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Posts posted by Raf

  1. "A man curses because he doesn't have the words to say what's on his mind."



    "'Black: Destitute of light, devoid of color. Enveloped in darkness, hence, utterly dismal or gloomy as, 'The future looked black.'"

    "Pretty good with them words, ain't ya?"

    "Soiled with dirt. Foul. Sullen. Hostile. Forbidding, as, 'a black day.' Foully or outrageously wicked as, 'black cruelty.' lndicating disgrace, dishonor or culpability. And there's others. 'Blackmail.' 'Blackball.' 'Blackguard.'"

    "Yeah, man. That's something, all right."

    "Let's look up 'white.' Here. Read."

    "'White: The color of pure snow. Reflecting all the rays of the spectrum. The opposite of black. Free from spot or blemish.' 'lnnocent?' 'Pure.' Huh? Ain't this something?"

  2. I disagree.

    1. Who is that author? What are his credentials? Where did he study? What are his sources? We genuinely have NO IDEA. Amazon tells us nothing.

    He does have a website. Doesn't she'd much light. He's a Trinitarian, so that rules out a Wierwille clone. Still could have had some intersection with TWI. But not enough to render a verdict either way [technically, that's a not guilty, but I'd go with a hung jury].

    2. This is one guy. You said referenceS. Plural. But can you find another one that's clearly not TWI influenced? I couldn't. I tried, and came up with the same guy.

    Others clearly have TWI fingerprints.

    I mean, it's a Bullinger doctrine. Surely TWI didn't originate it.



  3. Oh my.

    HUGE TWI connection there.

    The Revised English Version of the Bible (REV, not to be confused with the Revised English Bible, REB) was developed by Spirit and Truth Fellowship International.

    About | Spirit & Truth (spiritandtruthonline.org)

    John Schoenheit pretty much runs the show, with accountability (this is not intended to in any way discredit the hard work they put into it). There's even a Wierwille on the team.

  4. On 1/16/2012 at 7:03 PM, Twinky said:

    Outside of Waydom and mini-me Waydom (splinter groups), has anybody ever heard of the "idiom of permission"? If yes - in the sense promoted by VPW? Bullinger has an article on it which VPW has picked up on (plagiarized from someone else's work), of course, but apart from that?

    Anybody out there who has a degree in English Lit or is a grammar teacher who can shed any light?

    I got into a discussion with my church's "vicar theologian" (a highly educated man, with real research papers to his name) - suggested something could be this "idiom of permission" - he gave me that pained, patient "what planet are you from?" look that Wayfers become all too familiar with when speaking with "church" people.

    So just wondering...

    I have never heard of anyone else using this "idiom of permission" explanation outside of TWI and its offshoots. And my comments on its usage were on topic. I'll either move off topic posts to another thread or otherwise remove them.

  5. On 11/5/2023 at 11:56 AM, sirguessalot said:

    And there is this seeming endless war, not only between many folks holding onto various conflicting so-called literal interpretations of ancient writings, but between many other folks who easily debunk the many so-called literal interpretations yet also seem to believe they have debunked religion altogether and erased all its value from the past, present and future of our planet.

    I'm only going to address the portion in bold. 

    I no longer believe in God. And I do believe that religion has caused some real harm in this world. But it has also done some immense good. Not to mention, much, much evil has been done in the name of "not-religion." 

    Evil acts are evil, whether committed in the name of God or in the name of "not-God." The difference, in my opinion, is that evil committed in the name of God expects a reward, whereas evil committed in the name of not-God expects no punishment. In the grand, cosmic scheme of things, the second group of evildoers are correct. But they're still evil.

    Which gives rise to the question, who gets to decide what is and is not "evil"? 

    I refer you to the thread, Are you more moral than Yahweh," which explores the idea of morality and its origin.


    But we are getting farther from the thread topic, which is ok IF enough time has passed AND the person who started the thread is ok with its evolution.


    1 hour ago, oldiesman said:

    Raf, your thoughts please.   This might be idiom-related?    When the scripture says "I come quickly" (Rev. 22:20) and "this generation shall not pass till all these things be done" (Matt. 24:34), what do you think is the most accurate interpretation out there?   Thx.

    I need a ruling from the judges on whether this would be off topic. Also, just checking, Oldies, you know I'm not a believer anymore  right? Just checking.

    For what it's worth: I do not think the writers intended figurative or misleading language here. Paul believed the "presence" of Christ [what we call the "Return"] would take place in his lifetime, or at least in the lifetime of his initial readers. It's hard to imagine that he wrote "we who are alive and remain" thinking "we" was a reference to people living 2,000 or more years in the future. 

    The Jesus of the gospels said what he said. He did not mean "figuratively speaking," nor did he say "by 'generation' I'm referring to people in a future so distant you would not even recognize it." 

    And whoever wrote Revelation did not have a creative definition of "quickly" that implicitly included the words "in geological terms."

    I do not think there's a figure of speech that can reconcile "this generation" and "quickly" with "2,000 + years later..." Any "accurate" interpretation would have to start there.

    In my opinion.



  7. See, "God-like mind reading capabilities" is what turns clear writing into "he didn't mean that, he was using the idiom of permission that I made up."


    "God says what he means and means what he says!"

    Fine. Here's what he says.

    "He didn't mean that."


    Sorry, I'm not the one doing the mindreading. Just the Biblereading 

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