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Stayed Too Long

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Posts posted by Stayed Too Long

  1. A transparent ploy to distract attention from NSA-eavesdropping and Halliburton.

    There is nothing neocons will not do to support Cheney....even risk death as evidenced by this blinded supporter. In that sense we are like Osama's followers....only instead of 72 virgins we will receive (into manifestation of course) Jimmy Carter, Ted Kennedy, Nancy Palosi, Harry Reid, Al Franken, and Groucho dancing in pink tutus before Dubya.

  2. Man ought to be charged with attempted murder...that's all there is to it.

    What's he going out trying to torture innocent, cute little birds, anyway?

    It is fine with me to hunt cute little birds, just don't chase those cute little San Quentin quail.

  3. Anyone who makes a claim and it is subsequently challenged and proven false, and then the liar starts 'spinning' their false statements, and begins attacking the challenger, is not only a bad "G'spotter" but also a bad person. pooh pooh on them.

    Also those who begin cursing at or calling fellow poster's names because they do not agree with their view is also a bad apple. Disagreement is wonderful and when the argument is kept on a level of discussion all is well. But when people feel "personally challenged" or "personally put down" because a belief contrary to theirs is expressed, then it get ugly real fast.

    I have been in some heated discussions in the 'tacks' forum but have not felt anyone was 'bad' because we could not agree on a given topic. In the Doctrinal section when a discussion begins about a particular religious view and does not venture into attacking those who do not believe in God or in their personal belief, the discussion is pretty much left alone. The biggest problem I have seen in the "Open" forum as of late, is some medical advise being challenged with documented research to the contrary. Facts seem to get in the way of popular belief's and can create some hard feelings.

  4. Click here and then click on line that says: "Please click here before purchasing to see important information about this photo."

    For as little ast $39.95 you can purchase a signed photograph of the Seinfeld cast, or for $125.00 a signed picture of John Gotti with a 9mm handgun and 2 bullets. Of course all with the disclaimer these are not really their signatures.

    Apparently you can sell anything as authentic if you say it really isn't, and it seems, people will buy it knowing it is not genuine.

  5. Could not find any instances where a woman was denied an abortion if her health was in question. Here are some references to it being legal in all states for that reason:

    Abortion Legal In Washington for therapeutic reasons prior to Roe v Wade

    At the invitation of Samuel Goldenberg, a dozen persons -- including physicians, Catholic and Protestant clergymen, an attorney, a social worker, and a housewife -- met in early 1967 to discuss the problem of illegal abortions in Washington State. Goldenberg, a Seattle-area clinical psychologist, was troubled by the situation of two patients facing unwanted pregnancies who were denied legal abortions. Washington law allowed "therapeutic" abortions only after a committee of physicians determined that one was necessary to save the life of the mother
    Abortion Legal for Mother's Health.
    By 1900, almost all state legislatures had laws outlawing any attempt at ending a pregnancy except for a threat to the mother’s life,

    All Abortion Legal in 4 States in 1970

    In four states, statutes were enacted which allowed abortion for any reason but only until a certain point in the pregnancy.
  6. ORMC said Mejia is requesting information on if there were other patients or someone on her floor with the streptococcus. They said, if they release that to her, that would be a violation of other patients' rights.

    I work for an insurance company and can tell you any information about other patients is strictly protected from disclosure. HIPAA regulations are quite clear about Protected Health Information (PHI) and this woman is not entitled to any information about other patients. If the hospital gave that information out without a court order they could face prosecution.

    If I should learn of a friend or family member being sick through them filing a claim, and they did not personally tell me of their illness, I could not contact them about their illness. If I visited them and said something like, "Sorry you are sick" or "is there anything I can do for you," I would be breaking the law. And if my employeer found out about it could lead to disciplinary caction up to being fired.

  7. Lennon was my least favorite of the Fab 4. After Yoko Ono came on the scene he diminished even more in my eyes as she seemed to be splitting the group up. It was difficult for me to image life without John, Paul, George, and Ringo, as they were such an important part of my life growing up in the 60's.

    As time went on and I actually thought about the lyrics in their songs I was glad they had broken up. 'Imagine' was an eye opener, realizing they advocated world one world government and the abolishment of religion.

    When Lennon was shot I remember asking myself why he decided to live in a luxery hotel and not give all his money away? If he was really for the rich taking care of everyone why did he need to wait for the government to take action? Why didn't he just empty his bank account and feed the masses?

  8. I'm sure they already got tons of tuition money out of them by that point too.

    In all fairness to TWI at what other school could you get tuition, books, room and board for $300 a month in the 80s? Don't think they were making oodles of money from tuition. Granted we had to work 4 hours a day, but still $300 was dirt cheap. In 1971 I attended a class at a private college to the tune of $40 per credit. This did not include books, room, or board.

  9. Over the past 9 years since being booted fromTWI I have attended a variety of churches. At first I did find myself comparing their teachings to what we were taught in PFAL. This bothered me to some extent but got over it. Then I realized they were still the same empty places I had left years before ever hearing about TWI. Now I have no desire to attend any of them and feel much better about myself. If there really is a God who made us and who we will answer to some day, he sure fell short in the department of letting us know how to live this life. Even in Western society which predominately accepts the bible as God's words, there are thousands of versions of how to interpret it.

    Apparently we all have to guess which one will work for us. Can you imagine applying this same logic to learn how electricty works?

  10. When not interfered with by outside influences, everything nature does is done with perfection. Yet my son, Shay, cannot learn things as other children do. He cannot understand things as other children do. Where is the natural order of things in my son?

    I believe this to be a completely false statement and anyone with more knowledge is certainly incouraged to correct me if my assumptions are wrong.

    To begin with what is an outside influence? Is it anything that disrupts the way things normally occur? Is a tree parasite for instance, an outside influence, or is it natures way of destoying a certain type of tree, in order to develop another? Or clear a forest for some other use? When nature makes a mistake it is corrected through selection. The only way a change in nature can get past selection is by adaptation. Those who can not adapt die. Therefore nature is always evolving into what is strongest, so there is no perfection, only change. There is no will or thought involved, only the strongest surviving.

    If man is only defined as the outside influence, he can and has elected to alter the course of nature, in some seemly good ways, and in some not so seemly good. In the case of this young boy, a good outcome, because society and his parents have intervened to allow him to live. If he were on his own his chances of survival would be slim. Man has also changed nature is some poor ways.

    To me there are always outside influences present. The only question is are they stronger than the norm. If the norm is stronger, things go on as usual. If the outside influences prevail there will be change. Again nothing is perfect only surviving.

  11. But I have a question, and I mean it as a serious question. Why didn't we see the same type of comments being made when Cindy posted HER (and Steve's) goodby thread? Just because they were popular?

    All are not equal when it comes to responses, which is neither good nor bad. It just is. Like any dynamic group people fit in differently, have roles, are preceived in certain ways, etc. Cindy! and Steve! were quite popular, posted in a way that people wanted to respond to, and I would consider "posting leaders". If they started a thread or responded to one, automatically others would join in. Their threads always led to a large number of other postings and there are a number of other people like that also. They are kind of 'the life of the party' so to speak, and are afforded more lattitude by us in their posts. We want to hear from them. Just like in school we gravitated to the popular kids. It made us feel good.

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