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Everything posted by tomtuttle

  1. Much learning doth make thee all mad. I would they were even cut off which troubleth you. And then howz about alzheimer's people?? Would they forget who knows the way through the wilderness, all they have to do is follow ...
  2. Verily I say unto you, today, uuhhh, I forgot what I was inspired to say. Dam them forgetful spirits ... Rockiebuttafucco, our bro Simoneon did NOT say "in A fellowship", he said "IN FELLOWSHIP". Now, there is a big difference between being in a fellowship and being IN fellowship, just as great as between night and day. You see, in the big inning, God created (berAH) the heavenS and the earth. And the world WAS without form and void, and darkness upon the face (condescensio) ... This word 'WAS. This word 'WAS' is not in any of the originals. It is 'tahu va bahu', transliterated into our english word 'became'. So, God did not CREATE it that way. It BECAME that way. Well, what happened?? Just what happened to make the earth become 'without form and void'??? We will see, as we work the greatness of the minuteness of that Word, many pearls of great price - ambassador. Oh, that's not it. What I mean is, in the next session ...
  3. Oh Yougotmail, your fruit was blessed indeed. Did not our hearts burn within us, as he opened to us the Word, and reasoned with us from outside the scriptures? Sometimes I miss teaching twig, and the sweet kisses at the end ...
  4. Crocky, let's try to get our heads on straight. Age is relative only to the natural, the carnal, man. We are eternal life spirit. I am woman, hear me roar. Yea and amen Simonola, F U C Kay, tell her I miss her ... Have you finished your word study on Pistis - bible kinds of faith??? I would expect after 20 or so years just squeezing that word, that it should be held in high regard and authority on these our treads. Any word on our apostle of HQ Elrod?? Wouldn't it be sumthin if he was the CEO for Enron??? And thou, Fellowstiffer, why hast thou not shown thy manhood and glory in recent days here on this our tread??? Ex, your ministry of reconciliation must needs be exercized to bring our straying members back to the household within the members within the family within the one body ... John, thou winebibber and sluggard, awake and arise out (ek) from among the dead and grant unto thy servants a three week vacation. Not that which goeth ONTO the windows defileth a man, but that which cometh OFF those windows.
  5. Simon, ya know, I feel like putting emnity between thy seed and her seed. You two put your heads together and make an as* of yourselves ... Let's really dream this thing, people. TexMex Ex, I did clear the 1st 2 weeks in Aug, with my client PRIOR TO accepting any work. To God be the glory, great things He hath done ...
  6. Simon, you are indeed a silver-tongued orator. What hast thou that thou didst not receive?? And why doest thou glory, as if thou didst not receive it??? By the way, my doctor said you need to contact your doctor...
  7. By golly miss molly, it WORKED !!!!!! I clicked my heels three (3) times, and said, "There's no place like home, there's no place like home ...", and then, booms quick, there was opened unto me a door of utterance and a highway of employment!!!! I am, as of now, gainfully employed, able also to work from this my PC at home, starting Monday, as an independent consultant, making the kind of money that only a child of God, or any normal person, could claim, in Jesus' name. Ex, thanks for your loving exhortation and for making the word living and real for me. Butter sharpeneth butter.
  8. Tripped out cop outs: Would this be the same as a believer's believer?? For if one was to trip out from being a cop out, that would make him (the all-inclusive pronoun, includes women also) to be standing on the promises ... My godly sorrow and reason for being absent in the present tense in the here and now is because I am without a job, without god and without hope in this world, at least temporarily. Therefore I am behooved to be looking for Jesus and a new job in this our day and our time. And as for you Simon, you jesus christ so and so, before you go sticking your finger out at someone, or level this against someone, I'd want to read it, line by line, and verse by verse ... You need to humble yourself and become meek to the spirits which speaketh unto you as unto children. Ex, I am sure it might be him standing next to you, standing on the premises ... And now I go, bound in my bowels, just working the accuracy of monster.com, that I might become the joblessness of Simon in him ...
  9. Ex,howz about a road trip to Gunnisin??
  10. Be not thou afraid, neither be filled with unbelief, for I am that I am here. Though you see me not, yet am I with thee; though you hear not my voice, yet does my word sing within thy heart. Maybe youz guys taught trees, but I taught tire treads ...
