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Posts posted by templelady

  1. Since, per Jesus Christ, No one knows the time of his return including Him, it's a pretty safe bet in my book no one knows when the end of the world will be either. Since we know this date and it is claimed it is the end--


    It can't be this date because we can't know and if it is this date we know!!!! :blink: {PRETTY GOOD LOGIC, YES????}

    Either it isn't, in which case we will all go merrily on our way.


    It is, in which case we can't stop it so there is no point worrying about it. I mean if the earth is spun to such a degree that the poles shift--trust me that great a tumult will eradicate every living thing except, possibly, cockroaches, mold and algae!!

  2. Funny TWI never had any problem with my being the breadwinner--in fact they enjoyed the fact.

    Ya see the way it worked was --I worked for the feds and then the state and checks were ALWAYS direct deposited. With Steve at home he just zipped to the atm and withdrew whatever he and leadership felt he needed to.

    $400.00 one time ---the rent, utilities, grocery checks all bounced like rubber balls. He knew that money was for bills, knew the checks had been issued. Did he give a rats furless tail??? Nope, it was for the spreading of God's Word doncha know :asdf:

    Question how does one remain debt free when ones spouse is encouraged to spend every dime to spread the Word???

    Of course this was all my fault, poor stewardship, lack of meekness, open spritual trapdoors..................................... la da dee -- la de da

  3. Never was in family corps never talked "in depth" with anyone who was--But all this thread has shown ME is that what happened to my kids, other believers kids, and non believers kids here in Alaska raised no eyebrows becuase it was just part and parcel of the whole TWI experience.

    For those who were blessed by never having to experience or have their loved ones experience these kinds of behaviors all I can say is you really need to, every night, thank Heavenly Father or whomever or whatever you claim as a higher power.

  4. Counted cross stitch or quilting. There is a rythym and repetitiveness to both of these activities that I find relaxing and soothing.

    Crochet, knitting, embroidery, genealogy, pieceing and cooking--all activities I love, require an attention to varying details that the above two don't have. When I am stressed it is usually because I have been overwhelmed by details so the idea is to get away from same.

    THe ultimate stress reducer is reading--I mean reading for 8-10 hours straight with just potty breaks. When I do that I am beyond stressed and simply tuning out the world. When my mom was still alive and I would go home to Spokane and deal with her health issues I would often spend 3-5 days doing nothing but reading except for meals or other "can't put off" business.

    Lorna could always tell how stressed I was by how long I spend curled up on the right side corner of her couch reading!

  5. Grew up with parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins all into gardening.

    Someday when I am back living in the lower 48's I want a place with a bit of a balcony or patio where I can try container gardening.

    Some tomatoes, peas, garlic, savory, sage, thyme, basil, rosemary, dill, mint, parsley. That will be fun along with some hanging baskets of flowers. No yards with lots of lawn or weeding to do--just don't have the strength and energyfor it-- but a few herbs and peas along with fresh tomatoes in season in containers--Yeah I could go for that.

  6. My book will be out as soon as I can arrange my thoughts in order


    I Find brain

    2 insert brain in body

    3 remove reinsert until in correct position

    4 turn brain on

    5 remember what brain is used for

    6 remove brain

    7 go to sleep

    8 wake up

    9 find brain..................

  7. "THe Word of God is the Will of GOD" Sounds lovely--undoubtedly true---the catch???

    No one seemed to be able to decided once and for all in TWI what the Word actully was. "the Present **ever morphing ever rising phoenix-like from the ashes** Truth.

    No wonder it all has disolved into such a mess--sand thats what it is/was --sand-- not a solid piece of rock large enough to build a house on to be found anywhere as the spittle sprewed forth with the latest "truth for our day and time"

  8. Never understood why there was so much fuss about VPW. In my mind he was just a man. That "Father in the Word" business drove me nuts. People sobbing when he died--carrying on like it was their dad or child. I guess I had so many problems (due to VPW influences) that I just never got into the adulation of VPW--too busy trying to survive.

  9. Don't misunderstand me there were some husbands who stood up for their wives and it was tacitly understood that any man who went after those wives verbally or otherwise would rue the results.

    But that was the exception rather than the rule.

    Most men just sat there mute while their wives were reamed or worse yet joined in.

    And then of course there was what went on behind closed doors.

    Bottom line--women had uses, sex, cooking, sex, cleaning, sex, raising kids, sex, bringing in a paycheck, sex, laundry .........

