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Out There

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Posts posted by Out There

  1. Hello Doojable - Its great to have you with us. The coffee is nice here, rarely bitter.

    TGN, I was an AAC certified guide before I entered the 11th (1973) so I knew a bit about what I was doing. Kev!n Smythe made sure I knew he was a superior human to me, after all, God had put him in charge of BLEAD. I mentioned a couple things that needed to be done to make the program safer and was told that I was full of pride and I don't belong in the corps if I couldn't control my pride etc. etc.

    I wonder what percentage of BLEAD programs had an injury of some sort on them. I'll bet it was over 35% and probably closer to 50%. Pat lynn once made mention of this at a dinner how alot of us "kids" were getting hurt and we needed to pray more for everyone at lead.

    If the staff took ten more minutes to evaluate and do things safer in the first place we could have saved alot of pain.

    I am always outspoken about the lead program. I always thought that it was handled very amateurishly except when Skip W00d was there.

  2. In-res Beer was good. As a matter of fact there were many hours spent coming up with ways to beat the two beer system. A couple I found were the really tall glasses at a cowboy bar in the middle of Emporia.

    Another was a couple cases that were hidden in the matresses that filled the old pool in Allen gym. one of the first guys to leave the corp stocked up the pool. A few evenings found me after class, between some mattresses soaking up a warm one.

    It's really bad now that all these years later, no longer under the law, do I ever drink more than one beer. (except when I am with some guys in South America, and then I am drinking all different kinds of hooch, most of which is totally unidentifiable. If you have ever drunk fermented goats milk you'd know what I mean)

    I will always remember my experiences at BLEAD outdoor academy. From a professional point of view it was the most dangerous program out there. I am surprised we didn't see more problems than we did. I said something once and almost got my arse booted out of the corpse for it.

    Mommas, don't let your babies go LEAD

  3. OK, I just read this thread and I cannot find any fault with the statement that sickness is death in either part or in whole.

    The way I see it there is alot of truth to be had from what we heard in these classes. If we keep putting every phrase that ever proceeded out of VPW's mouth under a microscope we will be pretty miserable people.

    I remember Martin Luther made the statement something to the effect that " I pass gas in Whitenburg and they examine it in Rome"

  4. I never heard of the nice warm cozy floor. Did it have a carpet on it?

    My first year down I got picked up, first ride, by a guy who had lots of beer in his car. it helped make the ride shorter

    TGN - you looked like such cute baby

  5. Oh, now I feel as though I am more perfectly instructed in the ways of the 9th corpse. I was concerned because anytime anyone mentions ants, golf clubs, and my Balls in the same thread I feel intimidated.

    I am humbled to have been spat at the feet the great Harve.

  6. I remember P. Pucke from in res but when he was in GR I never had any contact with him. From where I sat (On the bowl) He didn't exhibit alot of love of God toward the people here. Thats too bad because he was in a position where he could have done alot of good.

  7. Thanks for the update. I am in Grand Rapids and as far as I know nothing is left here.

    I went through residence with Chris Gramli@^ . You kinda hope people would change after a while but some just never do. I hope you didn't get hurt too bad. But just in case you did, we know who can fix you up and get you back in the game.

  8. I believe that secretly the ninth corpse were terrified of us 11th. there were so many of us and so few of them. They were all afrais that if they pushed a few wrong buttons.....

  9. When I recieved the Loyalty letter in the mail I immediately called LCM and by some miracle after leaving a message he actually called me back. When I asked if this letter was a call to blindly follow him he said I had been doing this all along. I then told him thats what he thinks he could "kiss my foot".

    I think I was dropped from the rolls of the Way Corps that next morning.

  10. Hey, I still check this post everytime I log on to see if anyone else has posted anything. For a while I thought I would become a schizophrenic and start talking to myself on the thread but my alter ego (Clark Kent) wouldn't have it.

    Perhaps we could do something to draw attention to this thread like vote for which 11th international was most likely to become a mass murderer or easier, which meal do you most likely still have floating around in your stomach 22 years later.

    Anyway, I am still here and plan on checking out this thread for a long time to come

  11. OK, I am new to this thread but a couple things are catching my attention

    1. I carry a Pulse oximeter with me regularly at work. When you mention O2 sat levels the thing that most people fail to take into account is the pulse rate in relation to the sats. I have had a pulse of 101 with a level as low as 63 and functioning very normally, a little hypoxic (Of course I was at 20,300 feet above sea level).

    2. O2 enters the blood stream through the alveoli, O2 intake is a function of the respiratory system not the stomach or kidneys so no matter how oxygenated the water is how is it going to benefit me.

    3. Whats wrong with the water I get out of the stream (after I purify it with light (UVB light), or Miox (A bleach type solution) or simple charcoal or Silver Halide?

    In other words how can oxy water help me without any bull**** mixed in?

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