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Everything posted by pjroberge

  1. You've got it backwards. Only a little of VPW's writing wasn't plagiarized. The majority was of VPW's material was deliberately stolen, and not by a clerical oversight of forgetting to quote his sources.... Would a so called christian organization have beliefs and practices towards their followers that were neither humane or christian? TWI's practices were not christian by any stretch of the imagination.......
  2. I cannot see any purpose for the defamation of people that were forced to leave by M&A or chose to leave other than to deliberatly inflict emotional distress. The same for the practice of trying to break up marriages if one half wanted to leave TWI. I can see no other reason or necessity for these actions except to try to damage people's emotional well being deliberatly as a sort of sick revenge. Can anyone think of any legitemate reason for the way people were treated? Any other thoughts about this?
  3. Many people hold VPW in high esteem for a variety of reasons: 1) Because he "found" all these great writings by other men and "put it all together" like no one else. 2) Or VPW actually authored the PFAL materials and it is a great "coincidence" that others wrote the same material before him 3) He was a messenger sent by God to tell it like it hadn't been told since the apostles The truth in contrast: 1) VPW didn't write most of the material in his books 2) VPW lied about the snow on the pumps and his calling 3) VPW lied about his academic credentials: A) His doctorate was a fake bought for a price B) his study of Greek was an introductory course of only 1 semester in classical Greek, not biblical Greek If VPW was an honest man as his fans and worshippers keep claiming, why didn't he acknowledge where his material came from? VPW could have included with the PFAL class the books by the original authors he stole the material from. Why did VPW copy the author's materials into his own books except to deliberately steal the material? The answer is VPW was building a business organization not a ministry, and did not want to cut into his profit margin by paying the royalties etc of the original authors....
  4. I think of PFAL as the styrofoam cup of God's Word versus the fine china of the Scriptures themselves: Cheap, throw aways of no consequence at all. However, some die hard wayfers like to wash out the styrofoan cups and re-use what normally is but a temporary throw away piece of landfill trash...
  5. This was a topic I originally posted many moons ago.Time to revisit it. When LCM was made president, VeePee put the skunk pelt on LCM to signify the transfer of the mog position. I have never read about Rosie have the pelt put on her to signify her taking over as the so called spiritual head of TWI. If she is not the wog, who is the wog/mog of TWI? And where is the pelt now? Is it on display in the glass case still? Or is it on Rosie's wall like other hunting trophies? Inquiring minds want to know....
  6. If you will remember on a thread a month ago, BG Leonard predicted in 1985 that TWI would fall because of idolatry. BG didn't miss the mark, did he?
  7. ex10: The doctor you talked about wouldn't be Dr. Raw....with a merry-go-round pony in her basement would it?
  8. Mo, I personally think LCM is still sucking at TWI's financial tittie and pulling the strings. That stack of 3x5 cards he has on everyone is probably of biblical proportions. His "removal" IMHO as president was only because of the lawsuits, and the leadership was more than happy to maintain the status quoe of rampant adultery and let LCM sexually assault anyone he desired. No one has ever ever publically taught against adultery at TWI, and this makes one wonder how truthful Rosie's testimony was in the Peeler evidentiary hearing.....
  9. I was just thinking about the information that came out in the lawsuits. In the recent court testimony and in the judge's opinion, Rosie knew about LCM's sexual abuse of TWI members at least as far back as the advanced class incident. LCM was also quoted in the court documents as saying he had many many women both single and married over many years. It seems that if the lawsuits never happened that he would still be president. After all, none of the leaders that knew like Rosie ever got him to resign. Apparently, despite current court testimony, adultery was ok in TWI until the lawsuits.What do you think?
  10. Euuuuuuu That was a picture I'd rearther not have in my mind. Although,if they did a three way perhaps LCM was someone's bitch and was traumatized by the encounter...Just reading about someone walking in on Donna and Rosie just after they "finished" was a bad enough picture... barf barf "A battle of wits is hardly enjoyable when the other party is unarmed" Copyright 2004 by the author.All rights reserved. Duplication prohibited
  11. Ya think? Why the very detailed corps application and medical exam. Gotta get leads on who LCM and others could take advantage of and victimize... "A battle of wits is hardly enjoyable when the other party is unarmed" Copyright 2004 by the author.All rights reserved. Duplication prohibited
  12. I had a thought about this after seeing a picture of her in the photo gallery. The description listed her as the wife of the president. Is this still the case? She must be someone important's spouse to still be living in the Way Corps chalet er presidential palace? How come she hasn't been deposed and made to leave like all the other way corps couples in her situation have been asked to leave? It seems to me that she ought to be living in one of the trailers like others of the hired help as she is no longer the first lady of TWI, or is she still? Is LCM still secretly the president or a new title that gets him essentially the same royal treatment unofficially ? "A battle of wits is hardly enjoyable when the other party is unarmed" Copyright 2004 by the author.All rights reserved. Duplication prohibited [This message was edited by pjroberge on March 13, 2004 at 18:16.]
