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Mark Sanguinetti

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Everything posted by Mark Sanguinetti

  1. I don't have much time to research this because of a heavy work schedule. However, I read the below from the Nelson Bible Dictionary and I agree with it. Like a lot of words both in English, Hebrew and Greek, their meaning depends on the context. And one more thing, in the Old Testament we only had half truths if that much. It was only through the life and ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ that we received the whole truth. Jesus is the Way, the truth and the life. So if Jesus says the greatest commandment is to love God above all. How can we love anyone if we fear them in a negative sense? As the Nelson Bible Dictionary points out if we fear God in a negative sense we will simply avoid God and want nothing to do with God or we will deliberately deny God even exists. One more thing the same Hebrew word for fear is also translated respect in Lev. 19:3. Again this depends on the context of usage. Either that or we are also suppose to fear our parents. How can anyone have a positive experience with anyone that they know if they only fear them? If you fear anyone you know you are going to avoid them. Lev 19:3 3 "'Each of you must respect his mother and father, and you must observe my Sabbaths. I am the LORD your God. NIV Lev 19:3 3 Ye shall fear every man his mother, and his father, and keep my sabbaths: I am the LORD your God. KJV FEAR A feeling of reverence, awe, and respect, or an unpleasant emotion caused by a sense of danger. Fear may be directed toward God or man, and it may be either healthy or harmful. A healthy fear is reverence or respect. The Bible teaches that children are to respect their parents (Lev 19:3), wives are to respect their husbands (Eph 5:33), and slaves are to respect their masters (Eph 6:5). The Scriptures also declare that "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge" (Prov 1:7) as well as "the beginning of wisdom" (Prov 16:16). A harmful fear is a sense of terror or dread. Believers are instructed not to fear human beings (Matt 10:28; Phil 1:28), because they cannot ultimately harm us. Wicked men, however, are constantly fearing other people, especially the righteous (Prov 28:1; Matt 14:5; Rom 13:3-4). Such fear causes them to act deceitfully in an attempt to hide their sins (2 Sam 11; Matt 28:4-15). On the other hand, the unbeliever has every reason to be panic-stricken at thoughts of God, for he stands condemned before Him (Matt 10:28; John 3:18). And yet, this kind of fear of God does not often lead to repentance. It normally leads to a feeble attempt to hide from God (Gen 3:8; Rev 6:15-17) or worse, to a denial of God's existence and His claim on a person's life (Ps 14:1; Rom 1:18-28). (from Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Copyright ©1986, Thomas Nelson Publishers) Finally, perhaps essentially the same message above has already been expressed in other posts. In that case we agree.
  2. I agree with you Socks. Just because John Lynn did not make any errors with his denouncing of the law of believing and his Youtube video does not mean he has never made any. Yes, I agree, he did, along with others, swallow some useless garbage with "Momentus" and "Personal Prophecy". Some of which hurt him personally, especially the good hearted lady that he is with. And it has hurt the ministry that he has been involved with. But again, one of my points is that John does listen to people. Sometimes to the wrong people, but sometimes to people like you and me Socks. Thank you for your honest posting and evaluation my friend.
  3. This is actually something that John Lynn has understood correctly for some time. Years ago he even did a good study and written teaching on Romans chapter 4. People this in on Youtube. This teaching is for everyone. This is not a teaching for you if you don't want to hear it. If you don't want to hear him do what he likes to do which is teach the bible then don't play the Youtube video and don't listen to him. However, the teaching was fine and I did not hear anything wrong with it. This is how he ends this bible teaching. "When we go to Him (God) in prayer, faith and obedience His (God's) power can make things happen outside our skin. And that is how we are suppose to live trusting in God and His Word." There is nothing biblically wrong with that statement and the way he explains it. I may not agree with everything he teaches, but I know John personally and know that he is receptive to other people's views. I even called him up one time and talked him into giving the lady that he is currently married to a second chance in their relationship. I read some of what the lady wrote and thought she was sharp as a tack. Some of what she wrote is even posted on this web site. When I told John this he listened to me and as far as I know has benefitted from this. But then if you don't want to listen to him then don't. However, in spite of what some of you think here, John does listen to other people.
