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Grace Valerie Claire

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Posts posted by Grace Valerie Claire

  1. On October 23, 2016 at 3:22 PM, Belle said:

    Good to see you (((Skyrider)))!

    Great posts people!!  Yes Belle, I know what you mean!!  For years, I thought I had "a bee in my bonnet."  After coming to the GSC, I realize that most of my perceptions of TWI, were right!  But I thought, how could I think that there was so much BS in TWi, because I thought this was "God's Ministry.  Wow!  The GSC has taught me that there was a lack of compassion, love, honestly, kindness, ect., in TWI.  I remember hearing a number of teaching tapes on the love of God, and then having TWI send their WOWs out hungry.  My WOW was such a hard year for me, because I saw how money was the heart of TWI, yet I was expected to love others with the LOG, yet the Ministry was not treating the bulk of it's people with the LOG.  IMHO, TWI was not doing any meaningful Godly work.

  2. Great posts everyone!!  I remember what a stir the PooP created in TWI back in 1986 when it came out.  WOW!  Until I read it for myself, I had no idea of what had ben going on behind the scenes at TWI; I was shocked that

    everything at HQ wasn't all sweetness and light.  In my Twig in RI, everything was great; classes were running, attending fellowship was still fun, and believers were being blessed.  I know because I was there; when I found out that much of TWI was going thru hard times , I was shocked. So when CG wrote his PooP paper, I had no idea of what was happening outside of RI.  I can well understand though, why so many people left.  Many of the leaders in TWI, were abusing people, cheating on their spouses, and not living Godly lives.  Years later, I realized that Geer himself was not the MOG he pretended to be.  After coming to the GSC, I learned that LCM was also a fraud.  These two men, and others had caused any number of believers a great deal of grief, and sorrow.  My heart bleeds for those who were used by the so-called leaders in TWI.  And still some people have no idea, or don't care, about how destructive TWI turned out to be.  I can not believe that TWI is still in operation.  Why? I guess it is still all about the money; when the money is gone, TWI will probably disband, IMHP.



  3. On June 23, 2016 at 7:25 PM, DontWorryBeHappy said:



    On June 23, 2016 at 7:25 PM, DontWorryBeHappy said:


    Again, everyone thank you for this information.  To this day, I still can not understand how VPW escaped involvement in the US Military during WWIi.  I can not believe that I found out after he died, what a slime ball, VPW really was.  If I had known what he was really like, I would never gotten involved with TWI.

  4. Wow!!  WW, excellent job in breaking this down, and explaining it.  If I may, I would like to add my two cents; forgive me for sounding petty.  To this day, it ticks me off that a football player who never went WOW got a WOW 

    pin.  I had a very tough time on the WOW field, and went thru hell to finish the year.  Yet this man who never went WOW, received a special ceremony where he got a pin he did not deserve.  When I first read about this in a Way Mag, I was ticked.  TWI made a big deal about giving him this pin, simply because he made big, big bucks playing football. I noticed that when Tony Collins failed his drug tests, TWI never said a thing about it.  In TWI, some people were given special treatment if they had money and fame.  If you were a peon like me, you got nothing.  Forgive me again for being petty, but this behavior really ticked me off.

    • Upvote 3
  5. Wow!!  For sure, I am glad that I did not go Way Corps.  Instead of going Corps, God had me join the Navy.  So many people in the Way Corps were used, and abused; not all of them of course.  When I read stories at GSC of what some of them went through, it breaks my heart.  So many good people got caught up in something so evil.

  6. Charlene, I think you are spot-on. I came to the GSC by accident.  I took the PFAL class in May of 1978, in Va Beach.  Twigs were fun, we were young, and we thought we moving The Word to benifit society.  Oftentimes people in various Twigs got together and had pot-luck dinners.  Having dinner together and than fellowshiping with other like-minded believers was a joy!!  However, by 1988 when the Navy sent me to Italy, fellowshiping with other believers had changed drastically.  Fellowships were still teaching The Word, but moving it had become legalistic.  Somehow the fun of moving it was lost; for many fellowships.  So, the question is why did I stay with TWI? I think it might have been because I throught no other place could teach me The Word like TWI could.  To this day, I still can not understand why I stayed with TWI.

    Obviously, I am still trying to sort out my feelings about my TWI experience.  That is why I keep coming back to the Cafe.








  7. Thank-you for the welcome!!  Yes, I have heard from others  that TWI was not doing well in the late 1980s.  I think by being overseas, I missed a lot of the s--t that happened inTWI.  But, I was shocked when I first came to the Cafe years ago, and learned about how sick some of the people in TWI were!!  I had no idea that so many people had been so horribly abused!!  Also, I had no idea of what type of person VPW was!!  That was a real eye opener!!  Also, I had no idea of what when on at HQ!!  But, I am so thankful that I got out before all the s--t went down.  I am thankful for  having God in my life; but no one should have to suffer to "move" the Word!

  8. Again, I am a new member here at GSC.  I have been coming here for years; I finally figured out how to post!!  I was in TWI from 1978-1988.  I went WOW in1978-1979 in Joliet, Ill.  My WOW year was terrible!!  One year was more than enough for me!  I took the AC in 1985, in Rome City, IN.  Lord, what a waste of my time, and money!!  In 1988, Uncle Sam sent me to Italy, by way of the Navy.  There were no real fellowships in Italy, so I left TWI for good. When I came back to the US in 1990, TWI was falling about.  So I attended some fellowships near NYC; they were wonderful!!  I know some people people were blessed with the time they spent in TWi; others were not.  However, I had no idea of all the terrible abuses that went on in some places in TWI, until I came here to the GSC!!  I can not believe how many people suffered in TWI.  I feel so foolish, for saying this, but I really did not know. I have read so many horror stories about how so many people suffered so much in TWI.  I met some great people, but I also met some a--holes!!  I am thankful that God met me where I was at; but I can understand why others want nothing to do with him.  

    • Upvote 1
  9. Hello everyone:

    My name is Grace Claire, and I am a new member.  I am so happy that

    VB is going to jail for 30 years!!  I feel for his victims; but I do not feel sorry for him!!  I am so glad that I was able to read about this on the GSC today!!

  10. On October 11, 2016 at 10:13 PM, HAPe4me said:

    Cult leader pleads guilty sex charges

    Many here have followed this story from before legal sexual assault charges were even filed. Several of our members have posted first-hand stories of their experiences with Victor Barnard.

    Today Barnard pled guilty to 2 of the 59 charges and will be sentenced on Oct 28th to 30 years in prison.

    Yes!!!  I am so happy to hear this!! What a creep!!  I am so sorry for all of his victims!!

    • Upvote 1
  11. I was in Italy from 1988-1990.  When I came back to the US, TWI was in a big, big mess.  I was no longer interested in going to Fellowship.  However, I hooked-up with a home fellowship in Rockland County, NY.  It was great!!

  12. On January 11, 2008 at 9:05 AM, Twinky said:

    Folks, it might be interesting to find out a bit about who comes to the Cafe so if you're willing, let's ask the questions. If I missed out a relevant category, apologies, tick other and tell us about it below.

    I love coming to GSC; I was in TWI for ten years(1978-1988).  However, I was not kicked-out as some people were.  I left TWI because the Navy sent me to Italy, where there were no fellowships.

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