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Out There

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Posts posted by Out There

  1. Hi Patty:

    If I remember right I was the only Frank in our Corps. I married Lena. We have two boys, (19 and 16) and a dog.

    All the names you brought sure bring back a lot of fond memories.

  2. "One of my elder corps kept on asking me questions about where I got the money and where did I work. Finally I told her. She reported me and that night I was called before the whole 9th and 11th corps. (Remember I was still tramautized) I had to stand there while everyone else was sitting and be screamed at and belittled for what felt like hours. I felt like nothing. I balled for the rest of the night. I had no strength left."

    Vickles I remember youi being singled out and reproved for that BLEAD incident. You might have been belittled but That evening you were one of my heros for being able to stand there in the face of that humiliation. I looked up to you afterwards for that.

  3. Enough about the food which we will all admit was just a small step above prison food (yes I remember being told once how people put thier hearts and soul into making it and We should be thankful for it blah blah blah....) I often wondered how many 11th sucumbed to food poisoning while in-res?

  4. My wife and I both had careers here so we stayed put. Its been 16 years now and we plan on staying for another 6 years then move on. We found a nice little church that teaches that Jesus Christ is not God, the dead are dead So at least we found an outlet spiritually where we can teach and fellowship. I've since changed careers and as a result get to travel alot. We were "marked and avoided" the day I told LCM to kiss my A$$ about his loyalty statement.

    What a long strange trip its been

    Jerry Garcia

  5. The food that we had was notorious for that. It was terrible going day after day and not being able to identify what we were eating. Remember the Plurality plate?? With the small portions we recieved I looked at that plate with absolute pure LUST at every meal.

    It was strange though, every meal ended up tasting like Cayenne pepper

  6. HCW - I remember we talked about this at Gunnison a couple months after it happened. I really want to apolagize to you because I was so Wayized that I had some of the why can't you believe God and move on idea in my head. I guess I've grown up a bit in the past 20 years. I wish I could have been more of a help to you.

    I knew Rochelle very well. We sat around together every night after class at HQ. She got through to me the seriousness of what had happened. When I was told that she died the world stopped

    I remember you saying you had lost a couple of inches of height after the accident, I pray that this is not still afflicting you. I know that you'll forever feel inside what happened, I hope that physically you've gotten relief.

  7. It was that obvious huh? I was thinking this morning how we missed all the simple pleasures of life back then like being able to stay seated after the meal was done, Belch loud enough for Mrs. Owens to hear (oh wait, I did do that).

    I hated having to run, shower and be ten minutes early to class after sitting through dinner with someone, usually JAL on a soapbox.

  8. Yea.. I usually ended up in the front row because of the alphabetical order. I' can't tell tell you how many times I had LCM spittin all over me or smelling the foulness of DB's breath because of his love of the natural food diet. I did learn how to sleep with my eyes wide open and lookin like I was interested and taking notes

  9. Hi Suz

    I don't think we ever met. I never got to I.C. Its was better to keep me somewhere where I could be kept an eye on.

    I took an adv class at IC and letter went to a few research fellowships there. It was always in my humble opinion the nicest of the campuses.

  10. I am self employes with three businesses all of which are related. One (a retail store) is failing after two years and a couple hundred thousand dollars. I had advertised this one in newspapers. I am in the process of closing it down.

    The other two ( a gym and an outdoor guide service) are ten years old and very lucrative. These are advertised with brochures and word of mouth. On a rare instance I do some print advertising.

    I have two websites that drive cusomers to my companies. I feel if it wasn't for web advertising I would have to spend a fortune on print or TV.

    A great way of getting your name out there is by donating to every school or church or disease auction. I put out around 12K a year in gift certificates and find a huge return. Not only do you get biz off the certificate holder I also hhave my name in the programs and am listed as a sponsor.

    Cheap ways of advertising sometimes bring great results. Feel free to ask me if you have any specific questions

  11. Hi Vickles:

    I have been around for a while, Its just super rare that I ever post anything. I check GSC every now and then when I find a few minutes to myself (I work too much)

    I'd like to say that we should be posting more than the 9th guys but I myself am guilty of not spraying much.

  12. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. (I vow to never again refer to it as Happy Household Holiday.)

    Vickles, you are so right, where is everyone? We were over 300 strong when we left euphoria. Where is everyone today?

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