  4. Hi Lovematters:

    Thanks for your excellent posts and for taking the time to do the research on this. I will likely stop posting on Grease Spot Cafe again after this discussion so I wanted you to have my e-mail address.


    Thanks again.



  5. Roy, no one here on this forum is an apostle. And Victor Wierwille was not an apostle either. You have obviously picked up some of his bad habits to even imply that you are an apostle on this forum. Just trying to help you by pointing this out to you. And one more point Roy. There is no sane and godly reason why you have to feel you are an apostle in order to feel good about yourself and your posting on this forum. Everyone should at least try to feel good about themselves without such as elevated position of spiritual authority.
  6. Roy, I am sure that thinking you are an apostle makes you feel good. I want you to feel good Roy, but if you are an apostle, then everyone here on this forum must be an apostle also. Do I think everyone or even anyone here is an apostle? Drum roll please. No, I do not.
  7. There are a number of threads here on Grease Spot Cafe with which to post information. There is only one thread for doctrinal content. Doctrinal content does relate to Christianity. If one does not believe at all in God or the bible then why would one want to post in this doctrinal forum? Roy was being judgemental. I was merely trying to add some biblical content to this doctrinal thread. No Roy, you read something into my post that was not there. And you can not read my mind. And Roy, if you are not a Christian then why do you call yourself an Apostel, which is a mispelling of the word Apostle? And why do you always begin your threads with "God first"?
  8. Roy, we all need to grow up. Again this is a doctrinal forum. I know you sometimes feel it is beneath yourself to post things in the political forum. You sometimes feel it is the basement. Nevertheless we still have a political forum. And no, that was not a loving thing you just posted. That was very judgemental.
  9. Roy, for Christians doctrinal deals with the bible. If you are concerned about slavery, and most of us here are, why don't you bring some scriptures to this discussion that people can analyze, instead of only political and cultural history? But to try to help out. There has been a lot of slavery in history among nations. And it was so prevalent during the first century with the Roman empire having world rule that the apostle Paul himself even went along with it. However, I have never read where the Lord Jesus Christ agreed with or went along with slavery.
  10. What does this have to do with content on a doctrinal thread?
  11. I just noticed this. I am going to try to send you a private message.
  12. Jesus Christ is the only leader that the body of Christ needs. And the reason he is the leader of the body of Christ is because he is the greatest servant. If you can't understand that then you need to start over again from square one with your belief system.
  13. Teachmevp, what you are advocating here on this forum topic is unbiblical for the body of Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ is the only leader that we need. Follow his teachings and what he stood for (as did the apostle Paul) and do this out of service to other members of the body of Christ and your fellow man and you will make a contribution to it. Otherwise you will not. http://www.christianherald.info/lordship-of-jesus-christ-page-1.html
  14. We agree completely on this. And we also have scriptural evidence of Greek being used as an important secondary language in the first century during the time period of Jesus and Paul in the Jewish provinces. John 19:19-20 19 And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross. And the writing was, JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS. 20 This title then read many of the Jews: for the place where Jesus was crucified was nigh to the city: and it was written in Hebrew, and Greek, and Latin. KJV And Robert to answer your question. We may not have known each other in past years. However, one of my roommates in college was Chuck Masterson, who later married the lady that did the New Testament Hebrew/Aramaic study for the Way magazine.
  15. So congratulations James. You got yourself a disciple here afterall. So Robert, do you also think like James, namely that Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles, did not know Greek?
