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Everything posted by pjroberge

  1. Rafael: You are right about the domain name not being worth a fight. The main issue is their allegation of trademark infringement for using "The Way" in any religious context or otherwise because TWI owns this phrase. Because of my work with the magazine, TWI is using the pretense of trademark infringement to harrass me, plain and simple. Does anyone really not see the timing of this right after publication of the evidentiary hearings? Does anyone really believe TWI has sovereign rights to Jesus Christ "The Way"?
  2. It appears that the major complaint TWI has with me is not the domain name. That's right. TWI's claim of copyright infringement is mainly for the old website design of The Path of Christ Ministry. For a few months, it was called The Way Of Christ Ministry about 1999. I will need to read the lawsuit again to make sure, but the 48 page complaint seems to have this as the real "offense" that TWI alleges I committed.
  3. Shellon: You ask the questions of TWI under oath, and should they lie(purjury), they can be charged with a criminal offense. And with enough hard court admissible evidence and documentation, you can may be able to prove any perjury that may have occurred. You have no chance of catching them however if you don't ask the questions...
  4. diazbro: Thanks! I am glad someone has finally caught on to my intentions. "Gee, you're making money on the domain yada yada". I have never made a dime off of my website ex-cultworld, ever. In the court, TWI will have to answer my questions, and I intend to put them up for all to see. If you thought the evidentiary hearings were revealing, that's just the salad before the steak. PS: did you enter the lawsuit contest?
  5. Rafael: Thanks. I knew you just misunderstood what was happening. :)-->
  6. Rafael: I'm sorry I misjudged you. I figured you'd be with anyone who stood up to TWI. They didn't ask me for the domain name in a civil manner, they demanded it with threats. I choose not to let them push me around anymore. This lawsuit is not about the domain name anyway. It is about alleged trademark infringement and TWI's imagined soverign right to "The Way" (Jesus Christ) as the only true representatives of his.... PS: Thanks papa john. Nice see someone support me
  7. Rafael: Again, the domain name sale was after TWI demanded I give it to them or else, and was a joke to those that knew what I was doing. The sale for $15,000 which everyone wants to talk about as being so "dishonest" is something almost everyone would have done if TWI wanted something you had. Knowing someone who despises you wants something you have, wouldn't you sell it to them for what you could get out of it? By the way, I gave it to a friend for $1 who wanted it. The transfer was in the works. The real reason for the lawsuit in my opinion, and please notice apparent coincidence of TWI's timing, is right after my posting the evidentiary hearings. TWI was looking for any way to try to back me down from posting more by filing this lawsuit to try to make me be afraid of doing more because I've been sued.
  8. Rafael: Respectfully, I am not cybersquating. TWI didn't want the domain until years after I owned it and they found out. The real issue is their claim that I infringed on their trademark "The Way". Their only evidence is an old webpage for the Path of Christ Ministry website when it was originally named The Way Of Christ Ministry. I had it properly registered with the State of NH and had a trademark application that I backed out of during the waydale days. All of you that have criticisms about what I am posting are missing the point. TWI has no valid complaint and are using the pretense of an alleged trademark infringement to find a way to harrass me, pure and simple.
  9. word wolf: The moves of consequence have not been revealed, not to worry. And no gloating, just the facts and how out of touch TWI is with reality...
  10. Hey TWI, a little reality check: Current potential "Infringers" of TWI's trademark: Results 1 - 10 of about 17,100,000 for "the way". (Source:Google) TOP 20 WEB RESULTS out of about 315,000,000. (Source:Yahoo) Hey, how about all these millions of companies and people, or are you really only interested in harrassing ex-members? Have you sued all these other companies? If not why? I will love to hear you explain this to a jury if you even get that far.I think the judge will throw your stupid lawsuit out on its ridiculous ear quite early. You are so toast.... PS: Tell your attorney they have done a great job of policing your trademark. You wouldn't want another alleged infringer like me to dilute your trademark any further than the millions who have already....
  11. cc: read my post above. I am in law school and am graduating in sept form an advanced paralegal program
  12. Mark: I received your e-mail, and thanks. By the way, I just finished my 2nd semester in law school and just finished an advanced course in legal research at the VT Supreme Court library with a former VT Attorney general as the teacher, and a litigation class with a very experienced litigation attorney. So relax everyone, this court thing is just another homework assignment for me and will be a great and fun experience. It won't be for TWI however. Years ago I represented myself against an international attorney who was my slum lord and won both times. The 2nd court date I had evidence proving he committed perjury and had a state representative as a witness. Should have seen the look on his face....
  13. Answer: I registered it originally to use it to guide people looking for information about TWI. That became less important as the magazine scored higher in the search engines. It was put up for sale because I got TWI's letter in december(I will post it soon) and I thought it would be of a less hassle to get rid of it. The selling of it was to give TWI an honest way to acquire the domain name from me, and let them save face. Instead, they had to go their threaten everyone we don't like route.
  14. TWI's trademark is "The Way". TWI contends that all variations that incluide way, the way etc are also protected under their trademark. WRONG I made no such agreement. I agreed to stop using the domain name "The Way of Christ Ministry" and dropped my attempt at trademarking it. At the time I may have backed off on my property rights to use the domain name because I was in school and the fight was not worth the effort back then. Also, the asking price of $15,000 was just that, subject to negotiation, and not exhorbitant, especially if a certain company had the $ and wanted it bad enough. For the record, I know TWI is copying everything, and hope they introduce it all in court.