  11. Youaredrunk, he that causes his brother or sister to be damned shall himself be visited with the damnable damnations of devine direction. Now, go, stand and speak to the people all these words of this tread ...
  12. As the Lord has called me to minister unto others, I am blessed, mah people, that I taught you the Verd, that you may be able to teach others also. Tell it again For someone needs it Tell it ----- again Tell it again Till someone heeds it Tell it ----- again There's no other story That brings men to glo-ry So tell it And tell it And tell it Again And now, you wonder what you can say to your people at a time like this. John, thou art blessed above all women. Simon, thou are fully instructed in the way of a man with a maid. My beloved Sex, I am ravished with thee, and am satisfied with thy breasts. RockyMtnHigh, verily shalt thy seed follow thee into our 9th corps kingdom. Mellowtripper, cast not thy pearls before its time. NotinKorpsanymore, dance as David before the Lord. Yanagypsie, thou art a woman, keeping silence in our tread. ToMillerhighLife, carry thy husband's golf bag, for in so doing, thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. And He, rising up a great while before day, went out and there played.
  13. The request of the elder corps general is tantamount to a command ...
  14. I don't remember anthing about the topless area, but I do remember that while working the last blast patrol shift, out on the back stairs of Emporia hall, one could see steam coming from the opened window next to the stairs, through which many vixens could be seen taking their showers. Gee, Craig's abode was just a short stroll from there ... God, how I loved bless patrol ...
  15. The nevins were really good people. How could so many good-hearted people find themselves in such an outfit ???
  16. Ah, my two sisters in the Lord. I wish Cindy was wearing shorts in this pic ... Notice how their training had kicked in, the way they aligned themselves with the stringing of the sidewalk. Everything decent and in order ... even if drunk ...
  17. Oh yes, I forgot another (heteros) statement of truth. THIS tree died BACKWARDS!!! Normally, you notice a tree dying from its leaves down. This one died from the roots up.
  18. Simonsays, wish I could be of some beneficium to you and the family that lost their daughter. Sometimes life ain't all sweet fellowship. I still vividly remember seeing you at your sister's funeral back in the '82 or '83, or sometime around then. As number 43 in our sing-along-the-way's says, farther along we'll know all about it, farther along we'll understand why ... And as our fodder in the vierwille would be wont to sing, Until then ...
  19. Tohu va bohu - BECAME without form and void ... and darkness upon the face of the deep. God didn't create it this way. It BECAME this way. And there's another one. The FACE of the deep. Class, the deep does not have a face. But you do. I do. Whenever, and wherever, Gwad attributes human-like characteristics to himself, and in this case, to the deep, it is a what? That's right. It is a figure of speech. Class, just READ what is written. If it's wrong, I'll tell you. Guess, guess, guess. That's been the curse. Everyone wants to guess. Well guess what? It's NOT what you THINK that's important. Dearly beloved brethren in the Lord, today I'd like to talk to you about the universal creationism. Oh, dear universal creationism, I surely do love you. MAN, doesn't that sound loving?? Two things equal to the same thing are equal to each other. Mathimatical axioms we must adhere to. This is nothing but categorized confusion. We're all gone now ...
  20. Why, if I were a shoutin' man, I'd yell "Halleluia!!" from the upper sto-ry. Ex, wilt thou again at this time restore Franky as the fatted calf??
  21. Practically had fig pep shooting outta my Jethro Kloss high enema exit, as well as my Knowles breath training lungs ... Simon, wherefore art thou silent on these our posts? Art thou now a woman, keeping silence in the church???
  22. John, an old Hawaiian proverb: Lazy man work twice.
  23. Not an argument. Just exercizing my familiar spirit of poetry ...
  24. I hear Seaspray cranberry juice is good for bladder infections. Oh, maybe that's Oceanspray. Or, maybe MalecatSpray. A man spoke, yes, spake with all his power "Hear, a people three, here is the Word!!" As butterflies rule the gentle breeze & flower The proclamation landed on the speaker's turd. But nay, say the spray, the mighty spray of the sea Seeing but not things clearly defined How long shall you make bee-honey until finally Your brain functions as God designed?? I am ironman, hear me roar ...
  25. Ex, who is this Ohbeehive??? Bring them out to us, that we may know them... One - run Two - zoo Three - tree ... Twenty - plenty
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