  16. I have studied some of Paul's writings in great depth. See the link below. Paul's writings are brilliant. But Composer, maybe you think Sir Isaac Newton, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and Albert Einstein are mythical characters also? And if they are mythical characters then why should we learn anything from them either? But then maybe we should only study what you write Composer? People like you are sooo smart. http://www.christianherald.info/1-corinthians-12-page-1.html
  17. Roy brings up another good point. Do you think Moses only spoke Hebrew? You do know he lived in Egypt for a number of years don't you? By repeatedly telling or implying that Paul only spoke Hebrew even though he lived, taught and ministered in Greek speaking provinces for a number of years, you are discrediting his linguistic ability. You do realize that don't you? In contrast, many of us here think very highly of Paul's ministry to the Gentiles and his all around education and abilities. In fact, since we can see you can speak and write English, likely you were born in the USA, and you say you know Hebrew and Aramaic, that means in your mind you think you have more linguistic ability and education than the apostle Paul. That is some kind of an ego you've got there James.
  18. http://www.aramaicpedangta.com/Online_Version/dont_know_aramaic.htm The below short and to the point analysis is taken from the above web site link. This is a web site that says some of the same stuff that James has been saying about how good the Aramaic texts are and how bad the Greek texts are. Of course, a Greek translator would not agree. I wonder if the Greek translators complain about the Aramaic texts? Well maybe that can be for another topic. And if the above link does not work, I do not know why this is the case. When I copy and paste this directly into my browser it works fine and takes me to the site. However, when I copy and paste it to this forum I am not getting the same results. I did a google search for the below mentioned person who is more of an esteemed Aramaic translator and the above link came up number 2 on the first page. Paul Younan
  19. Actually, doing a Yahoo search, almost sounds Jewish to me. One only needs to do a search by the name of James Trimm and this is the link that currently comes up on page 1, link number 2. http://www.lebtahor.com/truth/trimm/plagiarisms/HRVAveryPaper.htm
  20. I am just trying to get James to be more Christ like on this forum and less like a pharisee. You know those pharisees from the first century were pretty smart. And I betcha at least some of them were smart enough to know Greek as a second language also.
  21. The problem with cults or cultish attitude is when people want to elevate their so called authority in the church above christian service. This is the yardstick by which to judge. When people post here do they have a provide education service oriented mind set? Or are they here to start a new church or whatever you want to call it, with them as the leader or head? If it is the latter, this is a cult mind set. And I add, this goes completely against the example and teachings of Jesus Christ and the apostle Paul who started off as a well read, but political power and authority hungry pharisee. To latter completely change to a service oriented apostle and teacher while desiring no hierarchical authority
  22. Paul was a great writer and I think very highly of not only his spiritual insights, but his overall skills. And yes, his overall skills included his knowledge of not only all Aramaic and Hebrew, but Greek as well. But then many of us have been trying to explain to you that historically, many people used Greek as a second language and this is simple to comprehend and does not take a great deal of research. But then you are going to hear what you want to hear.