    It's that absent Christ mentaility--how can you expect someone to follow the footsteps of someone who is absent much easier and more practical to follow the dictates of the MOG and his underlings.

  10. The Diligent and Dutiful Order of Sand Dusters

    Wishes to make clear the following:

    The Squirrel Patrol in actuality should be called the "Bully" Patrol they are nothing more than sycophantic [sic] wanna-bes who hope that by plying the "sand snorters" with scotch and cigarettes they will somehow ultimately be elevated themselves to "sand snorters"

    "sand snorters" are ineffectual at best. Heads buried in the sand, snorting away they cannot see the most obvious facts of life swirling above the sand. THey are unable to fend for themselves without firm guidance along with being unable to guide the paths of other "sand snorters", truly pathentic. Their "soul" value lies in the amount of ABS that is sent to *****Drum ROLL***** the SAND DUSTERS.

    That's right! The truth is out!

    It is us!

    The Diligent and Dutiful Order of SAND DUSTERS who reign supreme!

    It is us who, with the motion of our delicate and unassuming plumage, stir the sands into clouds of gritty dust!

    Dust which obscures all but what we wish to be seen!

    Dust that drives the sand snorters to bury their heads, thus ensuring that they never question the why of the swirling clouds, while their squirrel companions run hither and thither in organized chaos!

    It is us; seated in our Queen Anne style chairs, sipping our Drambuie, smoking our Kools; who are the true leaders and guiders of this great desert!

    Let the Sand Snorters organize, develop, research, run and do the labor!

    Let the drunken squrriel hoards protect them!

    I the SDFODAT (Sand Duster For Our Day And Ttime) ( pronounced Sud fo dat) rule!

    It is I to whom honor and homage are due!

    It is I who will teach the secrets of the desert as they have not been taught since the first century camel caravans!


    Winner Saul Willeweir


  11. Thank you White Dove for posting links to correct erroneous facts.

    Truth is what is needed here.

    So we have two cases where JJ was not in posession of the FACTS or at least not all the FACTS.

    It is good that there were these clarifications.

    Anyone of us may make honest mistakes or believe people who should not be believed or even perceive things in a way that makes them appear different than they actually are.

    JJ has posted a life experiences that were related to him from former TWIers.

    Can anyone bring FACTS to the table that prove these experiences did not happen and/or if they did happened in ways that were substantially different then what was told to JJ???

    If you can--now is the time--- I for one would like to get this matter cleared up!

  12. GARY KING!!!!!!!!

    For the record

    It was under Gary Kings' leadership that Rich Urquhart a known homosexual and pediophile was brought to Anchorage and given a TWIG to run

    THe behaviors of Gary King in protecting and enabling abusive criminals to run free within the WAY Alaska ultimately led to the arrest of Rich Urquhart for molestation of non TWI children (no TWI parent was EVER allowed to press charges although it is known that TWI children were molested)

    THe rest of the tragedy is posted elsewhere

    The fact that johniam APPARENTLY holds this man in some degree of reverence explains, at least to my satisfaction, why he believes what he believes.

  13. Posting facts is just that, posting facts. If the facts discredit TWI whose fault is it???

    The one who posted the facts?


    The organization that created the situations that the facts are about??

    It isn't about agreeing with PFAL or session 7 or even a discussion about the ratio of good times versus bad times in any posters life in TWI --it's about facts.

    Now if anyone can post facts that will discredit the facts posted on John Juedes website--Please do so.

    If you can't because they don't exist--you have only TWI to blame if the facts cast TWI in an unfavorable light.

    My take on the whole issue

  14. The least someone could have done is get releases from the rhea!!

    The rhea is complaining that being shown with the ostrich means that he could be considered a "sand snorter" (the rhea's words not mine!)

    THe rhea says that everyone needs to be aware that rather than "sand snorters" rheas are "sand dusters".

    THe rhea also made the statement "ostriches that get knighthoods bestowed by drunken squirrels, are not KNIGHTS but rather think it is NIGHT because of the position of their heads"

    Really T-bone you need to get control of these birds!!!

    Permit clerk 25

  15. Are you referring to the following verses?:

    1Cr 14:34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but [they are commanded] to be under obedience, as also saith the law.

    1Cr 14:35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.

    I thought these were handled pretty well in PFAL. If you have a better explanation of them, I'll be happy to consider.

