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Out There

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Posts posted by Out There

  1. Hey Georgio, I checked and your is one of but several considered versions. Nobody knows what the original words were. The FBI tried to have the guys arrested for obscene lyrics but could never figure out what they were saying, I found a whole website devoted to different versions

    I like the song though and it really could have been a good replacement for Beautiful Ohio. I would rather have woken up to Louie Louie

  2. In one of the villages I've visited in South America they serve Quie which is Guinea pig roasted on a spit over eucalyptus leaves. It's very tasty, like very juicy chicken.

    Darn, just writing this gives me a hankerin for some good Guinea pig on a stig with some papas fritas with a garlic mayonaise sauce

  3. One day Robby came up to me in-res and showed me this ivory giraffe and elephant very excitedly and said to me "I got these off those guys (Andre and Roger) for $200 and they are worth thousands, THOUSANDS! and I only paid $200 bucks for them"

    I went to Andre and Roger and told them Robert took them on that deal. Andre said to me "Frank, we bought them at Pier one imports for twenty dollars!"

    Man, I loved those guys

  4. Lets see here. This is a thread about being raised in the way and the beauty of Domestic Violence. Yea I can see were these two topics belong with each other.

    We're suppose to start with wooden spoons on the butts of our babies then the back of our hands on our wives......

    ahh the role of being head of the household (That of course is the little head)

  5. Wasn't Thelma and Louise brought to us by the same people who gave us "Alien Women from Outer Space" back in the 1950"s?

    Where was I when all this Cr@p was happening? was I so Nai've that I just couldn't see it?

    There has been so much hurt caused by a few. I wish I had a magic wand I could wave and heal every heart out there.

    Ya know, I've been reading this thread and I really think its time for this discussion to end. Everything is getting beyond wierd into the Psycho category.

  6. Thanks 2Life that is an accomplishment I have always been proud of.

    Switzerland! I'm looking to go there next year.I am planning on climbing the Eiger North Face Harlin Route next spring. If you perhaps get to see it would you EMail me a picture of the face? I am having a tough time getting a current picture of it.

    I hope you have a great time out there.

  7. I liked that shirt, the program was wierd but the shirt was nice. I think I still have mine but I don't think it fits anymore (Besides I have so many T Shirts my wife keeps sneaking them out and giving them to a local charity)

    When I went to BLEAD I was told I was too arrogant and when it came to climbing I had no humility. I was also told that if I didn't get humble I would wash up in the Corpse. I was told how little I knew and how much the higher up BLEAD staff knew. geez I was an idiot

    Oh. in 1993 I placed 30th in the World Cup Climbing Competitions which gave me a US ranking of 30th and a World ranking of 60th- maybe if I listened to the BLEAD staffers I would have done better?

  8. I was involved in one of these at a company management mtg I went to a number of years ago. WOW they are a blast. The one I was involved with was like an Agatha Christie Mystery.

    I hope you have alot of fun

    Speaking of the 10 commandments - Lust is my favorite of the seven deadly sins

  9. Somebody help me please, I thought I was reading a thread about growing up in twi. Do I have some wierd computer virus that has sent me over to a racism thread? If so.. would someone please tell me how to get back to the thread I was intending on reading

  10. I have to change my weight from time to time for work. If I do a high altitude climb I have to gain, When I am guiding or doing short climbs I need my weight low. I generally have a 30 lbs range and it works simply like this. I measure my daily activity vs. caloric intake. If I am burning 4500 calories a day and wish to maintain I check my intake and keep it around 4500. I still eat a balanced diet but keep it in moderation.

    There are also some "protein bars" that I like to use that aree made by Melaluca Co. They are designed to cause your body to burn fats before burning muscle. Even when I am in a weight gaining mode I still eat these things (along with as much as a Quart of Ice Cream a day) I think I have a predisposition to being a light weight. Caffeine seems to have a negative affect and causes your body to store fats and burn muscle so I suggest staying away from it.

    No matter what realize that we are all getting older. 10 years ago if I took my shirt off you saw a nice six pack. Now I take it off and you'll see a case.


    This is no fair. When I opened the thread I was assuming I would get to see the advantages of Coca Cola over Oxygenated water but no,, Your intention was to see if you could draw me into a projectile vomiting contest.

    Lets see if I read any of your non-descript threads anymore

  11. Hey Napkinlady - how so you send a self addressed, stamped envelope by Email? I have a few packages I need to mail, Is there a way to send them Email?

    Getting back on topic, Back in the late 80's I worked as an Investment Banker for a few years. If debt was handled as TWI thinks it should be our economy would probably be a little worse than your average third world nation. Over 99.999% of the American public carries a debt load equal to or exceeding 7 months of personal earned income.

    Remember the Way Credit Union? I remember they used to make loans available to believers. I once was going to refinance a car through them but the savings wasn't worth the hassle.

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