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Everything posted by pjroberge

  1. Mark: An interesting viewpoint that should be included in the topic of VeePee...... Here's a little comparison I did comparing B.G. Leonard's ministry and VeePee's business called The Way International, Inc. http://www.waychrist.com/BG%20V.%20VPW.htm "A battle of wits is hardly enjoyable when the other party is unarmed" Copyright 2004 by the author.
  2. I have read about mastering piffle, and mastering that about VPW's graffiti about the scriptures. But what was he really masterful about? VPW was B.G. Leonard's bad student whom he said handled the scriptures deceitfully. VPW's ministry was centered around VeePee and "his needs". He stole all his material from men who knew what the material meant, while VeePee tried to understand it and taught about what he didn't really know. There are many examples of his just bsing about subjects that he really had no grasp of. Allegedly he was fired from his minister's job not because of doctrinal disagreements, but for having an affair with his secretary. My question is this: If the material in Piffle has some good in it, perhaps that part is what VeePee didn't mess up when he stole it from others. Why not study the genuine article from the original writers instead of VeePee's bad counterfeit? I think the answer is those pushing VeePee instead of the real authors are doind so because they worship VeePee, not because of the quality of his work.... "A battle of wits is hardly enjoyable when the other party is unarmed" Copyright 2004 by the author.
  3. A main method of cult control by using the the "exactness factor" is that we became dependent on our leaders for answers because the higher ups had a more "accurate" answer because they were more "spiritual". In reality, they were talking through their *ss with the goal of keeping us under their control. Don't think for yourself, get the wise counsel of your overlord er overseer hurl hurl...... "A battle of wits is hardly enjoyable when the other party is unarmed" Copyright 2004 by the author. [This message was edited by pjroberge on March 05, 2004 at 20:33.]
  4. oakspear: If I may interject what I know: TWI may find it harder or impossible to use as evidence in a court trial posts copied from a forum posting that has been copyrighted. And yes, anything you write can be copyrighted. Posting on a public message board or website doesn't change that. "A battle of wits is hardly enjoyable when the other party is unarmed" Copyright 2004 by the author.
  5. ex: Well, all those people that can't read or study to show themselves approved before men have no chance of salvation. Or if they are born again, it isn't the "good kind" of salvation like when you study.... Yup, they must all be doomed... --> "A battle of wits is hardly enjoyable when the other party is unarmed" Copyright 2004 by the author
  6. After seeing threads about mastering piffle and mastering that as a the way to spiritual nirvana or something, I have my own thoughts about the subject. While some of you may disagree, I believe there is some common ground between various cults and how they control people. One of the ways cults control their members aside from the usual stuff like control of information, family etc., is to take advantage of peoples quest for exact answers. The way the cult controls people is that the cult makes exactness,precision, among others a requirement for rising to a higher spiritual understanding. "You cannot know god unless you have an accurate knowledge" of the bible, koran, the holy golden tablets etc. Of course this "accurate"knowledge is "only" available in this group (fill in groups name) as revealed by our mog, guru, holy ____ etc at nauseum. For all of us that were or still may be research junkies, do you really think that a precise knowledge of the scriptures is necessary to know God? Tell me how research orientated the apostles were, or were they more into knowing their master? The scriptures say that God is not a respector of persons, right? Then, if that is true, then those that are not "researchers" cannot know God? I think you will find God is far bigger than that limitation. Otherwise, God would be very unfair, because children, and people with diminished mental faculties would not be able to "research" the scriptures, and therefore could never know God.... "A battle of wits is hardly enjoyable when the other party is unarmed" Copyright 2004 by the author [This message was edited by pjroberge on March 04, 2004 at 21:15.]
  7. Oh my god, all this talk about grammar. I am having flashbacks to english class "A battle of wits is hardly enjoyable when the other party is unarmed" Copyright 2004 by the author [This message was edited by pjroberge on March 04, 2004 at 21:16.]
  8. Thanks Sadie. Many people are starting to help with the research and donations to buy documents like the Peeler evidentiary hearing. I am ordering the Bennett case from Colorado and would have done a long time ago except it was beyond my means. Another generous benefactor is paying for the @700 pages for us. A lady contacted me a few days ago who works in Gunnison and has way corpse bothering her to come and be brainwashed. She found our site and asked me if she could help us expose what they are doing. She asked if I wanted land records of TWI's properties in the area. Next week I should have them, and I will have them up as soon as I can. So it's not just me, but with the help of friends a lot can be done.... "A battle of wits is hardly enjoyable when the other party is unarmed" Copyright 2004 by the author [This message was edited by pjroberge on March 04, 2004 at 21:17.]
  9. oldiesman, I might be wrong but imf may be referring to Rosie as Donna's new spouse....
  10. Sadie asked about the 21 properties in New Knoxville. Response: As soon as we are done investigating the land records(and I have time),I will start a new feature about TWI's properties. There are 21 in the New Knoxville area, some are commercial purpose instead of non profit. Also, we have records coming from Gunnison of another possible property owned by TWI and have a Texas property owned by TWI with a date of 2003 and Martindale still as president. We have a special treat coming soon about another property that you will find very interesting..... "A battle of wits is hardly enjoyable when the other party is unarmed" Copyright 2004 by the author [This message was edited by pjroberge on March 04, 2004 at 21:19.]
  11. If you have questions you want to ask, I will try to answer them if I am able to legally. My e-mail is listed in my profile. "A battle of wits is hardly enjoyable when the other party is unarmed" Copyright 2004 by the author [This message was edited by pjroberge on March 04, 2004 at 21:18.]
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