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Everything posted by tomtuttle

  1. Vickles' all night blast patrol episode partner was Rita Smith. Simonion had planned to "hook up" with her at our corps weddings upon graduation, but when the time came, the Emporia winds did indeed kick up and carried lil' ole Rita to munchkin land. Hegothope is hereby granted the status of elder corps extrordinaire. His life exemplifies volunteerism at its finest. We didn't even have to ask him. Just like Howard, ever eyeing the master, how's he knew when to fetch the coffee (drambui), when to cut the lights, hows not to exaggerate the movement of the love coach on the road so's the master could minister his love of God, the rod of God, in the rear, as it were. With elder examples like this, how could we 9th NOT walk the walk and talk the talk??? I will be working the slack shop ...
  2. There!! Back to our God-given place on the tread of life ...
  3. The Victor Paul Wierwille Word Over The World Auditorium hosts this years Victor Paul Wierwille Word Over The World Advance for the Victor Paul Wierwille Word Over The World Ambassadors to the Victor Paul Wierwille Word Over The World Cop-Outs ... Anyone here care to go ???
  4. Your mother sews socks that smell ...
  5. I got spiritually angry when I saw (with Christ's eyes behind my eyes, of course) that our wunnerful undercorps overthrew our godly position in the kitchen. If I wanna grow, I gotta go prepare the motorcycle shed for a "closed corporation" meeting ...
  6. Thank you sister sex, mah mind wasn't stayed. I had forgotten one valuable ingredient: A chick-magneto, Tick by name. Nothing cuter than a couple old guys slobbing aroung on a cycle with a horny hound dog in tow. I know, I can get a tee-shirt that says on the back: "If you can read this, the BITCH fell off!!!" Simon, should we recruit Elrod as our maintenance manager? Did you ever french with his mother?? You always did have a way with the motherly types ...
  7. Simon, I am sorry to hear about your dog, but maybe it was God's primary will, because you took the covenant of sugar with the rest of us 9th, and ole Gizmo just kept you from being your BEST for His highest (highest WHAT???). Rover, Rover, sounds like "Roll over!!! Roll over !!!" Maybe we should get our twig slopper and move about the southeastern part of this our country, walking and leaping and praising God, all to be billed as "Get a tan caravan". Wouldn't it be sumthin if we gave all the twig girls rides on the slopper?? We could drive real fast-like sos they have to wrap their arms around us, pressing urgently into us...
  8. Young & firm .... Ahhh, the good ole days ... Sexie, wouldn't it be fun to go to a twig incognito?? We could take all of us; Simon the Sorcerer, Rocky the redeemed, Nika the newbie in the word, Tom the strange one ... I would love to manifest BOLDLY. I would be sure to take a numerous hits of Viagra beforehand sos the rest of the twig can see how blessed I really am as I stand to manifest. Sexie, you can lead songs with the swaying boo-sums.
  9. Exer, hows about we go to Kenyon with some handcuffs and a gag?? I will recite scripture such as "Let your women keep silent in the church"...
  10. Lucy & Ethel??? Cindy Semlak??? I used to call her Poison Sumac. She loved me for that. Simon, thou art mad. Drink a little wine ... Exiesexie, how art thy boo-sums this beauteeful morning??? Wanna see my 4-way speakers?? Chuck, bring her on in sos I can show her ...
  11. Here am I, send me!! I received from the Lord's hand a double vacation. Whilst I was away, I learned HOW, with a capital 'H' and all the rest, to connect the DOTS, as a dot matrix printer would do. Brethren, I count it all joy to hear that, even in my absence, ye all have learned to carry the torch and mantle as ye have learned of me. We have not followed cunningly devised fables, as some might suppose, but are keenly aware that if you add, change or omit even one dot or tuttle from the Word, you no longer have the Word. Leer not, and be Michael Just ...
  12. B - Believers D - Deliverance That ole Simon the Cyborg did indeed excell in this area. One time I witnessed him making a limp member rigid. Another time I saw him raise a dead member with one hand. ... and MEMBERS in particular ... Wouldn't it be sumthin ...
