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Everything posted by Gen-2

  1. Thanks Roy, maybe if I get just those nine to the point where I can reliably do them, I'll look into more of what might be.
  2. Thanks WordWolf I will read it, and I appreciate the time you took to answer. Thanks for the Clarification Bolshevik, I didn't know about the Linder guy's claims. I won't take the info as a reccomendation then.
  3. Gen-2

    Song of the moment

    B flat ~ Alto Sax (nickel plated) my "Baby" .....
  4. Gen-2

    Song of the moment

    learning to play this on the sax tonight http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dDs_N3kGQk
  5. I gather from what I read in bunches of places that they expect a Big % to be given to them, but are stingy (not thrifty) when it came to paying their people honestly, for the actual worth of their work. But what I seem to be getting here is that they also didn't appreciate the people "treading the corn", for them?
  6. Gen-2


    Thanks Waysider & Cheranne.
  7. I'm a quick learner Roy, and it 's getting easier and easier for me to understand you , the more I read. My very first thought was that your first language was (maybe) not English,... and well,... it IS sort of a translation problem you have, but the reason is different. Don't worry, My problem is thinking fast, hyperactively fast, that is. My brain is sometimes like Speedy Gonzales. But you have had grand mal and at least one stroke I read about in the forum. I felt bad when I read that, but I can see you have recovered quite a bit, so for that I am also glad for you. I do hope we DO get new bodies. It is A good Hope I think, and yes - I also believe and do not believe a lot of times (just like you wrote!). Thank God for God. Also I am glad the Way fell apart if it was Bad for people, but My dad cried when he knew it was too diseased, and it made him very sad, both for him and others because of the Bad things that had happened to good people. It was the only time I saw him cry in my life. Sometimes I ramble when I write, but speaking is very hard for me to control. But thinking,... Thinking is like lightning, and very clear to me. I will pray for you Roy, I am glad you are getting better, and especially glad you are alive.
  8. I was born with a syndrome that challenges me. I have always hoped I am not "Spiritually Challeged" in some disabling way. But wanting and doing,... therein lies the rub. I've had to learn to "live with" my physical challenges, having no alternative but to do so,... so far. But I was hoping I'm not "damaged from the factory" so to speak - spiritually. But your post makes me think of this, SPEC. And I wonder if there's truth to that. After all God allowed me to be born with something I could "work around" but never conqueor (at least not yet) physically. Perhaps He does this to people spiritually as well...?
  9. Guilt can be a terrible thing. However, learning from it, can be a terribly motivating thing as well. My dad Taught me a verse that had a huge impact on me: "Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it." With the 'good' being God's Word or something good, from God, to them. I'm not being flippant here either. I was a Marine. One time when I (we) got shot at , I got scared and froze. Someone died as a result[?]. Would he be alive now if I had returned fire immediately? I don't know....... But - I do know I have blamed myself for it ever since. It's not an exact parallel Waysider, I know, but it came to mind immediately. It's the kind of thing you'd like to think you'd learn from. I Have a goal to do all I can to operate all nine manifestations, as openly as possible. Might sound dumb, but it's my goal. I still want any of you to kick-in here! Linder,... I suspec this in reference to another thread I read in General about some ex TWI staff person? and not really related to my opening post. ? But I don't know. haha,.... okay
  10. Yes indeed Waysider, it is a bit of tail-chasing. Here's another one, just to demonstrate the silliness. If the Bible says that Paul said, "XYZ" Does that mean that God said it? or just Paul. There's a mathematical principle that could be applied to prove Paul is God kicking around in the back of my head, but as I said, this was silliness. Tail-chasing.
  11. This is priceless Cheranne... :)
  12. There is probably no other subject related to God that I have eaten more s**t for than this one. SO - on the day that I get to stand before Him,... There'd damned well better only be one of Him there! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! (If I edit a Post it's for spelling, not content. I have a touch of dyslexia and don't see my errors till later, on a second, third read.)
  13. I have read a great number of your posts Roy. I will admit, I have a terrible time understanding the way you phrase words at times, but I have to admire your persistance. Sometimes I can't figure out what you're persisting at, no matter how hard I try. But you really are a voice crying out in the wilderness,... that much is clear. Your posts consistantly start and end the same way... It drives me nuts (no slam) and makes me smile - all at the same time.
  14. Respectfully, My opinion is that for most people - certainly for me. the Way and splinter groups fall on their sword on this issue. I've never seen anyone able to teach anyone else "How To" operate the Revelation or Power Manifestations - to the point where they could do those with the same confidence or apparent result that they seemed to have with Speaking in Tongues. Interpretation and Prophecy. This was the point to the Way's Advanced Class - more or less, or so I have imagined, yet there was never a big crowd out following a man doing copious signs miracles & wonders, that I can recall hearing about, running loose in public, in our day and time. And no, I don't mean supposed healings that happen in back rooms - (compare with accounts in Acts or Jesus in the Gospels). I never took "classes",... so I don't know what you all here know, were taught. Is there something I should go sign up for somewhere? Or is that just a rather pointless proposition. Are we to do the same works & greater than, or was that idea and the verse it sprang from simply a delusion? Where did they go, the other six manifestations? Did the classes concerning them only talk a good game about them, supplying info on them? or did they actually teach anyone "how-to-do- them" ? This is a question I've had for a long time. I thought about it somet5imes when I was a Marine in Afghanistan & Iraq, when people were shooting at me. I have a Bunch of dead friends that could have used a miracle. Sure I'm a bit Jaded at God and the people that got me started on believing in Him and a ministry that started my Parents off to believe in that and teach it to me. Anyone? Opinions,... answers,... laughter? I'll listen
  15. Sometimes things get silly with people, and they argue. So at the heart of this is whether or not the Bible is God's Word, or whether it simply contains God's words. Now then,... which parts do we start crossing out? I am reminded of the Movie - Galaxy Quest and the references to the "Historical Record". Pretty funny stuff! Maybe the whole Bible was just a TV show and the writers were really really slow at writing the episodes. Maybe, in spite of all that was wrong with the Way, man's basic spriitual problem really is..... ,,,eh? Well we get to choose, don't we?
  16. Gen-2


    Hi. I'm one of the many people that were affected by, if not 'involved' in, the Way. I was born in 1980. It was my Dad and Mom that were in the Way. Mom Died, then Dad. They say you grow up with your parent's religion. I never "took the class" but I may as well have. Dad ended up with a set of "Class Tapes" when the ministry went to hell in the area we lived in (at that time) and no one ever asked him for them back. He was in the Navy at the time, out at sea, and came home to find that everything had basically disintigrated and people had already scattered to the four winds. I watched the tapes a few years later, so I guess maybe, "I took the class." But I took my own breaks when I wanted to, and provided my own refreshments. It was difficult to find a Beta Machine, I'm tellin' ya,.... Thank God for E-Bay. Anyways I'm not going to type out an autobiography here. Maybe I'll get to know some of you here and understand a bit about the group that influenced me,... us? My memories of anything to do with the Way aren't all that bad. Hell, I was a little kid then, but I have some that are funny, some that are sad, etc.... Oh and My Name's Katie
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