  23. The apostle Paul the writer of the church epistles was from Tarsus which is present day Turkey. And Paul was probably born in Tarsus also, although I want to double check this. Tarsus was part of the Greek empire or nation and not part of Israel or the Jewish nation. The people from Tarsus, for the most part would have spoken Greek. Even when Tarsus became part of the Roman empire, people born in Tarsus would have spoken Greek and this would have been their primary language. Tarsus as part of the Roman empire by, in general, military conquest tells us why Paul was a Roman citizen. Below is some information on the city of Tarsus. When I find more I will post it. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/14461b.htm Here is another link. From this link it looks like Paul was born in Tarsus, but as a youth was sent to live in Jerusalem to study under Gamaliel (Acts 22:3). This points to Paul learning Greek as an infant, but being schooled in Jerusalem under the Jewish law and learning this in Hebrew and Aramaic. http://www.meandertravel.com/biblicalanatolia/biblical_anatolia.php?details=cityofstpaul&m=5&md=sc5 Another thing to consider regarding Paul is who were Paul's parents and where were they from? Here is another link which says there was a colony of Jews in Tarsus. The reason being since "Tarsus was an important trading center, it gathered a colony of Jews which grew and prospered." Since trade was going on between nations, this tells me they would not have been isolated by language and would have likely known both Aramaic and Greek. http://www.ptpe.org/chapters/tarsus/
  24. And below is information on Paul's speech to the Greeks of Athens as recorded in Acts 17:22-31. AREOPAGUS [air ee OP ah gus] (hill of Ares)-a limestone hill in Athens situated between the ACROPOLIS and the AGORA; by association, also the council which often met on the hill. The apostle Paul addressed the Areopagus in his "philosophical sermon" which attempted to meet the objections of the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers to the gospel (Acts 17:16-34). Paul's speech before the Areopagus (Acts 17:22-31) is a good example of the council meeting to discuss and evaluate a philosophical issue. Paul argued about the nature of God and the way God relates to human beings, especially through Jesus Christ. Paul's argument must have made an impact in the council. "Dionysius the Areopagite" was among those who joined Paul and believed in Christ (Acts 17:34). Paul's argument on the Areopagus is extremely important. It identifies the decisive difference between Greek philosophy and the Christian faith. Apparently the philosophers were not greatly troubled by Paul's talking about God or God's relationship to people. But when he spoke of the resurrection of Jesus, they mocked him, although some apparently gave his words careful thought (Acts 17:32). The resurrection of Jesus was, and continues to be, a decisive element in Christian theology. It always provokes controversy among unbelievers. Today Paul's speech is affixed in Greek on a tablet at the entrance to the Areopagus. With the benches carved into the rock and the worn steps to the summit, it stands as a monument to a time when the Athenians deliberated before the gods and missed the significance of the One whom Paul identified with the "unknown God" (Acts 17:23). (from Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Copyright ©1986, Thomas Nelson Publishers)
  25. So James do you know Greek also? Saying there are blunders in the Greek texts, while likely not admitting to any errors in Aramaic texts sounds like what they do today in political campaigns. And for you to tell us that you know Hebrew, Aramaic and as we can read English. Yet tell us and imply that Paul only knew Aramaic and Hebrew, sounds like you think you are smarter and more knowledgeable than Paul who was, as the scriptures say, the apostle to the Gentiles who had as their main language Greek. James, I hope you can leave your politics out of this thread which involves trying to belittle the Greek language of the New Testament. Here is one of the scripture showing the importance and usage of the Greek language in 1st century world communication. John 19:18-22 18 Where they crucified him, and two other with him, on either side one, and Jesus in the midst. 19 And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross. And the writing was, JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS. 20 This title then read many of the Jews: for the place where Jesus was crucified was nigh to the city: and it was written in Hebrew, and Greek, and Latin. 21 Then said the chief priests of the Jews to Pilate, Write not, The King of the Jews; but that he said, I am King of the Jews. 22 Pilate answered, What I have written I have written. KJV If there are people on Grease Spot who are interested in looking at Greek and its usages from the New Testament. Here are the Strong's numbers with definitions: NT:1672 Helleen, Helleenos, ho; 1. a Greek by nationality, whether a native of the main land or of the Greek islands or colonies: Acts 18:17 2. in a wider sense the name embraces all nations not Jews that made the language, customs, and learning of the Greeks their own (from Thayer's Greek Lexicon, Electronic Database. Copyright © 2000 by Biblesoft) NT:1674 Helleenis, Helleenidos, hee; 1. a Greek woman 2. a Gentile woman; not a Jewess Mark 7:26; Acts 17:12 (from Thayer's Greek Lexicon, Electronic Database. Copyright © 2000 by Biblesoft) NT:1676 Helleenisti, in Greek, i. e. in the Greek language: John 19:20; Acts 21:37 (from Thayer's Greek Lexicon, Electronic Database. Copyright © 2000 by Biblesoft)
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