  13. Nika, what a full and rich life she lived. May each of us be as blessed ...
  14. Thank you, beloved Ex. "Go, Stand, and SIT ..." I am becoming without form and void. Iron sharpeneth just about anything.
  15. We are grateful for the return of Fellowflipper, the fellow WOW burger flipper minister. Simon, break out the cigs. Ex, secure some strange brew. Nika, bring on the dancin' shoes. TomStanger, find the lone ranger. Rocky, provide the politics for our day and time and hour. As for me and my house, we shall serve the cervesa ...
  16. Ex, you can opt to sit through my FREE class on "The Creative Universalism". Teaches HOW to receive rightly ... Simon, you have become quite philisophical in your middle years. Who do YOU think lifted that money from the ABS at HQ???
  17. TomOddball, thou art careful and troubled about many things ... You can't put God in a box, like California did to Jack. I speak when He says, what He says, where He says it, how He says it and to whom He says it. Simon says, that's .... no deal. I hear people talkin' about being a channel for God, or being used by God. Well, I wanna tell you, if the true God ever channelled anyone, He'd have to rewrite ALL the laws of the universe. Len?? Ken?? Who wants to share???
  18. Yougotclout, I trust it is unnecessary to lovingly remind you of our salted commitment to the 7 drink minimum while on your research, teaching and fellowship itinerary in sin city. And please accept no FREE drinks, as we remember the inspired utterance of our former FLOG Crappie, er, Craiggie, when he spake as he was moved by the holy toast, "It would be accepting a BRIBE!!!". Pride goeth before a fall, and a haughty spirit before destruction. Sister Ex, I have been called a mother before, so referring to me as "sweet girl" would in no wise offend me. I am become all things to all men, that I might by any means save money. Mr. Stranglehold, your tenacious clinging to this forum reminds me of our beloved King Agrippa. Always had a hold of himself. Simonion, go and do thou likewise, thou winebibber...
  19. Nika9th, Intercession now in progress ...
  20. Thanks for the tip on our graduation, Cextherapy. Today I must needs take out my theology diploma and re-commission myself toward that more worthy endeavor mentioned on this page multiple times; mucho mas cervesa. Dos Equis o dos imperiales, por favor. Mira, Yo estoy muy, muy intelligente, y guapo, y fuerte, y duro, y macho, y perfecto (exartizo - THROUGHLY perfected unto every good work), y mas. Pero estoy triste por que no estoy en Emporia con mis amigos y professores. Y tango muchisimo hambre. Vamos a la tienda para pollo media con arroz (Carlos, that is) ... Simon, please interpret, like in the good ole days in res ...
  21. I will not reprove more. Ye bible says if a man wants to be stu-peed, let him be stu-peed. ROA - I think we should all pack only PJ's, bringing back to life "Dr.'s" vision on the one body sleepover, although the term "sleep" was always used figuratively. And we would get PAID for our year's service, $75/hr.
  22. So you guys are REALLY getting together in AZ for an excellors session?? I would love to see all of you again. There would be a 2 drink minimum before we went out witnessing together, 7 by 7 (sp. perfection). Simon, I'd send you to Peeps to bring back the lost souls. Happy 9th of July to all !!!!
  23. No, I am not gone. Lo, I am with thee always, even unto the ends of the hearth. I sometimes just sit back and watch mah people play with the fodders goodies, how they reach up into daddy's cookiejar and such ... Today is yesterday's tomorrow.
  24. Welcome back yougothope!! But doesn't ye bible, and even our fodder in the vaudeville, say something about God having given us (past tense) prudence, good sense ??? This physical stuff is just that; physical stuff. Nuthin' too spiritual about home ownership, toilet paper, matches, crayolas, etc. I don't think God has to tell us whether or not to feed the pets, bathe and clothe the kids, put gas in the car. But home ownership, can't you see that this is a spiritual matter??? Anyone can get by, having millions in the bank or in investments. It takes GUTS, COMMITMENT, SPIRITUAL WISDOM, to live on $6.50 an hour, with no devilish bank account, travelling light so as to be able to go WOW ..... Where's your heads, people!!!!!
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