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Out There

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Posts posted by Out There

  1. Ok Suz - What did you do that was so bad that we can't send you a private message?

    Learning how to work Private messaging is like learning ...... well something good!!

  2. I tried this private messaging thing but I don't think it works. Do I need to have a special Karma force eminating from my fingertips for it to work? or am I evil also and thats why it won't work. I've been called evil before, along with alot of other things too numerous to mention here (and also guaranteed to get me banned from this site) and most of them aren't even true..

  3. Hey Suz when you arer in GR let us know. Lena is a tax accountant so she is really busy until April 16th however weekends she is around. I am back in town now and expect to be here for a while

    PS - where are the Naylors today. I heard Bruce was selling Real Estate in Detroit? Who else from the 11th is in or around Michigan?? I don't think the Pughs are still here in GR but I could be mistaken.

    Do you remember the Saturday morning Fun Runs? The only thing that made them fun was knowing that afterwards we had the rest of the day to ourselves and saturday evening there was a chance of getting a beer at Phils. Therer was another place in Emporia that had a glass that was around 24 inches tall. this made the 2 drink limit tolerable.

  4. Hey, getting together would be great. I am in Connecticut right now but expect to be back in GRR next week. After I get back we can talk about da tales.

  5. ps are you in MI?? what part of the state are you in? Geez I thought we were the only ones. Lena and I are still in Grand Rapids and expect to be here for a couple more years.

    I haven't talked with the pughs since we graduated. They didn't have the best of reputations while they were here in Grand Rapids. its too bad though, throughout res I really liked them

    Do you remember Lisa Wolfe? she is here in GR

    I was sitting in my room, in the lower penninsula of Michigan when I said to my wife Lena, Lena..

    Naw really, My biggest there I was story was the anger incident we had to have. I remember I wasn't geting mad enough and Davie Bedard started pointing his skinning finger into my chest and yelling at me at the top of his lungs. Quiete honestly I wanted to laugh my A$$ off. It was really hard to get mad when you had that little balding head going beserk on me.

    I was kind a young when I started in res, maybe 23, wasn't much older when I graduated. I didn't really have any great "spiritual anger" It was fun though sitting one night with Larry Ramberg trying to make up a good "there I was" incident for the next day. We were masters of some Bull $h*t. I still talk to Larry once and while. He is a Cop now over in Illinois.

    I had Meatloaf for dinner so I am really ready for some good junk food, pass the girl scout cookies...

  6. OK heres the plan,

    Grab a beer or a nice glass of wine. (or in my case root beer and cream soda, I love this stuff) and sit at your keyboard and spray.

    Chips, dip and reminiscing


  7. I was told it was training for a lifetime of Christian Service so the whole time I was in the corps I believed that. More than once I am sure I was a corps nazi and in my defense I was trying to mimic those who taught me. For years I have regreted those times but think I am all the better for it now in that I know what not to do.

    I work with many different people in my job (I am a mountain guide) and get to see them at their best and their worst. Its nice to know that I have enough knowledge of the Word to help them in learning how to overcome fears and how to put trust in God. I am usually with someone for at least five days at a time so it gives me a chance to really minister to someone. I don't think I would be as effective without the corps training. I will always be thankful for how God had me learn to be the person I am thru the corps.

  8. After I was thrown out of there I continued to do communion. I found thatwhen we were able to keep heart and love in it then it was a "successful" for lack of a better word thing. I used the manner of doing communion I learned from the way and sometimes swerved far from it by doing it like after a dinner, on a sunday morning, etc.

    I guess the way we were taught to do it during our time w/ TWI is great as long as we keep our hearts in the right place. I don't think God has ever faulted us for not having the right candles or for not having candles at all sometimes.

  9. Everything thats said seems to be what the TWI taught in time past. Where are they today on this stuff? with the diminishing numbers in the ranks have they changed thier tunes? Have any of them come to thier senses?

    IS there still the exodus of people happening like that which occured a few years ago. I read alot of old history but what is happening currently?

