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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. I'm sorry for your loss nika. Will keep your family in my prayers. Shellon North
  2. Oh yeah, and........ I was also reminded of one time when I needed a new Dryer. It was a sweats and no make up day as I wandered into the appliance store to shop. I waited. I looked at the products. I waited. I stood and watched THREE employees wandering around, serving other customer and I waited. I went home. I wanted to do a little personal test. I returned about an hour later clothed in a dress, make up on and hair fixed nicely. FOUR employees suddenly were wanting to sell me a dryer. I asked for the manager and explained what I had done. I bought my dryer at another store. But it taught me something valuable that I also found to be pathetic.
  3. When I first read this thread, I instantly thought of two beautiful monsters I created. I am the mother of two very lovely girls. I say that of course, cuz I'm mom and I think my children are incredibly beautiful, but really they have been blessed with their fathers good looks. (and, lord help em, my wierdness). However.....I have told my girls since the day each was born how beautiful they are, how wonderful they are, how welcome and wanted they were/are. What has become of my praise and compliments are two girls, one a young women and one a young girl, who truly believe that they are the most beautiful people that God ever saw fit to come up with. Oh crap! Yet, have I stopped mentioning their beauty to them? Nooooooooope :P--> My youngest, when complimented "you look very pretty" answers with "yes, I know it" WHOA! That was my first hint to feed this kid some other diet that included meekness and better manners and understanding of the simple, quiet words Thank You! What I did start adding is the old saying that my grandmother told me a kazillion times "pretty is as pretty does". This is very true and applicable, and needed for any of us to understand. I see that in my girls, as they contribute to their community, help their fellow people and are very wonderful children for this thankful and lucky mother. My youngest daughter is eight years old now and in the past months has started to change in her attitude, physical appearance and interests, which include not being able to pass a mirror and any shiny object, to look at herself. Now, I understand that's normal and I like that she is interested in looking her best and being happy with what she sees looking back. Her 21 year old sister is exactly the same and in fact feeds her young sibling the 'you are the most beautiful sister in the world' buffet. Sigh I just wonder, that's all. I have told them both there is nothing that is not wonderful about them. (ok, there are days when I wonder who these people are), but I think each sneeze is the cutest sneeze I've ever heard, and a ton of other ultra mushy stuff like that. I'm a blabbering idiot when it comes to my children and their inner and outer beauty. I just don't want them to take that out into a crusty and not so beautiful world and expect that their beauty will take em too far. (well, duh, I know, I started it!) However, in my defense, I have never told them they are better than others, and they BETTER not treat people with disrespect or disregard. I just worry about their own self respect as they find out that their beauty is not the end all, be all in a brutal reality.
  4. Snowball Pete comes into Chat VERY VERY occasionally.
  5. Mister Mosh Pinecones, Sunflowers......... huh?
  6. Box, thanks for the cocoa and s'mores material. Also, those that are going to weenie thingy, toss in your vehicle a lawn chair or two as well as an old blanket, for ground sitting. oh, I'm sorry, I mean please. Sheesh, anyone seen my manners?
  7. I agree Garth and have to wonder how much I should get for my name. Although not so sure I want to be thought of in terms of gas.
  8. I can't wait to see this movie! I've been following the critics and the supporters and will go and watch, subtitles or not. I'd rather not have them, actually. Mel Gibson is a brilliant actor, IMO, as well as director, producer and writer. Not even to mention seemingly a pretty nice guy.
  9. If anyone has a Garth Brookes CD or tape with the song "The Dance" on it, would you bring it please. I think J is bringing a player.
  10. oh yeah, and...... Chicken, we'll have chicken. According to a post by hawk, we gotta keep him a breast. ok, Box is bringing s'mores stuff. Anyone for cocoa? Instant is fine, unless there is that someone that wants REAL cocoa. :D--> Any bringers of a case of soda or two?
  11. This is how it's set up at this point. First and foremost, the vein of this event is one word. RELAX. Enjoy the park, sleep (but not all weekend please), rest, get to know each other, play if you want to, do nothing if you want to. The food goes like this: There is gonna be mega amounts of it. Friday: Sudo's stew, warm in his cabin, to graze on as people arrive. Saturday Breakfast: Biscuits and gravy, I thought this would be manofamillionnames, but not so sure now. if not, then Cathy's. Either way, we'll eat! Saturday lunch and/or supper: Hawks Stew, manofamillionnames Chili, Cathy's stew. Sunday Breakfast: whoever does not do saturday's. I gotta tell you, there is gonna be so much food at this thing. Hot dogs, burgers, Cathy is gonna cook a ham to go with a meal or for sandwiches, chips, dessert stuff and food that hasn't even been mentioned yet. Cathy will bring all the condiments, as well as toppers for burgers and dogs. Also she's getting buns. The only dishes should be cooking pots and serving utensils, grill tools. Eating will be done on styro bowls, plates, cups. This way as little dishes as possible to be done and noone stuck in the dishwater for very long. We'll all work together and get any "work" done quickly so we can get back to the relaxing part. Other: popcorn, both micro and 'real' stuff. :)--> Also munchies, soda and junk food. We still need someone to bring stuff for S'mores. Also need cocoa. Another good thing is if a few more people can grab a case of soda or two. Cathy is bringing a bunch as well. It's for SURE there will be coffee in am as well as through the day. play will be going on, if you want to participate, or just find a lawn chair and enjoy as a spectator. Volleyball, fishing, a tea party for the kids, to name a few. Herbal has already mentioned rain gear, Oak needs first aid items; bring yours please. Remember bug repellant, sun screen, etc. Did I cover everything? If not, see herbal :P-->
  12. Paw, whatcha think? Know anyone else who might want to attend this weenie event? Any hints? huh? got any ideas?
  13. :D--> J Cathy will bring a huge huge huge commercial coffee pot, the commercial kind. We'll have coffee too. Just wander from pot to pot! Thank you sudo! We can all wander in and graze at your wonderful stew. yum
  14. Note to self: Make sure there is a first aid kit in Oak's room. Other note to self: Send tessa a private topic. oh yeah and don't forget: Let Hawk know that his stew is part of Saturday's supper. Finally: Forget notes at home accidently so that when anyone looks to me for guidance, I will be totally confused. :D-->
  15. I miss drive ins! Bring em back!!!
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