  15. I registered the domain name on 1999-09-20 This was not a recent thing on my part, and TWI has had plenty of years to make an offer or to do something about it. The timing of their lawsuit shows that they have other motives in mind other than protecting their name or intellectual property right...
  16. As you can see, I have owned the domai name for several years: Domain: THEWAYINTERNATIONAL.COM Registrant/Owner: Patrick Roberge P.O. Box 305 Hinesburg VT, 05461 0305 US Created on 1999-09-20 (date I registered it) Updated on 2004-03-30 Expires on 2004-09-20
  17. washington: The deadline for interrogatories could be as far away as a year or two as in the Peeler case, or this winter, depending on how many motions I file and TWI files. I am thinking that TWI's attorneys will be up here for ski season next winter at the earliest.. I am allowed 25 written interrogatories under federal rules, so let your imagination go wild with what question would be the most damaging or embarrassing fact that could be revealed publically about TWI.......
  18. Thanks Zixar for reminding me of one of the legal grounds to defend myself :)--> Have you entered the lawsuit contest yet? (See the other thread) ;)-->
  19. Long Gone: Although the arguments about the situation appear sound, not all the required elements are present for TWI to prevail. Their only chance is intimidation, and they picked the wrong person. Socks: I didn't explain well before. TWI registered theway.org,com,net but did not register thewayinternational.com, org, or net Paul A of waydale in fact had advised TWI while he worked for them to do so and they never took his advice. Since the $ involved is small compared to the $ TWI ....es away on other things, I assumed that they had no interest in the domain name thewayinternational.com. So I registered it, and had it for 2-3 years before TWI even had a website up or found out I had the name registered. They are afraid that I will use it to disseminate information about them perhaps, but the real reason in my opinion is actually quite a shocker. I think TWI is scared ....less about how the Peeler case is going, and they see losing in the near future. TWI is looking for any kind of "victory" to bring to their members so that they won't all just all jump off the sinking ship. Look at how they played up Doug Mc******'s deliberate give me in the tresspassing trial. He gave it to them intentionally, and TWI bragged about it as a "victory". It's like when a person throws the fight and then the so called "winner" brags about their "victory".
  20. This is not the situation, and if TWI does win, it will cost them plenty. The domain name was for sale as you all know, and TWI didn't even e-mail me of their interest in purchasing it. TWI instead tried to bully me into giving it to them because if I didn't, their attack dogs (lawyers) would do the court route. Guess what TWI, like your betamax revelation you've blown it and are doing so again. The court is on my turf and the brunt of the expenses are yours. Harvey, Rosie and gang, if you do win by some fluke, it will have cost you tens of thousands of your members ABS, press coverage, and a whole lot of embarrassing questions being asked in court and publically displayed for all to see. I thought you said one case down, one to go. Apparently you are back to two. Is your little cult not prevailing like you would like?? PS: How's the Peeler case going?
  21. When I registered the domain name, TWI had no interest apparently in the name. They had registered the way.com, org, net but didn't seem to care about the wayinternational.com, org, or net. Heck, some of you will remember that for years TWI owned the domain names but didn't even have a website. I have owned thewayinternational.com for I believe 4-5 years, and it was not expired. It was unwanted by TWI, so I registered it...
  22. I will be conducting a very aggressive discovery phase of the trial, and I am going to include you all. That's right! Until I file the discovery requests for documents and interrogatories and take depositions, I will be conducting a contest for the most revealing question you would like me to require TWI to answer, or document you would like to see. You can be anonymous and not reveal who you are, or do so publically. There will be a $25 prize for the most creative question sent to me And, an official certificate for most creative questionwill also be sent to the winner Judging will be by a panel of 3 friends and myself. Please e-mail them to: lawcontest@prowebtechs.com Let's all have some fun with this and show TWI where it's really at....
  23. A few of you in chat got the news that TWI's pit bulls(their lawyers) have sued me in Vermont Federal court. I am relieved that they went first so that they will have to pay the expenses attached to this lawsuit, versus me going to OHIO. TWI's lawyers have already made a couple mistakes, and I wish they would have sent in a first stringer instead of a 4th stringer, but you can't always have what you want. ( I would have preferred more challenging Legal homework practice) TWI is spending their member's abs on attempting to get thewayinternational.com from me without paying for it. Instead, they are willing to incur press coverage and spend tens of thousands on legal fees to ultimatly lose, or to gain another "victory" for Rosie to brag about to her lawyers. Gee, such a victory if they win for Rosie to brag about. TWI will spend tens of thousands of dollars to get a domain name, one that we were too stupid to get many years ago. Gee, will they admit that a so called copout outsmarted TWI's "spiritual heavies" who didn't get revelation that I was going to register the domain name? But hey,TWI can use the power they now wield called lawyers to get it done, they hope. Gee harvey,Rosie, and gang, not one of you were warned by your god or anyone to spend the $20 to register it first? Kinda like the betamax revelation huh? All information including all correspondances with TWI's attorneys will be published for everyone to see, as I intend to have a very public trial. Enjoy!
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