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Everything posted by RottieGrrrl

  1. Hey Zixie happy Birthday! You're one of the guys that I would marry if you wern't already married. Oh well. That seems to always be my rotten luck. ...Ain't no grave, gonna hold this body down..when I hear that trumpet sound...
  2. vickles I know. I think I'm in love. ;)--> ...Ain't no grave, gonna hold this body down..when I hear that trumpet sound...
  3. When people say stuff like "I didn't write the book!" or, "God said it not me," I usually want to punch them in the face. BECAUSE they are usually twisting scripture and trying to make it sound like it came from God, and it's not their own private, narrow minded opinion. ...Ain't no grave, gonna hold this body down..when I hear that trumpet sound...
  4. Maybe I should do that too then. I'm going to look into that. thanks. ...Ain't no grave, gonna hold this body down..when I hear that trumpet sound...
  5. oh okay, Well as you can see him and me are quite stupid about this stuff. But if we put our noggins together we'll have, well, a few brain cells left betweeen us. So I'll wait for word on him to see whats happening. Thanks! ...Ain't no grave, gonna hold this body down..when I hear that trumpet sound...
  6. Thanks Paw and Steve. He told me he got really drunk one night and deleted a bunch of stuff from his computer. Now you can see why he's my favorite cousin. Were so much alike Anyway I sent him the link to download Realplayer so we shall see how that works. If it doesn't I will take your advice and work with him from there. The blind leading the blind LOL. I thought you had to install Windows media player too? ...It's hard to be humble when you own a rottweiler... ...Ain't no grave, gonna hold this body down..when I hear that trumpet sound...
  7. Okay Steve I'll let him know. Thanks. ...Ain't no grave, gonna hold this body down..when I hear that trumpet sound...
  8. There is this really cool video I found called "Pianoman" It's of this male stripper playing a makeshift piano with his really huge, er, piano stick. I tried sending it to my cousin as an attatchment (we both have aol) and after he downloaded it, he got this error message."Windows cannot find realplay.exe." I don't understand that cause we both have AOL it shouldn't be a problem. Here is the page I got it from, btw ..Pianoman Anybody know if there is some reason he can't get this file? I know he wants to send it to some lady-friends of his. Probably to tell them that was him 25 years ago. ...It's hard to be humble when you own a rottweiler... ...Ain't no grave, gonna hold this body down..when I hear that trumpet sound...
  9. I saw Freaks years ago, don't remember much, I do remember the torso though. Seeing it on windowpane would be an experience. I never read Lovecrafts stories, I always mean too. I saw those 2 movies based on his works, Re-Animator, and From Beyond. Just got done watching "The Ring" btw. Creepy movie! Dark, moody, good Halloween movie. I just love happy endings like that too.
  10. exie I haven't done a haunted house in AGES! Nobody ever wants to do one with me!! What is a gravity hill? I never heard of that! johniam that sounds like a spooky movie. I saw a movie named "Mr. Sardonicus" as a kid and there's a scene of a rotting corpse in a coffin that's haunted me all my life. I'd love to see that movie again. I also remember this old movie named "Carnival of Souls" that creeped me out too as a kid.
  11. I never saw the Others and they just showed that the other night. I'll have to catch that. Exie! I know what you mean about that Spider Walk, I haven't seen that version either but it spooked the hell out of me. Brrrr. I liked Elmstreet 1,3, and 4. Haven't seen 5 I don't think, but it looked kind of lame. Sixth sense and the Haunting were good movies too! Okay, I don't mean to insult anyone, but I have to say this. I read "The Shining" and I LOVED it. When I saw the movie, I wanted to strangle Jack Nicholson because I thought he RUINED that movie. I know, I know, you guys all love him. (at least the men do) but I thought he was the biggest HAM. And ya know what? Stephen King thought so too! OH HOW could I forget "The Omen" especially with that great scene with the rottweilers in the graveyard!
  12. whoops, double post. I'm getting to excited..heh heh. Blood and guts gets to me, heh ehe heh.
