state government budget. All the while, Simon Z sweats bullets hoping they don't raise taxes for his woofin biz.... unless he doesn't care.... [This message was edited by Rocky on January 03, 2003 at 20:30.]
  6. Situation normal, all fouled up....snafu (guzhoontheit) Actually, it's not easy being green, but for now, I'm putting up with it, because it is stable if still distorting perception. And you?
  7. Which one was a Beatle?
  8. Indeed the effectual fervent prayer of even one righteous buzzard is a good thing... but I think I'm going to end up having to get a new monitor. One of the things I have to do most with my computer is edit photos... can't do that very well if they all look too green... But thank you so for yer good vibes. Merry xmas to me, from IBM.
  9. Watt a family! Makes me weep... or maybe that was prozac? but suddenly, you all look like green cards Oh, that's not prozac, that's my blinkin monitor starting to flake out. eek! At least it's not my mental health (yet).
  10. Wasn't that the Italian prophet, Mal-AH-chee?
  11. OMG, Mr.Z, you must be Joe K'ing! I humbly apologize for having so offended you. There, does that help? Now, wasn't Mr. Frank M (who now hales from Sam Walton country) the 9th Corpse elder?
  12. For all of you in NC, I got to shake hands with Johnny Edwards (US Senator from NC, Dem) this evening. He spoke at a political dinner event this evening. You Tar Heels know too well, no doubt that he is prepping to run for President. Myself, I think John Kerry from Mass. has more of a presidential presence. I've met both, and if I had to bet now, I'd put money on Kerry over Edwards, and probably over Gore (if he wants another run at it, or Leiberman, but Leiberman would be a strong candidate). Anyway, I remember various times my mother telling me that when I had told someone my age, (late 30s, early 40s, for example) how it made her feel old. Well, at this dinner, I was at the media table in the back, and a "young" couple came up to me to talk. Now, I already know many of the active Dems in AZ anyway, but did not recognize these two. The gal asks me something about who I am and if I remember her, Bishop Cornwell's older daughter (anyone who was a wow or corpse in AZ at anytime in the 1970s, 80s, or maybe into the 90s probably knows who Bishop C. is. For those who do not, his is listed in the directory pages on the Cortright fellowship web site (see drop down menu at the top of the page for a link). Well, I first came back to AZ after "getting into the Word" while overseas, in 1976 or 1977. She was just a kid. Apparently, she grew up, spent at least a year at the Way C of E, met a guy, married him and ended up (now is) 37 years old (of course, 1977 is 25 years ago), and has three kids, one a teenager already. Well, her husband works for a large corporation that does business with the State of Arizona and therefore he does some political associating. Anyway, the former Miss Cornwell is doing very well and both seem quite happy together and content no longer being in twi. I almost feel guilty saying she's a fox, as if time stood still and she's still a minor. But she's not, and I'm not guilty and it just was interesting and nice to see an old acquaintance.
  13. I really had only been hitting the post reply button here... after all, how can you be two places at once, when you're not anywhere at all. (I'm checking the thread name on replies from now on...I hope)
  14. I suppose there's still hope fer ya... now, Simon Z, that's another story.
  15. ... in June that year. and Buck... why do you ask?
  16. I musta hit the wrong button... did not mean to start a new thread... sorry. It was a goofy tangent anyway. Buck... yes, I was, through the first in-res year and into the interim year. I think simon and Tom and Ex knew me, but not in the biblical way.
  17. not sure about then, but now, given that some of us are pushin 50, it could be a Peter Pan spirit (I WON'T GROW UP, DAMN IT!)
  18. It seems our sista Sunesis has shown the understanding that comes from rivers flowing together -- friends with our demons, indeed. Simon, what happened to the Gilmores? Adam Sandler made a movie about them, I think? TT, LOA or DOA? No, I think MOA is probably it, and what you wanted to tell those sweet thangs that Ex heard funnin themselves... "Move On A" ova he-ah! Buck, of course God told ya to wake her up, but your physiological response probably made you forget why for a moment.... TT - I agree, it was Nathan but the ancient Aramaic texts say "You DUH man!" Carry on chillen'...
  19. Good thing it hasn't happened to the rest of us!!!!!!!!!?? wow. Sara (Sally) had said that Michael had gone kinda off the deep end, spending time in Israel proclaiming the apocalype or something like that. He's not the way I remember him. (clean shaven!)
  20. hahahahaha.... drop and gimme 20 (dollars?) Sally's name was Rood, but she became Sarah Myers (changed back after divorce, I think she said on the old trancechat), an AirForce nurse, and mother of 4 daughters... the oldest of which I believe is now grown. Could that be Sunesis? Mebbe. Hey, they finally signed Indian gaming compacts again here in AZ... now all the voluntary taxpayers can play one arm bandit for the next 23 years in peace... And then let Simon reroof their mobile homes.
  21. Mister P-Mosh, I hope by now you realize how many of us share so much in common with you. Keep on sharing, on whatever subject, and don't worry if people don't agree with you. Fact is, regardless of your view, there will be those who will relate. Take care.
  22. why, did it happen to you today? are you sure it wasn't me? hahahahaha! It's been probably 5 years since I've even seen a way bumper sticker...
  23. What a crock of guacamole... The above sounds something like that OT book and something like what I've heard romance novels are like. AND on the question of being a "political wow," all I can say is that if I were a "political wow, I probably would have won my race for school board 4 years ago. There is a small comfort, but still a comfort, in garnering 10,470 votes, even if still 1,500 short of the needed amount. I am more like a political neurotic or political junkie. However, I did vote for the governor-elect of Arizona and during the campaign was able to get pics of my daughter with the governor-elect that will inspire her educational and community pursuits.
  24. I resized the .jpg for you (and sent it to you by email). Please post the smaller one. tnks.
  25. Simon, didja run out of roof tiles? It wasn't raining today, but was kinda windy... Oldest 9th corps? Frank M.? Easy on the eyes? For election eve, I could post a pic of the youngest candidate for the Arizona House of Representatives (Kyrsten S., age 26)... and she's a knock out... also nice cleaving. Since igotout has to leave his girlfriend home, let him bring his loverly wifey. Maybe she'll serenade us with loverly tunes too.
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