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Everything posted by pjroberge

  1. I am not counting, but am confident in the truth. I have no choice about having an attorney. I simply do not have the funds to hire one, which TWI knew when they filed the lawsuit hoping for an easy win. I couldn't afford the lawyer, and hadn't taken any law classes at the time. Now I can do legal research myself. I also voluntarily withdrew my application. It was not a default win for TWI.And no false ego here. I know I put on quite a show in the first thread. It was just that. A calculated bluff to get TWI to back off. I know I don't have the knowledge of an experienced attorney. However, years ago when I considered cancelling TWI's trademarks, I talked over how to do it with an experienced trademark attorney. I should have done it then, but didn't want to be the aggressor. I didn't register the domain name in bad faith. I know some people keep saying so, but that isn't the case. Cybersquatting asumes that there is a valid trademark that was the domain name. TWI's trademarks are invalid...
  2. Apparently God's hand of blessing has been removed from this structure. Could it be because the money and labor were obtained by deception? nah......
  3. Actually Goey, this is yet another group using a similar name.The group I was referring to is in Louisiana? and they basically told TWI to shove it and didn't take the lawsuit seriously. Unfortunatly TWI won by default and got the court to require that the church turn over all their materials including I believe their church sign for TWI to destroy. I'd much rather go down swinging than to just give up and hope TWI will be charitible. They don't understand the concept...... By the way™, TWI was originally denied their trademark for The Way because another group was using it for their publication The Way Magazine. TWI had to get the other group's trademark cancelled first. A true example of Christian charity.....
  4. I am really disappointed that I wasn't higher on the list. Looks like I will have to try harder hehehe....
  5. Baloney. The use was to a page that asked if the person wanted to go to TWI's corporate website, or to a source of info about TWI.Donations are made on the main website. And when someone does make a donation, it clearly says it is for Ex-Cultworld Magazine, Inc. I had every right to sell the domain name. TWI does not have any valid claim to the domain name just because they are called TWI like dozens of other businesses..... Are you really that naive Grizzy or are you doing your normal put down of Ex-Cultworld Magagazine / Pat ahem.. routine? Wrong again. They sued a group named The Way Christian Ministries who had no idea who TWI was until they were sued.
  6. Long Gone: If TWI's trademark "The Way" is ruled invalid and cancelled as it will be, the entire case disappears because they have no basis for a complaint.Proving their trademark is invalid will not be difficult. Your Alice in wonderland view that all the 3rd party "infringers" with The Way in their name or title such as 200+ religious books, or 250+ religious groups including 14 in Ohio, or 100+ websites, and 1400+ trademarks using The Way for all types of goods makes your statement that these are irrelevent facts shows that your "analysis of law" is truly absurd. I would like to see TWI's attorneys try to tell the judge with a straight face that all these "infringers" are irrelevant to my case. TWI's case also hinges on whether their trademark The Way is famous and worthy of protection across class of goods boundaries. The only way TWI could prove this would be if only wayfers were asked. Nobody on the street would be able to say who they are. My use was in class 42 or 38 of services and TWI's main trademark is in class 41. That is why I had preliminary approval from the Trademark Office who found no conflicting trademarks, including TWI's .
  7. If I give it to anyone, it will be to a company with the same name that TWI prevented from registering a domain name by their hoarding 14 domain names...
  8. Reverse Domain Name Hijacking "This occurs when corporations intimidate people or companies out of their domain names under the guise of trademark ownership, even though the particular use of a domain name does not constitute trademark infringement, dilution, or unfair competition in any manner. Some trademark legal scholars have speculated that this reverse domain hijacking may be met with cancellation of the company's mark under the doctrine of trademark misuse." Again Raf, you did not read carefully what I posted earlier. If TWI's complaint with me was only about the domain name, they could not have filed their lawsuit in Federal court. They have to file the complaint with ICAAN. Not in class 42 goods and services, which is where I did. TWI does not get ownership of a domain name or anything else for that matter outside of the class of goods they have trademarks for... Baloney. I used the mark to help other ex-members find help and fellowship. This was 4 years before TWI had a website
  9. Cherished Child, Answer: I filed extentions to file oppositions on TWI proposed trademarks while I see if I can scare up the $1200 filing fees. There are hundreds of religious groups that use The Way in their name. One may not like the idea that TWI thinks they own Christ who is The Way. One of them goes by The Way International Ministries (Indiana)and I had their group name in my file of evidence. If TWI hadn't sued me, I wouldn't have known about the pending trademark applications and wouldn't have been able to alert the group. Perhaps they filed the oppositions...
  10. Other trademark news: TWI doesn't own a trademark for the words "The Way International". They have 4 pending applications for this mark, but in the last couple days, there has been 4 official oppositions(lawsuits) filed against TWI obtaining these new trademarks... Now Rosie, it was one down one to go. Now its one down and 6 to go. Is your cult not prevailing like it should?
  11. They are not the only ones to use that name, so it is not theirs exclusively. They do not own it...check out Exhibit #7. Talk about calling the kettle black: http://www.excultworld.com/Roberge_TWI_Law...ge_exhibits.htmAlso, if the whole issue was about the domain name only as you keep saying, then why did they file a lawsuit in Federal court instead of with ICAAN who handles domain name disputes exclusively? Also, after learning I had registered The Way International.com in 2000, why did TWI wait over 3 years to register The Way International.org and net if it was so important to them? The answer is that it goes way beyond the domain name......