  13. OH yeah Pet Cemetary was great. I even liked the second one. I saw Am. WW a dozen times too. I forgot another good movie. Witchboard, with Tawny Kitain (sp?) That really is a good story with some genuine chills in it. Brrrrr. [This message was edited by RottieGrrrl on October 30, 2003 at 16:52.]
  14. Thanks Zix. Never heard of Ring. Have to look that up on the IMDB.
  15. Ditto Steve! LOL, couldn't agree more. I remember when Son of Svenghoulie played It's a long long long Trailer,on his Saturday afternoon horror show cause he said anything with Lucille ball in it is scary.
  16. Return of the Living Dead (the one with the punk rockers) Great story, funny as hell yet some great chills and excellent soundtrack Invasion of the Body Snatchers (The remake with Donald Sutherland) Re-Animator. Do NOT RENT THIS FROM BLOCKBUSTER OR HOLLYWOOD. They cut out the best scene. Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer. (NOT FOR THE SQUEAMISH) Blockbuster will actually rent this Uncut because it's considered a masterpiece. The Hidden: Great sci fi cult classic, grabs you from the beginning, great story, lots of action and excellent ending Texas Chainsaw Massacre (The orignal one) I'm not really one for slasher films but this really is a great Halloween movie flick. And the Grand-daddy (or mama) of all, The Exorcist. So anyone else got any to add? I really haven't seen anything too recent except the Blair Witch project which I didn't care for.
  17. Yeah Mr. P Fred Phelp's site is what immediately came to my mind too. Man o man that guy is a twisted pretzel. ...Ain't no grave, gonna hold this body down..when I hear that trumpet sound...
  18. MR P! I'm surprised at you!!!!! That was a dirty TRICK!!!LOL! Seriously though I bet you wouldn't have to search Google to hard to find a similar website that was FOR REAL. ...Ain't no grave, gonna hold this body down..when I hear that trumpet sound...
  19. Looks to me like it's real exie. I know in Wheaton IL, (Suburb of chicago Actually about 5 miles west of me), home of the Billy Graham museum, you will be hard pressed to find any Halloween decorations there. Wheaton College just recently started allowing their students to drink and dance. Off campus of course. Unbelievable uptightness. That kind of Christian living is BORING with a capitol BORE. I'm not sure what those people do for fun. Play Bible trivia? ...Ain't no grave, gonna hold this body down..when I hear that trumpet sound...
  20. When I got the tracts instead of a tip, I never even looked at them. I was just disgusted. If kids are going trick-or-treating, which is free candy day, and get religious tracts instead, I'm sure theyre going to be disappointed, to say the least. The thing is, there is an appropriate situation to hand out stuff like that. Stiffing a waitress, or giving one to a kid who is expecting candy, is really not the way to impress upon people. If they would have left me a tract WITH a tip, that would have been different. So I say if your gonna hand out the tracts, or the WWJD bracelets, Give em a Big Fat Gooey Cadway Caramel Bar Too! ...Ain't no grave, gonna hold this body down..when I hear that trumpet sound...
  21. OH MAN I remember getting that. And yes folks this was INSTEAD of a tip, NOT with a tip. Geez how CHEAP and Ignorant can you get? Great witness for the Lord arn't they? BTW, after skimming that site, those people are clearly nuts. ...Ain't no grave, gonna hold this body down..when I hear that trumpet sound...
  22. johniam Please check your private topics. ...Ain't no grave, gonna hold this body down..when I hear that trumpet sound...
  23. You know, I've never really said anything (I don't think) cause I didn't want to be impolite. But yeah, he was one ugly fothermucker. The thought of him naked..I don't know. I would either have to break out in uncontrollable hysterical laughter, or zuke chunks all over the floor. I remember going to this one ladies house (when I was involved with the offshoot) and she had a picture of him hanging on the wall. I was like..WHY? I could barely look at it without screwing up my face and going Blech! Very hard on the eyes. ...Ain't no grave, gonna hold this body down..when I hear that trumpet sound...
  24. Wow, well I took the weekend away from GS to practice my computer stuff, and I just came back and its' going to take most of the day to read these responses! Wow, I can't wait to get into this. ...Ain't no grave, gonna hold this body down..when I hear that trumpet sound...
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