  10. I've been busy the last few days but today I am back to not having a life. I was going to throw a party this afternoon but I'm sure I am the only one would come.

  11. I once did a research paper on gambling and ever since have felt personally against. It's something I don't do but I also learned along time ago that there are things that I don't allow in my life but other people allow in thier lives and who am I to say I am better.

    One of my employees gave me some instant lottery tickets for Christmas. My wife and I actually had a blast scraping them off (and winning five dollars!! ) Nice of him to think of me and get them for me.

    I haven't cashed the winning ticket in yet but will someday.

    I travel to Vegas once every two years on biz and usually stay in one of the casinos. I do blow a roll of nickles everytime I go on a slot machine just to get the urge to gamble out. I found some penny slot machines on the strip while I was there and blew around $.30 cents. I was up around $.40 cents at one point.

    So I guess my Vegas trip makes me somewhat hypocritical.

    I am sure I mixed my slot winnings at home in my giant coin bank. Does this mean that there are some Debil spirits buried deep in my bank? Maybe I need an exorcist or an investment banker

  12. "It wasn't that I wasn't invited to my prom. It's just that no one would tell me when or where it was.." Rita Rudner

    I never went to mine. I had a twi girlfriend but she lived a couple towns away. quite frankly I didn't care to go. She went to an all girls school when I knew her so I was safe from having to go to her prom.

  13. I looked back over some old posts on this site and see we have lost alot of posters, Are any of you still around? I just recently went wireless so I hope that as I travel maybe I can keep in touch (although I understand I have to find "hotspots" whatever they may be")

  14. PS - I'm still here. I've been extremely busy at work so I haven't had much time to post. I still try to read everything that goes on this thread. Keep postin and I will check in whenever I can.

  15. I've had this happen to me before. I found the best way for me is to just sincerely smile at them and ignore. They will either let their dislike boil over to the point of them becoming an axe murderer or they will come around. Who knows, they have the potential of becoming thier next best friend.

    Having been an employer for the past 18 years I can say I never would have put up with an employee coming to me with an unfounded "I don't like the other person" complaint. Don't play this office politics type of game. Do exactly what you always do in light of your job performance and let the co-worker play the game by themselves.

  16. I envied anyone who got to sit in the back row. You have no idea how many times I recieved a shower from someone spewing forth from the podium. I now have a phobia about front rows

    PS, we were never in a twig together but I remember we talked together on a number of occasions.

    Do you remember Slim Dawson? ( I think he later went by Clark Dawson) I never saw him again after we graduated and wondered what ever became of him.

  17. All these names and so many mempries. I have been out of the loop for so long I've forgotten. The last function I was at was where Don Weirwille said the Passing of the patriarch was a lie and CG had pulled the wool over everyones eyes.

    I can't tell you what that did to me. I walked out of that meeting ...

    It was like hearing the Captain of the Titanic say "The pool is open"

    I think that was 1989? GAWD! has it been that many years, Please tell me I haven't aged that much. I stil try to think of myself as a 23 year old wild stallion.

    Oh PS - It's Abissi

  18. I worked in Professional baseball 10 years ago as the Human Resource Director for Oakland A's affiliates. My big claim to fame was that I was the ESPN II Play of the week. Yep, a distinction shared by some of the greatest athletes of all time, and me.

    Heres what happened.

    A storm was brewing, We already had some rain and the field was wet Our local weatherman told us rain was 8 minutes away. The call came over the radio "All available personal to the field to pull TARP"

    I sprang out of the breezeway and quick joined the crew to start pulling.

    We got the tarp 3/4 of the way out when suddenly we got hit with a 30 mile an hour blast of wind.

    The GM yelled "Let go of the tarp"

    The tarp suddenly became like a 100 foot square parachute and started to take off. Everyone had the presence of mind to let go - except for me.

    Within a second I was over 30 feet up in the air.

    I then found the presence of mind to let go. I flew down spread eagle into a nice good size puddle of water and landed with a beautiful splash.

    ESPN caught the whole thing and I have gone into history as the flying tarp guy.

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