  12. Nope. I kept the domain name, and through my attorney stated that their claims had no merit as I applied for a trademark for The Way Of Christ Ministry anyway.Also, TWI's trademark is is in class 41 goods and services, and my website was classified as a class 42 of services. Also, The Path Of Christ or Ex-Cultworld Magazine has never sold any goods and services. Therefore, any use of the way of the way international is non-actionable under 15 USCS § 1125©(4)(b).
  13. Ground #2 to cancel TWI's trademark: Does anyone think this was a truthful statement in light of all the churches using The Way, E. Stanley Jones book The Way, or the Catholic bible The Way that were out at the time of this statement?
  14. A little tidbit about TWI's possible history. Have you ever wondered where TWI got the idea for 1) The Way 2) The Way Tree or 3) Power for Abundant Living Check out Exhibit # 18. http://www.excultworld.com/Roberge_TWI_Law...ge_exhibits.htm The author is E. Stanley Jones, someone VPW was quoted as having studied under in The Way Living In Love. Makes you wanna go hmmmmmm
  15. Long Gone: See exhibit #3 http://www.excultworld.com/Roberge_TWI_Law...ge_exhibits.htmDoes my affirmative defense of Estoppel-by- Laches #2-4 now seem reasonable? Does TWI's claims on lines 28 and 31 seem truthful?
  16. Problem for TWI is that they don't own a trademark for the words "The Way International". They have 4 pending applications for this mark, but there has been an official opposition(lawsuit) filed against them obtaining these new trademarks... Sadie: Your way bible is one of the exhibits that I sent the court showing that someone else was using The Way in commerce before TWI's trademark application, on which H.E. Wierwille stated under penalty of law as a corporate representative of TWI that: This quote speaks volumes about TWI's arrogance. All these churches, book writers and publishers don't have a right to use "The Way" in commerce? I don't think so....
  17. Good point Zixar, and that is what I am trying to do. The trinity point is only a small one of the evidence I will be presenting, not the focus in any way. Agreed, and that is the type of evidence that I will be presenting, and more of it with people's help. Help Needed: GS's that want to help, there is an awful lot of stuff to go through for evidence by myself. TWI has 3 attorneys and two lawfirms doing the deed for them, and I am doing it only with the help of my wife, a loving cat, and friends. Some of you have already sent me e-mails with clues of where to look and others are making copies. Thanks If you remember a particular tape or magazine article that mentions the points I need to really nail, could GS's drop me a line? The help would be appreciated. Pat
  18. Eagle, Thanks for your level headed post. Actually, that is what some posters have zoned in on, versus what was actually said. I alleged under condition #3 to cancel their trademarks that TWI disparaged the christian religion by their actions and corporate policies. The trinity item is but one of the examples, not THE example.How many times did TWI in their publications, SNS tapes and meetings run down the religion that they say they are a supposed part of? Their view of the trinity is not the central issue, just a part of it. I allege that TWI not only disparages the christian religion, but claimed ownership of christianity by registering The Way trademark knowing that it represented many groups, books etc, and it was not theirs to own or register, as TWI does not own Christ.
  19. The state board of education verified the facts that Pikes Peak was not accredited when I called them.And yes, anyone with a degree from Pikes Peak or other similar unacredited institutions would be ruled as invalid. Anyone who has used a diploma mill degree on their resume for a government position and got caught know this, because they would be reading GS from prison. A bogus claim that has been made many times by our critics but never done so with specifics that can be verified... OH Really? Is that why for most of them I submitted hard evidence called exhibits to the judge?
  20. Long Gone, Look forward to your equally thorough analysis of TWI's complaint. It should be interesting since as you said in a previous thread that you despise them.
  21. Not my right to say. But, what is the expectation of the general public about these groups is the real question of the lawsuit, and did TWI misrepresent themselves? The first thing I would ask you in discovery and then later on the stand was where did you earn your degree? The rest of the discussion is down the toilet after that if you just bought it on the net. Whether you may have done the work for a degree is not the problem. The problem is did you do the work to the satisfaction of an accredited school whose job is to certify that students have done the required course study to the satisfaction of established standards? By the way™, you can go to an accredited college and have yourself tested for self study/life experience and if you pass, you can get real college credit.
  22. Actually, the sale ended March 15 and the page was disabled shortly after as the domain name was in the process of being transferred to the new owner.TWI filed their lawsuit about 3 weeks after the domain name was disabled, and proof of this can be seen by typing in: www.thewayinternational.com TWI notified the domain name registrar weeks becore serving me and the registrar locked the domain name so no changes could be made. The domain name was already disabled when they locked it....
  23. Many of you were around when the presidential palace was built, but we knew it as The Way Corps Chalet. How many of us donated our time and money to build the corps chalet for the travelling way corps to have a place to stay as well as some staff corps? How did you feel when Martindale took it as his private residence after we all gave our time and money for another purpose?
  24. Regarding my bringing up other lawsuits etc. In proving my case against TWI and their having malicious motives towards me. I am using examples of TWI's behavior along these same lines with others to prove a pattern of willfull corporate misconduct as TWI's policy, and not an isolated one in my case. It is TWI's long established pattern, and should be allowed as it is relevant to the issues of my case .
  25. dmiller: Your point is well taken. My point was that they did not have to say that VPW had a doctorate for him to have a ministry. They knew it was phony and did it anyway. This proves their intent to deceive. And TWI continued to say Dr even when the discussion came up about his "doctorate". They could have rectified an honest mistake and stopped promoting him as Dr. unless they intended the deception to continue...
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