  13. Roy, You may want to read this thread about this subject regarding TWI and witchcraft: http://gscafe.com/groupee/forums?q=Y&a=tpc...=1136078475&p=1 "A battle of wits is hardly enjoyable when the other party is unarmed" Copyright 2004 by the author.All rights reserved. Duplication prohibited
  14. oak: We aren't going to live in the comet? say it ain't so.... :(--> "A battle of wits is hardly enjoyable when the other party is unarmed" Copyright 2004 by the author.All rights reserved. Duplication prohibited
  15. oak it was only a musing that was of no consequence when I wrote it on waydale many years ago. I don't know why it keeps being brought up. Anyway, as with all theories I take pleasure either in them proven or disproven. There is a moving forward with the exploration of ideas either way... "A battle of wits is hardly enjoyable when the other party is unarmed" Copyright 2004 by the author.All rights reserved. Duplication prohibited
  16. Zixar said: We freeze human sperm and eggs all the time today in liquid nitrogen, so that part of the theory is ok. The space irradiation is a good point zixar. The phrase 2nd adam referring to Jesus still needs a better explanation I think. It is an unusual thing to say about Jesus. 1Cor.15 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. "A battle of wits is hardly enjoyable when the other party is unarmed" Copyright 2004 by the author.All rights reserved. Duplication prohibited
  17. Well, it is nice to get another piece of the puzzle sorted out. Thanks Paw! I have always suspected that LCM chose the Toledo area because of something there, not just randomly. He stayed in Gunnison because TWI owned property there too. By the way, we found a house on 6 acres in Gunnison owned by TWI but not part of Camp Gunnison. Maybe LCM has another place to stay or stayed there in the past. Perhaps someone here knows and can fill us in..... "A battle of wits is hardly enjoyable when the other party is unarmed" Copyright 2004 by the author.All rights reserved. Duplication prohibited
  18. Pirate: You stated TWI's corporate mission quite nicely. Well said! And what was taught as the greatest miracle? The new birth. Talk about people who could not even get that simple thing right. No wonder TWI was and is so screwed up.... "A battle of wits is hardly enjoyable when the other party is unarmed" Copyright 2004 by the author.All rights reserved. Duplication prohibited
  19. Oldiesman: I don't see why some people find amusement in a theory I postulated many years ago. It was a theory and one that I think better explains Jesus conception versus VeePee's Mary having sex with God or the other variations of it. For the record my theory was: While writing a book (which I haven't finished), I had a theory about God not creating life more than once. Examples included creating Adam, then not creating Eve, but taking genetic material (a rib) from Adam to make Eve. Then when all life was to be wiped out by the flood, life was preserved in an ark with Noah. My theory about Mary's conception was that God removed sperm from Adam in the garden before the fall of man (maybe at the same time as the rib), and preserved it in a frozen state. The only parts of the human body that can be frozen and brought back to life are sperm and eggs. It's like we do with cow and horse sperm for future impregnation. Because the earth was covered by a flood, I think God only had space (where HE lives) left as a viable place where it could be kept frozen for future implantation into Mary. Then, Jesus would have been fathered by Adam, and maybe that is why Jesus was called the 2nd Adam, and that might have more significance than people realized. "A battle of wits is hardly enjoyable when the other party is unarmed" Copyright 2004 by the author.All rights reserved. Duplication prohibited
  20. VCeePee's motivations for starting his criminal enterprise using the bible as his product is highly suspect from the beginning. He was fired from his job as a minister because he was unqualified to be in that position of trust. He had an affair with his secretary it is rumored, and VeePee certainly did not live up to the standard of avaiding the appearance of evil. Hell, he embraced it "A battle of wits is hardly enjoyable when the other party is unarmed" Copyright 2004 by the author.All rights reserved. Duplication prohibited
  21. JT: The hands on training of B.G.Leonard's class was that you actually ministered healing to someone at an evening service on several occasions during the class schedule with the class instructor guiding you through what was the revelation and what was your own thoughts. An example with me was the instructor would say, do you see this or that, and would guide you to look closer at that part of what was being said or if you were making it up, the instructor would call you on it. I had TWI's advanced class 3 times, the last in 1982? and never had the instructor lay hands on someone with me in ministering. As far as being born again, it was a requirement that you were already proficient in the 3 worship gifts before taking B.G. Leonard's class. The beginning of each day started with us each in turn manifesting the worship gifts. B.G. said it was impossible to understand scripture without having the guidance of holy spirit in the person studying... "A battle of wits is hardly enjoyable when the other party is unarmed" Copyright 2004 by the author.All rights reserved. Duplication prohibited [This message was edited by pjroberge on March 08, 2004 at 7:20.]
  22. the mogfot replaced Jesus as head of the body in TWI. Who says he was absent, VeePee the clown trying to take the savior's place? How can you be an ambassador for Christ if he was absent? As an ambassador in real life, you have an on going relationship with who you represent, right? How can you deal with someone not there? "A battle of wits is hardly enjoyable when the other party is unarmed" Copyright 2004 by the author.
  23. mj412: You may find this comparison enjoyable. I edited my previous post with the link but your post was already up. http://www.waychrist.com/BG%20V.%20VPW.htm "A battle of wits is hardly enjoyable when the other party is unarmed" Copyright 2004 by the author.
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