    As I remember it from PFAL these verses were directed to a specific situation in Corinth. If my old tired memory serves it was a situation where there was a groupd\ of women who were causing disruptions etc by being argumentative in the gatherings of the first century church. In this case Paul was adddessing a particular situation. It is necessary when reading the epistles to remember that Paul never wrote them with an eye for their being a final blueprint for the church through the centuries but as a way for keeping in contact with and addressing problems with in the church of his day. That said I think that to extrapolate that this was directed to all women of the church at all times throughout the centuries is erroneous UNLESS a group is being argumentative to the point of being disruptive (which could just as easily be a group of men)

    Earlier you posted in our discussion about Ephesians *** have to leave to check on exact quote since can't cut paste on this computer***

    about wives being subject to their own husbands "except when they choose not to"

    "except when they choose not to"

    is the crux of the entire meaning

    Its that freedom of choice thing-- As Christ gives us the choice to obey or not obey to follow or not follow The husband must grant to his wife that same freedom if he is truly acting as Christ would. The wife then has the freedom to follow and/or obey her husband as she chooses.

    The Church has an obligation to teach these verses, we as women and followers of Jesus Christ should heed these verses. But iwhen a HUSBAND demands that his wife obey him he has ceased to act as Christ would by DEMANDING.

    That is the stumbling block. That is where the problem rests --the idea that just because the husband is "head of house" just because scripture tells the wife she SHOULD "submit", somehow the husband is granted the RIGHT to demand and/or otherwise COMPEL his wife to do so.

    When that happens the husband is seizing hold of an authority over his wife that Jesus Christ himself never claimed over his followers.

    I have often wondered how often I, and many other wives would gracefully acquiese to our husbands desires, wishes and ideas, if we truly felt we had complete freedom to do so or not.

    It is a vastly different thing to go along with the one you love because it will bring happiness to them versus feeling forced to agree OR ELSE.

    Even the most reasonable of ideas and requests will be rejected by the most reasonable of wives if they feel that their husbands are not considerate of their feelings or wishes --and that is exactly how woman who are told they MUST SUBMIT feel a great deal of the time.

    As for the husband being the "tie breaker" when he and his wife disagree, as another poster commented: How does that work?? She has one vote. He has one vote. He has another vote to "break ties".

    BY my math that means: She has one vote. He has two votes. That's not a vote that's a dictatorship

  16. Now folks Ostrichization is a perfectly good thing!

    Without ostrichization how could one argue that the sexcapades of VPW and LCM

    really weren't moslestation/rape?

    Without ostrichization how could the argument that plagiarism isn't plagiarism if done by VPW, LCM or the BOT be promulgated?

    Without ostrichization how could anyone really believe that being afraid of rattlesnakes means that you will be bitten by one and it will be your fault?

    Without ostrichization how could one believe that their Branch President had a right, nay, a God given mandate, to scream, yell, spit, swear, and make false accusations about them to their face in front of others while they had to sit and take it?

    Ostrichization is a vital necessity for without ostrichization there could be no ostricization. Whithout the threat of ostricization there could be no fear engendered. Without fear being engendered TWI would have no hold on its followers. With no hold on its followers TWI would not be able to keep them from leaving. If the followers left there would eventually be no TWI or TWI apologists.

    So let us lift our banner high for ostrichization!!

    Long may it live!!

  17. This is like asking Rodney Fox if he would willingly sacrifice himself to be a Great White Sharks dinner. Tis to laugh!!! ROFLM*OWPMPADACOP (rolling on floor laughing my * off while peeing my pants and drawing a crowd of psychiatrists)

  18. THe bottom line:

    if drugs were given to the minor, who was unable to give informed consent, that caused said minor to die THAT IS MURDER.

    There are no excuses, there is no justification. There is pain management which is a legitimate medical practice. Sometimes in order to sucessfully control the pain the increase in dosage leads to death by OD. This is a recognized possibility and a risk I would take for myself or a loved one who was dying and in pain.

    What I read is that these drugs were not given in the doses they were for pain management but rather deliberately high doses were given for the sole purpose of hastening death so that organs could be harvested. NOT ACCEPTABLE.

    Where does it end--who decides that a person should die so another can live??? Even with a "living will" this would not be acceptable. "First do no harm"--I can think of no greater harm than deliberately causing someone to die for the benefit of another.

  19. The both of you enjoy this day! It's not about the flowers and the seating charts, the menu or the music--it's about the two of you now and forever. Here is wishing the two of you the brightest and happiest of futures.


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